Do you still feel embarassment when playing vidya in public? Supposedly you're supposed to stop feeling like this the older you get.
Do you still feel embarassment when playing vidya in public...
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I don't playing games in public because I like to be aware of my surroundings in public. Reading is ok though
I rarely have enough time to just sit down and play a game when I'm in public
ive only ever played games in public when waiting for a plane or the like. And generally i dont care cuz everyone else is doing something too. Normally i play Melty with the keyboard while waiting on my flights.
Never felt it
No and I only did during a very narrow time in high school when I tried fitting in for some dumb reason. I don't care what other people think at all.
I occasionally pick up chicks bars by playing games. Confident guy doing whatever the fuck at a bar? Babe magnet. Maybe it's because I can actually talk to people, but every time I bring out a game system, it's a talking piece.
The switch? Godsend.
Yeah sure
>Not living on the Subway with your PS4
I never play games in public because if I'm out in public I'm doing something else
That's actually baller, fuck the haters
Playing in public is only ok if you use a phone. Handhelds should never be used out of home.
>"No, you're supposed to kill time THIS way!"
It's stupid. No one gives a shit if you're bing bing wahooing while you're waiting for something, as long as you keep that shit muted. They're too busy with their own problems.
Nobody gives a shit. You get to see people play on their cellphones, 3DS, Vita, Switch all the time if you take public transport. Every morning and night i get to see exactly that, and play along with my switch on the Train and metro. 99% of people are trying to entertain themselves because we spend a fucking hour waiting
There was also this user bitching that people shouldn't wear backpacks past school. Fun fact, a good half of people still wear backpacks when going off to work.
The truth is that if you are weird-looking and insecure you will always attract negative attention no matter what you are doing.
If it's chad playing their Switch everyone thinks games are cool and every girl becomes a gamer.
That is very sad. Who the fuck hauls around a huge-ass tv just to play everywhere?
>There was also this user bitching that people shouldn't wear backpacks past school
I literally can't rationalize why anyone would think this.
There's a reason kids use them, they're fucking useful.
I agree to a certain extent, but you have to be pretty far gone to start getting looks for no reason.
If you shower regularly and make an effort to wear passable clothes, you'll never attract any attention unless you're just irredeemably ugly naturally, in which case I'm sorry, but that means pretty damn ugly. In fact, I think how you smell matters more than how you look.
A normal, clean person do whatever the hell they want in public.
>wasting a big ass tv and fancy portable setup on Skyrim
No, just don't play anything lewd and you're good
If you care about anything like that in public then you're a beta. Do whatever you feel like doing. No one gives a shit and if they do then you fuck them up, who cares
Bullshit, no one is playing their Vita
For a while, I would lug around a battery that I would plug my wii u into and play it on the go. I was limited to games that just mirrored to the game pad but it worked well enough.
Someone that wants to set up for a picture and post on reddit. Obviously no one does this.
>in public
>playing a gameboy or gameboy zero
this is playing on your phone tier, the only people that would notice would be the ones to point out how cool the original gameboy is
the safe boys. Old enough that they're not cringe and can run pretty much any game you'd want mobile when hacked. No one will notice you or give a single fuck if they do.
you should probably leave it at home but they're old enough now that they've just about moved outside the cringe window. someone might snap a photo of you to use in a cringe compilation later depending on other circumstances (aka how you're dressed or how you look)
>playing on a switch
true cringe. Leave it at home, very few people could pull off a switch unironically in public. Also, imo they're not even that great for portable since they're so much bigger then a phone or other mobile gaming.
yeah if I'm going to be somewhere for a while and have nothing to do I'll bring a game. is it better to look at memes on your phone or browse facebook? guess I should hope theres a TV playing shitty news or some magazines from last year.
The wii u was made to be portable though and it's not obnoxiously big like a tv
Nope. I'll sit and play a handheld or even read a manga in a waiting room a unpeturbed as that old fuck. And I used to be the most self concious little shit ever into my early twenties. So you do grow out of it, generally.
I pull out my vita or 3ds from time to time
shit opinion
>I like to be aware of my surroundings in public. >Reading is ok though
Literally just as unaware as playing a game in public idiot
what the fuck is going on with that dude in the background?
I probably would because im not an insecure fuck but dont have a portable system
for you? because reading is difficult?
Uh huh. You know who tries super duper hard to look like a grown up at all times?
is that really supposed to be "fun" though? i like drinking and handing out with friends but i would unironically rather be the faggot playing fortnite
He's looking down while listening to music.
