Two weeks after release I am forgotten.
Two weeks after release I am forgotten
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What's the latest fuckup?
Why do people claim this game has been 6 years in development? It sounds like a rushed 1-2 year game.
Which had a bigger fuck up at launch? This or Fallout 76?
Because they've been working on it since Mass Effect 3. EA can't even be blamed for this mess it's all on Bioware.
I didn't even notice that it had launched.
Because it has been in development hell for a long time. People leaving the project. Ideas and builds being scrapped and redone. EA gives a deadline that can't be moved and the game gets rushed out.
also EA probably cut shit so that they can release it in increments later. "Games as a service" and all that
76 because expectations were higher
they claimed it themselves, although it was probably only in concept stage that long ago and had a pretty rushed dev cycle of 2 years or something
I still wonder if this has the slightest chance in hell of pulling a Destiny/Division level of recovery.
Almost certainly they had to start from scratch once or twice.
It was probably as much of a boondoggle as the original Overwatch was, but instead of scrapping the entire thing and reusing the art assets for something else EA forced them to ship it.
They for sure did that with the microtransaction cosmetics, during a preview stream they showed the customization menu for a split second and there was good 8 to 10 armor options per body part and a good two dozon textures in the paint section over what we currently have.
I figure it was probably supposed to originally be a Mass Effect spinoff game. Running like shit and having hilarious bugs like 'the numbers are all made up and upgrading doesn't matter (actually it decreases your performance)' and banning a player for "exploiting" by making an efficient farm route to collect high-value treasure chests and "Anthem bricked your Playstation? U ARE FOURCHAN TRORRU DING DONG BANNU" is just standard for BioWare at this point. They're a company of nothing but interns and dumbfuck EA managers.
>two weeks
Did anyone care about this at all? People were lambasting it hard when the beta came out and was literally unplayable.
it's the top seller in the UK at least last week
Flying sucks but the ground movement feels nice and tight, shame it had to be wasted on that boring world.
I don't think that's the case
What' smore likely is EA rebooted development. Twice, in fact. Just told Bioware to start over cause these fucking WRPGs aint selling like the used to, so you gotta make the hot new thing
Except Loot Shooters were never super profitable except for Borderlands but I doubt that's their template
I enjoy the base combat as a big boy, it's really just the lack of content that's the issue. Once you hit endgame all there is to do is run your three daily contracts and do tyrant mine (the other two dungeons aren't worth doing since they take significantly more time for the same amount of loot).
UK has shit taste.
Having played it, it definitely feels like it was supposed to be a single player game at times and was swithed to mp fairly far into development.
Fair enough. The actual gameplay looks sorta fun so I can see how there's still an appeal to it.
No because its nuBioware.
I wonder if they banned them for posting this.
it's been forgotten long before that, frankly
How can it be forgotten if bad news about it come out almost every day?
>Almost certainly they had to start from scratch once or twice.
Yeah considering Destiny came out less than 5 years ago definitely.
I doubt it. Destiny and The Division both had very strong initial sales. Meanwhile Anthem is selling even worse than ME:A which itself had already sold significantly worse than previous Mass Effect games. I would not be surprised if EA pulled the plug and closes down Bioware within the next year then just leaves the game on life support until it's not profitable to keep it up anymore.
I don't know anything about this game, can someone give me a rundown why it's getting shit on so hard?
>bob dylan of video games
There are lots of threads all over the internet about it.
I'd consider not putting Anthem on my resume because of this. This is shameful, Bioware's designers are shit.
Its a bland shooter for loot that its only gimmick isn't all that good after you do it a few times.
You are better off with destiny or warframe.
I do not suffer from epilepsy, never had, but in a trailer the flashing of guns and explosions got so bad I decided not to give this game any chance.
Bioware was a world renowned developer.
They spent 5+1(delayed) years making Anthem.
It's uninspired and bad all around (except for the graphics).
I would not even be surprised if this was intentional due to either laziness or to save development time. Throw on increasing numbers to provide a positive feedback loop for normalfags and hope no one notices. Sounds exactly like something EA would do.
>Two weeks after release I am forgotten.
