A very good girl is what Yea Forums needs, but doesn't deserve

A very good girl is what Yea Forums needs, but doesn't deserve.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nah, most of Yea Forums just needs some positive self-esteem. Girls are overrated, a placebo, and a meme. Be happy with yourself and girls are irrelevant.
Nepgear is cute tho.

Most of Yea Forums are just pol/sjw drones and deserve the noose.
I'd bet most boomer anons are like me and outgrew the tism in their mid to late 20s. The rest were too far gone and will never know anything but 2D.

>a murderer is a very good girl

I get that you're trying to bait but your audience for the bait is a bit small so you might need to target your bait to your audience rather than casting a wide net in a shallow pond

A murderer is the best girl!
Where's the one user that likes Junko when you need him?

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This is the ideal imouto body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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Perky tits!

Good advice

>whine about pol
>says people that doesn't agree with him deserve noose

What average Yea Forumstard need is a pinch of self improvement and basically what this user said

Nepgear is nice, but I am a Compa person

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The tism is one thing, but there's no real point to outgrow 2D.

>nepgear is a le murderer meme

i bet you like yandere too, fag.

>having moderate perspective or apolitical is /pol/.

the wedge widens

must have navels...


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I want to breed this nep.


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I want to breed nepgear.

They're doing it on purpose at this point. They know by now that neps are synonymous with navels.

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But most Neps don't really show off their navels most of the time.

But almost all of them have outfits that do, and they're all uniquely textured.

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Why do CPUs have belly buttons when they wouldn't have been born with umbilical cords?

>will never know anything but 2D.
How is that a bad thing?

What if in the next game, White Heart merged with the White Sisters to form a Switch-based Processor?

But some girls are pretty nice user, 2d and 3d girls.

Just hang on for awhile, i'm sure everyone will find their special one

until she fucks your best friend behind your back because you weren't giving her enough attention while you were busting your ass being dry rammed by your cunt boss and his fucking spoiled little princess daughter that demands your presence every 5 minutes to suck her toes while she rapes your mouth with cum filled carbon fiber build cock smeared with shit from the asses of the past caregivers.

It's gonna be fine you'll see...

You're from Australia, aren't you?

>Best Goddess
>+cutest sister
>+sexiest sister

Not really, im from pretty close though, metaphorically.

>still no official release date for Super Nep for the west

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I've been a good boy, where are the good girls?

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The catch is the resulting fusion has huge knockers


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This is the ideal oneechan body. You may not like it, but this is what top nepformance looks like.

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I wish the CPU candidates got another game as protagonists. Fuck the haters

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They weren't actually that interesting in the game they did have. The problem is that Rom and Ram are both pretty one-note and Uni was really just mini-Noire. Nepgear lacks the charisma to carry a game in general. She was designed to be the polar opposite of Neptune, and Neptune is loud, charismatic, outgoing and straightforward. So giving a character traits that are the opposite of those also makes for a pretty poor protagonist.

i wouldn't want any girl who would have me
and i wouldn't want any girl to have to deal with me anyway


though it's true that there's been lots of wasted potential, I liked how they opposed gear throughout the game, rev up the hostility and make gear say more low-key snarky comments (she has tons of potential as a straight man) and I'd love it.

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You think thats a downside!?

I'd rather have big nep

I can be that girl!

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>agreeing with /pol/
>the only place that circlejerks more than reddit.

/thread mil'lady

But the reason for that opposition was honestly pretty flaky. Rom and Ram jumped the gun on a stupid misunderstanding and Uni was just being difficult in general. In Re;Birth1 (which is the only one I played 'cause I never played the original), everyone had different reactions to Neptune. In the second game, everyone antagonized Nepgear because, I dunno, they're dumb.

Honestly, the second game was really dumb in a lot of ways. There's this huge worldwide issue going on, and even though the CPUs were willing to collaborate in order to deal with it (which admittedly ended in failure), the Candidates and Oracles had no interest in working together. I mean, Chika was more open to it, but Kei was being needlessly difficult in spite of the international crisis. What's more, the fact that none of the little sisters were really familiar with Nepgear or any CPUs that weren't their sisters feels incredibly off considering the game establishes that the CPUs themselves are friends and have been to each other's nations. Neptune actually sent one of her nation's mascots to Lowee to help protect it, meaning she knew about Lowee's situation in depth. But purely for the sake of creating conflict for Nepgear to resolve, the story ignores everything that it goes out of its way to establish and not only makes the entire cast strangers to one another, but also makes them antagonistic over petty issues.

