Lethal League Blaze got an update boyz. Y'all better get playing!!! Might do a Parsec lobby later if enough people give a shit
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I don't get her special, is it like a delay? I only tried it a bit in training mode and haven't bothered playing her against someone yet.
it lays a spray on the wall or ground. when the ball hits it, it throws the ball directly at the opponent. it makes the most sense by doing a neutral hit. you can send the special out an any of the 3 angles, and then send the ball a different angle if you want. it works like a trap. also, if you grab the wall and press swing, then you can spray the wall.
Dead game
Dead thread
She gunna kill
>if you grab the wall and press swing, then you can spray the wall.
So that's how you fucking do it
how can a game be considered dead if it has an active community and tournaments being held?
>imagine not understanding small communities
>200 people
>For a multiplayer only """"competitive"""" game
Yeah it's fucking dead lmao
it's not dead simply because there are people playing it. you can always find a match and you can easily find other members of the community you are close to in any country if you're that worked up about ping.
Toxic's great but i can't find a match that doesn't lag out the ass
But the game has online play
try going in the Team Reptile discord and asking for people in your region.
some people are poor fucks who don't want to buy the game
>Imagine not understanding an engaged and loyal community who want their game to grow and prosper.
Why is Latch perfect?
no one is as shapely as Latch
Reminds me of a JSR Noise Tank. Pretty cool.
It's definitely an obvious reference. There's no way it isn't.
Every thread in every non fortnite multiplayer game there is someone going
>dead game
And yet even after countless threads you still humour the braindamaged fucks and shower them with (you)s
for reference, here's what an actual dead game looks like.
Almost Icons level, holt shit
Imagine being Battleborn and Lawbreakers levels of coping.
Woah, where's the porn
it's definitely out there. i've seen plenty
I will support this game till death due us part.
I would be playing, if I had friends. It looks so fun.
I'll be your friend user, we can play on online lobbies if you want.
awwwww no,
its the first game all over again FUCK
fun fact, the one discord that was decent for match making went to shit because the high level players hate it compared to LL
I know, I was in that discord. I left because the owner decided it was going to be a HyTale server and that's dumb. One of the best players quit to play minecraft 2.
Is she a part of the noise tanks?
not canonically, but pretty much yeah
why do people like jet set radio?
its so slow when you grind and its hard to read where you will land when you float so much compared to other games
every jump is a god damn knuckles glide
There is nothing valuable about that piece of shit besides the ost, change my mind
Thanks user. Does Yea Forums play together much? I admittedly hadn't thought of that before.
nah, we dont
its actually way more of a pain in the ass than you would think it is, LL doesn't have conventional match making unless you want to cluter your friends list or constantly copy and paste steam url's
We used to, Now we don't for some reason.
LL has a quick match and ranked matchmaking so not even sure what you mean. you can also post your steam join lobby link and that's pretty easy
ok let's start a Parsec lobby. get in here parsec.gg
btw i've never done this so idk how this shit works. i hope you guys can bare with any technical difficulties.
It's a gem to me but it's gameplay was a bit poorer than you wanted back then. If you haven't already go play future you won't be disappointed.
ok i'm dumb, use this link i guess parsec.gg
Is the Switch version even out yet?
console releases for PS4, Xbone, and Switch are coming later this season i think. Give it a bit longer. They were working on this last update for a while.
ok i gave up on the parsec lobby lol
we'll get em next time
any character buffs or nerfs?
Sauce me up on that movie
It's not what you think lol
Hey, Icons is made by the Project M guys, who Yea Forums told me are waaay better at game design and everything else than Sora Ltd!
>I don't like AAA games!
>But I won't play anything that doesn't have the playerbase of Fortnite!
Based retard
holy cow, thanks for saucing
the judean peoples front would be so proud
Thank you, thank you.
those legs drive me fucking crazy god damn
I've got a package.
The best player in the world (bitbix) likes it
Latch got a new back spike angle, grid got buffed with a bigger vertical smash hit box, and his special endlag has been decreased by a few frames
I wish they would just make Dice's special act like his LL1 special. It's pretty much impossible to deal with against really good players.
Yeah it seems to me dices special is based on timing mixups and swingbaiting which is definitely hard to beat, but certainly not unwinnable. Recognising when you need to tap charge instead of bunt is one thing you can incorporate into your gameplay against dice special, especially when he sends it against the wall, where he can choose to either roll the ball down the wall, or shoot it quickly towards you.
who here /doom/
bunt cancelling is the dopest shit
How do I get good at this game? I like Jet.
Try smashing down as Toxic. You're welcome.
I love her already.
Right here. :^)
Isn't this the kind of shit you guys mocked Blunderborn and Lawbreakers about? How is this different?
You can't do this to us. Where's the full
>This is what a zoomer thinks
You don't need 10.000 randos to Play a Game, user. A small Community can be much better.
I also started play this game because of Jet lol. After about 20 hours of playing ranked, you will get pretty competent. I recommend asking the community in the Team Reptile discord for tips and techniques that will improve your play. it's honestly not that deep of a game, but the skill ceiling is still pretty high. You can pretty much always pretty much play around someone's play style so it's a very dynamic game.
>Lethal League thread
It's been 3,000 years...
Because one was a bandwagon cashgrab trying to draw attention from something popular way after the fact that people were making fun of
for how obvious of a bad idea it was and the other is a unique niche game sharing none of those "qualities"? Are you fucking retarded?
Not like it's going anywhere, there's a 400 prize pool tournament going on soon and then the 2nd LAN ever next week.
Here ya go, all the LL doodles I've done so far. Working on a Toxic/Doombox pic for later too.
one game is good and the other 2 are shit. Also, there is just less to fuck up in a small scale game like LLB. Both of those games suffered from a frustrated player bases with uncooperative devs. LLB has devs very close to the community and have made a lot of great changes to the game which have all been well received. people thought Latch was underpower > they gave him a new angle. grid is underpowered > gave him a new special, buffed his old special, and increased his hit boxes. Dice is overpowered > nerfed his special. The list goes on but you get it.
awwwwww yehhhh
thanks user. i very much like
Why can't Doombox just enjoy some pasta?
His creator didn't give him the ability to eat
The saddest character
just stuff it in the tape slot bro
Hm any lewds?
indie companies dont expect thousands of players, server wouldn't be able to hold them anyway.
they gave up their integrity and the work suffered for it.
we're back in this bitch
you can see her asscrack.
by god.
Those were all AAA flops, LLB is indie.
Looks like someone doesn’t understand how these things go because LL is clearly not dead
In literally every indie thread there’s a retard like you
Doesn’t matter which game it is
Could you kindly fuck off
Switch wiping out over the sea
Any news on the console ports?
don't think there are any at the moment