DMCV Censored on PS4

Time stamped proof.
Steam is left untouched though. Xbox reportedly also.

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Other urls found in this thread:アダルトゲーム


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Why does Snoy keep doing this bros?

Makes sense. Pc and xbox players are the mature players as recent studies shows

Imagine caring about devil may ꜱoy in 2019 and past the age of 14.
I forget though that's probably how old most of you are. That's why vidya ass turns you on so much. It's all you've ever seen and as close as you get to the real thing.
Go ahead and hit me your seething snoy posts but I won't be here to read it.

Built for BBC

Oh no! Whatever will you incels do without your side boob and butt cleavage? Guess it's back to jerking off over that time your cousin accidentally lightly brushed up against your elbow.

Why would anyone want to bang a demon girl who looks like your own mother?

why are leftists so bad at arguing
never any actual thought goes into it, no arguments just personal insults
it's almost as if they're mindless machines

good, piss off

Go have sex.

>Whatever will you incels do without your side boob and butt cleavage?
Dunno, because we still have it. In case you didn't notice it's still readily available, just not on the shittiest current system

Feels good knowing that women are too stupid to into PC.

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oh no now how will i see naken ladies :((

Was really the fact that on ps4 you get a lensflare that doesn't even cover her ass that much worth making a thread over?

>loser virgins won't see a trannys ass

Oh no how will I live with 2 seconds of blocked body parts

Shit that's 2 seconds I have to be angry and make a thread about it

Once they buy out Nintendo it'll be OK I promise. Just need to make it to November for the announcement.

It's censorship of a video game. Of course it was.

It's worth making multiple threads over.

because they are scum and I am done with them. I will never buy another Sony product of any kind until they end their stupid censorship policy.

>Oh no how will I live with 2 seconds of blocked body parts
You don't have to. You can choose to buy the non-retarded versions. Unless you're so poor you only have a PS4


Really Sony are you fucking serious?

because snoy HQ is in california. trannies, fags and feminists hate beauty. they also hate asians especially japanese

Are you autistic

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nO BUT CRACK???????????????????????????????????????????????????

Xbox Arcade/Pro and Switch next gen.

>they also hate asians especially japanese
so should everyone, faggot

>they also hate asians especially japanese
Ironic but true that this is how far a Japanese company has fallen

seething tranny. time for you to kill yourself.

>loves to throw around the term libtard
>no arguments just personal insults.

>Xniggie cancer still pushing this

Can't wait until we fucking gas you all.

Nobody would be pushing it if it wasn't true, Eric.

So this policy actually impacts everyone. Well shit, looks like weebshitters were onto something.

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They didn’t say libtard, they said leftists. I will insult you and say you are a retard though.

You can't gas the undead.

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>Commercial product
>Being censored

It's called editing in this case you shit eating retards, and they're allowed to edit their property however they want.

doesn't really work when the initial post was nothing but personal insults and throwing around the term incel
feel free to go back as soon as possible

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And yet Xniggie cancer here are the only one's doing so, rscottyg. How's mommy's pregnancy going?

Nintendo and Microsoft does what Sony don't.

Living under a rock must be pretty cool. Every second sentence coming out of the greasy lips of anyone right of centre includes the term libtard.

Xchads rise up, snoy is utterly finished

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The worst part is that PS4 was uncensored until they patched it.

>B-but incels b-but dmc is bad anyway r-right guys b-but v-virgins r-right guys

Fucking snoytards seeth THIS hard lmao

>not weebshit
pick one

Women have no value. I go to tijuas and fuck cheap hookers all the time, so this argument doesnt work on me. The only quality women have is being sexually attractive and video game women should reflect that.

Is Sony now the government? Is there some law I missed where buttcracks are mandated to be edited out of PlayStation games?

I've been saying this for around 15 years or more. I don't know how people are so short sighted.


No, but as the owner of the PlayStation platform they have the right to choose what is and isn't allowed on it. I respect that right the same way I respect Nintendo and Microsoft's rights to allow whatever they want on their platforms.

what is good about japan?


I got the PS4 version and that Trish scene wasn't censored.

their women make an attempt to look good and their transwomen actually look the part

No Sony mandate since they moved to California. Sexual themes in Japanese games need to be kept within boundaries, and Japanese devs must talks to Sony in California, in English.

The current guess for the boundaries are no ass crack, no shot of vagina even if in underwear, no belly button (don't ask why), and keep breast exposure to a minimum.

>Sonyfag cancer goes from posting vore wojacks to this bullshit to excuse censorship
You are pathetic.

Asscracks are fine if they're on a male.

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Learn what words mean you cockgobbling retard

Of what?

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It will be when you install the day one patch.

This is a good thing. Go get laid. Incels.

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I literally said there are alternatives that don't censor.

What is this argument? Women dont like anything but money and status. Thats why prostitution is the oldest profession. Give women enough money and they'll fuck anything, even animals. Or black people. Why bother trying to impress the worst half of humanity when you can just buy their only valuable service?

>seething this hard


Its the fucking 80s all over again, christ alive someone get me out of this pussified nanny era, the last fucking bastion, japan, has fallen

>the government
Why do Americans think that has got to be from the government in order to be censorship?


What government entity is mandating how many asscracks can show up in video games?

Your mother is a disgusting orc looking bitch so yeah, of course you wouldn't.

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>japan, has fallen
Nope. Just Sony. Japan is still pumping out anime tits and ass on PC and Switch with no end in sight. They'll hide their smut for Olympics but don't for a second believe the covers won't come off the day after it's over.

HQ is in Cali now, it's prudish Americunts ruining everything.

Lady was also censored.

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Yeah, but hilariously it's for all version with Lady. Trish apparently only offends Snoy.

Because it isn't fucking censorship if it isn't from the government? It's in the fucking definition

Censorship does not need to be from the government. That's a complete misconception.

Where's the top image from? Because my PC copy looks like the bottom one.

I cannot stop laughing at this. We somehow live in a timeline when fucking NINTENDO is less family friendly than Sony.

Trish also censored everywhere I believe. It's just some people are playing without day 1 patch.

I'm more impressed that the ps4 pro version runs better than the one X version.

>We live in a timeline where Sony is more censor happy than Nintendo (the king of family friendly games)
This is trully the darkest of times.

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Nope, I even checked the local files in case the update was failing to happen.

Even MICROSOFT, Sony used to be all for it, god damn, California killed them.

Trish is not censored anywhere else. That said, 1.04 has only been released on PS4, so the other platforms could also get affected when they get that version.

I hope not.


Why is a hundred million dollar product released across the globe being edited to appeal to the most people possible censorship? No private parties are lobbying to ban depictions of buttcracks. No one is going to blow up Sony if they don't remove Trish. In what definition is this censorship?

Except that's wrong.

It's probably not Sony in this case desu. The Japanese PS4 version is not censored, and Sony have in the past censored Japanese games to the same extent as western ones, including a few Japan-only VNs. It's likely Capcom choosing to censor the western release and like said, the other platforms just haven't got the patch yet.

Somewhat doubt that will happen since that patch was supposed to be day 1, given the op video was published on the 7th

Why are liberals this pathetic?
Can’t they really not stop them self from censoring things that trigger them and forcing their retarded views on everybody else?

2 right hands.

Damn that sucks. Images of female asses, both real and computer generated, are borderline impossible to find nowadays. This is a huge loss.

are you fucking thick? you know fujos are a thing right?

It's a day 1 patch that censored both girls. Xbox and PC version just doesn't censor Trish.

It's Sony, the authority of the Playstation platform, enforcing views and ideals on the developers found on their platform. Suppressing the original vision of their games, against the wishes of said developers.

