Literally me, but with video games

Literally me, but with video games.

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I would fuck the mom

>going to the movies with your mom at 22
Just take your gf

Are they the same? Like the lady in the second panel is still the same mom? Not that it would make a difference, I'd pump a half-sibling into her for him to play with.

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I would fuck the son

>tfw you don't have a gf with a son that's your age

But all the movies post Lost World are garbage.

No, it's his wife/girlfriend in the second panel, but it might as well be his mom. That's the point of the comic. He's still a child.

cute mom

Lost World was garbage also

The shota version or grown version?

I'd fug both

Jurassic Park is the only good movie in this series. I only like Lost World because of Peter Stormare's parts. Otherwise it's shit.

Hopefully he and his mom make a cute baby together,

Agree to disagree tbqh. It wasn't on the same level as Park, but I found it enjoyable for what it was, even if a lot of the characters make retarded decisions.

>the characters make retarded decisions
It's intentional. Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movie's theme is that humans are ignorant and lazy towards nature and get brutally defeated by it.

They're almost only movies where animals have victory over humans.

The lines around her mouth indicate an older woman.

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Where's the porn?


guys, i am having some strange thoughts

i think girls are kind of gross.

i am not attracted to guys, like at all. ive tried watching gay porn. but im slowly thinking girls are pretty nasty. in particular their vaginas.

Based. Resist the femoids, user.

I wish my mom wouldn't see me as a failure.

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Disgusting droopy face.

Here comes Goose-posting

I hate that doujin because I severely dislike harems and cuckholdry shit to the maximum. The kid should have just gotten together with his mom without being raped 3 other times. What a waste of a good set up. I will always be angry about this shitty comic.

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You have issues with sexuality. Not trying to be mean, but watching porn is not good for mental health. How old are you?

You sound like a dweeb.

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I wish my mom was still alive lmao

That one is disgusting too. Why would any person sign a contract where they have to have sex 40 times. So unrealistic. Just let the mob cut you into pieces and throw you into the ocean instead you dumb whore.

JW is to JP like nu-star wars is to star wars

>Why would any person sign a contract where they have to have sex 40 times. So unrealistic.
women do it irl all the time

Which is why I am perfectly content with my decision to never have any relationship with another human. I only show up to work just for money and socialize with none of my coworkers. They are all whores anyways.

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yea and my fiance is older then my mom when I was a child now. Are you an autist who doesnt understand how time works?

Fallen kingdom was probably the dumbest film I've ever seen, a clean notch below all the nu-wars

Having sex 40 times can be fun if it's done in respectable way.

Yes, look the wrinkles on her face.
No way she is his gf or wife.

Incelest post of the day.

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The fat one was the only part I hated.

Why don't you enjoy sex? Why you think it makes someone a bad person? Sex is good.

>B-but user, i'm your mother, we shouldn't be doing this!
>I'm already old, you woudn't wan't an old hag like me right?
Every single time, makes me go diamonds.

nuWorld is shit.

Pleasure is not good or bad. It has no inherit morality. Seeking pleasure only to feel good is highly immoral. Men and women who can have one night stands without marrying the other person and settling down to raise a family will find themselves in hell. Monogamy is the only way sex should be experienced and any sex beyond your first partner is a sin that will never be forgiven.

There's a pretty good one where a mom finds her son jacking off, flies off the handle and takes him to a mother-and-son bonding meeting thing to try and sort him out, but it turns out that it's just a plot to get mothers to fuck their sons and she eventually goes along with it.

Post some mommykino

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No it isn't. Sex is boring and tedious. Only some fucking incel would put it up on a pedestal.

This thread needs more moms.

My mother is one of the biggest drug addict failures I know, so I don't really care whether I have her approval or not.

Yeah there are several great doujins but they are hard to find. They mostly either start with rape/sleep which I cannot find arousing or the mom and son do not get married which means that one of them is unfaithful. I also cannot condone any doujin where the mc has sex with more than one woman ever.

Hey, I feel you. I wish I could just once meet a girl that I liked on a level deeper than wanting to fuck her fat ass.

You're going to feel like a fool when you die and realize that there is nothing waiting for anybody and you wasted your time walking this world.

Pleasure is good because sex has health benefits. Healthy = good.

But it's wrong to be a man that masturbates alone every day and loses interest in real women.

I feel for you as well. The last time I had any sexual feeling towards a 3-d human was over 14 years ago in highschool. I literally cannot find real people attractive anymore since I learned that most humans have more than one sex partner.

I already feel like a fool just being alive. If suicide wern't a sin I would not be alive anymore but I must suffer and if what you say turns out to be true my living self would be overjoyed with non existence. I do not want to go to heaven but I deeply do not want to go to hell.

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Disagree. God will forgive anyone and anything as long as they are sincere in wanting to change their ways for the better.

Being adherent to your whims and vices is slavery by any other name. True freedom is to unburden yourself of desire.

Are you afraid of competition with other men?