You are just asking to get pickpocket or robbed when you bring your switch. I can under stand phone games because everyone has a smart phone but a hand held is definately going on craigslist sold by a sketchy mofo.
>living in a shit area
Switch is probably okay for sitting in a car or even public transport as long as you have a decent bag. Like you say, it's too bulky, and valuable, for general outside use.
After spending 10 years where I didn't had the money to buy even 4 games per year, no I don't give a rat ass about what other people think, I'm glad to God that I have the opportunity to have fun with games, at home or on the go. That being said I don't use either my switch or my phone on the street because I live in a shitty area.
>Do you still feel embarassment when playing vidya in public?
Never did in the first place. Some of us grew up playing games in public, they were called "Arcades"
>Supposedly you're supposed to stop feeling like this the older you get.
Lol by who's authority? Who the hell can tell you to stop how you feel? You want to play vidya in public you live in a free society to do so.
no, this isn't an issue if you're -at least- a 7/10
Every time I've gone to a party, I've always regretted it and wished I was somewhere else.
Now playing Fortnite at a party? Kill me.
I live in a comfy as fuck area so you won't get dumb retards trying to do that
Looks like an airport. I fly about 3 times a year and for some reason I always take my PSP but it never sees use outside that, and of course the flight.
Stopped playing RPGs obviously because I always forget what the fuck is happening and how to play. But I'm a Wipeout Pure expert.
why would you care what other people think as long as you conduct yourself in a respectable manner its up to the rest of society to conduct itsself in a respectable manner
everyones in this march together
And playing video games is more intense?
Literal retard
>watching attractive normies having fun by interacting with each other
>while I'm sitting at home and listening to american football
why you do this to me user
>public transportation is for poorniggers
>hanging out at cafes or bookstores is for poorniggers
No because I was blessed with reasonably good looks. Not to brag, I'm just stating the fact you already know. If you win the genetic lottery and you're good looking enough, it's ok when you do it.
I play vidya because it helps keep my languages fresh, which is important for my job.
So no, IDGAF if someone sees me bust out my 3DS or Switch on the train. For me, it's as practical as it is fun.
>hanging out at cafes or bookstores is for poorniggers
Rich people buy books and eat too.
Congrats on being too cool to be seen in public I guess
AF is lame listen to Heart Attack Man instead user
This. When Chad pulls out his Switch girls immediately gather around to watch him play his bing bing wahoo, and later that night he makes them go wahoo in bed.
Not entirely true. There is still a decent amount of people that would look at you thinking you're a manbaby, retard, or faggot. Literally why younger chicks go after older guys.
>still feel embarrassed
nope, never did because i dont give a shit about what people think.
even today, i dont see why you should care anyways. people are constantly looking down at their phones, its not like they are going to pay attention to what youre doing.
Did you know paying attention to your surroundings is not limited to just seeing?
Videogames demand two of your senses (hearing and seeing), while reading demands one. This is obvious.
no they wouldnt you fuck wit god damn
nvm, i thought this hair/ribbon was some guy's face
Not everyone lives in nigger infested areas.
It doesn't matter what you do, someone is going to judge you for it.
uh oh something smells like bad genes, is user trying to talk to the attractive people again? oh, bless his heart
>What is plugging one earbud into your ear while in public
I'm a massive faggot that wouldn't go without vidya music but i still play my games in public despite that,
yeah why are you talking to me lol
I don't play in public but that's because I drive everywhere, can't play at work, and don't want to diddle daddle when I'm out anyway.
You can disable sounds in vidya.
You aren't chad enough then.
I hate socializing but beer pong is fun as shit
i can almost guarantee im better looking than you im just actually around human beings enough to know how they act
You do realize you can get mugged anywhere, right? It doesn't matter if you live in a minority free area.
tfw anxiety so always feel judged even when theres literally only 1 person around
can't bring myself to feel the paranoia when playing games in public
the fuck am i looking at
its from a website called photofeeler where randoms rate you, you can limit it to only males or females
how do you power all that?
I play games all time time when on break at work or on the bus
You probably are, but that's not my point.
so you just post a picture of your own actual face on the internet for no reason so people can lie to you
and it isnt Yea Forums
>yer a wizard 'arry
your point is fucking stupid, you think even if you were a model youd have people surrounding you like OMG SENPAI IS SO UGU KAWAII like your fucking animes? beautiful people are every where, people might check you out but youre not gonna have a harem of women watching you bing bing wahoo because youre hot suddenly happen at the airport
That's a german train, the newer ones come with power outlets for every (or sometimes only most) seats
To be fair, kid looking and even some regular backpacks on adult males are manchild as fuck, it just looks terrible on you especially if you're short or fat.