Who the fuck told you censorship can only be from the government or organized lobby groups?

you're not fooling anyone

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Because they're a literal cult that needs to be destroyed before it's too late.

So why then is the Japanese version not censored? If it were Sony's influence, it would be. This whole censorship ordeal became known because Noraneko and a bunch of other Japanese VNs got censored by Sony. The fact that this censorship isn't in the base game but added via a patch and is only in the western release means it must be Capcom's doing.

Back to >>/cgl/ with your saved touhou memes, thank you.

Big Bright Censorship?

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to be honest, if i was on a censorship board i'd do this just to make these threads happen
Yea Forumsirgin tears are funny to me


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They're not Americans. They're communists.

>PS4 was uncensored until they patched it.

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>So why then is the Japanese version not censored?
Literally no proof that is the case. And then even going with that being true, it's still only PS4 doing the censor in the west since again this was a day 1 patch. A lot of content creators made their videos before the patch happened. Woolie and Pat for instance mentioned that the bad dante's song was still in there since they started their videos in Feb.

1. That's wrong.
2. What do you hope to accomplish by arguing the definition of a word? People are bothered by the changed content here. How does saying the language they're using is incorrect change or mitigate their concerns? All it makes you do is come of pedantic.

YEah there is another video posted right before release that doesn’t have the censor. Day 1 patch came somewhere in between end of feb and release date.

Please help enlighten this non-American that is me just little.
The policies of the American Republican party are extremely liberal. It's like neo-liberalism to a T and you'd have a hard time finding a country with more liberal policies. Of course the American Democrat party are extremely liberal as well.
But if they're all extremely liberal, how come Americans speak only of the Democrat party as liberals? And why do people think of liberals as leftist even though liberalism in its essence is a right wing ideology that your own right wing party adheres to?

It's all extremely confusing to me. But then again I am not American and almost all confrontation with American politics is from here on Yea Forums. But it still confuses the shit out of me because it's almost as if even they're the same words they simply don't appear to mean the same things in Ameirca. And that's extremely confusing.

>Literally no proof that is the case.
Yeah there is. Not a single video of the JP version shows the Trish scene censored, yet the Lady one is, which proves the patch is applied.

>A lot of content creators made their videos before the patch happened.
Yeah and no Japanese players got early copies. I'm talking based on streams that happened in the last day.

looks like Snoy needs to go bankrupt again with the ps5.

If you and I agree that you will make a painting for my store to sell to the general public, and then after you deliver it I find that it's a 20 foot tall painting of a naked Hatsune Miku, and I spray paint over the titties, that isn't censorship. You have no right to free speech in this matter. What I sell from my store conforms to my standards, or it isn't sold.

Censorship implies government meddling because two people engaging in business isn't fucking censorship.

Wow it's almost as if both parties are puppets set up by some greater power

>it isn't fucking censorship if it isn't from the government
Imagine your brain on this many levels of brainlet

It'd be like imagining the implicit and immediate threat of force following forbidden words is okay since it's not a toothless government backing the threats, but instead, a violent group of ideological extremists that will quite literally render you jobless or just shoot you dead depending on the slant of the fictional figure you draw

I'm glad no one's free speech was curtailed since the government(tm) wasn't involved though!

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in america you're raised to support the team that your parents do and you're not allowed to think about it
red team good, blue team bad

Why are all these retards blaming California when Washington (Microsoft) is just as bad?

california is a blue state and blue team bad

does the PC version censor Lady

Is this a mod? I don't believe Itsuno really pulled off booty

did everyone forget the time when Watch Dogs 2 came out with full blown nudity as in tits and pussy and a guy shared a screenshot of it on PS4 and sony banned him then forced Ubisoft to patch out the nudity?

>no arguments
So just like you.

Full nudity is reserved for AO games, Watch Dogs 2 had a M rating.

Because Yea Forums makes this (and other instances of editing lewd content) to be some huge infringement of the public's rights. Sure, it's stupid. But it's not like fucking devil may fucking cry was made by one starving artist that the government fucked out of their only sale. Capcom is one of the oldest and largest developer companies with offices across the planet.

>Other groups or institutions may propose and petition for censorship.[5] Using the term to describe actions by private institutions and corporations is controversial[citation needed], as the word implies government intervention.[5]

California is filled with faux-progressive rich people that think moral policing is their duty. While in reality the state has some of the highest violent crime, homlessness and wastefullness in the first world.

So is the game censored or not?

Yes. PC version came prepatched. Fortunately Trish wasn't censored like the PS4 version was.

This is a myth, nowhere is it stated that is the case, it is just extremely rare. The ESRB description for WD2 states that the game has full frontal male and female nudity.

All have Lady censored. PS4 has Trish additionally censored.

PS4: Trish and Lady are censored
Xbox and PC: Lady is censored

the seethe is unreal

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Two people engaging in business is not censorship. But that doesn't fucking mean that censorship can only be from the government.
In the end it comes down to the hierarchy and power structures.

A private school for instance, separate from the government. Silencing any speech whatsoever about something. Would still be censorship. The school is an authoritative body that the students have got to adhere to, and it is censorship.
>but they could just choose to enlist to some other school instead and they wouldn't be censored!
True, but the silencing enforced by said school would still be censorship. It would not be from the government. It would not just be business between two parties. And I've got no idea why you think censorship has got to be from the government. If it had got to be from the government terms like self-censorship or whatever wouldn't even be a thing. And don't you even start arguing that self-censorship isn't real censorship or anything because that'd be both pointless and aside the point.

So your argument is that we should accept watering down content for consumers because you feel it isn't a big deal.

Capcom and Sony are asking me their audience to pay $60 for this. I, and no one, should be making compromises for them. Developers cater to their consumers. Not the other way around.

Microsoft isn't censoring their games, just look at DMC V on their console vs Sony's.

>i can only win arguments by redefining words to work in my favor
kys Reeeesetera troon

Where is a video of the steam or Xbox version?

How did someone managed to get pic related? Will the JP version have lady booty uncensored?

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>look up esrb page for game
>it's actually true
I stand corrected. Fuck SNOY and fuck my shithole state.

It's almost like it's because Sony is becoming shittier, and nothing to do with the state that they're located in.

the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security

How the fuck is Lady censored?
Gdi, I'da bought this on PC if I knew they had anything to censor on this game. Fuck. I was literally thinking this at the register.

That is true. I can't wait for next gen.

The PS4 and Xbox one versions have that scene uncensored initially but the day one patch makes it look like the bottom image. You need a physical copy since digital copies are pre-patched. The PC version came pre-patched so without mods it's impossible to see the uncensored version of that scene.

Any webms of the not-PS4 versions?

could be modded PC version

>that flat ass
Damn, Lady looks like THAT?

>ubisoft makes hacker game and puts full nudity in it
>japan makes fapbait games and cant even put tits in it
why is japan so shit
This article has links to streams of all versions, including the JP PS4 version.


Their transwomen for the most part also don't exist.

We quoting wikipedia now? Ok.
>Governments[4] and private organizations may engage in censorship.
>and private organizations

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Hilarious they copy and pasted the bottom splurge, despite it being the 9th for the article.

Or, we could debate the topic in an adult way instead of acting like we're being oppressed.

It is an issue, but the issue is that companies see this as profitable and value that over quality.

This is bait.

Do you know where the term came from? Like everything in the western hemisphere, from Rome. There was an elected official called the censor who went around and maintained the public order. And so for the last fifteen hundred years all government intervention in the arts has been censorship, and a private business deciding on if their stickers should have nipples or not isn't.