Don't be silly, user.
I forgot that shit two days after it came out.
Don't you worry your little head, BioDrone. EA hasn't forgotten.
Excuse me anons, I'm trying to find the local Resident Evil thread. Can anyone direct me?
Destiny is the highest selling new ip in history. Anthem sold worse than a game which caused a Bioware studio to close.
Not a chance Anthem pulls a Destiny.
It's a joke is why, Bioware hyped this game up as something ground breaking and will be remembered and referenced for years to come like Bob Dylan. Then they delivered a beta that didn't run more often than not on PC except for big name streamers, still had some trouble with this on launch but not as bad, enemies that are just copy paste that have atrocious ai, characters that are more annoying or just so bland you ask who? when told to talk to them, guns are just reskins of each other and hardly handle differently with the top tier having wonky effects that cause more issues than help, and just all around an incompetent game with a story so laughable and by the numbers for Bioware.
I can buy the numbers being meaningless. It's infinitely more interesting that the lower level gun does more damage anyways. Fake numbers or not. They fucked up the scaling, and I think it's possible the game just scales the enemies to what weapon you have equipped. How that was missed? Incompetence can be the only answer.
>Offering "games as a service"
>Puts it for 70€ + on store
>Nobody buys it
>*Surprised Pikachu face*
literally less viewers than some games released decades ago
bioware is fucking done
they are STILL not massively increasing drops for their latest patch. Nobody likes grinding for 50+ hours to get 1 single legendary drop with shit rolls that cant be used. Its RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG and the drop rates for good loot is abysmal
>It's infinitely more interesting that the lower level gun does more damage anyways. Fake numbers or not. They fucked up the scaling, and I think it's possible the game just scales the enemies to what weapon you have equipped. How that was missed? Incompetence can be the only answer.
I haven't bothered looking up the weapon but my guess as to why the start weapon did more damage is because of a slower fire rate and therefore more damage per shot.
apparently some redditor figured out how to exploit legendary drops
start the mission to farm the drop but instead of killing the hard enemies you go and farm low level enemies in the overworld that respawn and still have a chance to drop those items.
This because 76 atleast was kept in the headlines due to the mess it was
but apparently according to multiple posts after they tried out his method it doesnt seem to work
and now whatever loot people were getting its disappearing from their inventories due to server issues
no the difference is extremely obvious. The starter weapon's ate of fire is even higher than the MW stated in that screenshot (500 vs 425)
this video here is not the exact class of rifle but the problem applies to all low level gear
(level 1 scout rifle vs lvl 45 MW, both same RPM of 200)
not even worth salvaging
zero redeeming qualities
people not even getting loot now
I am pretty sure that any good devs they had left long time ago. If you are good and you worked in high profile stuff like that you can almost literally choose the studio you want to work at. At the end of the day only women/trannies/minorities stay, because they are parasites who do no real work in the company and need a highly progressive host to leech from.
its a looter shooter with no loot and everything is broken and pointless
if it wasnt for FO76 this would 100% be the worst recent release by an AAA studio
That's what a lot of people have been claiming but to be honest, if it takes you 4 years to lay down a vision for a game before you can set to work, your team is incompetent.
>6 years in development and here are your weapons bro
It's pretty obvious this game followed the same pattern as Andromeda. In development a long time, but actually put together in the last possible moments.
>if it wasnt for FO76 this would 100% be the worst recent release by an AAA studio
Motherfucking THIS
I can't believe they have the gall to claim they worked on this game for about 6 years.
Loving the gameplay, but everything else is horse shit and I'm glad I didn't buy it.
I'll give them 1-3 months to get this shit straight or I'm never even considering paying for another bioware title ever again.
It's like, 99% of their focus was on making those obnoxiously over-acted animations on cutscenes and dialogue.
This is probably because Andromeda was such a shitshot in that department, that they just HAD to prove everyone what they can do - too bad it was at the cost of practically everything else.