If you are attractive and confident you get the girls whatever you do, that's not something you can argue.
Its not really 'fun'.
its more a peer pressured let loose moment. Its euphoric for pent up normies, also playing videogames at parties is normal.
I own my own business and have at least monthly transatlantic flights. I literally could not give a flying fuck about playing games in airports at this point. If there's free wifi at terminals most people are at some point while waiting for their flight, on their phones at least. Airports are such a mundane chore that I don't see how you couldn't entertain yourself there with whatever you want.
i posted my face here once and was called chad, also why would anyone lie with its completely anonymous on there? ive uploaded shit pictures on purpose there and its truthful. when is the last time a female said this to you because it happened to me about half an hour ago lmao
>It doesn't matter if you live in a minority free area
Literally doesn't happen unless you're in britain.
>lying on a hentai forum
lmaoing @ you
You're wrong. Workout and build a good body, lose fat in the face and even an uggo like you will understand that you're the stupid and inexperienced one. People respond very well to attractiveness, try brushing your teeth more frequently at least and practice to get a genuine clear smile, see what happens.
that wasnt your point though, yeah i could get a cute girl to watch me play games ive done it multiple times, i could also get them to call me master and lick my asshole so what
>attractive and confident
Not really. Just basic hygiene and confidence more like it. But mostly confidence.
coping facelet
youre a fucking retard
>Arbitrarily defining which systems are viable or not depending on when they were released
Brain damage safe place is that way, please. Follow the corridor to your left.
>its cringe to have a hot girlfriend who finds you attractive and be good looking
i guess youre the opposite of cringe then big boy ;)
Being a pretty boy doesn't get you pussy. You still have to amp the girl's body temp to get her to sleep with you and that means developing a personality and learning how to spike her emotions. Just because you had a girl come up to you and was ready to fuck doesn't mean she did it because you're uber chad in the face, it just means someone else did the work for you and you got lucky in the right place at the right time. So unless you want to stay a human dildo and develop actual meaningful connection and experience with girls through sex then learn social skills and let go of your perceived notion that your looks are enough. Looks help for attraction, you still have to work for arousal.
I am not the user who said girls will literally gather around you, that's an unlikely event if you aren't famous.
Attractiveness is still an important factor, let's not deny basic biology.
American Football is fucking good dude. Nice.
Again. Try doing at least 1 thing from what I wrote and see what happens. Even if I'm a retard, you lose nothing if you treat this as a thought experiment and an opportunity to explore yourself and your preconceptions.
cope, also you know nothing about me
>typing a fucking paragraph in response to that
lmao cringe
>American """""""""""Football""""""""""""""
dude i was telling the fucking retard that thought that life was like an anime off, im well groomed and confident so i dont know why youre projecting all this pseudo-intellectual bullshit and trying to condescend to me
American Football as an ironic band name for angsty, hipster math-rock.
It's not as big a factor for girls as you think. We think logically, money, looks, status. Those things open the door for attraction, you might get laid because the whole club knows you, put you in another club - you're clueless, unless you build that up again if that's your avenue. Most pretty boys go in a club, have a decent connection with a hot girl and then bail because "oh she wasn't all over me" when that's not how it works, but because they're so used to just grabbing a girl that's already been through like a bunch of guys who amped her to sex and she's ready to jump on literally anyone at this point, they get too cocky and full of themselves. But when they do a cold approach outside, it's like a mental shock because "but muh body muh six pack girl" and the girl is just standing there awkward and intimidated or with a hot girl she doesn't even care because she knows hundreds of guys like you. It helps you through the door but you still have to work for it even with a six pack etc.
At some point you get bored of pulling girls because it becomes dull, just like with videogames you played everything and there's little challenge anymore.
If I had to choose I'd choose to put what I learned now into an even worse body just to build myself up again and try what I learned as I go.
Everyone copes with something. It's normal. We're all flawed and nobody is perfect. I don't cope for an attractive face but I cope for other things, the same for everyone else even an uber chad that you think has it all has the same fears and stupid shit he copes with on a daily basis. Do the best you can with the cards you're dealt, even if they're shit.
I prefer home consoles as an adult now. I only get handhelds for exclusives and keep em home.
coping incel
>that entire setup
how do they even manage to carry something that big?
I haven't owned a handheld since I was a teenager but I probably wouldn't have a problem with playing it on the bus or something if I did.
Wow its a GODSEND fellers
I don't know you specifically but I know and talk to people who think the way you do. Like I've said, treat this as an opportunity to challenge your preconceptions and maybe you'll get laid more frequently instead of being passive aggressive.
