So we all agree it was nothing special and pretty mediocre, right?
So we all agree it was nothing special and pretty mediocre, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Weebs are pathetic
Just like every other DMC
Are you fucking kidding? It's literally perfect. It's the DMC game we've been waiting 10 years for and it's literally been worth the wait. What's wrong with it?
>> 453809496 DMC fanboi
Very observant. Now go on, What's wrong with it?
You have some garbage taste if you even have to ask that question
Ad hominem. I am literally still waiting.
So this is what the DMC5 shitposting looks like. Pretty weak, figured we'd be going the "it's just DmC2" rout after Nero pops his devil trigger flipping Vergil off and shouting "fuck you!"
What is this?
Yea Forums not liking a game for a change?
it's pretty funny that everybody was bitching about it being DmC2 when the worst you can say about it is that it's just Devil May Cry 4 2.
It's literally DmC2 in everything but gameplay, where it's DMC4 rehashed.
How can shitposters live themselves knowing that their posting was completely irrelevant and ignored and DMC5 was completely successful and liked in every way since its announcement to release.
>Secret mission 5
I'm getting tilted here.
That final boss & ending sure felt anti climatic.
The game itself is fantastic.
>DMC4 rehashed.
I got a lot of mileage from Bloody palace. Sounds like fun.
Does it have Hell and Hell mode?
Is this fun to play if you don't care about getting ranks?
Yeah it's pretty fun desu
Will buy for $20 digitally with all DLC when on sale a year from now.
It's not very fun, DMC hasn't aged well.
>not pirating right now
Just pirate it
it's fun because it takes dmc4 and polishes it even further and fixes some of it's flaws. dmc4 was already a pretty killer action game.
another shitty casualized game from crapcum, who would have guessed
We agree. It's a polished turd.
Lmao kill yourself
This makes you sound like a fat greasy tryhard, you know that right
Guys how do I get Lady's bazooka?
I really want to combine the two to make the crazy ass laser gun...
Right? The only complaint I could possibly think of is that Vs pets are a bit unprecise which makes playing as him kind of annoying sometimes, But I feel like even that's a stretch.
the game is pathetically easy
Seems like a great game for people who like this kinda game. Unfortunately I can't really get into it.
>video games
pick one moron
>$60 for a game that isn't a JRPG that you can't get 200 hours worth
And again, glad I didn't preorder. I'll wait for price drop~
Not as good as 3
Still leagues better than anything in recent memory though
Currently 13 hours in and 2/3 through SoS
It was gay as fuck. I never realised how legitimately homosexual DMC was; not like 'lol thats gay' like men-in-leather-fucking-each-other-in-the-ass-winking-at-the-camera gay. Everything about this game screams faggotry and, and I have no idea why any of you cunts like it.
Then again, I've never understood why so many people like Kingdom Hearts either. That shit's gay as fuck too and there's plenty of supporters for that clusterfuck of gay kids shit here too. Are Kingdom Hearts fans and DMC fans the same faggots?
Back to discord.
Well yes, it's no Dark Souls.
The actual hard mode becomes unlocked after a first run, and getting S ranks in that isn't gonna be a cakewalk.
Nah, it was a pretty fucking good time. Just wish it had more postgame content, but at least we'll be getting bloody palace soon.
they are both cringy manchildren so yeah
of course, but you know... TRANNY DISCORD and such.
Depends, if you are spamming the same move than no, it won't be fun and it would get really irritating, the game is really keen on you trying to get creative with you're moves and that's what DMC for the most part about, crazy shit that's fun
And the style ranker just helps reminding you on how much you need to vary you're moves
>gay gay gay faggot faggot gay do I fit in yet guys
neck yourself, reddit
>le edgy and cool
omg xd dmc 4 lyfe
If you just finish it once with D ranks and never try to GET MOTIVATED for S ranking it and getting your style on, then that's your fault for ignoring the core content.
it falls short of the difficulty of the rest of the series, only dmc2 is easier. and dark souls? really? you think dark souls is harder than dmc?
People gave Devil May Cry (DMC) or whatever that reboot was shitloads of cash for being pure cringe, yet have given this a free pass when is equally as bad, if not worse. Explain yourself.
Nah. It's good. Just a few flaws. Dante and Nero swearing felt really off. They did it in 3 or 4 but it's still a flaw to me that should've been fixed. Buffing Enemy Step into Snatch was a mistake. It makes Nero too overpowered. Normal enemies need a ranged attack since they can barely attack while you're in the air. It must be a telegraphed projectile if they attempt to add them. Ending is abrupt after Nero arrives and the buildup seems half baked. The dialogue quality sorta takes a nosedive after the fight. Some of the music are great while some are realy bad. I would prefer Capcom to make their own models rather than face scanning. Face scanning is not that good compared to making a fictional character's face yourself.
You can get ok ranks with button mashing, just get an arm that allows for easier moves and mobility like Gerbera
because the gameplay is actually good. I'm not fond of 5's artstyle and visuals but at least it doesn't have dogshit gameplay like DmC.
>Devil May Cry (DMC) or whatever that reboot was
at least you’re making it easy for everyone to see you don’t even play these games
Literally one of the best action games of all time and the only reason it's not the best DMC game is because it doesn't have Turbo and Bloody palace yet. If those things are patched in as close to perfection as I see any action game ever getting.
I can only imagine the legion of shills saying it's bad are either Ultrawide-autists or people that do nothing but spam Stinger and it's variants then wonder why they aren't having fun.
Yes, Dark Souls is harder to finish than DMC.
Getting S ranks is harder than DS though.
try again
How do I have fun playing as V? His gameplay sections are so clunky and unrewarding
Wow. It's like the intent and execution are different.
No, Donte was an unlikable goblin.
DMC5's cringe is no worse than 4, and that was very tame.
It's the overall best DMC game, or it will be if it gets the right kind of post release content.
dmc3 is harder than any souls game
but it's not even like DmC at all. the stories are completely different. DmC is some weird political revolution about demons having a conspiracy to take over the government through capitalism DMC5 is just an anime plot about a giant demon tree.
learn a few of his moves and don't just button mash
Burn DT to power up Shadow and the chicken so you hit SS while mashing and then dance.
>summon adds to attack for you
what were they thinking
I play both and I never had trouble with DaS. I had more trouble with DMC1 and DMC3. DaS isn't that hard once you understand the mechanics of how it plays.
tree of might
Nah, just harder than DS1, DS2(w/o DLC) and Demon's.
Those games are too easy to abuse certain mechanics like infinite heals and poise.
DS3 and BB are generally harder toward the end, especially Chalice Dungeons and DLC.
Yes, it's not very good. The hypocritical irony of it being a literal fucking movie game with way more cutscenes than gameplay yet still praised by Yea Forums isn't lost on me.
