What kind of chair do you use while gaming, Yea Forums?

What kind of chair do you use while gaming, Yea Forums?

Remember, good posture is integral!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pewdiepie gaming chair

Is this the new trap thread?

god i wish that were me


Mesh office chair master race.

horse lookin ass

She looks retarded.

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>you'll never have a gf that's taller than you but has poor posture
>you'll never gradually help straighten out her back via massages and stretches until she towers over you

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Yikes, he's ugly as fuck

I have a DXracer!

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This nigga look like a damn rat


? That's a man.


>that cheap ass wig
but why

la creatura...

He is a tranny, he IS retarded

that's a disgusting tranny, not a trap. a trap is a boy who doesn't mutilate himself with hormones or surgery.

show bobs

that image makes me want to rip out my teeth

get told, niggers

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That's a tranny. Traps are just feminine looking gay guys who crossdress.

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cute pajamas

What game are you playing right now?

>a trap is a boy who doesn't mutilate himself
It hasn't had surgery retard. It still has a dick.

Wrong thread battlestationfag

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Wow an automated picture recognizer was able to tell that a tranny looks feminine. Shocking.

That's a comfy setup.

Never mind the balloons he calls tits

he took HRT
that makes him a tranny, not a trap



>Trusting a machine instead of your fellow humankind

I want to fuck that trap


>ever wrong
pick one

it's a tranny, not a trap.


>looks feminine
>still call it a guy

Y chromosome

>! fag is infecting other threads
Kill yourself, scum.

I'm a boy Pajeet.
I was playing the Mooncrash DLC for Prey. It's okay, nothing special. I need to get back to RE2 remake. I'm glad you like my cute pajamas.
And I'm glad you like it. It looks even better with my nice painting up.

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someone text lee

your mom

because that's what he is

>Yea Forums regular shits on all the tranny streamers
>Try to watch a good titcow who does porn on the side
>Boring as fuck and incapable of showing emotion
I guess I'll crawl back to tranny streams.

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I already have scoliosis. I don't give a fuck.

This is why.
pornhub com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph597979dd9a6f9

>Has/d cock
>Y chromosome
>Men genes
why do u call it a guy?


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looks female though


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no, he doesn't. He looks like an ugly nerd wearing girls' clothes.

Is Prey any good? Never tried it.

He's not going to suck your cock.

>mutilate himself with hormones
do you even know what the word mutilate means user. dont google it, tell us what you think it means so we can all laugh


>saw this being used as a bttv emote

now you're just being flippant

>tfw 5'6 black boy

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why not just play games yourself

accept my follow bitch

Based! Machines can't be wrong :^)

I'm not. If you actually think he looks like a girl then you must be autistic

All it recognized is that it's human, has long hair and is wearing a dress, so the most likely guess would be girl, but it guessed wrong because of what it can't see.
But I know, you know, we all know the truth so please, stop with the delusion, you're not four years old anymore you don't get to play make believe.

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>watching streamers
>watching cam whore streamers
>not playing games yourself
You are not only a fag, but a cuckold too

can pass pretty well, i dont know why you don't want to admit it

there's tons of trannies that don't pass, this isn't one of them

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The base game is a pretty good System Shock/Bioshock clone, it has some neat concepts but they'll mostly become trivial as you play. The DLC is going for a roguelite type deal but it's too easy to fail so it kind of misses the mark on my opinion. If you've never played it, the original Prey is a pretty good FPS from back when all the neat better than they seemingly should be FPSes were coming out.

is it actually good


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Sue is pretty hot and has good taste in games

no, you're just a face-blind autist, like all trannyfuckers

looks like a girl with a really stupid looking bang cut and very poor posture

Sue Lightning runs a pretty unironically based youtube channel around Capcom stuff, mainly Resident Evil. And I've never seen her spout no lgbtbbq+() nonsense, so why the hate?

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gender is performative
trans women are women
trans rights are human rights

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he's disgusting now because he injected himself full of estrogen. that's mutilation and it means he's not a trap.