I don't regret buying origin access to play this shit, I had my fair share of fun and I even got to try out some other games like Titanfall 2 and Battlefront 2
Especially on titanfalls case, it had one of the most entertaining campaigns I've seen in a FPS for a long time
This is the most egregious oversight with the game, at least if it had interesting weapon models there would be a goal to work towards. But since every rifle is a recolors of the basic rifle it makes it pointless. And the model itself is shit, why did they cover the majority of the weapons in tarps and duct tape? Who the hell thought that was an interesting design?
>Destiny is the highest selling new ip in history.
no its not
The Division beat Destiny and then Overwatch beat The Division
i have this theory(probably not the only one) that this game was going to be typical bioware adventure rpg ala mass effect.
eventhough rpgs sell well you cant monetize as much as you can some other genre.
so ea made them change almost everything and the team had no experience with looter shooters.
So when will the live service meme die? All it means now is
>buy the game at full price and you will get the content that was supposed to be in it drip-fed to you over the next few years, until you might eventually end up with the complete game it was supposed to be before they took the content out prior to release.
Where the fuck is the benefit to the consumer exactly in this business model?
The reason that the starter weapon kills enemies faster than the best weapons in the game is because they built their game around a specific TTK that they figured made enemies soaky enough to stretch out the content, but didn't slow down the combat so much that the average person felt bored and you this way you can keep the game experience 'optimal' (read: the same) all the way through.
The problem is that when you throw loot into the game, it blows your perfect TTK out of whack, unless...
...unless, you don't actually scale enemies or weapon damage under the hood and just feed bigger numbers into the UI. Problem solved, provided that your players act like robots and never re-equip old gear.
>banned for exploiting
They already did it to the only guy streaming their game
>I can't believe they have the gall to claim they worked on this game for about 6 years.
I'm sure assets took a long time to create, but they simply couldn't put together a good game.
Can you turn off the damage numbers?
just made another image showing even more of this trash
and yes they modelled many weapons with cloth (dust covers?) on them, which doesnt make sense from a firearms perspective. It would be like modelling cars for a racing game with their body covers still on them.
>game is dead even sooner than that
common, uncommon, rare and epic share the exact same 3D model with no changes except stats
masterwork and legendary share the exact same model with no changes except stats
they couldnt even be bothered to recolour the rifle for each tier (literally just changing # values in the 3D creation) or at least give the legendary a golden texture or something
it's funny because all they've shown us so far is clearly their vision of "mid game"
I know this for a fact, because we've saw earlier gameplay footage with different shit and even level cap that goes way over 30
The game is not worth grinding, or even worth playing, because anything you get now will only be obsolete once they decide to include the TRUE end game content.
The current game is comparable to destiny 2 without dlc/expansions
the difference between their current build and the "future" is like night and day.
The game will die before they cave and give that content though, but w/e, it's not our fault EA and Bioware are retarded and hate the players
They also stated their intent was so a low level nobody could play with high level friends and not be dead weight.
I never expect this shitshow to be THIS bad lmao my condolence to all the retards who bought this EA/bioware AAA garbage. Heard the digital collectors edition gave you more skins and weapon for the low, low price of €30 on top of the initial €60.
>people payed €90 to have their consoles crash every half hour
My sides have reached another solar system my god how retarded can one be?
>normalfag friends finally get ps4 working again after anthem broke it with a gorillion crashes
>first thing they do when they boot up ps4 is start anthem again
>(literally just changing # values in the 3D creation) or at least give the legendary a golden texture or something
Eveyone who was talented at coding or even knew the fucking basics left bioware long ago.
Honestly disappointed. This is a genre I really want to enjoy, but it seems like every game that comes out has massive fucking issues. Warframe still has this heavy jank and the AI is godawful, Anthem is... Anthem, Destiny 1 and 2 were always plagued with bullshit...
So, why did EA want BioWare to make Anthem? DICE would have been a much better choice especially since they have more experience with not only the frostbite engine but also shooters in general.
You mean looter shooters or just looters?
>gameplay looks sorta fun
That's really all it has going for it and now that's starting to get old fast. Anthem some how managed to have less content than Destiny did at launch.
Because they've been going down the shitter and EA figured they couldn't possibly fuck up a semi popular formula.
He means future-mecha guns setting obviously.