At no point anything I said was meant to be condescending to you or anyone, just sharing my experience.
you do know people also use iPad and whatever tablets in public, right?
You DO know that phone games used to be pretty cool back in the symbian days right user
Never done it. Anybody who does it a sperg.
Actually yes it does.
pure samefag onions
>living next to niggers
It's your fault
you know jack shit about me and youre extrapolating all of this bullshit about me from anonymous posts, youre coming across as a pissy little bitch who enjoys the smell of their own farts. i have absolutely no trouble getting laid and i'm being pretty directly aggressive not passive aggressive
No. I wouldn't bring my devices out in public though because I wouldn't want them to get stolen.
>muh samefag
nice retort, faggotron
No, playing a copy of hot fire RED was dope. But yes, I'm never play a fucking Switch in public unless I suddenly want to be robbed/shamed.
This. Also the older you get the less fucks you give, trying to appear adult is something that youngsters do
Actual adults usually have nostalgia over childish stuff, teens will be the ones who are willing to start shit like smoking to appear adult.
Theres so many people in subways and trams playing shitty mobile games on tablets, I think its not that special anymore user
Yeah once you become 20 your dumb teen hormones calm down and you stop feeling insecure about yourself and that nobody gives a shit about other people aside manchildren and roasties whose opinion doesn't matter.
>the older you get
No. You stop feeling like this the more attractive you get.
>tfw couldnt care less about others opinions and never did but have extremely high expectations for myself that leads to self loathing when i dont meet them
I sometimes wish niggers would try to rob me so I can blow off their kneecaps with my concealed carry and laugh at them. Maybe I should buy a switch and start carrying it around as bait. Filthy animals
for some reason this with the mario gif made me chuckle
That site is only getting worse everyday
This, playing 3DS and PSP games during plane flights is comfy as fuck.
>tfw playing through Ocarina of Time 3D during a 4 hour flight
Video games are an audio-visual experience. Unless you plan on playing the game without sound (which lessens the experience) or you decide to play games without headphones (and piss off everyone around you), you will be more cut-off from your surroundings.
Oh please. You'd piss your pants the second someone walked up to you.
I never understood this, you Americans go to public places dressed as absolute dogshit, you go to stores wearing pajamas and some of you even wearing slippers or hell barefoot, you wear those ugly ass cheap shorts with sandals, or you wear those terrible monocolor sweaters, if not a combination of all of this. You're super recognizable when you're in any other country because you're the only ones who dress as hobos, only rivaling Germans. But somehow using an electronic device instead of another is a no no for you?
I have FF6 on an emulator on my phone that I only play during flights. Someday I'll finish it
>brings up burgers for literally no reason
>t. incel
Everyone judges you. Everyone. Only some people say something.
When you get to about 55 as a man you stop giving a fuck what anyone thinks about you at all.
I've reached the point where my opinion of myself is so low I don't care anymore. It's actually nice to no longer give a shit how you come across in public, I can just do what I want.
>6 hours of play time on 4 AA batteries.
Fuck the gameboy.
Good. That would moisten my gun, and prevent a dry fire.
>That is very sad
yeah, wasting up to an hour of your life traveling to your work and then another hour back home is so fucking sad, you should be using that time to do anything you want, but instead you are trapped in the fucking logistics that human life requires to function.
You don't even need to get that far, if you make it to 30 and you're healthy you pretty much stop giving a fuck about what anyone thinks about you way sooner.
Why would I get scared when I carry a handgun and can legally shoot someone's dick off for trying to rob me?
Why would any of you care what people think especially the cucks on this site. To care about something you'd have to respect it and I have no respect for any of you. Post all the wojacks you want. I will not be reading them. Get fucked.
>Nintendo related event for children.
>A bunch of man-children show up.
Every time.
Grown men? Having FUN? What has the world gone to!?
Now posting something that's not a meme
*Now TRY
>implying there are any good mobile vidya
I compare it to smoking, when a normal well adjusted person smokes no one gives a fuck but when a meth corpse looking mf does then everyone should publicly shame that fgt.
Why the fuck is it always skyrim
Nah, though it is more acceptable to do when you're on a big trip like a long train journey or a flight
It's a fucking flat screen you weakling.
Wherever I go I must also game.
It's the true epic gamer lifestyle that we all must live by.
I think it depends on the circumstances. When youre on a long flight, you can do what the fuck you want as long as you dont annoy others. Just waiting for a bus or something and powering up your handheld is a bit embarassing.