How is Valve going to handle this?

How is Valve going to handle this?
Hardly anyone is playing Artifact and they said they’re going to support it longterm.

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They should've cut their losses and cancelled as soon as the saw the public's reaction to the reveal. The fucking crowd's collective sigh of disappointment at TI was fucking comedy gold.

why so much coverage for that trash when tf2 is in the same situation

cope harder

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>same situation
having less than 800 players? TF2 is a 12 year old game and it has at least 20,000 players still

im not sute what the audience was trying to convey

tf2 is 12 years old

That collective "Awww"
Thank you for showing me this hahahaha

Wasnt talking about the number of players but how its also abandoned

Artifact costs about $60 right now, probably a little more since I don't think that includes the $20 to start playing, though that does buy you some cards so not a full $80 either.

Anybody think it's worth it yet?

Won't matter once Boneworks/HL3 releases.

TF2 has also been around for over a decade and has a higher player count.

>also abandoned
It's more than a decade old while artishit was just released a few months ago.

Gee, it's like it's 10+ years old. Why would they support it instead of trying to make new games to bring in more money up front?

I wish I would have saved all the shill posts that claimed it was gonna be the biggest Valve game ever and their digital card collection's value was gonna be up with vintage mtg prices. It was embarrassing

I remember when people saying TF2 was shit when it was first announced because it was cartoony

>Making games
>Not just bathing in their steam profits
They tried with Artifact and it flopped, guaranteed they're going into hiding until VR is more than a meme.

What new games?

They thought it would be good because they garfield lending a hand. Turns out his ideas were shit

>403 people in game


>Releasing a card game in a market that's already over-saturated with digital card games
>Most companies already doing the next popular thing
>Use physical card pricing for your game because....???
>Have it not be free to play
>Based on a property that isn't even that popular (I mean really your audience was the small fragment of people that play dota and card games and were interested long term aka nearly nobody)
>get Richard Garfield to fill your game with whacky boring RNG shit
>this is the game you chose to reveal after not doing shit for 5+ years
>and people at the company thought this was a good idea

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People usually post "omg look at the crowd lmao" videos and nothing happens, but this one was actually funny

Fuckers just figure shit out as they go. I doubt they plan anything for more than 3 months in advance


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because its still very popular?
They are letting it die and its criminal

I think they overestimated the pull the dota franchise has?
Fucking nobody gives a shit about the horrible Dota designs and "universe". Its terrible looking not-warcraft characters. Everybody just plays it because its dota gameplay.

Those ugly as fuck flying goblins turned me away from it instantly
What were they thinking

Is garfield a lucky hack? has he created anything actually good since MTG?

valve is well known for lying
you cant trust anything they say

How many more failures before they cave in and make HL3

I swear the man goes between great and retard in a single week, magi and netrunner are fucking great but Christ some o the other shit he's worked on.....


You would not like HL3 made by nu valve

Netrunner and Battletech TCG were both good but happened fairly early in his career, he hasn't done much of anything relevant in a long time.

Netrunner. Arguably better than magic, especially when you take into account it's release structure

Garfield created the idea of a TCG fantasy game, but pretty much everything we consider good about MTG was done by somebody else.

none of this matters for them because they have the store money. they could have a hundred artifact flops and it wouldnt matter.

game has population in the hundreds people think the devs should keep the gam afloat ... valve fucked up this game reached the point of no return you could say some game can comeback after a fuck up but a game were the playerbase is that low means is garbo to the most important userbase.... "the casuals" so if they try to cater to them its going to happen the same that happened with lawbreakers pissing off the hardcores and not gaining enough casuals to sustain , valve should quietly let this game die , its garbage not from a skill pov but from a fun pov

it matters for their reputation

as game devs. Right now, Steam is king, has been for a long time, and likely will be for a long time.
The fact that they make anything at all is a weird choice all things considered.

they already ruined their game making reputation by making fucking nothing and killing HL3.
it doesnt matter.

if you want to hurt valve you gotta somehow fuck with their store. ebin store was the closest so far.

Never played Dota 2, should I?


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You went 11 years without falling into the MOBAshit meme, why would you hop on after all the fun and hype has died?
DOTA was always the worst MOBA anyway.