Also space.
warframe's AI has 200 IQ compared to the stuff in anthem, some mobs will actually run from you if you are too powerful or seek cover to shoot you from. And warframe gear is extremely customisable with skins, helmets, capes, colours, add-ons
Sadly I don't think this will have the constant fuckups of fallout 76
Loot shooters specifically. I had some fun with the first Borderlands, even if I thought there was way too much enemy repetition. There are plenty of ARPGs with loot. Not sure why no one can seem to do jack shit with the formula in first person.
Doubt we'll even see another after so many huge headliners have crashed and burned.
I think the main problem is that after 6 hours, you have pretty much seen every enemy and location the game has to offer (except for like 2 bosses, including final one).
Like, where's the sense of discovery and excitement for new things?
Say what you want about Anthem, but at least they haven't shown players personal information yet
>seek cover
Look, I've played Warframe. What the AI does is fucking random. They'll line up and repeatedly jump up onto a structure and then hop off, taking turns like it's a slide at a playground. They'll "take cover" right in front of you and peer around the opposite side until you just cap them in the dome from point blank. They'll shoot into a wall. And this is when they aren't just running straight at you, which is what they generally do. The AI in Warframe is - at best - 'serviceable' when it works as intended, but frequently clearly broken as fuck.
>where's the sense of discovery and excitement for new things?
6 months from now when they drip feed you some more content
>I'll give them 1-3 months to get this shit straight or I'm never even considering paying for another bioware title ever again.
Andromeda is better than this and made the majority of fans never touch another Bioware game, why in gods name did you stick around?
Literally means nothing since the only ((games)) the UK rents are footie manager and footie current year
Also Borderlands.
>The mechanics are fine but the game is incredibly bland
>A prime example of why exponential level scaling is incredibly stupid, it got so ridiculous that UVHM expects players to abuse Slag
>Shit writing to sit through every time
>Too short
Never played Shadow Warrior 2 but I keep hearing bad things about it.
>I'll give them 1-3 months to get this shit straight or I'm never even considering paying for another bioware title ever again.
You are what's wrong with the videogame industry especially after ME3 ending and fucking Andromeda.
Pretty much. Borderlands 1 felt like a really bare bones proof of concept with what seemed like three enemy types. I know, technically more, but alien dogs + generic raiders + generic future army guys seemed like the majority of things.
Didn't try BL2 for reasons you described.
Because they are fucking lazy hacks that want to clone diablo but don't understand why diablo is a classic game.
Boredom lands is absolutely dogshit with regenerating scaling clone mooks copy pasted everywhere
I think the genre dies with Borderlands 3. At this point even Bungie is starting to work on other projects. I don't even know if Destiny 3 will actually happen. The active accounts that play Destiny don't even reach a million these days.
I just realized ME3 multiplayer was the best the genre's ever been, outside of the lootbox bullshit.
>internal name for the game at BioWare was "Dylan", because Anthem would change videogames like Bob Dylan changed music
So how long until this goes free to play? I just want to customize the butt-bot for 20 minutes and be done with the game.
>Two weeks after release I am forgotten.
Please nigga, nobody has forgotten Anthem. It's constantly on the news for all the blunders in it.
>change videogames by releasing a Destiny clone
Nothing wrong in giving credit when it's due
I'll shit on shit games, simple as that
if they manage to make it better, I will consider forgiving them for some fuck ups, but definitely not all of them
There is no customization at all.
That's why I don't expect to have fun for more than 20 minutes. I really enjoy the idea of changing the textures. I was hoping anthem would be succesful so warframe would have to copy that from them.
Honestly BL2's scaling is mostly fine until around Lv50 which is sometime into TVHM (NG+) itself, and then the devs raised the level cap twice until Lv72 and if I remember right one of those was with UHVM (NG++). After that the devs added in eight sequential 'OP' levels that aren't actually levels but rather just permission or an excuse to go even more nuts with equipment stats and enemy leveling, so OP 8 gear is technically Lv80 equipment but NPCs still get a damage reduction bonus as a result of trying to tiptoe around giving players more skill points. Though there's certainly more endgame stuff, it becomes an unfun shitfest of a postgame grind as worthwhile gear is much harder to come by in BL2, and anything you might have grinded for becomes antiquated very quickly the higher your level is since generic enemies are damage sponges. Contrast to BL1 where something like a solid Lv35+ legendary could last you into Lv50 onward with mostly linear scaling.