Can i swap equipped devil breaker?
If i leave the mission, will i start at the beginning?
>DMC is considered a movie game now
as if this criticism wasn't already meaningless enough
You're absolutely retarded. DMC3 is not that hard.
I absolutely 100% disagree with you and I have about 2600 hours between all souls games at this point
1. You have to blow it up to get to the next one in the magazine.
2. Yes.
yeah, it’s not, and all souls games are even easier
Don't play like a little bitch despite that being what you'd want to do. The character is way more fun when you're close to enemies since Shadow pops up by your feet and doesn't have to walk over. Also remap your buttons so you can do bird things while you attack with shadow. Promotion is a fun meme when you want to spice things up, but otherwise let nightmare just do his thing.
>You have to blow it up to get to the next one in the magazine
This shit pisses me off.
I have close to 1500+ in each Souls game except Demons and you really have to consider how passive some of the enemies in DMC can be.
Also once you air juggle them, everything turns into 1v1s.
DMC on devil hunter is slightly easier IMO but sure in DMD mode it's much harder.
i like how nobody is mentioning the fact that the dante vs vergil fight is a shot by shot recreation of the same fight in DmC and i say this as someone who didnt like DmC.
The levels are full of arms usually, plus you have Nico come to you before the bosses to get what you need.
Initially I was triggered as well but on second though it makes you really plan out your shit for getting those S ranks.
Or you can just buy 5 of the ones you really like and call it a day.
nah dmc5 is far more cringe than 4. that micheal jackson bit alone was enough to put it over. v just makes it worse.
The ONLY problem with it is that it's missing Bloody Palace, and that Vergil isn't a playable character, and the Bloody Palace is getting added as free DLC next month.
And let's be honest, they're going to cuck us with a Special Edition next year that will have Vergil.
>devil may cry
Try playing on a mode other than easy, my dude
>is a shot by shot recreation of the same fight in DmC
And how are they the same?
>inb4 big white arena lol
How should I remap the controls? I put gun on left bumper for easier charging, but now I'm constantly accidentally blowing up Nero's arm. Please help I'm bad at video games
Shot by shot? Never noticed it.
it's literrally the same snowy landscape and camera angles mixed with the same dialogue.
for nero gun on r2 works well for me. makes it very easy to keep a constant charge on.
In the fuck menu
I remapped lock on the L1 because holding R1 and pressing the face buttons gives me fucking cramps
playable lady fucking when? she was fun as fuck in 4
>Nero gets nine tails sage narutu mode
Fucking stupid.
but then that makes devil knuckling harder.
>So we all agree
I'm on mission 12 and am enjoying the shit out of it
I really wish they had R2 as a one button dodge system like Bayo and NierA, it's soo fucking annoying to lock on and mash X + hold the stick to one side, that's 3 fucking actions for a roll and with only 2 possible roll angles, left or right
>playable naked lady fucking when?
So a boss fight to you is all about the scenery?
Yeah, I'm not really sure you can count it as difficulty just because it's clunky.
The hardest difficulty initially available is pretty effortless desu-kun-sama even if you don't use the abundance of Gold Orbs
Neither of them are snowy
optimization wise the game is perfect
but lack of turbo, no dmc4 costume for nero (so i dont have to look at donte v2.0) and still having to play on ps2 keyboard pisses me the fuck off
I can't stand V's battle music and changed it to Nero's from DMC4.
Am I alone on this?
>using items
git gud scrub
literally open two youtube tabs with the final boss fights of both games and tell me that they dont look identical?
my only problem with this game is the soundtrack.
absolute garbage
The arena is sort of similar but other then that I don't really see your point.
The DMCV fight gives you a lot more room, additionally the only moves they really have in common are the charge attack, summoned swords and helmbreaker but DmC's looks a lot slower to me.
DmC Vergil is littered with cutscenes while DMCV's doesn't have any aside from the one where Vergil DTs.
I guess they both doppelganger but DmC's doppelganger is just a mirror of Vergil and can't be targeted/destroyed, while DMCV's is a doppelganger of Vergil's DT, acts independently, and can be killed.
Overall DmC's Vergil moves a lot slower, his combos are a lot shorter, and most obviously he doesn't have a real DT.
compared to
Also I have no clue what you mean by similar dialogue. In DmC Dante seems to be reluctant to fight Vergil while Vergil responds coldly with two word answers. In DMCV they're both taunting each other throughout the fight and Vergil will chide the player for being too reckless.
Not my point. Neither of the fights have any fucking snow
They really don't though beyond surface level of a blue guy with a katana throwing blue swords on a white arena.
Story was bad
Characters were good
Combat was great with V ruining it being near perfect
Solid 8/10
>It's a shot by shot recreation of the boss fight from DmC he said
Just imagine the person that wrote this.
>DMC4 is just Bleach
>DMCV is Tree of Might
don't even mind but man it's lazy
>implying DMCV isn't also Bleach
look at Nero's devil trigger form
>$60 for a game that isn't a JRPG that you can't get 200 hours worth
JRPGs are fucking the ultimate padding genre. Why would I want to waste 200 hours fighting the same trash mobs over and over? It's fucking mind numbing and actually reduces gray matter in your brain you fucking retard.
They're cheap as hell, and you can get a shitton to carry at a time. Go buckwild!
gay as in lesbian because Lady is going to get her muff eaten by Nico.
story was shit (really don't let Bingo near DMC ever again)
characters were good
gameplay fun as always
> fun as always
Yup. 2's gameplay was superb.
Not the same guy, but it feels like Itsuno took the concepts from the DmC final boss and actually, y'know, did them right rather than fucking it all up.
>nothing special
The games not amazing but it isn't mediocre either. it's just a solid game. It doesn't reach mighty heights because it doesn't really push the medium forward or do anything unique or interesting and it's not a great game because it skims out on certain details and polish.
>Kyrie is technically in the game.
>No model
That shit is lazy. She's Nero's girl and you never see her, only hear her voice and have people mention her, that shit's really retarded.
>Lady and Trish are both unplayable and minor as fuck.
I liked these characters and they're relegated to basically cameo status.
>Vergil, got a big brain and now his head is looking weird.
Need i say more?
It's kinda the same thing with RE2R. The remake is a solid game but also skims out on a lot of polish and details that prevents it from being a great game or a masterpiece.
>The scenerios are have less differences than a game that came out on the playstation 1. It's basically the same game with different cutscenes and 1 added new section.
>Clare's classic outfit isn't actually how it's supposed to look/ Missing some minor details.
>Mr.X can't enter certain rooms ruining the illusion of not being safe when he's around.
shit like that. There are shit that feels lazy. Like they wanted to make the game but never delved deeper into what makes a game a masterpieceo or worth replaying.