Private schools having a dress code is not censorship either. Me being forced to wear a tie on someone else's property is part of the contract- I can attend that school if I don't look like a slob. They can put out whatever mandate they want since it's their school. It by definition isn't censorship. Authoritative, sure. Retarded, sure.

Fuck off retard. Games are either art and thus protected from this bullshit. Or not art, in which case walking simulators can fuck off

Is there any proof or webm of what you said ? I mean, I can't believe lady is literally naked without censorship on ps4 and Xbox one disc. If that's the case and it's only the patch the one who does the censorship I will not download it.

>he think it's bait
user we have resetERA and tranny here in Yea Forums. And they're in majority

Capcom and Sony are publicly traded companies
still censorship though

Spotted the nigger

Well fuck. If i knew that shit, I wouldn't have bought it on PS4. Literally thoughts going through my head as I checked out too. "Buying this game will be fine, theres nothing for Sony to censor here!"

And I have no interest in these company's opinions and thoughts. I never purchase censored products. Ever. If that's profitable regardless, then so be it. We are in a market where we have infinite choice in terms of goods. There are more quality games available than I could ever play in my lifetime. Justify why I would EVER buy something that gets needlessly watered down, when there are a dozen other releases vying for my time and investment.

So don't fucking buy it. That's the whole fucking point. They are free to have whatever standards they want for their platform. Personally I couldn't give care about how many asscracks are in a game, so I bought it. If you don't like it, don't fucking buy it. This isn't the Italian government trying to put a leaf over the statue of David's wang, it's a product. They'll change it however they please to make the most money.

Which game?

Here is says lady's scene is censored on all plataforms and all regions. But it doesn't say before or after the patch

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I just fucking said that. Literally the post above you.

I'm glad though you compartmentalize why you're okay with getting a worse product. Sunk cost fallacy is a powerful thing. You gotta justify that $60.

I'm still forced to buy PS5 because From Software ex tho

He might just be retarded (pro capitalist)

>hollywood blacklists were not censorship because of etymology
kys your self

Is it after a patch too?

CAN I see Nico's ass/tits in this game or not?

Why sex is such big taboo in US/EU? It's make no sense. Isn't DMC M rated game? 18+?

>public's rights
Yeah no, people are treating this case by what it is, retarded actions by a company that seemed to be doing everything perfectly until now. People are mad and want a reason why.

holy fucking WORKED

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>wanting to see trailer trash naked
Just go find some meth addict.

Because the left is made of contradictions.
Free the nipple, sexual liberation, etc.
Unless its an attractive women doing it, because that makes others feel bad.
Unless its a fictional woman doing it, because then it was someone created for men to enjoy and thats objectification.

>Being mad I posted 32 seconds after you and didn't see your post

The most confusing thing in this thread
Do you flip out texting people too?

>Worse product
How does the amount of buttcracks in the game change gameplay?

Can any of you fuckers explain to me why nudity needs to be censored in an M-rated game? I want real answers, none of that "chilling" or incel shitflinging. Can ANYONE explain why this needs to be a thing?

they made it this way specifically so that SFM artists could get a hold of naked models so shut the fuck up AND START MAKING PORN INSTEAD OF THIS CONSOLE WAR FAGGOTRY

I called your mom but it went to voicemail.



It's not about console wars you shithead. The people angriest about this were loyal to the brand in the first place.

>he defend censorship
Shill? ResetERA? Tranny?

Companies are afraid of people with problem glasses. People with problem glasses think that anything that *might* titillate a (straight) man is "icky and gross." I doubt anyone is going to be whipping it out over a ~1 second shot of ass, but problem glasses people think that that's what scenes like this are designed for.

I just was telling you that you wasted your time making that post, seeing as how I have no intention to buy the game. At least, not on Ps4.

>How does the amount of buttcracks in the game change gameplay?

And here's the other compartmentalization these people go through. "It's just a costume." "It's just the visuals." "Nothing in the core gameplay is different." Okay. Don't care. The product is censored and changed from how it was originally intended. You own a watered down purchase. Enjoy it if you like, but you're enjoying something inferior.

How the hell do you do the rocket surfy course thingy to get the blue fragment? It seems to require jumping while on the rocket. But you can't jump on the rocket. You just jump off? It's a stupid weapon that's completely pointless for the rest of the game.

Sony moved the Playstation HQ to California and people there hate attractive women being sexy. That is literally the reason. Apparently not even Capcom can fight them and could only protect the home base from the Trish ass censor hammer.

Nudity is taboo in America
M rated doesn't cover it usually

It's been this way for >200 years and Yea Forums just now found out

Explain Game of Thrones' popularity then.

one of the face buttons gives you more altitude, A/X is a dismount but the others do tricks


To whom? Taste is subjective, unlike the definition of censorship.

Western developed AAA games with nudity aren't censored.

Remember when Nintendo used to do this and Sony was the one that got all the anime/weebshit games? Oh, how the times have changed. Once again, Sony is proving to be the worst of the 3 main companies.

Hey faggot explain this

>Explain why the one thing in two hundred years that has tits in the public forum is popular

This is gonna be tricky

I suspect this is SJW SNOY attack on japanese games
Witcher 3 for example still not censored on PS4. KCD is not censored.
They probably will not censor C2077 too.

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>sony moves hq to commiefornia
>starts to censor anything that straight males might like
How is this hard for you niggers to understand?

Alright... but the rocket doesn't last the whole course does it?

A quip. Cute. It's inferior to the original creators, as that was never how the game was intended to be.

You have no argument other than "I don't care."

I did already retard

How is the PC port? I originally wanted to get it on PS4 because I love having a physical disc in my collection but this changed my mind. Does it run silky smooth or is it like those final fantasy 13 ports?

haven't gotten to that point yet, sadly. I know that you can ride it longer if you have a high style rank?

>sony go from being THE console producers if you wanted lewd anime games to hands down banning or censoring games if it's too lewd
what are some other videogames where the hero becomes the villian?

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Yes and it runs like shit on consoles.

The ass was phlat

the absolute state of sonybros

The meme is Blacks love ass dumb cracker

No, you stupid faggot, you haven't given a good reason

it's 'avant-garde' you fucking hipster

Her brown eye turned into a bright eye.

Get the denuvo free exe for increased performance.

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someone please post what's actually true

Is the ps4 version actually different from the xbox/pc or is this just the same lie spreading that happened with Catherine?

some people say that pc version is the same with lady scene and that the trish scene wasn't different on ps4 either. I still havent played the game


very nice, I never played this cuhrazy series before, how badly will I miss out on the story and stuff, or is it all explained well for a newfag like myself?

the degree of sexual censorship to 'repsect wahmyn' is a recent fad

earlier seasons were made during the times where HBO still ran with sex sells-philosophy

Fucking amazing on my PC even with the denuvo exe.

No it's not you stupid nigger. It's always been that they like fat asses and it's not a meme.

We have links to video proof now. The issue was a day 1 patch on PS4

I fucking hate California so much.

All leftists should unironically be executed.

Someone please post a webm of the uncensored scene
I need this if I'm to go on living

Dmc is for edgy teenagers who listen to slipknot and shop at hot topic


You think this game was designed as some labor of love? That they have some skin in the game besides their bottom line? They were probably slobbering on Kaz hirais dong for the opportunity to maybe make another 50$. Their original intent has no bearing when it's a mass marketed, focus tested, multi million dollar release. Do you think ten people just have fun with a hundred million dollar budget? You're not allowed to make mistakes. Large games may as well be made in lab with how focus tested they are. Can't actually find a number, but I'd hazard anywhere between 20-100m.