I think we all know Anthony Burch at this point, but really the kind of story the game has gets grating after multiple playthroughs - through different characters, NG+, etc.
What fucking expectations? The entire Fallout fanbase collectively groaned because NO ONE asked for a fucking online version, let alone one that was basically a multiplayer add-on for F04 that should not have been it's own game, not to mention a battle royale cash in.
But no one expected them to fuck a launch up that badly either.
>In Greggs buying lunch
>Hear 2 employees talking
>"Dude, you HAVE to play Anthem."
>"Yeah man, it's like, the best game I've ever played!"
Reminded me of a guy I used to know who would buy games that had ninjas or dinosaurs etc in them. The game would clearly be dogshit but he'd always be like, DUDE it has NINJAS in it!! As if that alone required no further argument. Fuck me there is really no accounting for taste. I imagine people who like anthem are the adult equivalent of babies being distracted by bright lights and sounds coming from baby tv programmes.
76 has some redeeming qualities. Anthem doesn't.
probably never
theyre trying to force it as a live service game
I mean normies spend 2 hours at most playing a game then move on to the next mobile hit. They dont give a shit if there's hardly any content because they'll never play long enough to notice
anthem has atleast a fun gameplay loop
Oh come on. Give it 6 month. When they see that the first two dlc fail to make a profit they'll make it f2p. The micro transactions are already in.
>colleague literally can't stfu about anthem
>few days later is already considering going back into destiny 2
the loop isnt enough
not having loot or meaningful end game and lots of broken shit has already doomed this game
the kind of people who watch TLJ and think its good because explosions
Now you truly see what I have, and the constant knowledge of it will naw at you.
>"Hey guise, we fixed your loot drops."
>patch breaks the game and people now lose items they already picked up
Watching the game/Bioware crash and burn kinda soothes the annoyance of having spent money on this crap.
I work with a guy who is a casual gamer. He always falls for the hype train every time.
>"yo user, you seen that new game, X? Looks sick man."
>"Yes I've seen it. It looks shit."
Then I proceed to explain to him why it's shit, like in this case bioware being ass, and save him 50 quid or whatever. Sometimes he has great taste like soulsbourne but he always falls for trailers.
Im not saying its a good game atleast it has gameplay while 76 has nothing going fo it
>friend of mine got a job at bioware semi-recently
>anthem comes out
>our friend group now has to avoid talking about the game
>having spent money on this crap.
Make sure to buy the next EA Bioware game as well user.
>serves him right, he trusted EA
Year after year and still some people never learn, many are on this board and a few are even in this thread.
What's up with the game literally bricking ps4? I know this console is shit but come on
fake news
not entirely fake news
hard crashing your ps4 is not healthy for the system
>loot is complete garbage, all of it looks virtually identical, none of it does anything interesting
>on top of loot being garbage, it also just vanishes
>loot is such garbage that starter weapons are unironically better than all of the best loot in the game
>even when the devs fucked up and made it so good loot was dropping by accident bioware banned players for it anyways
>have to do ridiculous amounts of grinding to get masterwork guns
>have to do ridiculous amounts of grinding in the entire middle portion of the game
>have to do the same repetitive, boring "shoot waves of enemies missions" over and over
>almost no customization options
>blatant lying, like how more armor variants were shown in previews, "your choices matter in the story hurr durr", striders being destroyed by players (doesn't happen in game)
>constant long loading screens
>missing basic features, like viewing your stats
The only good things are the flying and the environments. I unironically think Bioware wanted to make Anthem a singleplayer game but EA wanted a Destiny so they scrapped and remade everything halfway through because of how completely and utterly incompetent it is as a "loot n shoot" game
At least I can wash my hands of that. The only other EA game I have is Bad Company 2. And Anthem was more a combination of boredom, a week sick and stuck at home + interest in mecha gameplay.