And at any rate, Nepgear and Uni aside, Rom and Ram are dead ends as characters. Because CPUs and CPU candidates don't ever seem to age or mature, they are never going to develop being the 8-year-olds they physically and mentally are, which means that beyond being cute kid characters, they'll never contribute anything meaningful to the plot ever.

So they get nepgear instead?

I think we should just be glad that the Candidates didn't go the way of the Oracles and disappear forever.

True. I don't think the oracles were very popular at all. I remember one popularity poll where Mina came in dead last.

Problem with the Oracles is that they're entirely superfluous. They're stand-ins for the CPUs to explain why the nations didn't go to shit in the CPUs' absence. But when the CPUs are actually around, they become pretty pointless. They have nothing to offer to anything and they don't even have very interesting relationships with other characters most of the time. Plus, they made things needlessly difficult purely to create conflict, especially Kei.

I think you're reading too much into this, and it's not exactly right that they hated nepgear for no reason (Uni blames her for her failure and has inferiority complexes, Ram naively believes that she's an enemy and is being a stubborn child). Same way it's absolutely plausible that while CPUs hang out, their sisters avoided each other. That's just how that dimension rolls.

I disagree. In Re;Birth1, the three CPUs reacted pretty differently to Neptune. Noire plotted against her, Blanc was resistant to accepting her help before she ultimately accepted and Vert was immediately okay with her. Three very different reactions. In the second game, everyone was given a superficial reason to refuse to collaborate with Nepgear until the second act, with the exception of Chika who couldn't initially collaborate anyway due to being kidnapped, which is still the same issue with a different flavor. It's shallow. And this ties into the core issue of the second game:

When you get right down to it, the problem with mk2/Re;Birth2 is that the entire game is more or less structured to make up for the absence of the CPUs. Because the order of the Neptunia universe is dependent on the CPUs, they had to create a bunch of different entities specifically in order to make up for that absence. The Candidates, the Oracles and the Mascot characters all exist purely for that purpose. In fact, even after the CPUs are saved, they often just stand around and let the Candidates handle everything, becoming uncharacteristically passive. They realized that if the CPUs were more proactive, they would immediately overshadow the Candidates. This is why even in the latter third of the game, the CPUs are never allowed to contribute anything significant to the story and never really say or do much of anything. The Gehaburn route is especially bad about this, as Neptune becomes entirely passive here, merely supporting Nepgear's decision to kill everyone. If you've played ANY other Neptunia game, you'd know that this is severely out of character for Neptune, but because this is Nepgear's story, Nepgear cannot be allowed to interfere, only support.

The story of Neptunia 2 is basically "What would happen if CPUs weren't around?" The answer is "Not a whole lot, because everyone is incompetent".

It would make for a cool antagonist with repressed rage hiding under a veneer of politeness.
I kind of want to see Nepgear go nuts again.

Maybe an alternate universe Nepgear who actually did kill everyone.

mate, I think you just hate the candidates when you immediately dismiss the reasons I stated as shallow. Plus Neptune in conquest made perfect sense since she's absolutely loyal to planeptune and her sister. You start rambling here how much 2 sucks when it doesn't.

Yes user, because neptune killing kids after promising the older sister that she won't isn't out of character at all

they asked for it, and it was a mercy kill.

I don't hate the Candidates, and the reason I think the reasons are shallow is because EVERY CHARACTER REACTS THE SAME WAY. EVERY CHARACTER with the sole exception of Chika rejects Nepgear's attempts at collaboration. FOUR DIFFERENT CHARACTERS do this, all for reasons purely convenient for the plot to produce conflict. You're the one who dismisses everything I write without reading them.