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Yeah but what about the botched titjob?

i dunno, guess i dont
sorry have a nice day

because it's a gross jew

This is my chair. Thoughts? I feel like the arms are way too far out and the cushion is too big to actually sit back without trying to lean forward. Idk if this is just me having terrible posture

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People find a transsexual porn actress and prostitute turned videogame YouTuber amusing is all.

people ask to follow me all the time and im not sure why

It means he's hideous looking now and a shadow of his former self because he permanently ruined his body and his mind in his own misguided attempts to become a female.

based popuko truthposter

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if you don't take at least an AA, then you won't stay a trap for very long no matter what you do

you seem upset

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Because she used to be a literal prostitute. Like taking money for sex from Anthony Cumia.

shemaleporn xxx/video/beautiful-shemale-sue-lightning-gives-handjob-918.html

source on OP pic

imagine so much of a bitter virgin that you start liking boys lmao

>It means he's hideous looking now and a shadow of his former self
thats not what the word mutilates user. you cant just make up new definitions for words like a sjw would. Mutilate specifically means to disfigure with cutting.

Why is it getting posted here? This tranny e-celeb is not video games no matter what your retarded opinion of him is.

can you not adjust the back part at all?

his face kinda looks like me but with a longer nose and it's scaring me...

untrue. natural boys age better and stay traps longer than any tranny or woman.

that's hot desu

>that massive amount of makeup and photoshop
you could make a goblina pretty with that

Alright can you faggots finnaly create a pic that explains the differences between a trap tranny twink crossdresser and transfag?

Always been confused.


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aside from the tilt tension no you really can't

Which is literally what he did. He has disgusting fake balloon tits.

it's all fucking gay

>all this projection

why are you so mad, just let people live their lives dude

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>He has disgusting fake balloon tits.
just like most real women these days

untrue, testosterone turns boys into men, that's what twink death is

Not him but there are some convincing trannys and I’d say the one user is posting is passing quite well. You could walk right passed it and not even second guess it. Your denial of this kinda says more about you than anything. It’s like you are fighting obvious truths because of something deep inside you that you are trying to hide.

>someone pays her patron for this shit

do you know what projection means?

So? How does that affect her thoughts on RE and her youtube vids? Is Sue going to become your gf or something? Are you hiring her for a job? Or does she just goddamn gaming youtube vids that have nothing to do with sucking dicks? You know, keyword being "used'' here.

The differences are simple. A trap, is a crossdresser that's implied to be cute. A twink is a cute boy who's not currently crossdressing. A crossdresser is any guy who wears stuff like skirts. None of the above take hormones or get any surgeries. They're just themselves, and they know they're male and have no delusions about gender. And a tranny is a disgusting, mentally ill garbage pile that thinks he's female even though he's not. Trannies are always ugly because they take hormones and destroy their bodies with surgeries.

not your army normalfag, besides I'm pretty sure there are tons of them.

I really need a chair for lumbar support

There is nothing complicated about it
>trap = crossdressing guy that passes as a girl
>tranny = fucked in the head male that thinks he is actually a woman
Bonus for future reference
>futa = fantasy woman that possesses both functioning female reproductive organs and male ones

>walk right passed it
based retard

>he has disgusting fake balloon tits
pretty sure those are regular tits and not implants

el goblino...

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>oh yeah totally born a male, dude, could spot that a mile away

the delusion of some of you retards lmao

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what if the guy looks like a girl but doesn't have a dress, is he a twink or still a trap?

>You could walk right passed it and not even second guess it
His face, when not heavily edited, is the exact same as a male chubby ugly nerd classmate I had. I can never unsee that and as such Sue will never pass for me.

That's not correct at all. Stop trying to scare people into mutilating themselves you reprehensible tranny recruiter. Men age better than trannies or women and twinks stay twinky and young looking far longer than anyone on estrogen ever could. Estrogen rapidly causes people to age.

looks like a goblin lmao

Oh no I just think it's funny that someone who takes money for sex can ever have the expectation to live that down. I wouldn't watch a female prostitute or a male prostitute review games either. I just find the act of prostitution disgusting and don't care about the transsexual part at all.

you trannyfuckers are always so blatantly insecure.