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>DOTAfag btfo

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who are you quoting

>your mom

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I think it's mostly this. The fact that Dota2 is one of the most popular games in the world so they must have thought it was a sure bet seeing as how popular card games were.

The issues is that literally nobody gives a single shit about any of the characters, lore or story in Dota 2 and card games are most popular on mobile which Artifact isnt released on.

A TF2 card game would have worked better, at least that has a sorta interesting setting with real characters and not one dimensional Warcraft ripoff cardboard cutouts.

>implying valve wants anything to do with any of their games outside of dota and csgo

Hey I ain't saying that, I'm just saying a Dota card game was a horrid idea. A Ricochet card game would have probably worked better, that would at least be interesting purely in concept. What we got was quite possible the least interesting thing I've heard of in years.

it's criminal? So you're saying that devs should be forced to work on a game that they are no longer passionate about just because people still want to play it? Devs aren't money robots regardless of how valve operates. There's a reason they saw their writers/creative minds hemorrhage over the last several years. Most are back, which is telling that they're making story based games again.

There are hundreds in the community that would work on it for free

This could be said about practically any game. Plenty of passionate people. But I would like to think that most people that work at valve make 100k+, it's a prestigious place to work. They're not going to bring in a bunch of NEET neckbeards to work on the game. You live in a fantasy.

>pretty much everything we consider good about MTG was done by somebody else.
This guy?

Autochess is what they have next. They're smartly investing in a mod again.

They wont, they fucked up, the game is fundamentally fucked and putting an entry fee on a game that already charges for cards and has an RMT card/trade economy was the bullet to the head

I think it‘s good. Actual new game instead of hearthstone clone number 200. acting like real life tcg would be great but missed trading. Game felt pretty barren. And now they need at least some singleplayer shit so I can grind some cards. For mobile they need to revamp the complete mechanics.
Lore is pretty nice actually, I never cared about dota but it‘s pretty cool.

Why would they make a card game that you have to play to start playing and then pay more to get cards?

He's like 2-3 for 30, or something like that. Almost everything he made is shit.

by making Dota 2 and CSGO? Two of those games are the top 10 popular games in the planet.

It also came in a hilariously bad time when Auto Chess was starting to take off too

it should have been free to play from the start. As grindy as hearthstone is, at least its free to play.

Also, having 3 "boards" is ass for twitch streaming

a dota card game sounds worse than a ricoshit game? The fuck are you smoking?

Just like portal 2, they had yesman playtesters. I remember most people who had been beta testing the game has been jizzing all over it.

>pay for the game
>pay for cards
Dude that's like twice the paying, think of all the money to be made. It's a pretty crude argument but Valve was convinced they could sell anything and rightfully so, they've defined PC gaming for better or worse and they had a lot of confidence that they could shovel out a turd and expect people to pay for it as if it were gold. When you make millions selling virtual keys to unlock items made by others you'd lose your grip on reality too.

I wouldn't say that most of his games were SHIT, just that he never could recapture the success of his biggest games for whatever reason.

fucking dota was way more popular than the base game. Autochess is acutally doing better than the top 10 games in steam.

Most TF2 content has been community made for years at this point. Have the TF2 team even made a cosmetic (other than Highlander medal #334) since 2014? They could bundle up three community maps, some hats and a weapon set then just write up some patch notes.

There's nothing innovative about Artifact. Previous valve titles always brought something new to the table even if they were releasing into an already defined genre

Umm... sweetie. Keyforge is the hottest shit right now and sold out in weeks even with Fantasy Flights juggernaught behind pumping the copies.

TF2 base game was fucking a masterpiece. If you left it to the community you have a shitty looking game.

I have to give them credit for remaining stone fucking silent in the face of faith in the game hitting extinction levels of player erosion. They have a fucking policy of zero-communication and they stuck by it just to ensure that no new standard is created that would force them to communicate in the future about any other trainwreck.

I just wish the players had the same strength to fucking not return whenever they pull an overhaul out of their asses. I honestly think that if we shot every person who returned to Artifact after whatever patch comes out gaming would suffer no loss. Same could be said about whomever purchrased Anthem; if we shot every single Anthem customer the quality of the average gamer would only go up.

Hey man, a Tetris battle royale game can apparently be both good and hugely popular so anything can happen.