Neptune is a character who historically prefers happy endings, and she, out of all characters, would have been the one to fight tooth and nail for a result that didn't require sacrificing everyone. She would NEVER condone in murdering the other CPUs. And don't give me that "You start rambling here how much 2 sucks when it doesn't" bullshit. Fuck you. I gave my reasoning, I worded my logic concisely. If you're just accuse me of just "rambling" because I "hate" 2, then you can go fuck yourself.

Conquest is incredibly out of character for everyone in general, hell even Compa and IF don't give a shit about Neptune, despite in the exactly same game you have them attempting to save the CPUs with Compa especially insisting about coming along.

Based and compapilled desu

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I like how they made this solely to be filler to the next title, but it might actually cost them in the long run.

No they didn't, they were holding hands and crying, the edginess of that scene would make the hatred guy shiver, the fact that conquest is the only interesting thing in the whole game should make clear that candidates are awful characters that add nothing to the setting at all

Do I save this in the XIV folder or the nepnep folder? Or maybe both

So there are people with good taste here.

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Nepgear would have every reason to lash out.

It exemplifies the problems of the game as a whole. It conveniently sidesteps or ignores anything that might get in the way of Nepgear's "story". It makes up conflicts and has everyone act in such a way that Nepgear is the one who has to be the one to act. Everyone starting out as antagonistic towards her is more convenient for her character arc than everyone working together with her. Fundamentally, mk2 is Nepgear's "hero's journey", but it handles that concept very clumsily.

That's really how I'd describe 2's writing as a whole: clumsy. I'm not gonna say that Neptunia games are usually well-written masterpieces, because they're often not, but mk2 in particular is pretty bad. Everything is way too convenient for the purposes of the story. If Nepgear is to be the hero, then conditions are conveniently set up to allow for that, including producing the requisite obstacles, even if the reasoning is faulty. If Nepgear is to kill everyone, then anyone who would be capable of stopping her would be made unable to do so no matter what. Neptune, out of all characters, would be the first to object to such an outcome. If anything, she would be the first to attempt to destroy the sword. But because they wanted an edgy route where Nepgear kills everyone with her killing Neptune last for maximum feels, she just became Nepgear's yes-nep. Plus, the normal and true endings show that the CPUs have both the means and knowledge to seal away Arfoire without going to such lengths, but the conquest route pretends that they don't have that knowledge. It's the perfect encapsulation of how convenient mk2's story is, where it'll pretend certain details exist or don't exist on a whim just to get the story going in the direction it needs to go.

It's like it was written by Blanc or something.

The only thing she's hiding is her repressed urge to fuck her onii-chan

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>>nepgear is a le murderer meme

Well the conquest ending does exists.... so it's not really just a meme.

She doesn't have an onii-chan. The only boy in these games are villains, NPCs and a fish.

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>playing Neptunia U
>want to get all the achievements but at the same time stopped giving a shit after the 2nd run through the Neptral Tower
>still have lily ranks to grind
I don't think it's worth it at this point.

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Is she only unpopular because of her voice?
She is cute af in both looks and personality, also literally makes for the perfect wife/mother being both a good cook and a nurse.

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I can't believe my beautiful wife Uni is fucking dead....

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I hope this means we'll have some delicious Uni ryona.

I really don't mind her voice now, but it did a bit at the start of the series. She's cute overall though.

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I love my Goddess Nepgear! I will support her no matter what happens!

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Play the games

The real question is whether Neptune deserves Nepgear, being the gobshite of a big sister that she is

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spinoff with these 2 when

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Dragging my self-proclaimed wife Uni into a dark alleyway and punching her until she stops screaming while i rape her!

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I still like that no matter how much time has passed and ports brought to PC, they will never ever let Producing Perfection spread to another method of play.

>ridiculously nervous around girls
>zero social skills
>"as soon as she touched my dick, I came and started farting"
Steamax confirmed as PC representative

She's less popular because she's a pure supporting character. She mainly exists to heal people and give Nep pudding.

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What are you talking about, Neptune treats Nepgear well. Except in the dub of mk2.

Steamax confirmed a true patrician

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Yeah, her voice also bothered me at the start, mostly because I don't think a very high pitch fits her.

Well that's not an issue in most other game series though, supporting characters can easily get lot of attention, plus in original/RB1 she's a main character.