I just can't believe Sony has gone this route.
I've always been an idort until this gen. Felt there was no reason for an Xbox when PC is a thing. Though I'm a physical games kinda guy. So when possible I get physical discs. That said, censorship is pushing me more and more to the digital only PC, and it breaks my heart.
I've already bought this game on PS4, before I knew it was censored, so its too late there, but god fucking damn man, it hurts.
At least Capcom actually made a fantastic game, even if Sony is a bunch of censorship happy faggots.

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>defends censorship
The state of Yea Forums

There's still nudity in recent games though. Japanese devs routinely take a sledgehammer to games to preemptively avoid drama.

Bayonetta > Devil May Cry

There, I said it. Hate on me all you want, shower me with downvotes, it's just the cold hard truth.

You dance around everything while ignoring the fact that the light rays were not in the original release, and are not in other versions of the game. It was not the original intent. It's a compromise done which makes it an inferior product.

You seem to love reducing things down to just consumable goods, and as I've stated since the beginning of this conversation, Sony version of this consumable good does not meet my personal standards, and will not get my money.

I cant live without my precious video game buttcracks made my chinks with a budget larger than most fortune 500 capital projects

Oh, true, my bad. Only explained why it is, not why it should be.

It shouldn't. The fact that i can play GTA and beat a hooker to death with a golf club, and that's perfectly fine, but I can't see her rack is the one of the most idiotic double standards of all time. Both or neither makes sense, but not one or the other.

Who do you think put that lensflare there?

this was censored on my pc too.
How do i fix that?

i wanted to be the one to fill your dark hole with light!

The developers who had to make a compromise to get their game onto Sony's platform. I don't care if they did it themselves. That doesn't make it better. There are versions of the game out there already that have their original intent. Why would you ever buy this censored version instead?

This. Remember this is the company that made Poison a man because they thought America would freak out over a woman in a fighting game. RE2make was heavily censored in Japan. Capcom will censor first and ask questions later if it means avoiding any drama.

We'll likely get it uncensored or have the option to remove lens flare like on PC eventually. Pester Matt on twitter about it.

D2 on Dreamcast
Dante's Inferno
Watch Dogs 1 (sex trafficking sidequest)

Cant think of any others right now but I see game titties all the time.

Poison was decades ago and they're practically a different company now.
RE2make was censored because of Cero's strict regulations on gore. It was not a case of them doing it to avoid press, it was them literally having to if they wanted to release the game. That and this are completely different situations. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>Who had to compromise

After the game was released?

>People are defending someone's right to change private property according to the owners wish

Reminder that it's ok for half naked men to dance suggestively in front of children on Sony's gay pride float, but a momentary shot of an adult woman's crack in an M rated game is censored. I unironically want the state of California to be consumed by the blaze running amok in their woodlands.

It appears so, unless I'm missing what you're getting at. The censorship here isn't anything to do with the ESRB, so it obviously comes down to Sony's personal preferences.

This patch was put out before the game released.

At the end of the day I don't really care at all, but I think I'm not going to get a PS5. Too much drama coming from Sony these days. If we make a stink to Itsuno and Matt about it we'll probably get it uncensored, but the bottom line is I just don't trust Sony to sell me the true version of video games anymore.

Come to think of it, had there ever been so much as a bare arse in any previous Capcom game?

Besides that one boss in RE6 and SF fanservice their games seem oddly sexless.

You know, they're extremely retarded for doing it this way. If they would've released the game with the light beams in the first place then this would've never happened. I'm not defending censorship either, I'm just saying its retarded to release it uncensored and then immediately patch it.

This fucking happens to ever console-maker who has a good run and gets cocky. It happened to Sony before, riding off the PS2 into the PS3. It happened to Nintendo, riding off the Wii into Wii U. The PS5 is gonna have a ton of fucking things wrong with it. I just know.

Clearly they're still the same company which censored the transformation scene in Onimusha for Western audiences.

>then immediately patch it.
Probably tranny wrote complains about it to their HQ

Can anyone with the PS4 version confirm what version of the game is the most recent?

Bayonetta has better regular gameplay fighting ordinary enemies but its bossfights are just gimmicky riddled shit to me.

Though to be fair the most recent release of the game is uncensored if you switch to the Japanese dialog option. Probably boiled down to not being able to redub the cut English scene.

I just checked the Trish scene and at least that one's like the top one for me. Which mission was the Lady scene from? I think I've accidentally skipped one or two cutscenes so I might have missed out on it.

>Look Mom I told myself the thing again

Most likely Sony saw the ass cheeks late and told them censor, hence the lazy lights, especially for Trish where its just appearing from her ass. We can only hope Sony doesn't require Capcom to censor it on other platforms since this is supposed to be a Big Sony title, unlike a cat visual novel.

The way you phrase this is what bothers me, like this was Sony holding a gun to itsunos head telling him to put the lensflare in or die.

I just like arguing, I think this is overreacting horseshit from a retarded double standard.

professional painter here, portrait and landscape using oil styled with alla prima. If I sold you work and you altered it I'd burn your house down. It's fucking censorship you retard. It could be a try or a fucking tit, if you change my final product I'd hunt you down and knock your teeth out.

How could I forget the big daddy Grand Theft Auto V?

Runs at perfect 60+ FPS on a 1060. Denuvo does apparently worsen performance but only if you basically free all the GPU load possible (480p, interlaced rendering) and then it's like 10% FPS. You won't see a difference under normal gameplay settings, and I'm saying this as someone who pretty much never buys Denuvo shit.

How to spot someone who never played the game 101

This guu

americans are fucking brainwashed. both parties serve israel at the end of the day.

>I'm just saying its retarded to release it
uncensored and then immediately patch it.
user Witcher 3 has sex scenes, boobs and asses. And it is not censored on PS4 at all

Either way, I don't care. Whether or not Itsuno was bothered by the change doesn't impact what I get in the end as a consumer. There are three versions of this game out there. Two are completely normal. One has a slapdashed light ray shoved in to cover a girl's butt. Why would I buy that version?

I'm saying that they are experienced in censoring content. They'd censor it if a Sony exec looked vaguely uncomfortable. From their perspective it doesn't matter whether it's to avoid press or not break the law. They'll do it without hesitation in order to get the game to ship on time. All Sony can do is bitch and moan, Capcom were the ones who decided to avoid the drama, so the solution is to make an even bigger drama. Everyone with a twitter account go scream at Capcom.

Have fun selling nothing the rest of your life
No one cares about your artistic vision, once you sell something you relinquish all rights to it, since guess what dipshit, it's not yours.

But seriously I might have skipped a part of the Lady in a blanket scene, will have to recheck, I guess.

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It's still too soon to tell the cause.
Japan is weird and stubborn about this stuff (pic related) and may have done it without request in response to shit ecchi games with child characters being censored.
There's just no way Sony would micromanage ass cracks like this, could you imagine them telling Rockstar not to put a strip club in GTA VI? I can't.

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Don't worry ponies, you won't miss out on this ass crack
*pulls down my pants halfway*

how does the edited game explain beams of light shooting out of hot girls asses?

fortunately? theyre both terrible looking

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Has anyone asked Matt Walker about it yet? He'd at least give a good explanation as to what the fuck is happening.

Just buy the Japanese version - it has full English text and audio support and none of the gore is censored, and Trish isn't either.