>in everything but gameplay
And gameplay was the worst thing about DmC
I have never played a DMC , this game is incredible.
My experience with this genre is NGB, bayonetta and MGR and it's better than all except NG
fuck off barry
Writing in general was piss poor but the gameplay is absolutely stellar, I'm beyond satisfied with it.
>trailer comes with pull my devil trigger
>Expect to hear a lot of good songs during combat
>its literally just one song all game
Just stack a bunch of punch lines since it's the only good one
obvious shill is obvious.
yeah it's a fucking shit tier deign decision. wait for the breaker switching mod.
Any surprise the movie console hates actual action games?
As if playing as V wasn't painful enough. he causes the game to randomly crash.
It has some flaws. They completely gave up on creating a single cohesive interesting level and just went the "series of strait line hallways" route, SOME of the dialog definitely feels strait outta DmC with awkward edgy jokes, though they did take a part I actually like from DmC and didn't make the environments all crazy demon worlds and castles, actually putting it on the streets of regular world. It also could really use bloody palace, kinda a shame it's going to be DLC later.
That all said, it's the first great DMC game since 3 by a mile. It doesn't feel like an awkward incomplete mess, it doesn't feel like an out of place reboot with a completely different game's combat engine, and it is just incredibly fun to play.
ok retard
Both have max level cringe writing and shit characters and shit music.
I've finished 3 and 4 on the hardest modes, DMC is easy as hell and 5 is ridiculously easy even by DMC standards.
Is it true the movie console put hilariously blinding lens flares to censor female butts?
i'd love to know how you thought that post was in anyway edgy
It's honestly damn good. I haven't played it in a while, but I might just put it up there with four, maybe even slightly better.
Yea Forums seems to have this weird hate-boner for it, like some kind of twisted anti-shill. It's super bizarre, especially since this is basically a checklist of everything everyone hated about DMC being fixed
You mean the same movie console with the best action game of all time Bloodborne?
>best action
This is my first time playing this type of game and it feels so satisfying to do something remotely cool.
Sorry for the shitter webm but it was the first moment that made me feel like I was being somewhat stylish.
like that is any better
I know right *cutscene* only a fag *cutscene* can't tell the difference *cutscene* between the two
The Dynamic music gets my dick rock hard. There's no better MOTIVATION than landing that S and having the music freak out on cue.
It would probably have been fine if they cut down the golden orbs. Killing off items in exchange for making the game a bit easier is OK in my opinion, but they shouldn't have left enough fucking gold orbs in the game for anyone to cheese their way through every single boss encounter.
This is the ultimate in window viewing criticism.
>Cringe writing
I can actually agree with this in certain specific lines, but on the whole the writing isn't far off from 3 and 4 with boss banter and character interactions. Just a couple young edgy stand out lines from Nico and Nero at times. You definitely have to be zeroing in on a couple lines to think the writing matches DmC. I'm guessing you just saw a handful of screen caps of those moments.
>shit characters
I'm guessing you saw "weird non anime character designs" and decided to throw everything out with that. The characters are great short of maybe Nico who has her moments but is the biggest source of the "DmC like moments". All the returning characters are their old selves, Nero is improved, and V really grew on me quickly.
>shit music
Yeah, nah. Lyrics are silly if you really want to dig into it, but it's the same kinda ironic cool in context 3 had. You're crazy if you think
Is closer to
I think it's fine. Don't use them and get a good score. They are there for newcomers who can't handle one shots
I kinda wish like how REmake2 had hard mode that made the ink ribbon system that DMC5 started you with a difficulty setting that turned off the reset gold and red orbs. I'm having a pretty fun and challenging time learning the bosses and such raw without using them but the fact that the option is there every time I die and not just cutting me strait to restart from checkpoint is always going to feel weird and also makes losing slower.
If you have to outright lie trying to prove a point, you're just giving up because you don't have arguments.
BB does not even get under 25 except in certain bullshit Chalice Dungeons with witches that spawn tons of mobs.
I'm not the same person who made the claim that Bloodbourne runs in 15 fps
>It's literally DmC2 in everything but gameplay, where it's DMC4 rehashed.
oh my fuck
>The hardest difficulty initially available is pretty effortless
because you're playing on what's essentially easy mode, retard.
wtf it's exactly the same, how did itsuno get away with this??
>This is my first time playing this type of game
>Exceeding on swing
You're kiddng right? It took me forever to realize to do that in 4
The only real issue I had with this game is how the camera moved vertically, it is never really the same speed as the horizontal movement, and every time you do try to move it vertically, it also moves a bit horizontally.
I thought all versions have that. People are just turning off lens flare on the PC version in the graphics settings
>Using Items on a DMC game
Your the one whose casual
i can't do it reliably but i always hit the button
>More cursing in 5 than DmC and the previous 4 DMC games combined
Pretty funny how Nero took a left turn and went full donte in this game
>tfw you get into the zone and are able to paint a beautiful stylish picture of violence, taunts and red orbs
>More cursing in 5 than DmC and the previous 4 DMC games combined
play the games.
dmc2 had a better story
Dante and Nero are retardedly powerful
Its almost like Itsuno finally realized that the characters should be strong in the first place and "advanced" shit should come afterwards
Dante in this game is exactly what you would have thought in the DMC3 days if someone said the next game would have even more weapons and style switching at the same time
Take your own advice retard
oh no, it's back.
My problem isn't that they're strong. It's that it's too easy to dab on normal enemies like Empusa and Hell Caina. Most of the Melee guys are helpless. I want to give them range attacks and more aggressiveness since the characters are so strong that it justifies it.
Question. Does this have an easy mode that let's you do all the badass combos with one button like Bayonetta? I liked that feature since I have one hand and play with a custom controller
I'm not a fan of V honestly.
Thank you
Just wait until the Legendary Devil Hunter Must Die mode.
I didn't like him at first either but his playstyle grew on me.
it literally has been a feature for at least a decade and a half.
Go screw yourself with your low quality bait, this is game of the year tier shit
Well, I know it'll be harder on that but there's no reason DH or SoS can't be as fun as DMD on a movement level.
>Michael Jackson bit
You need to commit no longer here.
you must be playing on a playstation
game is amazing on pc. Im pretty sure xbox bros are enjoying their eye candy also.
you're probably playing him wrong
imagine if you're playing nero but your gun and sword floats away and chase enemies on their own. otherwise you should use the same inputs you would do firing a gun or making sword moves
It's not hard on normal. Believe me. You'll enjoy it if you do. It's the easiest normal has ever been since every character is too good.
I don't remember the dmc collection having it but I could be wrong
Eminem will be in the game?
Yeah V felt like I was playing PSO2 summoner except somehow even less interesting.
See now I know you never even played it, If I a Devil May Cry player from the very start got his ass kicked in normal mode then how is some dumbshit from Yea Forums think it's easy?