He's a twink.

Meh, face is very manly.

Imagine being so desperate for videogame money that you'd let this sodomize you.

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Haha, no way. It’s poetic.

stay in denial, faggot

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That just depends on the guy, if his intent is looking like a woman then he is a trap, if not then I guess it's just a twink
Also another bonus for future reference
>reverse trap = woman that looks like a boy

that's some serious projection

>just let people live their lives dude
Yeah, the problem is that you complete faggots shill his shit here 24/7
End your life freak.

isn't that just a tomboy instead?

Im so fucking confused.

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>delete one post, leave the rest of the off-topic thread untouched

>hurr durr gottem
Yeah whatever, closeted faggot.

Oh, so youre just a roastie then, that hates the fact the other women make money out of something you cant even give out for free. That, or youre a goddamn puritan. Either way, your opinion is literally worthless.

This is going to be that boy's future
No, a tomboy is a girl with manly tendencies, she doesn't necessarily look like a guy but has many male oriented interests like say sports

imagine being such a fucking loser in life that you feel the need to defend a Yea Forums board from boogeyman trannies

have some pride nigga

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jews are naturally psychotic, so I'm not surprised the jew-made-jewess did it


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>closeted faggot.
stop projecting, trannyfucker

I’m just going based off the pics here. You 100% bump into chicks walking around everyday that look less feminine than those pics and you wouldn’t think to call those real women trannys.

trying to understand the molten brains of fucked up incels is like staring into one of those rorschach blots until you think you're jeff bezos. just don't.

>just let people ruin their lives dude
Why are you such an uncaring asshole?

males that ACTUALLY look 1:1 like women like this are fucking disgusting

if they're not at least ever so slightly masculine or preferably on the extremely androgynous side then they do nothing for my dick, this is just boring


You were broadly talking about prostitutes, not just Sue anymore. Brainlet.

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it's a tomgirl

tomboys are masculine / male interest oriented women, usually athletics

Christ, the smile alone tells me something's up.


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>take hormones
>get a nosejob
>wear contacts
>wear a wig (because the hormones are making your hair fall out 25 years early)
>put on 3 inches of makeup
>get your eyebrows done
>get your adams apple shaved
>get lip injections
>get your cock cut off
>get your balls inverted and your dickroot dug out
>have to shove a cucumber up your missing dickroot hole or else it closes off
>get butt implants
>still have man hands
>still have broad shoulders
>still have a small waist
>still have large feet
>balding underneath your wig
>1000% more likely to develop some sort of cancer or have a stroke in your lifetime from the hormones
Totally a girl

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you understand that for most trannies it's either suicide or transition right?

what would you seriously rather, dead or them be freaks?

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>implying I'm who you were talking to

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buy $15 worth of wood at home depo tomorrow morning. make a shelf that raises your monitor to eye level. that means 12 inches. do not stain or pain or give any sort of duck about anything. 1.25" nailgun and 1.25" #8 wood screws are fine. framing nails are fine. you can be done by noon. you do own a tablesaw, right?

why does nick mullen look like an AIDs patient here

Youre still no less of a brainlet.

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Photoshop doesn't work in real life.

Can you imagine if Chris was a girl? Haha

they could end up like this guy, in his words, dealing with a constantly gnawing suffering


>wear a wig (because the hormones are making your hair fall out 25 years early)

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Gender dysphoria is caused by isolation

too busy ghosting sluts and listening to air raid sirens

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What's Adam Sessler going to do with that man?

You understand that the suicide rate doesn't change after transition, right?
You understand that after getting their dick chopped off there's a multitude of complications that can and most likely will happen that can be fatal, right?

I want to suck at girlcock!!