>full frontal (albeit slime covered with no nipples) nudity is OK
>asscracks are not
Someone please explain the logic behind this

The stupidest part is this censorship is tied to a single setting being enabled on PS4. On PC you can turn off lens flare and its there. It's a useless effect outside of a few cutscenes and it's like they just turned it on only for PS4. I'm glad I invested into a PC right before this shit started happening or I'd be stuck getting fucked in the ass by the Sony Ponyfornia gang, and if I dare criticize their control over creative expression I get called a loser/weeb/pedo. Fuck consoles

Attached: smooth.png (721x408, 375K)

>it will only affect AA weeb shit
>it wont affect MY AAA WEEB GAMES
and another slope turns slippery, dont worry western games, they are coming fo you next.

Oh man, who could have seen this one coming?

Wait, really? Is the JP ps4 version uncensored with the patch?

They make appealing 2D women

>pic related
Stop this shit. The creator of the Yakuza franchise now hosts a monthly program with a transgender celebrity and is good friends with her. The transgender jokes are gone because his own personal opinion has changed in the decade since the original game. Do some research. The Y3 rerelease still casts literal pornstars and has a ton of sexual content, but their views on trans people have literally just changed.

You can just disable lens flare on the PC version. No censorship without lens flare.

>and if I dare criticize their control over creative expression I get called a loser/weeb/pedo.

I am consistently amazed that people defend censorship. It fucking genuinely makes me sad that we have threads with people smugly talking about how their games being made worse is good.

So the PC version has the option to turn it off?? That censorship that is.
Honestly the scene with Trish looks fuckin retarded censored.
Lady can at least be played off coming from the window. Trish is Bayonetta tier vagina light.

Yes. I don't know if the western version is on a later version, but the day one patch for the Japanese version does not censor Trish.

I don't get it either. I honestly think it boils down to the fact that Sony just hired a shitty localization team since being top dog has always made them lazy and cheap. That's just ignoring that the West Coast has lax laws regarding disturbing lewd shit. It's other states that have stricter laws. So it's quite possible that this new team is being lazy and just covering nudie bits
But hey, the autistimos gotta find another reason to autistcally screech about california

Attached: 1550374605476.jpg (319x319, 9K)

>dont worry western games, they are coming fo you next.
Doubt. They're only against Japanese market. Western games are SJW friendly.

america basically

Use of the picture was only to show they do these things without being told from higher up. George Lucasing old games is abhorrent regardless.

we could be talking about censorship but nah you fags would rather make this about your retarded console wars.

They absolutely would micromanage asscracks, because that's the entire reason they jockeyed to have Sony HQ moved to California, so it could firmly be under the control of SocJus-minded people. To make it worse SIE (literally the entire vidya arm of Sony) is handled out of California now, so every single game that is going to be on a Sony console has to pass through them for review and certification, and this allows them exert total control of content for all games, in every region including Japan. This is why even games that will never see western release are now being censored like they are, because California social justice faggots are now the sole arbiter of whether your game gets published for PS4, and you have no choice but to comply especially if you're a Japanese dev. And you can't even let your customers know about the censorship anymore because it comes with an NDA, it's why everyone has to dance around the subject. And you notice how it's only Japanese games being singled out for this? Not a single western game has been affected by this policy yet.

They have wanted to have a monolithic gatekeeper position to use against mainly Japanese games like this since the start, and they finally got it. So you better believe they are going to abuse it whenever they can

so nothing real

Source on that?
Japan doesn't really have "Transgender celebrities".

It's the same retards who don't care about any of the games getting targeted since it's weeb shit, without understanding this shit will come for their games at some point if they are complacent about it. They just think everything will magically stay the same or fix itself if nobody complains or whines.

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>skipping cut scenes in a new game
Neck yourself

It’s most likely the way you present you’re opinion. You won’t be chastised if you’re expressing yourself like a human being and not going REEEE at everyone.

>Neck yourself
i think you meant to say FUCK YOU

If this is indeed true, then I'm importing a jp PS4 copy. I'm a buyfag who's used to importing anyways.

You fucking know that's not true.

>It's the same retards who don't care about any of the games getting targeted since it's weeb shit, without understanding this shit will
Most of them praise it because it targets weeb shit.

Woah, user, woah. That's way too obscene for Sony California™. Please make sure to use this updated image that properly mosaics that phallic utility item moving forward.

Attached: 1529419095114.jpg (1272x1212, 204K)

They can't censor my Diablo 2 and brood war iso, so why would I care if there's never another nipple in a game ever again?

and we all know just how much the right loves tits and ass so clearly the wretched leftists are to blame.

What are you even doing on the internet grandpa?

No shit. Imagine yourself defending why you want to see buttcracks in your videogames anywhere but v


>i'm so glad a corporation is deciding I am allowed to see or not and modify stuff I have bought.
>at least it's not the governement!
This is your mind on libertarianism


>Japan doesn't really have "Transgender celebrities".
Yeah, it really does. There are trans women competing in the Japanese female pro-wrestling scene, Ataru Nakamura is a massive pop star in Japan who came out as trans a decade ago and is still popular. Anyway, the one I'm talking about is Ayane Tsubaki and she hosts Seganama with Nagoshi every month:

But Yea Forums told me they weren't going to do this to big Devs.

No they don't. Have you seen all the yellow niggers in southern cali? The yellow niggers there are from the SEA part of asia such as Thailand, Laos, etc.

What the left hate is the right wing Asians such as the Japanese.

It all started with sony getting sold to california which is what again? extremist left. The onions infection is spreading from there.

No but they can censor any future titles in those series, not that you'd care but many others would

>bankrupt again


>diablo 2
>click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click
your game is shit

Trannies are just an amusing novelty over there, not sacred beings who must be pandered to.

I'd defend it to anyone. I don't fucking care what names you call me. Act as smug as you want, there's argument for censorship.

there's no argument for censorship.*

Except this isn't censorship, this isn't a government stepping in to hide information. Its a company willingly altering their product to conform to publishing guide lines. Yeah its technically a censored butt, but its not an infringement on free speech.

Hang yourself faggot.
The extreme right hasnt been the ones attacking and actively censoring this shit for nearly 20 years now.

you know everything about Japan, huh?

No, Japan is bending the knee to sjws surely but slowly.

Attached: Bluepilled Japan.jpg (770x1362, 555K)

not him, yes there is
americans crying about ass and putting lens flare on it is not a good example
taking shit VN's off of steam because they're low effort pedo-shit is a good example

Rockstar and other third parties are ultimately bigger than Sony where it counts. They would be severely damaged by attempting to restrict them and have to apologize and retract within a week. I just don't think it's happening on that scale right now, but we'll see.

This is the exact same pedantic argument I've been having with corporate shills all thread. I don't care. A product is being altered into a worse, and the company is asking you to still pay a premium for it. No. Fuck off.

>censorship must be done by the government to be consider censorship
Go back to resetera, faggot.

Except in that case people who bought the game didn't care and yet Sony modified the product (a rated R game) the customer bought because Sony think they can decide what they customer should be allowed to see.

Apparently Soviet tier censorship is ok when it's done by a private company

Most against this aren't good at understanding why they are against it. It's the same shit MK11 for me, I don't care if Ed himself chooses to reduce the sexuality in the games nor do I care if I can't see Jade with big tits. I care if Ed is being told that he can't design characters like that anymore, because of WB or other people forcing him to do this. People having control over what others can and can't create is going to kill this industry of it's creative talent. Taking feedback is one thing, but being told you can't do this anymore just scares people away on both ends.

oh fuck off. the right would be doing the exact same thing if they could and you know it. the problem is all of america not just the one party you hate.

By trying to change my opinion your censoring my words

>So this policy actually impacts everyone

>this shit arguement again

Attached: dsadsa.png (551x354, 208K)

There's no strict definition that censorship relates to the government. You can look up the definition. This is an argument made entirely by weasels who want to mince words rather than defend why you should accept people making your products worse.