I told you fags that it was Sony's fault it was censored two days ago, and you told me to fuck off.
Who's laughing now you cucks
Yeah but you still have to care about being stylish at least. Combat is going to really boring if you aren't trying to be as stylish as possible because you can usually just spam your way through most fights. At least on normal diff that is.
He just said he has ONE HAND you fucktard
And he was talking about easier inputs for combos, not game difficulty
Learn to fucking read for fucks sake
I know for sure 3 had it. not certain if 1 and 2 did though.
I feel like I need a doctorate to play Dante well. UMvC3 was babby mode apparently.
Shit dies way too fast in normal mode to be all that stylish.
Shill harder faggot, a 7 hour game will never be GOTY
Glad you're enjoying it, user. Try out Calibur and Shuffle, they always make me feel stylish, especially with Exceed.
oh no no no no no
>Game series is about sick aircombos and stylish action
>Add V into the mix
good shit user. play 1 3 and 4 too. DMC is one of the few games that lets the player be as cool in the gameplay segments as the characters are in cutscenes.
And it's the only difficulty available from the outset, so the game has an inherent difficulty problem
Good job illiterates
>Hitting damage sponge enemies that don't fight back
Is there a way to go through the Devil Breakers I have in my inventory or do I need to discard one to move to the next?
>Get to SS
>About to hit SSS
>Some COCKSUCKING FAGGOT hits me across the arena with some move I can't see because of the camera hugging my asshole
>Never enough HP left in the enemy to get back to SS
Also FUCK the enemies that roll in to saws and spin.
Are there any stages that are co-op from start to finish? The tease of seeing someone else fighting stuff in an area you can't go to is too much. Currently on mission 11.
you can set camera distance in game options
>enemies that roll in to saws and spin.
Why are Japs so obsessed with that design?
>so the game has an inherent difficulty problem
no it doesn't. the game is meant to be replayed and you won't get all your abilities/upgrades till a second playthrough at least. the first run is just to ease you into the game and player abilities, DMD and above is where you're skills are put to the test, but go on talking about how games played on easy aren't difficult enough.
>damage sponge enemies that don't fight back
KH threads aren't getting enough traction at the moment, huh?
They're called breakers for a reason :^)
NIgga DMC5 has problems but it has the best writing in the whole series sans the MJ scene which isn't even as jarring as the Shakespeare one in 4.
you want max level cringe look at kingdom hearts 3. that's max. DMC5 is safely in the area of min.
5's normal is piss-easy compared to every other game, it sucks that they don't let you pick SoS right off the bat
Is there an easy way to activate Twosome Time? It's really fucking weird in this game, I don't get the dual gun thing with E&I either, not sure how to use it. Also, how can I charge Nero's Color Up without letting a shot go when I release the button? I've been using Wire Snatch and letting go of the gun button so it won't fire, but it's annoying in combat.
Only double jump after the third to last one, coming out of the tunnel, you won't make it otherwise
Gun > wire all the way up until that point, then jump > gun > wire to get out of the tunnel, then once more to land on the blue orb
The default difficulties on DMC1, 3 and 4 were all sufficiently challenging. DMC5's highest available difficulty out of the box is a breeze and makes its first run trivial and honestly kind of boring at times.
You have to beat the game to unlock a difficulty other than easy. Who doesn't love an insanely boring first run just to unlock the option to actually play the game?
I made it without double jumping. What I did was shoot without locking on and then immediately RB > B, drop lock-on, shoot, RB > B, etc.
KHfag here. Liking this so far but I'm not very creative so my combos are shit.
Ignore shitposters who exaggerate the smallest flaws as if they were gamebreaking. We had the same thing in the KH threads.
>You have to beat the game to unlock a difficulty other than easy.
>averages at 87ish
>called out it'd average around 85, give or take 3
i don't and never expect DMC5 to appeal to the larger mainstream audience of casuals, that want their FPS #6290, the umpteenth Battle Royale, and "cinematic" single player games. the combat gameplay really isn't all that easy,not when most normies wishes to be pampered with a dedicated dodge button over Lock-On+Jump+Direction. most can't bother to experiment and git gud. and let's face it, replaying a mission at higher difficulties is a dying art; majority of consumers treat games like a one night stand. you pump it and you dump it and move on. why do you think your annual Madden, NBA, etc. still rakes money annually?
what i do hope to expect though is for it to outsell DmC in the same time frame, and prove to Capcom there are people who want more DMC in the future.
I'm trying to not just button mash with V but it's real hard.
did you miss the part where user has one fucking hand you illiterate cretin?
>You need to commit no longer here.
yeah not going to take a sperg's opinion on what's cool
there's zero subtleties, every character is one note (except maybe v), and the ending was poor. what the hell does it excel at?
change your button layout
It's shit. Not even mediocre.
>that faggot max stopping his stream with like 45 minutes of game left
He deserves a lame ending if he can't realize every DMC game is only 20 missions long.
Let's face it, this game would be perect on the Switch.
Use more DT to let Shadow and Griffon fight for themselves, they take a lot of load off you mentally to only focus on setting up for one dude
Switch to L1 for Griffon, it makes a world of difference
Use one to carry or juggle while the other is charging any held attacks
when the fuck have they EVER done that
>Actually thinking they didn't make Devil Hunter the new easy mode
Have you even played the game?
So I hear Subhuman got redone? I honestly can't tell the difference,
>pretty erect
>Actually thinking they didn't make Devil Hunter the new easy mode
devil hunter has always been easy mode.
It was not as easy in previous games, that's a fact.
Nah you're just retarded
Coming from somebody who marathoned the entire series beforehand; It's great, but you'd have to be stupid to not see some flaws in it.
There's a lack of puzzles or really memorable stages. It feels like 40% of the game is in ruined cities, 40% is in an ugly bug shit tower, and the other 20% is the final stretch of the game throwing in some better scenery. It's way more linear than any other game in the series.
The Cameo system kept bungling up for me, and while it's cool when it works, it is going to be a whole lot of wasted effort if Bloody Palace isn't multiplayer. Knowing that KenUchicha2010 is co-starring in my game when I can't see him is pointless.
Why the fuck is it so easy? People were worried about microtransactions being harsh, so it feels like they leaned way too much into the other direction. You can get gold orbs for breathing the wrong way, and it makes the first playthrough on Devil Hunter kind of a cakewalk.
That said, the game throws so much new mechanics at the player that it's actually kind of overwhelming on the first playthrough. I can see myself revisiting and replaying this game, again and again, just to get better with all the tools in my disposal. Ultimately, that means I'm more than happy with it.