The core gameplay has potential, but they just fucked it up so badly.
Does anyone else visit the Anthem subreddit now and then?
It's kinda fascinating, seeing posts ranging from people that seem to genuinely enjoy the game all the way to people apologizing or even denying issues, like how the PS4 bricking isn't "actually that bad and can be fixed".
It's funny, but also a little sad.
>No crashes! No crashes! You're crashing!
>Gamers are the enemy of the people!
The critical voices are disappearing as people abandon the game. Soon only the ones sucking EAoware's cock will be left and it'll be like any other fan sub.
oh i visit it everyday for lulz
now theres an air of desperation and resignation
seeing people try and be positive and doing stuff like brainstorming possible new content for the game
but everyone knows none of it will actually materalise
Apologists, bootlickers, Biodrones, and straight up paid shills.
>this place became a fucking subreddit
sickening, go back
>dude let's make a game where the main focus is getting cool loot, but have there be almost no loot, and what little loot you do get is garbage
Not much of a friend group if you can't even point out the obvious to your bros.
>oh and getting the good loot that's actually bad is also bannable
It's not literal, it just crashes it and it has to be booted in safe mode to repair itself. However if you repeat it several times it might lead to issues.
not healthy for the system =/= bricking
Means little, nothing else came out and those charts ignore digital
As a programmer this baffles me.
Not only is the starter gun broken but the DPS display is also broken which is another issue entirely.
How do you fuck up that bad.
>that one guy who got banned for farming was actually farming useless items
Someone post that image of the dev team
Bad team oversight, rushed schedule, inexperienced architecture teams.
Some are suggesting that the stats on guns and the damage numbers mean basically nothing and are just there to give the illusion of scaling as the player progresses, not taking into account that anyone would ever intentionally use a "worse" gun.
My guess is guns don’t actually do a specific number but a % of hp scaling with mob level and your level. I’ve never played the game but this would make the most sense to me
It's bricking ps4
It's not bricking but it is causing a critical error for some people that force restarts the console and requires it to re-build the hard drive
far from bricking the system but it's not healthy
There is a legitimate reason for this. A considerable amount of players are obsessive compulsive, and refuse to part with their starting weapons. In a game like WoW, that's instant death, but more and more developers are scaling starting weapons to at least be useful in later levels.
>when a chinese phone game has almost as many viewers as your favorite video game
that isnt what is going on there though
>>when a chinese phone game has almost as many viewers as your favorite video game
Don't even try to compare godly GranBlue with eashit.
GB is better in every way.
>le new game bad
>le ea bad meme xDD
How about you idiots stop spouting bullshit and learn how to criticize things without memeing?
They already promised all DLC will be free.
but this time, it's actually bad.
>Characters are all stereotypical and cliche.
>Ditzy Mafia girl, check
>Badass old man who has to pass the reins to young buck, check
>Token Russian, Check
>Socially awkward nerdy girl, check
>Setting is very interesting and if taken advantage of could lead to 10/10 story
>Story is fucking garbage because of previous point, the devs are incompetent at crafting a story beyond. "BAD GUY USED MCGUFFIN TO BECOME STRONG" Even though the mcguffin is on par with reality warping shit.
Loot is quite literally useless and is only there to show you a bigger number when killing something.
>TWO Fucking dungeons to do 25 times at "End Game" sometimes completions don't even count.
>Queuing for story missions makes you join already in progress missions, meaning you lose out on the fucking story.
you mean the stuff they removed at launch to drip feed to players over a year
the dev streams had lots of armours, textures etc missing from the game right now
Yep. So it won't be F2P, just cosmetics will be jewed to hell and back.
The first comment in the thread is the game's biggest problem, you didn't read at all.
They also said the EA reveal footage wasn't going to be downgraded and look how well they kept on that promise ?
>first thing they do when they boot up ps4 is start anthem again
I mean this is the state of "gamers" nowaday, eating up all the trash big developers shits out. Got a "friend" who is loving Fallout 76 and bought this trash, I asked him how is the game? His answer: "I like it" fucking trash