It doesn't matter if woman has had someone before you. It means she finds you better than others.

>Pleasure is good because sex has health benefits.
Sounds like the mentality of an addict to me. Seek help.

>since I learned that most humans have more than one sex partner.
You are literally broken

Not necessarily. It could just mean you're the best she's found so far. The real test is if she stays with you for a long period of time.

No man, it's entirely shit. Like the whole point about using the dinos for war even though one of the dinos was bfto by a single 9mm round. And the film also expects you to hate the guy who shot the dino even though he was only defending his own life. Like, why is a dino life worth more than a human's? This shit happens again where they release the dinosaurs at an auction and they kill a bunch of people. Were those people evil? I hope so, I mean it's not like any good person would ever consider buying a dinosaur, right? The movie was like an extension of Vince Vaughn's eco terrorist character in Jurassic Park 2. The guy who stole the hunter's ammo when he was the only one with a gun big enough to stop the t-rex from eating a bunch of humans.

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I have no desire to compete for anything anymore. I do the bare minimum to not be fired just so I can provide for myself. I know that I am unwell in some way but whatever we all have to find some way to cope.

You're slave to your whim to feel safe. You're using religion to feel safety instead of human contact. Get help.

>if what you say turns out to be true
It is. What is a human? A machine made of biological components. What happens when said machine stops working? Its data gets lost due to its components' decomposition and that's it.

Centuries ago the people in power invented the notions of heaven, hell, god and punishment as a way to give order to society because common people wasn't mature enough to understand why, for example, you shouldn't steal from someone or kill your brethren. Now those tales aren't necessary because society as a whole has matured enough to understand that bad things are inherently evil.

>is a sin that will never be forgiven.
Literally the only sin that can't be forgiven is completely rejecting God. The Bible specifies this.

I wish my mom was my gf

>mfw I volunteer every week at my church and get plenty of human contact while also contributing to my community

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>mfw running around with my friend in the isle as a couple of dopey dinos
Why did it take until nearly 2020 for there to be games where you play as the dinosaur instead of shooting the dino?

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I thought he was talking about Lost World not Fallen Kingdoms. I'm confused now.

Based and christpilled.

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That's nice and sounds fulfilling.

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>Raging anal sex fever

No, it's the other mom

Going to the movies is just short of the only activity I ever do with my old man anymore. And it's just a few times a year. No shame. I try to cherish it.
Ever since the usual fishing trips got difficult because of his old age we just haven't had much to do.

Chances are you'll miss your parents when they're gone, so try to make the most of what time they've got left.

>using anime reaction image while roleplaying as religious
So you give into your whims by watching lewd cartoons? You don't follow religion then.

He's not entirely wrong; when vices go out of control they become a form of slavery that takes over your life and gives you suffering.
I talk from experience: I'm a sex addict who at his worst one day visited a prostitute and the next had his dick sucked by a random strange in a public bathroom. I've tried to stop but so far has been very difficult.

That said, that user is mentally ill; a mix of self-loathing and narcissism and a desire to control people's lives while condemning them for daring to be happy. He reminds me of Elliot Rodger.


If you think those are lewd, then you must be a catholic priest.

I used to volunteer a lot at my church and tutor kids for free and all sorts of bullshit. Then I landed in the hospital for a month and none of the people from my church came to visit me. No preacher, no nobody. Stopped going to church after that. My family actually stopped going to church after that also.

>Are you an autist who doesnt understand how time works?
Are you? It's obviously his mother aged up.

Shota I hope.

Quit pretending. We all know nobody here watches anime for plot.

Addictions and having sex with strangers is bad, yes. But having many relationships with sex in them is normal and harmless.

None of them knew you were in hospital.

Volunteer work is a thankless job user.

You must be gay to think that.

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Sounds like a tick. I used to have to eat at least one dessert every day for no other reason than for the ritualistic need for my pallet's pleasure. I eventually got scared out of it when my hands and feet started tingling and going numb, requiring a quick trip to the doc. Luckily (sort of) to be a B12 deficiency, something my mother also has but never felt the need to tell me. I show no signs of diabetes so far.
I've really cut down on my glucose intake. I hope you unravel what's going on in your mind and tame it. It sounds worse than being a chronic masturbator, to be honest.
What is lewd about a cute anime girl?
Is there something you'd like to tell us, user?

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That sounds fucking terrible user. Don't really know what to say. But if that was my local church you can bet I would have stopped going too.
In my case though it was ironically enough kind of the reverse. I barely attended church and only visited rarely once or twice. But when I landed in the hospital they actually helped me a lot, and since then I've tried to attend church more often.

They did, my parents told them and solicited a few prayer requests since it was touch and go for a bit. I almost died twice. My girlfriend at the time actually only visited me once. I think maybe because I almost died that's why no one came around.

any jurassic Park Park building sims like the GBA games out recently?

He refered to both, and mostly world. I refered to both, and made an extra reference to something that was generally retarded in Park.