Hah! Get fucked, normies! You laughed at us weebs when our weeb games were censored to hell, now snoy is coming for your games and you did NOTHING to prevent it! This is the future you chose!

Attached: zamamiro.jpg (888x499, 111K)

Thanks America.
Can't wait for the Yellowstone eruption.

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Japan is dying. The olympics will kill it for good. Even now they have withdrawn from showing Hentai manga out in the open in stores and such. It's just the beginning.

Do you not realize that you don't own digital games? They could turn everyone into dinosaurs post launch and it'd be well within their rights.

>wahh companies cant be shit and make shit decisions
the whole point of freedom is the ability to be a retard
no one fucking owns a ps4 anyway

>visual novels are games TRUST ME

i'm fine w/ it

By using mental gymnastics your censoring your IQ

Yes, companies can be shit, and when they are shit, you can ridicule them for it. I'm not sure what you're aiming for in your point, unless you think it's uncool to berate giant corporations.

I live here, so I'd say I know more than you likely do.

Also GTA 4 and Metro 2033.

This isn't Japan, the game is only censored in the west. Also, the porn mag/eromanga thing was way overblown. It wasn't a mandate, just a recommendation, and virtually no stores actually enforced it. You can just as readily buy porn mags from your local 7/11 now as you could a year ago.

>xniggers are to blame
>pc fats are to blame
>nincels are to blame
You know. Maybe, just maybe. Sony is to blame? You're the ones with the censored copy of the game.

>Yes, companies can be shit, and when they are shit, you can ridicule them for it. I'm not sure what you're aiming for in your point

>company is shit
>haha lmao
this is fine and encouraged
>company is shit
its pretty obvious the point im making

>don't for a second believe the covers won't come off the day after it's over.
I don't think thats going to happen the way you think it will.

>the right would be doing the exact same thing if they could and you know it
Thats nice, but right now they aren't. So theres no point in bringing them up.

Today's progressives are tomorrows regressives.

Attached: c4a784834af03e2c95b8e11f417c99ac_480[2].jpg (480x359, 21K)

>visual novels are games TRUST ME
They're LITERALLY games by definition

The point you're making is to create a strawman? No, it just seems more like you're a retard who's saying people shouldn't be so invested in companies making their games worse.

Yea Forums
Yea Forums 2019

not games faggot
>also links to wiki "adventure games"
visual novels quite literally have no adventure since there is very minimal player interaction which only ever amounts to a choice as deep as "left or right"
not a game faggot

Game requires a lose state
How do you lose at playing a visual novel?

>2 generalizations
>VNs arent games just because there's barely any play in them
>forgets shit like Text RPGs were a thing
>thinks he can dictate his tastes onto others

Attached: file_11.png (1887x847, 1.47M)

>an interactive story driven by exploration and puzzle-solving.
what about the ones that have no puzzles

It's gotta be a generational thing. I literally physically cannot comprehend why anyone would be okay with censorship. Are they browbeating specific ideas into kids at school?

Thats why I don't buy digital games, you assuming sod.

>>forgets shit like Text RPGs were a thing
>comparing something that is LITERALLY ONLY CHOICE to a book with "do you like character, turn left for yes, turn right for no"
how literally retarded are you

>all those normalfags that felt high and mighty when shitting on people calling out censorship in the past just because MUH WEEBS
This is the future you chose

>Metro Exodus just came out on PS4 with nudity
>But Sony didn't care and instead made DMCV censor far less explicit and frequent nudity
Yeah, right. They did it out of stupidity.

Attached: 1541779538663.jpg (720x720, 60K)

good for you, davido-kun :^)

>Are they browbeating specific ideas into kids at school?
Have you not paid attention the past 10 years? Probably longer, but thats when I started paying attention.

i can't understand why anyone defends gacha but Yea Forums's 4channel, man.

Must hurt to have 3 brain-cells considering it was a direct quotation of

>not games because minimal player interaction
Are you a retarded zoomer?

Attached: 305674-zork-the-great-underground-empire-apple-ii-screenshot-i-ve.png (560x384, 7K)

>le "ow the edge" button masher
onions, pure onions

>i heard strawman on the internet and i will use it here now i am being made fun of
you are against censorship but also against companies exercising free will, take the tinfoil off retard

>A visual novel (ビジュアルノベル bijuaru noberu) is a hybrid of text and graphical adventure games, typically featuring text-based story and interactivity aided by static or sprite-based visuals. They resemble mixed-media novels or tableau vivant stage plays.
Dead end, routes.

Sony is only to blame for making Capcom worried enough to censor themselves.

Few VNs remove choices. You're generalizing in every post

I wish someone would censor your life

what about the ones that have no dead ends or routes

This is a bait thread.
The censorship lens flare disappears on PC if you shut it off.
There's no proof the Xbox version has it disabled.

You're all cancer.

So I have a question, how does lensfllared ass keep me from playing DMC5? Does this cheeky censorship affect gameplay at all? I'm confused since it only lasts a couple of seconds.

Pic very VERY related btw.

Attached: Vergil.jpg (500x639, 41K)

>visual novels quite literally have no adventure

Attached: 13215423645876.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

>posts an image of an interactive video game and not a visual novel
what did he mean by this

few visual novels incorporate choice. the majority are books that had a few frames of art and a few artificial divides inserted in them
you weebs fall for it every time

Defending gacha doesn’t even come close to being as bad as defending censorship. The fact that you see them on the same level shows there is a real issue with people’s mindsets here.

stop being reasonable and let us shitpost in peace

Honestly, nobody knows how the term "liberal" became used to refer to Marxists/leftists. Even Wikipedia doesn't seem to know. The Democrats became the Marxist/left-wing party when Woodrow Wilson took office about 100 years ago, and it remains so to this day. Liberal came to refer to left-wing Democrats and conservative to right-wing Republicans. By the original definition, though, Republicans are the "liberal" party. Really, we just like to call leftists "libtards" because they get so triggered by it. Other terms like "statist" never really stuck.

Thanks, ファゴットちゃん

>i heard strawman on the internet and i will use it here now i am being made fun of

You placed words in my mouth because you can't argue against anything I am actually saying. If there's anything to be made fun of in this situation, it's you. Likewise, I'm not quite sure you understand what 'tinfoil' implies. Am I speaking of some sort of grand conspiracy? By all means, Sony and Capcop have the freedom to do what they like, but I will ridicule them for it, and not purchase teir releases, should they make choices that are obviously bad.

Trish's ass crack devil triggered my dick hard in game. Didn't expect that desu.


>Make a low quality bait thread about any other topic
>5 replies

>Make a lie about censorship or trannies
>"500 posts, click reply to view" for several days on a row

Yea Forums - getting mad about social justice, sometimes videogames


I need to know. If I buy the PS4 version, turn off my internet, install no patches, will I get uncensored Lady ass?

I dno man, they both effect me as a consumer, but one is actively telling every dev to attempt to separate me from my money and the other is telling me i'm not allowed to look at ass in a video game.
they both have slippery slope nonsense involved, so don't go that route for me pls.

Because they are island monkey nips, and cannot let people see pee pee and butt. Ever noticed how JAV is mostly censored?

It doesn't stop you. But why would you ever purchase the version of the game that includes it. What does it offer you that the other uncensored releases offer?


>but I will ridicule them for it
>but i will defend them when you ridicule them
what did he mean by this

This is bitching about PS4, you fuck.