That isn't true at all. Most trannies only do what they do because they've been tricked and memed into thinking transitioning is a legitimate life choice when it's not. They should be given therapy and shown that it's fine to just be a gay, crossdressing homo. Instead our society is so homophobic it would rather tell people to mutilate themselves than simply allow them to be their actual selves (gay crossdressers). There is no such thing as a legitimate tranny, it's just done for attention or because they don't know any better.

he has a wife and kids

Back to Yea Forums queer

>tfw saw natalie get fucked in the same room

How do i achieve a body like that?

Then you're looking at 1% of 1% of people with gender dysphoria, terrible example.

Gender dysphoria isn't real.

Sue and Natalie did a bunch of stuff together.

be 5'4

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no one is talking about genital mutilation, we already have enough of that in America anyway without trannies in the picture

even just taking the hormones and doing nothing else about it helps them more than not doing anything, because really, they just cannot tolerate getting progressively more masculine as time goes on, so just let them sterilize themselves if it makes them feel better

autism and lean gains.

Bailey is a rare exception where I would take and give in a heart beat.

Step 1, photoshop. The dude has barely any muscle without the photoshop tweaks so pushups ans situps would be enough

you said it was caused by isolation, that guy is not isolated


Im 5'9

Now now my friends, be nice to the poor trannies. It's not their fault that nobody around them cared enough about them to save them from their eventual suicide. Now tranny enablers on other hand are virtue signalling faggots who need to be rounded up and executed for permanently ruining the lives of mentally ill individuals.

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No, it doesn't. Taking the estrogen is what causes the suicide rates to skyrocket and is why things are they way they are.

Reminder that this man is likely the source of the widespread tranny plague.
Reminder that his experiment failed catastrophically and the victim grew up to be fucked up mentally and eventually killed himself.

This, if you are a guy and truly believe you are a girl you have a mental illness.

Why are trannies so popular here anyway
tranny threads always explode in a matter of minutes
yall are just tsundere for that bp

Like I said, you gave a terrible example.

discord trannies

>tfw take hrt to prevent masculinzation and feel a lot better, not suicidal for the first time in my life and constantly anxious
Yea Forums doesn't like to talk about people like me because it doesn't fit their narrative ;_;

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Coining a term doesn't make you responsible for how it is abused.

Yea Forums as a whole are tsundere for trannies

we'll see how you feel in a decade.

It's called the placebo effect. You'll be wanting to kill yourself in a few months, if not weeks.

I love traps but think trannies should die. I think people just mix traps and trannies up.

Speak for yourself retard.

But it's already been a year and I still feel pretty good about how things are going.

>(because the hormones are making your hair fall out 25 years early)
Cross sex HRT actually stops male pattern hair loss and can even lead to a lot of hair regrowth.

He did more than that. Did you read the biography part?

I wish you the best.

You're actually wrong, it isn't hard to find studies showing trans people's mental health is significantly improved through transitioning.

Let's hope you're not part of the 40%.
I'd still urge you to seek actual therapy, it's almost a coin toss whether you'll end up killing yourself at some point or not. And don't cherry pick the therapist.

Until the realization of what they've been doing to their body sets in and they kill themselves.

>I'd still urge you to seek actual therapy,
as someone who is trans and spent 4 years in actual therapy i can tell you right now
1. it doesnt work
2. the only proven method for alleviating gender dysphoria is HRT.
show me ANY evidence of the contrary

>taking the estrogen is what causes the suicide rates to skyrocket

No, it's actually a mental illness that happens to be a disconnect between the mind and body, in how the mind perceives the body. The masculinization from aging is what makes them more depressed. They get considerably happier when they start to look even a little bit more feminine, even if they do nothing else and make no attempts to present as female in their daily lives. HRT is the #1 thing that makes them happier before literally anything else. Some of them don't even ever transition and just stay on HRT indefinitely while presenting male in their daily lives.

need me a bf like stavros

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But what they're doing to their body is what they want. FTM want to be masculine, MTF want to feminine.

>Cross sex HRT actually stops male pattern hair loss
But if you're not already losing you hair it causes you to go bald

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they would kill themselves even sooner if they didn't try from the beginning

Will unchanging suicide rates work as evidence for you?