Traders btfo

That was fucking magical.

Well TF2 isn't a fucking card game lol! If it was say a basic indie tier FPS on Source 2 people would be excited because it'd increase the possibility of getting their hands on the Source 2 SDK. But nooooo, we got a fucking card game.

gibus was best hat

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why is that so funny?

TF2 is a decade old and hasn't changed player count in like six years

Fuck that is amazing
Poor stupid valve

This image should make it very clear why TF2 not being touched by nu-Valve is the best fate it could have gotten.

It needs a complete fucking revamp. Hell even Gwent did one where they basically scrapped the game and restarted from scratch.

Someone should put this Artifact in a museum.

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Netrunner, Battletech TCG, Roborally.

that's in the game

They shouldn't have charged so much for everything in the game.

They let Garfield go. Nothing to get mad about; makes sense.

Yes, contractors included 3 donkeys, which is me and Skaff Elias. Thanks for the warning about publishing, and the offer to keep information private - that won't be necessary.
We weren't surprised by the layoff considering how rocky the launch was, the team was enthusiastic about the game and were confident that they had a good product but it became clear it wasn't going to be easy to get the game to where we wanted it. The layoff makes sense for a number of reasons. To name a couple; now that the game is out there time is more critical, so more voices within the team that you have to navigate may not be as good as making less considered decisions faster. Another - the expertise that 3 donkeys brought is less critical after listening to us for 4+ years.
Both Skaff and I remain optimistic about the quality of the game and have offered our feedback and advice in an ongoing gratis capacity simply because we would like to see the game do as well as we think it can. We enjoyed working with Valve and I was impressed with their relentless focus on the quality of the game and experience being offered to the player.
Peace -

You motherfucker.

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King of Tokyo is one of my favourite family board games.

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Maro is the cancer killing magic with 'muh color pie'. Dude legit thinks Time Spiral block was a failure

valve just fired a ton of their staff
it's over

Man people blame all kinds of shit but the game had 60k players at launch. The truth is that the game just fucking sucks, it had nothing to do with the business model or it being a card game the game is just shit. RNG out the ass and low key comeback mechanics built into the design to make every match feel "close" (and thus exactly the same)

because they thought they would ressurect TF2 style market and make a game where cards hold monetary value like Magic Online

only they forgot about the fact Magic Online cards could be redemeed for real cards, Artifact cards are literally worthless

what other games last 10+ years?

>their relentless focus on the quality of the game and experience being offered to the player
Is that why the first game they released in like 6 years was shit?

Worms Armageddon still has players online and that came out 20 years ago

Diablo 2, Starcraft and Warcraft 3 still have people playing. basically any Blizzard game that isn't a bitch to set up for online playing nowadays

What? Wasn't a patch released recently?

It was a failure by his measure because it only appealed to veteran players who are only veteran players because they have a high tolerance for reading more than 5 keywords per set. And in a way, he's right. The set probably sold like shit and the primary complaint was that it was too hard for new players to grasp. You release Time Spiral today and you can bet the number 1 complaint will be people not knowing how all the old keywords work. You release a Modern Masters as a "Standard" product and it will break players' minds; they wouldn't be able to handle the pre-release. You cram together the mechanics of a recent Ravnica, Innistrad, and Zendikar set all into one for one of the four major releases a year and you see how many complaints you get from pre-release people who get rolled by someone who has past experience with those sets.

MaRo thinks players are retarded. Well they are and I bet he has the research numbers to prove it. The majority of their revenues are on the basis that the player is a retard with a gambling addiction who loves zombie pictures.

At some point you realize MaRo isn't killing the game. He's working off data that proves the majority of players are idiots. He's effectively help design the game to appeal to morons. They can't make any money from people who know what is or isn't garbage; they can't make money from people who don't give a fuck what art is on the card; they can't make money from people who are capable of planning around a schedule to play every week.

They're straight up designing paper cards so they can be easier to program for the online game. "Target opponent" instead of "target player"; errating Planeswalker damage redirection because it's just too hard to program; not letting your creatures eat or shoot themselves because "why the fuck would you want to kill your own creature".

Don't blame MaRo - he's just a fucking company man. Look at your fellow player who is a mouthbreathing faggot.