You can play it just fine.
I just don't like or support censorship, and would have bought it on PC or Xbox to avoid giving Sony censorship dollars.

Other than missing ass cleavage, the game plays just fine. I know you're just here asking that question to stir shit though.

It is censored on PS4, PC, and Xbox.
The PC version has no lens flare if you shut off lens flare.
There was no patch.

You're being baited.

>don’t worry only weebshit games are affected
>don’t worry it’s just an asscrack, doesn’t affect gameplay
>don’t worry only a bit of the script was changed, still doesn’t affect gameplay
The slippery slope is real

Except this censorship is completely proven. I'm not sure what you're saying.

It's okay when Sony censors things on their mature console for mature gamers.
But when NoA censored stuff on what everybody calls children's consoles, now that's crazy.

They aren't going after western games because they know they have like-minded people within those companies that have already thoroughly compromised them and keep them in check so that content like the kind that appears in Japanese games never makes it into their games in the first place. They want the Sony position because it lets them exert western (socjus) standards on Japanese devs, who previously were basically untouchable and did not bend the knee to the greater SocJus hivemind's pressure tactics. Now they can tell Japanese devs to either censor or throw their game away because Sony is the only relevant console marketbase in Japan, and they also get to exert this same influence on the few localization firms that weren't already compromised and censoring their games, and likely prevent those same previously non compliant localization firms from bringing over games for fear of having to answer to the Sony censorship panel again.

Japanese games are the primary target here, they don't have to target western games because the socjus mindset has already infected most of them

>thread about brand new game gets lots of replies
what the fuck did he mean by this?

Sony and Capcom can do what they like. If what they like is stupid however, I will ridicule them.

How can one thing be so fucked up in so many different unrelated ways?

>Post about this days ago
>Get told to fuck off

Lens flare in settings

>stir shit
Are we in the same thread? The shit has been stirred so much in here already, it's like being inside the Hadron Collider.

>Sony and Capcom can do what they like. If what they like is stupid however, I will ridicule them.
this was my argument in the first place

I didn't see much fuzz over rape day being censored


Hes just trying to keep it goin my dude.

Do you have footage of the cutscene on Xbox?


Attached: DMC1 CENSORED.png (850x437, 302K)

You'd have a point if there was a version out there that showed her tits.

so you're not actually arguing anything you glue eating piece of shit

>Snoy is afraid of nudity
So nothing new here
Post about Snoy when they have nudity in their games

How was that sword held there?

Doesn't the sword get pulled down like two seconds later

>im autistic please help me cope
not really, i made that argument first, here see: FIRST

>By the original definition, though
What makes the biggest mess out of this is that the world outside of America are still using this definition.

Where's the footage of the Xbox version?

What is there to cope? It sounds to me like you may very well be retarded, which could be a brilliant statement if it was intentional, considering the initial point you made, but I just don't know. Capcom and Sony certainly have the ability to fuck up. People though will then call them out on their fuck ups. This is completely sensible.

why are you even here, you've added nothing to this discussion

>you weebs
As expected. VNs are games by definition. Facts.
You don't liek them =/= games. Since they're called "eroge". Games. Adult games. VN is western invented term

i made a point and then some guy started going autistic on me, what am i meant to just NOT respond?

>Since they're called "eroge". Games. Adult games. VN is western invented term
alright then but you realise im a western person?
so when i say "VN's are shit and not games" and then you say "IM THINKING OF SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!", all i can say is, congrats man, enjoy your genuine weeb games

the point you made is something everyone understood. stop being so fucking useless and then act like you said something meaningful you retard

>some guy takes 8 posts to barely squeak out "i agree with you"
>im the autistic one
OK buddy

Don't you realize how pathetic that defense is?
H-Hitler would do it too! Is that really what you want to use for legitimization?

but no..... but people said in those atlus threads this whole thing is mostly aimed at smaller games and big companies will be an unaffected




its 2019 on Yea Forums how then fuck are you surprised

>i can't see an absolutely unappealing flat ass buttcrack made out of 10 polygonsREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

if that is your only problem in life, well done you made it

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What point? i was making a joke at the expense of this shitty thread and people in it going autismos over trivial bullshit.

You think they don't know?
There's no such thing as xbox fans. This is all sad piratefags and switchfags that can't play the game

Not even the same circumstance
this one is done for comedic effect
DMC5's example is Snoy censorship because no other version censors that one part.

Why would you lie on internet where everyone can fact check what you are saying?

Attached: 1446404692717.jpg (719x720, 53K)

and please go kill yourself for actively making Yea Forums a worse place

Lady is censored in all versions. It's Trish that's censored only on PS4. How does it feel to be even more retarded than people who fall for bait?

>where everyone can fact check what you are saying?
most people dont bother with that

Attached: shrug.png (1366x768, 1.6M)

Yes, you think the censorship is trivial. I'm glady you're willing to eat the shit these companies put on your plate.

Lady is censored in all versions, Trish is only censored on PS4

are you retarded? his post has nothing to do with that, you completely missed his point

Cause the game looks boring. So shitposting is more fun.

Cause too many are lazy faggots who don't fact check. It works so shills use it. You can even cite sources that contradict you because most never follow the links and just believe the citations are there to verify whatever you write.

lol mad

Can’t wait for uncensor patches on PC

I honestly give a rats ass about yours or anybody's stance on censorship, even mine. So power to ya for having that shit live rent free inside your head.

*don't give

thats not how "rent free" works newfag
you cant just be wrong on the internet, then call the people laughing at you "lmao rent free"
fucking hell i could shitpost better than this when i was 14
water u doin lad

Then move to China. I'm sure you don't mind being unable to access Steam legally now because it was censored.

>videogame censorship is somehow the end all be all

sorry, user but the world doesn't revolve around your kiddie hobby

that just raises more questions to be honest

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I've never really understood why buttcracks get censored. We all have them. Some just look nicer than others. Also found it weird that Hole in Asshole gets bleeped out but not just the whole word.

you have only yourself to blame

Reducing things down to a strawman. Again, terrible argumentation.

Hey look, a californian.


but her nipples are covered tho....

Attached: DMC1 NOT CENSORED.png (848x434, 253K)

This is complete bullshit isn't it?

I bet it's just the lens flare going away once he walks a few steps, he clearly has walked further on the bottom than on the top. Good bait.

>sorry, user but the world doesn't revolve around your kiddie hobby
but the world quite literally DOES revolve around video games
americans think they're the cause of school shootings, and theres one of those daily, so you can see it directly ties to american culture
better yet, video games now turn you into rapists and trump supporters, so its even more impactful in american society

Can you not comprehend intentional artistic choices, and slapping light rays on to appease Sony's arbitrary preferences?

Yeah right, prove to me video games is an essential part of society and how removing it from the equation will affect our society negatively?

You really are a brainlet. You're not even aware of everything else being censored around you because you think the media you consume being censored is trivial. Imagine how many word events you don't even know about because they were culled, censored from the public eye.

And can you not comprehend replying to bait, you stupid fuck?

When did I say any of those things? Why are you creating arguments with people who don't exist?

Don't get your panties in a bunch, we are talking about video game censorship here, literally the lowest common denominator in terms of media.

autistic people cannot detect basice satire, irony or sarcasm
they usually defend with "but its typed so you cant tell...."

It's mostly still all available but nobody looks for it or talks about it. In the end it's simple: As long as public media doesn't report it, it might as well not exist for normies.

Sony. Not even once.

how retarded are you that you dont even realise what you just said?
so the LOWEST form of media that NO one cares about, still gets censored just as much IF NOT MORE than everything else
and you're not concerned about the "everything else" part because you're low IQ

What is wrong with seeing a naked adult female butt? There is no sex involved. Also the game is about violently killing demons.

