What are some video games with drugs?
What are some video games with drugs?
I don't get it
What new epic drug is this
NO2 is laughing gas. The kind dentists give. The black thing on the left breaks the seal to the NO2 cartridges and they fill a balloon with it and inhale it to get high.
whippets you retards
Is this even a good high
Sorry I'm not a druggie nigger, what is an whippet?
should i do drugs
Only broke ass Eurotards and music festival hippies do it.
Patrician drug use is being sober 99 percent of the time and doing hallucinogens on occasion.
Stick with weed everything else is trash
im not a druggie either, I just don't live under a rock
Yeah, smelly hippies and festival junkies love nitrous
It's a cheap, legal, and relatively available dissociative high for people who can't find ketamine
and painkillers when you get them from the doctor.
dude just SMONK every DAY h omie jujst STAY PUFFING LMOA
Drugs for poor people. The same people that breathe in electronics duster air and spray paint fumes
Do you want temporary relief in exchange for long term negative effects? Go for it
>Zoomers don't know what whippets are
i mean it feels alright but its nothing special, they get you pretty fucking high especially if you do loads in a row, just remember to breathe if you dont want to pass out. its a harmless baby drug
This, just do K like an adult
It sucks. Only lasts a few seconds.
It's a good way to pop a fucking lung.
good for them desu
They're all getting hooked on heroin now.
isn't this what they use to have anal sex?
Mommy told me drugs are a no-no unless they're my anti depressants or ADHD medication
Depends which drugs
Beer and weed no because they slow down your thinking.
Shrooms or other hallucinogens mean you can't concentrate on the vidya, but they might expand your mind which is a plus.
Stimulants like cocaine and meth let you go fast and hard on the vidya, so they're good.
Swap these if you're a pathetic lonely faggot who needs to take a vacation away from his own emotions
This shit sucks. If you want a legal high look up kratom.
>not just inhaling it straight from the whipped cream dispenser
GTA Chinatown Wars had some decently in depth drug marketing mechanics but you couldn't actually do them. It's been a long time since I played it but it's probably still a fun game if you're into the older style of GTA games.
nah. I have tried different shit and found it to have been mostly a waste of my time and money.
if you really want to do something, try out weed. Just don't over do. It becomes less fun.
kratom is dogshit and does nothing
Kratom is just legal heroin for trannies, if you're gonna do opiates you're better off just doing regular heroin since you're doing the world a favor and ending your pathetic life
Take it on an empty stomach and no tap water, idiot.
not worth the effort
>just do kratom
cringe and zoomerpilled
Great now I'm farting mustard gas, thanks asshole
Dude if you haven’t done MDMA and spent 24 hours straight at a nightclub or a music festival dancing, drinking water, and meeting 10/10 cuties just as high as you are you don’t know what you’re missing out on.
And if you haven’t tripped balls before, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.
If it is anything like what they give to women giving birth, it feels pretty good for about 3 seconds, then it's over.
getting high is for idiots who have no sense of taste. eating god food gives you more pleasure than any "high" ever will.
like the canister says its for whipped cream. whipped cream is fucking delicious.
that sounds fucking awful
The Meth high does not last for 24 hours. It lasts for at most 6 then you will be s a d.
You can trip balls for 24 hours but you better have some backup so you don't end up hurting yourself in your confusion.
obesed and fatpilled