It's definitely the best DMC game right now, if only because the gameplay has outclassed all it's predecessors in sheer amount of shit you can play with. I still think DMC3 is just barely a stronger overall package.
kind of but typically the most fun way to play (higher difficulties, always trying to exceed, mixing up ground/air play) gets you good ranks
i don't understand people's comments about button mashing with V
most of the good attacks the summons do are based on locked on directional inputs and the birds charged attacks are the best
i'm the one that posted the webm and i just managed this, but the main issue i have is just keeping track of where shadow/griffin to know what kind of attack to use with them.
it was still easy as all hell.
Game needs coop onslaught arena mode
Music mods when? I want Super Public Enemy and change V's battle theme to the new Psycho Siren remix. Also a rip of that Psycho Siren in high quality. Also change the music of all the times where the battle theme is some boring stuff (like mission 8).
DMC4:SE is better. This is 7/10 at tops
absolute retards who never played DMC3. Kill yourselves
Im fucking retarded on some of the secret missions
not perfect erection , hopefully it's in 5's artbook so that they can just ignore it and not include it in DMC 6
devil may cry 3 always made sure the color of the door you came in was different than the color of the door you use to progress. devil may cry 4 always made sure you could tell one door was the staircase leading up and one way was the staircase leading down. when you were outside in devil may cry 4 the bright sun would cast long shadows and the human male brain can orient itself off that instantly and effortlessly. these games have good map design and they do not require a minimap to navigate.
devil may cry 5 places shiny goodies to collect at the entrance and beyond the exit of every room so you can follow the breadcrumbs and never get lost. I think game designers got dumber over the last decade due to over-reliance on minimaps and once the level was done and playtesters got lost constantly they added all the free demon blood.
Cerebus isn't fun to fight at all in this game. He's just a variant on berial with some really annoying projectile attacks. It's insulting that they actually boast about this Cerebus being a better boss than 3's.
Dantes new system is fucking me up too hard
I want my starrave back, at least it was inefficient and hard to do
literally revived the series from the ashes
it's everything I wanted, and all the characters I wanted
>now that le ebin dust has settled can we all agree that X was [insert bait here] and ultimately disappointing?
kill yourself
>when you land shadow's spear attack on a boss and watch a 10th of their hp disappear
Anyone suggesting that 4 is hard at all besides the Dante fight are liars.
people that unironically use the term weeb are pathetic
just because you have no fucking taste doesn't mean you need to project that on everyone
So are you implying anything Japanese related is in good taste? >Weeb
Is there a way to replay straight to credits? I fucked up in one of the parts
no dumbass, labeling anything japanese as bad and weebish is being retarded
there's good and bad in every media, thinking in black and white like you do is pathetic
Wait, did those wall pegs actually lead to something?
>getting this defensive
Okay, weeb. Did chad insult your anime backpack or something
>Devil May Cry 5 Game Gets Manga Spinoff About V
In 1, I think you had to die like 5 times before you unlocked Easy automatic
I really like Nico's stomach and trashy tattoos
I thought it was pretty good. My only complains are that some of the faces looked shit, the music wasn't really good (like one good song) and the story got weak towards the end.
Also, does anyone know if there is some licensing issue with DMC3 music? It's seems bizarre to me that they didn't remix some of the (iconic) music from it, that would have made many scenes so much better.
Shame her personality and VA is so goddamn shit
anyone notice when nero has the mega buster arm equipped his jump animation changes to mega man's jump.
>same fight
>DmC took parts of DMC3's vergil fights
>DMC5 does the same thing but is instead a copy of DmC
If anything it's just itsuno laziness reusing boss mechanics
>fight for 30 seconds
>cutscene for 5+ minutes
its mgs4
starting a petition to remove the retarded MJ bit.
V's playstyle is the worst fucking thing in the world. If you removed him the game would have easily been 11/10. Because of his faggot candy ass bullshit it drops DMC5 down to a 7/10. I waited 11 fucking years for this guy to ruin my dream game
>but it has the best writing in the whole series
you're fucking retarded
Where should I remap the gun button to to make V management easier
>he used gold orbs
Great game Capcom
This. Fuck gold orbs, real men don't even pick them up
I really enjoyed it. I don't know if it's better than 3 because it was a few years since I played 3, I'd have to replay to judge. But I think I'll end up at 3 = 5 > 1 > 4 >>>>>> 2
The gameplay is probably the best the gameplay has ever been, they didn't butcher the characters for the most part (vergil is inconsistent as fuck at the end, goes from "it's time to finish this, I will kill you Dante" to "lmao ok if i beat nero i win ok?" in one stage), it feels right. It's not perfect and has some issues, namely that it lacks visual variety - most of the game looks the same, and the enemy variety is pretty poor too, most of them act very similar. The coop system feels super pointless also, most of the time it asks me to rate the style of my coop partner at the end of the stage and I didn't even see them. Why have a system like that if you're barely going to use it? One stage in the entire game actually had two players fight side by side.
But overall I'm really happy with this game, it's the first finished DMC since 3, and it plays and feels like a DMC game.
>is surprised that nu-capcom fails to deliver again
never change Yea Forums
Nice. Based DMC5 bang bang bang devil filtering another casual.
I honestly wish they would give you red orbs for picking them up if you're full. You know like how that happens when you get green and white orbs
No but my PC can't run it so I'm going to make everyone hate it. Yea Forums always thinks what you tell them to think, so all I've got to do is spam many threads like this several times a day and you will all pretend to hate it.
where the fuck is the save file for the pirated version?
the fucks ur pc? turn down the resolution a 750 ti can run it on 900p
Shut up, stupid.
Just me, or is V terribly clunky to play?
I really like the idea, but I just can't get fighting as smooth as when I play as Nero, and hopefully Dante when I get to him.
Neat idea, but I really struggle with him.
more or less on the same level of 5
Does anyone know how the fuck you change your costumes?
>totally casualized gameplay
>recycled contents harder than DMC4
>character design inspired by DmC
>nu-Yea Forums slurps it up because old games are too hard for them
>the story is fucking dog shit
>every single character looks horrible
>writing is cringe as fuck and just soulless in general
>Liking this so far but I'm not very creative
I can tell since you're a fan of a prolonged crossover instead of an original idea.
Not him but I have been able to use a 560ti to play anything until DMCV. I could barely get 30 fps. Game should have been as optimized as 4
mission 13 and haven't found any secret missions aside from two what gives
>Just me, or is V terribly clunky to play?
He's clunky to play because he fucking dodges are tied to his animals. They warp away from the enemy so you can dodge then they slowly make their way back. It's fucking frustrating
well get a second hand 960 or something for 50 bucks
I'm on 9 mission, the beginning is 6/10, hope Dante has better bosses and locations
I do like how distinctly different the 3 characters play but honestly in every other area its a step down from even DmC and doesn't even come remotely close to 3 and 4.