No one is talking about Lady you dumbass, everyone knows that censored on all versions, people are talking about Trish who is only censored in the PS4 version.

Because I know you won't be able to answer it because you can't comprehend how minimal and unimportant your kiddie hobby is. I like how most people pretend to give a shit about censorship in this thread but only when it affects their favorite things, can't see past their Yea Forums bubble.

>they banned omega labyrinth
>everyone laughed at me for being upset
>now they come for you
Look who’s laughing now


Too sexy, want uncensored? Use cave trolls & hag brood mothers.

>i will talk as if millions are listening to what im saying and its the most profound shit ever
everyone here thinks you're a faggot, and no one can read it except the people here
you are in big denial about reality

gaming is growing past other media in size and as it becomes popular it's as important as a propaganda platform as established shit like tv.
tldr: you are wrong.

I am against censorship in general. This is a video game board, however, and we're talking about video games here. You want me to be a strawman for some reason- maybe a quick endorphin rush, but I'm not going to have it.

Look up the fallacy of relative privation. You're utilizing it well, right now. Just because there are potentially bigger things out there doesn't mean we can't concern ourselves with smaller.

It's a product of a company doing what it wants has no relation to how widespread censorship is, Yea Forums has been on a hateboner since Sony started censoring those VNs or whatever. Yea Forums's been on a witch hunt ever since. One important thing to note is if you start to keep doing one thing, next time you only see that one thing. Just look at TORtanic and how it still affects Yea Forums to this fucking day.

>sony faggots bought this day one

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>Yea Forums has been on a hateboner since Sony started censoring those VNs or whatever. Yea Forums's been on a witch hunt ever since.
why are you pretending to be perfectly stupid?
>Yea Forums has been crying about censorship for half a year now
>pfft, yeah, crying about nothing as usual
>[censorships increase]
pretending to be retarded is the lowest form of shitpost

>video game board
/vg/ is more of a video game board than Yea Forums and you know it. This hasn't been a video game board since forever. I also like how when I talk about video game censorship, people bring out general censorship but when I talk about censorship, they switch to "b-but this is a video game board"

Explain all those thread showcasing the censored scenes of certain censored games in Sony games then?

You're not talking about general censorship, you're belittling this censorship by trying to say it's small and minuscule, and doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. You failed to look up that fallacy I pointed to, didn't you? Because you're still following it.

Haha, imagine a 40y old Lady sitting on the camera with modeled vagina and everything, wouldn't that be weird, haha.

>Explain all those thread showcasing the censored scenes of certain censored games in Sony games then?
>missing the point this hard
you laughed at the Yea Forums of the past for crying about "pointless censorship that wont go past shitty weebgames no one cares about" and yet here we are
is everything ok with your brain?

>wouldn't that be weird
Yeah, haha...

Matsuko Deluxe, IKKO to name a few. Anything else, larper?

wtf. this is so dumb.

you are a retard

Nico looks like typical tattooed lesbo. So do you think that maybe...

then where did the uncensored image of Lady come from? is it a shop? lens flare?

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We've already moved from visual novels being censored left and right, then to anime titty games, and now one of the biggest publishers in the industry is being made to kowtow to Sony's "morals".
It won't stop here.

Sony and Sony defenders are just embarrassing

nice argument

So is this actual censorship and not some cheeky thing? Did Itsuno confirm he had to censor this due to Sony meddling? Anyone got a source that proves this? I'd like to know if this is real or if Yea Forums is going the way of resetera and the whole lie about catherine fullbody.

PC version lets you disable lens flares, which removed them in that scene.

>Oh no how will I live with 2 seconds of blocked body parts
If you combine all the snoysored games that's over 2 hours of tits and pussy

>says nice argument to me
>ignores the post before which had an argument
you are a proud retard

It's actual censorship. Only the Western PS4 version is affected. If they wanted a cheeky thing all versions would have it

I'm so glad I game on superior Nintendo Switch and PC with no censorship

not him but why didn't you answer his previous post questio and then call him a retard? i'd say you are both retarded. Better yet everyone in this thread is retarded imo.

sony chads have 3d gfs, they dont need 2d.

They have "girl"friends

I fucking hope TLOU2 has nudity. That's going to be Snoy's rape day, a proper test of whatever retarded values they have.

someone already answered "his" question faggot, learn to read

I'm sure Naughty "Diversity" Dog will do that.

publicly traded companies (a type of private enterprise) are not private organizations
what did he mean by that?

Something else is going on here. Trish is censored on PS4 only but Lady is censored on all platforms except when you remove it on PC but i'd hardly call that uncensored.


>I laughed

more like scrolled past those threads because they shat up the board even more which to my surprise didn't think it was possible to shit up a shit board.

Lady's at a much more exposing angle, and they probably deemed that too much to show. I would say the disable lens flare thing is just an oversight and they'll patch that. The Western PS4 version isn't the only one that censors Trish for no reason user.

>i willingly ignore trends and concerns, and when they come to fruition i get angry because i dont understand and act superior
you also didnt even ignore them, you obviously know of them by your own admition
>Yea Forums has been on a hateboner since Sony started censoring those VNs or whatever.

so to recap:
you know weebshit has been getting censored for months
now none-weebshit is getting censored and you are blaming Yea Forums or what?
you will have to fill in the blanks here buddy im not a doctor im not really qualified to communicate with the educationally subnormal

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This thread is literally people yelling at clouds. Why not take your efforts and actual go fight the real problem and the cause of this censorship which is the NA branch of Sony? No amount of bitching on Yea Forums, arguments etc will solve this while you creeps wallow in your own filth in this bubble you call a board.

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Don't bring in Downtown into your shitflinging shitshow, you both are a disgrace

nice timing

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pick one please

>look i said the word downtown im one of you haha go easy on me
you are still autistic

We need a hero to go there

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i thought DMC was for americans who hate their parents
although actually so is anime

Who says we're not? I myself have written to both Sony and Capcom. That's not reason to not discuss the issue here, it spreads awareness for one. People can't complain if they're not even aware of it.

Wow, can't wait to finally watch the newest gaki subbed in late 2019.

Is something wrong with your head? I've known Downtown ever since I ran into their 24 hour batsu ages ago and have been watching their stuff ever since. Kiki series, Absolutetly Tasty etc. And i'm looking forward towards No Laughing Treasure Hunter once it's done subbing. The fact that you actually think i'm a poser insults me greatly actually.

Itsuno can't confrim if it is, censorship demands are under NDA now
notice how after the initial outcry over the first batch of devs coming out about it, every subsequent one is using vague terms when they have to explain that they're delaying their game to meet them, or avoiding the question entirely? They've been muzzled, they cannot disclose Sony's demands.

They are only targetting Japanese games, TLOU2 will prove it and will be free to show whatever degeneracy-peddling shit they want

>the buttcheek of an adult woman being visible for 2 seconds is unsuitable for players of this M rated game, restricted to players 17 and over
What the fuck is wrong with Sony? Legitimately what reasonable justification is there for this?

>What the fuck is wrong with Sony?

You already made this thread, Xcuck. You got destroyed there too. Fucking Xcuck retards need the rope.

I don't get it, how can they be so out of touch that this is enough to offend them? Most PG-13 movies show more than this.

So the Japanese PS4 version is confirmed uncensored?

Usually as a marketleader you have the power to control your market.
With Snoy, they think that they force every publisher/dev to cater to their needs specifically and they know they can get away with it.
The only thing that can counter that, is they fuck up with the ps5.