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Uni stinks though

Nepgear has been punished so much since Mk2 for not being Neptune, mostly by Neptune herself

The only good thing about Compa is her big titties. Her voice, personality, looks and appeal sucks

Again, that's the dub's fault. Neptune treats Nepgear very well most of the time, but the dubbers kept changing her dialogue and making her more of an ass.

It's an issue in Neptunia where every other major character has a strong, charismatic personality. Compa's problem is that she's sandwiched between the loud, sunny, outgoing Neptune and the competent tsundere IF.

Yeah, because Noire won't change her diaper

lmao gottem

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Come on now, she is cute af.

Really? She is one of the most popular archetypes: the clumsy airhead with a golden heart.

This makes sense, devs do a poor job at flashing out Compa, quite ironic since she's CH.

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Her main purpose is to support whoever needs support. The irony is that she might have been slightly more entertaining as an infant in the third game, where she was charmingly possessive of Nep.


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>flashing out Compa,
They've done a poor job fleshing everyone out.

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Sisters can't breed. That's double forbidden.

I want to make a little Nepgear!

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My wife is cutest, most elegant, sexy and mature.

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I want to marry and impregnate Nepgear!

Go to bed, Neptune.

At last, a nigger with taste.

MAGES. is better. She's by far the most consistently entertaining Maker.

>Her main purpose is to support whoever needs support
That's one of the cutest things though, who doesn't like a girl that really enjoys helping literally everybody?

Who cares? She looks like trash.

But, like I said, the other characters are more charismatic than her.

That's true, Neptune and IF are her usual buddies, and she is definitely the least quirky and charismatic between the two.

The best thing about Compa is that in VII, Warechu is weak to Light-element damage and Compa's EXE is Light-element. You can destroy him just by having Compa blow kisses at him.

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I want to marry Compa

Is almost like the story tells you to do this

>tfw no Histy x Croire doujin

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Lets be honest, Compa would destroy everyone with kisses
Especially if she were to place light kisses on your dick

unf, Cave is fuckg gorgeous

Kinda is a shame, though. It looks like Compa still isn't available on the Neptune app.

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I just want to see Christmas cake Neptune.

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Bet they did that on purpose. All Compa's offensive skills are Light-element.

If Compa actually tried to be charming on purpose she would have literally every men beta orbiting her, they already show male patients literally would injure themselves just to make Compa take care of them.

Fucking criminal, I know.


That's just Purple Heart though.

meido Iffy is so pretty, CH really delivered on this one

Not old enough.

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Dont' we have Tsunako to thank for that?

nah fuck that give me a CFW brave spinoff

Reminder that Nep actually wears something under her parka.

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Red hair version is cuter

No she's not. Her chest is too big. Nep should be nice and compact, for maximum illegality.

ProtoNep became Uzume

>No she's not. Her chest is too big.
No gays allowed

Look, user. I'm only interested in little (anime) girls. Developed women not allowed.

your shit disgusts me. what is the purpose of a side support in a computer chair? do you feel more stable while taking sharp turn between google and 4channel?

nice horos, i guess

To each their own, I suppose. At least you're honest.

How many of Neptune's panties do you think Nepgear's sniffed?

My cute goddess!

You don't deserve anything, you're all soulless degenerate filth

not even a (you) for you

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>One of the villains in the next game is a disguised Nepgear from another timeline who carries around Gehaburn

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I wonder what they would look like.

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There is surprising lack of cunny in this thread.

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I like that nepgear alot

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Giv me ples

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>A somewhat haggard Nepgear with sunken, dead eyes
>As Planeptune fell ato ruin long with the rest of Gamindustri, she can no longer transform. However, she uses an artificial processor that uses Gehaburn as its power source
>She shows absolutely no emotion, except when she sees Neptune

The culprit is... Noire
gear and Nep were just acting in self defense

Attached: noire.png (955x957, 601K)

More ram

>next game features a mysterious character who always seems to appear and lend a helping hand whenever Nep&Co find themselves in peril
>late game reveals that it was dimension-hopping ConquestGear who is trying to prevent other dimensions from following the tragic fate of her own

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I'd much rather have Noire and her shitty censorship practices being the antagonist for the next game.

fuck snoy

So what if we give Compa to Yea Forums instead?
>inb4 she gets raped

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