>tfw you dodge when this happens and have almost infinite i-frames
Kind of ridiculous
Game is shit and easy. How the fuck can anyone hype or praise this shit unless they are a casual faggot that doesn't play games. Kill yourselves.
DMCV feels like it was a beta for Dragon's Dogma 2.
Aside from V's sprint the character plays like garbage. I hope DD2 isn't going to be like that.
For Dante and Nero everything is almost exactly the same except when you do a quick 180, that little animation is really nice.
Please make Lady, Trish, and Vergil playable with bloody palace please I'll buy them PLEASE GIVE THEM TO ME.
Also the game is perfect. I just wish we got more Lady and Trish. Hilariously underused. Lady's cute as fuck.
You guys are being ironic, right?
they most likely will get their own game sadly
I don't mind that. I'm obviously going back for more on the higher difficulty modes but I didn't realize how much I want more. I missed these characters, damn it.
how do you remove that or is that a mod?
I don't even care about this game but this shit is so fucking annoying
No real discussion just instigating flame wars between people that love or hate it
>recycled contents harder than DMC4
lol didn't play the game
not who you replied to but this actually helped a lot, V is fun but fuck, he feels much more button mashy
Man the scene with Dante telling Nero that Vergil is his dad so he can't let him kill him becomes so much more hard hitting when you read the files about how much Lady killing her father messed her up.
Buzzwords don't constitute an argument
How exactly is Dante or Nero a step down?
are they mad about the loss to this
The only reason this thread has so many replies, is because everyone else is playing it.
Keep shitting on the best goty though.
Here's a (you).
Shitposters arent good enough at games to make it that far in dmc5 user
The switchlet cope thread.
gameplay depth
I cant tell if its retards shitposting about faust hat or if you niggers actually never played the old games to understand this series is cheesy as fuck for the sake of being cheesy as fuck.
>garbage because its DMC2
>The entirety of Vergil as a character
>The fucking play right before a bossfight
I swear some of you are either painfully retarded, or just think its funny to act like you are.
>Expect fun DMC game
>Get fun DMC game
I can't complain
Why are some people trying so hard to force a narrative that DMC5 is bad?
>Watch cutscene
>Mash Y
>Rinse and repeat
I agree
Combination of regular TORtanic mindset retards and XVKun
You can play all games of that genre like that
>I swear some of you are either painfully retarded, or just think its funny to act like you are.
Yea Forums in a nutshell
>the game of the decade is nothing special
u tried ^;)
Yea Forums doesn't play games
>mash Y
Way to miss the point.
They spent 8 months screeching about le tortanic DmC2 blunder of the century, there's no turning back
>Yea Forums now hates DMCV
Of course, why would I expect anything different from this contrarian shithole. Can't wait for you faggots to start praising DmC soon.
I an already see it:
>Now that the dust is settled, was this really that bad, or was it just fanboys mad about "muh white hair"?
pls go and stay go
>at least it was inefficient and hard to do
Yeah the freedom with dante is overwhelming me
>have to go out for a few hours
>at cerberus
>can't be bothered to git gud just want to finish up the level so i can fuck off out of here
>go through two (2) gold orbs just to rush it
That scene in DMC1 was supposed to be a legit emotional moment
>it's OK when based Itsuno-san does it desu
Haha lol le funny wojak xD
yeah, just like any other devil may cry game
How do i efficiently kill the Scissors bros? Is there a trick to them?
Hit them hard and fast until they die
Blue orb fragment >:(
Really ? Just hit them till they die?
It was good, but not 10 YEARS WAIT good.
It's harder than DMCV
It's the best game in the series desu.
In your opinion.
Switchlet cope thread.
Remove what? Lady?
I "died" (read as used gold orb that you get hundreds of by the end of the game) to Virgil once in DMCV. I died many times in DMC4.
Nah, it's a fact. Combat is much better than 3 and it's not half-finished like 4. You have to wear some big ass nostalgia goggles to think otherwise.
Fuck you, poorfag nigger, I had that one and you couldn't run even 10% of modern games on it. Optimize your hobo setup.
Nice meme
I was expecting a game better than 4 and Donte and I got it in spades. There's enough combos for me to fiddle around with for several hours and that's what I paid for. I dunno what kind of second coming of jesus you were expecting, but I'm sorry you didn't get it.
>using items
Were you also playing on automatic, you casual baby?
They hate shotgun and color up.
How am I wrong?
>playing on Commieforniastation 4
>Manages "Fuck you" better than DmC
>Manages combat better, no color coded enemies
>"Not in a million years"
>Gay cowboy cutscene
How much potent ANGER do you think DmC fags have right now?
>arguing about base difficulty comparing 4 to 5
i dunno, man. 90% of my time in devil may cry 4 is in bloody palace and in difficulties outside of devil hunter/dark knight (the one-step-above human difficulty).
Seems like a very corner-case argument to have. I'm more interested in how much the enemies attack on higher difficulties in this game. Almost finished with Son of Sparda now, so I guess I'll find out.
wait what did not in a million years actually get into 5
Is this a bait thread? Because I'm having a ton of fun with this game.
Then how come there are achievements for finishing Bloody Palace?
easily best dmc game
sucks you cant enjoy it
Are you suggesting that there is some secret way no one has figured out to get into bloody palace or something? Because capcom themselves have said that Bloody Palace will be available for free in april
>climax of Dante versus Vergil
>Vergil at said Doppel is actually a threat, with it not mirroring the real one's attack and doesn't do gimped attacks
>Dante's response:
>"Think you can beat me? Not in a million years!"
You wanna know how I know you haven't played dmc5?
Read the book at all times
I'm getting somewhat similar vibes from 5 that I initially got from playing DMC4 for the first time years ago. Gameplay wise there's a fuckton of mechanical improvements and I can see myself replaying 5 a lot due to them but campaign and story were both kind of ass, even if the game doesn't suffer from recycled levels.
I'd say story wise in particular it's arguably worse than even 4. That at least had Nero's awakening and waifu saving arc, generic as they were, whereas in 5 they throw his "true" awakening and daddy issues at the very, very end without any kind of in-game build up for it. As another nitpick the game relies way too much on continuity fanservice, with Lady and Trish having it the worst since they don't do anything relevant in the plot, hell they're even worse than Kyrie since at least she acted as Nero's driving motivation in 4. They should've ditched the girls entirely and used that time to develop the player character trio more. I think gameplay is what matters the most, but I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say I was deeply disappointed in the main campaign itself.
Also both of Vergil's battle themes were horribly bland, which is basically sacrilege. They really dropped the ball there.
The lens flare from her ass
The hilarious part is Vergil using Doppleganger is a DmC invention. It's a very loving reference.
I thought that lens flare was meant for the sun hitting the camera, but I see they were sneaky with Lady's butt.
it's on the Dante mission with the city ruins. explore the section that collapses when you destroy the roots, you should find it
>Lose to you? Ha! Not in a million years
Yeah that fight had some DmC in it but that wasn't it.
This is my first DMC. It's pretty good but I have to admit I'm wondering why people would pick this instead of Bayo. I'm on mission 5 and browsing through the shop the combo system feels pretty limited. Do more combos unlock eventually? Also what's the point of the gun and how do i charge the meter while timing it with the attacks? It never seems to work
Only if you played on easy.
Honestly the game was complete shit, sadly the hype got to me.
Jump or use trickster you autist
>I'm wondering why people would pick this instead of Bayo.
>bwuh how do I charge gun
Just keep playing, user. You will learn in time.
Bayo is better, dmcfags just like dmc5 cause they get to watch man ass instead of bayo's ass.
Yes? Unless i had an aneurysm and hallucinated the whole thing, Three Warriors is full co-op from start to finish
>the thing she does with her mouth when she give you a new arm
It was pretty boring for me. The enemies were pretty lame and each mission felt more of the same.
How long is this game? I want to know if I can beat it before the weekend is over.
Will pirate it of course, not giving crapcom a dime.
How do I beat that death scissors creature?
Idk what it is. Boss fights feel weird so far. I'm not really getting into the flow, they felt like a chaotic mess
I beat it in a couple hours.
hit it until it dies
Ya, the old skool mechanics feel worn out and the characters feel floaty.
But it blocks all of my attacks?
He takes some getting used to since if his pets aren't summoned to wherever you're trying to attack, summoning them basically elongates the initial response time between your button press and the moment they actually throw out their attacks. Just gotta keep at it. I think he's really fucking cool if you can get used to his weird quirks though.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Urizen should have been repurposed as Balrog boss
V should have been its own character
Rather we got a rehash of Vergil's autistic muh power scheme gone awry from DMC3
Keep hitting it and you'll break its scissors.
The replay is really being killed for me because of V's missions. I don't really dig his playstyle of standing back and seeing enemies get smashed by his demons. Nero's missions actually don't seem harder at all since he gets Devil Trigger and free buster now.
Somehow Dante managed to get all the best boss fights for himself, counting Cerberus, Cavalier, Urizen blanco, and first dibs on Vergil.
>combo autists whine about removal of inertia in the demo
>dev team took out reversal in the main game (it was in the demo)
Why does the dev team hate the combo community so much
But reversals are in
>only played DMC 1 and 2
>first time trying 5's Dante
This is utter madness. That said not!Ifrit is a fucking blast. I'm motherfucking Fist of the North Star, holy shit!
They do it with every game, user. They have been trying for years now with BotW.
Unironically no becayse DMC is fundamentally a bad game
Only for 1 (ONE) move, Nero's streak.
it kept feeling like a build up to finally realize what the actual goal of the story was. I felt that once V merged, the game was about to begin for real rather than be at the crux of ending.
>no turbo
>combo game isn't as good as 4
It sucks
Yeah, they just ended up recycling DMC3's plot in the end. Plus Nero's daddy issues that get brought up for the first time in the game's final mission.
>combo game isn't as good as 4
buddy do you even know about knuckling?
So just like any other dmc game?
the more embarrassing thing is that he is unironically talking about "le combo game" after the game has barely been out for 24 hours just because its not literally "dmc4 but with whatever was packed in in DMC5 on top"
Dante and Nero play very differently than in 4 and whatever actual tech there is wont be discovered on the fucking second day
>DMCucks seething because REbros and Frombros are ripping apart DmC2
Cope harder, lads.
>doesn't suffer from recycled levels.
Ironically despite 4 being unfinished and 5 having all the time and money in the world, I feel like 4 was a lot more varied with its scenery and ideas, and it was paced a lot better too. Also everyone was hot as fuck instead of being uggos
its selling better than RE
Nico is so hot. Hentai doujin when?
Is there any downside to using auto assist?
>this entire thread
to force achievement whores to keep the game until April if they want the Plat
Stop standing a thousand miles away from the enemies then.
That's because your skills have improved from 1/3/4 to the point that Normal feels like a breeze.
What happens if you beat all the enemies in the credits? I messed up and just couldn't fucking kill the scissor. I have no idea how sin scissors work in this game. In the original you just walked around their scissors and shot them in the game. In this one.. nothing really works. Seems totally random.
What would the plot be? Other than molesting Lady. That's too obvious.
Been battling urizen in mission 8 for an hour you can break his shield if you get it down when hes standing up but what happens if you actually deplete his hp?
YFW the DT controls appear in the credits
Someone please tell me I'm not the only one that thinks Nico's Voice direction absolutely kills her character.
>Happy-go-lucky faces
>Dumb deep hick voice.
Parry them, then shoot them in the face. There's a secret mission for killing one with one shot, or so I've heard.
You beat the game and earn an achievement. You can unlock DMD early by doing this.
Use this as an opportunity to overcome your biases regarding accents, user.
Get air hike and jump. It's insanely important to know jumps can Dodge and that air hike gives you a second dodge. Enemy hike is good for big bosses you can continuously jump off of dodge
Use Trickster you dope.
Just downloaded the crack. I’m retarded, how do I launch it?
Congrats, you played yourself.
He literally has the 3 moveset + jet cosplay attacks
wait so you earn another achievement for beating him in mission 8 already beat him in the prologue and im playing on son of sparda, havent beaten the game yet
I think either fight gives you a premature completion and unlocks the next difficulty but I can't say.
alright cheers, I got really autistic and decided to beat urizen in the prologue before i could continue the game and now im afraid ill have to do it again in this fight.
The core gameplay is nearly perfect.
The story is a bit of a letdown but it has its moments (still better than 1/2/4's story overall).
I really only wish that V got a bit more fleshed out, unlike Nero and Dante he got no new toys to play with, and got cucked by the plot.
>Charge Shot appears in the shop
Nah, as someone who is bad at the older games I found normal easy in this game. At worse I had to re-fight some of the bosses. Nero vs Vergil I legit just mashed and beat him first try, but that fight felt like more of a victory lap anyway.
t. xv-kun
It feels a little less tight than DMC3 with SS and is too easy (V is 'cool' but boring as fuck to play, literally impossible to lose) but I think you've got some serious rose tinted glasses if you don't recognize that it's the best game in the series overall.
My reaction was the opposite. I hate holding that stupid button down.
>mfw Coyote doesn't auto-charge in Gunslinger like E&I do
I played and enjoyed RE2make and thought DMC5 was pretty good. Also looking forward to Sekiro. Fuck off with your franchise wars.
Just because you are using ancient technology doesn't mean DMC5 isn't optimized well. Get a fucking upgrade for Christ's sake.
>whines V is clunky and boring
>stands miles out of the fight to "stay safe" like a chicken shit loser
Those rolling enemies are one of the only reasons I don’t like prop/shredder becoming part of a combo instead of just being a button.
Any lad have a pic of Vergil's DT
So I've seen people saying there's a "DRM free" exe floating around that the developers accidentally released. Does anyone know if it's actually DRM free or if it's just Denuvo free? Because people seem to use those interchangeably
>doesn't appeal to the mainstream
What are you talking about? That's a good score.
>mfw DT tutorial prompts that pause the game appear in the middle of final boss fight
It really feels like the game was originally supposed to be at least a handful of levels longer, disregarding the usual 20 mission style that's on par for the series. The game just keeps piling new gadgets and gameplay mechanics one after another or switching characters all the time without giving the player time to master any of them first, unless they replay levels in between. Cerberus has a similar issue where you unlock the weapon just before a boss-only mission. Nero's DT is basically a NG+ mechanic rather than something you unlock earlier in the campaign, with the easy final boss itself being nothing but a glorified tutorial.
Overall it feels really rushed despite core mechanics themselves being very feature complete. If the game was slightly longer and paced its gameplay additions better and the story wasn't just recycled fanservice shit it would genuinely be a 11/10 for me. If they're ever releasing DLC after bloody palace an extended post-game campaign would be the first thing on my wishlist.
>V default controls
How are you supposed to play this without getting CTS?
That's because the game pretty much expects you to replay with higher difficulties.
Do basic combos with one while you use charge/R1 attacks with the other. Don't just mindlessly mash, especially with Gryph. Their moves can be amazing when use right.
Gryph's lightning storm, his lightning ball, and that lightning scissor thing.
Shadows actual combos, his charged up spike attack, and if you can land it... his spear. Great stuff.
I like how the game goes as far as to deliberately mention "YOU CAN DODGE WITH JUMP" so the utter retards can safely locate their "dedicated dodge button".
However, some utter retards seem to be way utterer than others.
Does anyone actually use the Nightmare moves?
Sure, Nightmare is pretty meh if you don't control him. He's broken as fuck if you do, though.
I tried getting on his back and all he did was struggle to reach enemies and my DT gauge ran out after one swing... which missed. Left to his own devices he seems to explode and do all sorts of shit.
I ran him for some time with his default controls. They are perfectly fine.
I ended up switching the face buttons around to match Nero's and Dante's, though, as I grew tired of missing my jumps.
I didn't find any secret missons where are they aside from the first 2.
You generally drop Nightmare on top of your enemies.
If they are close, you jump onto him and do the B combo.
If they are far - you jump onto him and do the beam attack combo.
You can also jump on him and teleport into Gamma Ray.
Basically, you always jump on him. Everything he does on his own he can do with you, but better, controlled, and you don't take damage.
I love it. It's fun, plays great, looks and sounds great. It's still not better than DMC3 though.
I'm having trouble pulling off the laser move. He's slow as fuck and somehow I can't get the direction right.
Other than throwing the hat on enemies and conjuring the shards around me... is there anything else to do with the Faust hat?
Yes. All the other moves, user.
With all the Malet island fanservice... why didn't this chap feature?
By not playing the censored version.
Anyone having trouble with Nero battle music not coming up? Nothing is playing beside ambient musics. Maybe it's because I messed with the jukebox.
Most serious players will get more than a couple hundred hours out of a DMC title. There is a lot of depth and experimentation to be had if you're willing. If not and you only want to play it once, then yeah wait for a price drop.
And stop doing the "~" shit. It's the highest level of cringe
But they just seem to be crappy damage moves.
He already popped up in 2
It is Denuvo free. It still contains the calls to the Steam API. If you were to use it with a legit Steam copy, it would work just fine.
If you've pirated it, you'd need to get around the steamworks DRM.
Mini-Faust serves a similar purpose compared to the orb shield, so if you use one you'll find a use for the other.
And at least motherfucking Bolid from Dragon's Dogma deals damage.
Just here to remind you all that guy in this reaction image survived the Columbine shooting. :)
>that guy in this reaction image survived the Columbine shooting. :)
What's your angle here?
The gift of knowledge, friend.
oh ok
I thought you were going for a Alex Jones "Crisis Actors" thing
The apogee of Steam reviews for me are those faggots with copypasted "checkbox" reviews where the "Difficulty" section ends with Dark Souls.
It clearly wanted to be cinematic more than it wanted to be a solid game, a la DmC.
"nothing special" might be pushing it though. It's not as fun as the older games but from a purely technological standpoint, holy shit. It's bleeding edge.
Anyone else notice Yamato's design drastically changes from when Vergil takes it to when he resurrects?
>It's not as fun as the older games
I beg to differ.
I think the RE Engine handles "Cinematic" a hell of a lot better than Unreal Engine 3.
So what's the premise for DMC 6?
>Kyrie dies of old age
>Nero decides to go to the underworld to see if Dante is still alive
>He finds the two retirees still duking it out
Can someone please tell me how to exceed the right way please
There is a way to parry them, i dont think most people know this but if you swing
right when they do their first attack it breaks their scissors and you get an instant kill with the next hit
It's just timing. Practice doing it
funny only trannies will love dmc 5 you faggot
people who new to DMC will love it
it wasn't meant for us
DMC6 is hard cause the story is already a bit tired. But trying something new is such a huge risk. I love Dante, I like playing as him the most but at the same time there is no where to take the character. Sparda prequel seems like the safest option
>Maybe it's because I messed with the jukebox.
as soon as i started touching stuff in there, my music broke too.
>can be beaten by a literal child at the age of 12
it's really tiresome, isn't it?
not when Dmc exists
Screencap this: Nero is going to be revealed as half-angel quarter-demon Nephilim. We already have Donte's fuck you so they're going to use that here as well. His DT is actually angel trigger, and while he wonders about his origins in the final cutscene it's obviously not going to be something as simple as him being a demon, I mean even Vergil is baffled by Nero's mysterious power and I have trouble imagining him not realizing the woman he was fucking was a demon all along. Yeah, it's silly but it is going to happen.
I think they really need to tone down the fanservice if they're ever going to continue the series. 4 and 5 are the same in that regard, especially the latter just cheaply recycled 3's plot. No need to bring the entire cast back for every single game, not every villain needs to have the main motivation be about opening the gate to the demon world. Frankly speaking, since Dante was relegated to a "cool mentor" role a long time ago and Nero takes over the business I wouldn't mind a sequel to be about him and altogether new characters.
I'd say story is the least important part of the game, so just go full Asura for the next installment
Lady even tries to stop Nero from doing it when they are in the van. Its sad that it seems like Dante and Lady never really got over the events of DMC3. They seem to be living in a weird haze, not really even growing as characters or doing much with their lives.
Adventures of Vergil and Dante in the underworld