I hope you're a tranny yourself so you're not just dooming these poor sods to a life of misery while you watch from the sidelines

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>i dont undertand how statistics work: the post


Oh yes, people have never done something that they later regret. Basically doesn't happen.

>feel like myself for the first time in my life
>actually like how my body is developing instead of avoiding mirrors and doing stuff like literally picking out my body hair with my fingers because I hate it
If things go the way they are, I doubt i'll suicide. The 40% thing is attempted btw. It includes statistics from transgender people before they transitioned. The actual suicide rate is 2.8%.

I did try to kill myself because I was in an unaccepting environment and thought I was never going to get help at the age of 16. I'm glad to have moved away from my parents and start this. I have been to therapy. I've been in and out of therapy since I was 14 for major depressive disorder and gender dysphoria. I got my letter of recommendation for HRT from a therapist. This is literally the only thing that's made me feel better.But to be honest that's not what you guys want to hear, right? You guys don't actually care about transgender people. As long as it fits your narrative, it's "lol fucking got em" and if it doesn't, it's "please fucking kill yourself so we are right".
Honestly, why? Like, I'm genuinely curious. I've never pushed HRT on anyone else. I've never encouraged things like this board believes all "evil trannies" to do. I'm just trying to treat my mental condition, mind my own business, and just exist without constant suicidal thoughts I guess.
Really, why? Please tell me.

They wouldn't if they were to get proper help instead of just being pushed into sex reassignment.

give me another option than transition or therapy then

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it's all genetics

In certain cases you're just destined to go bald, whether you take hormones or not. In most cases the hair actually regrows if it hasn't been dormant for too long already.

Did you. Mother fucker you need to pick a new scapegoat for your agenda because this guy was a scientist; not some progressive.


Tranny thread on Yea Forums eh?

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I don't want you to die. I want you to live a nice and happy life.
Once you grow older and your masculine traits manifest stronger, you will resent the abomination you've become. I don't want this for you.

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i have something u might find more comfortable to sit on user :3

>Once you grow older and your masculine traits manifest stronger
That's literally what causes gender dysphoria user. How would becoming more masculine and getting more distress from thus masculinity ...cure me?

It's the masculinzation that CAUSES me distress. I've stopped that. and I'm not hurting anyone else. I really don't get it.

>Money proposed and developed several theories and related terminology, including gender identity, gender role,[6] gender-identity/role, and lovemap
>He also established the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic in 1965 along with Claude Migeon who was the head of pediatric endocrinology at Johns Hopkins. The hospital began performing sexual reassignment surgery in 1966
>At Johns Hopkins, Money was also involved with the Sexual Behaviors Unit, which ran studies on sex-reassignment surgery. He received the Magnus Hirschfeld Medal in 2002 from the German Society for Social-Scientific Sexuality Research.

Buy this

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How is it genetics? If you're not taking HRT in your 40's or later and aren't already exceedingly down the road of hair loss HRT WILL make you go bald.

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That's completely inaccurate. There is no disconnect between mind and body. It's a simple case of grass is greener.

All the material available says that antiandrogens impede the process of male pattern baldness. You're making shit up. I'm not even tranny, I've just done the bare minimum research.

>I did try to kill myself because I was in an unaccepting environment and thought I was never going to get help at the age of 16
So your dad called you a fucking faggot and you tried to kill yourself? I'd have been glad that my family cares enough about me to not let me ruin my body permanently because of some gay ass phase. This reads like bait.

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this thread isnt actually about chairs and posture, user

>user says she's finally without suicidal thoughts for the first time in her life and getting happier
>replying user absolutely ignores it and says it's untrue
You are right about them ignoring things that don't fit the narrative trans user.

>giving people placebos that just so happen to slowly kill them is good

>it's a simple case

>nearly 50% suicide rate of people having a simple case of mental disorders

i wish i was as ignorant as you, must be a sweet life

It would help you by coming to terms with yourself and accepting what you are. Pumping your brains full of hormones and undergoing surgeries, which I really hope you're not planning on doing, you're merely fooling yourself. And that charade will fall eventually.

Take your HRT if you must, but do not undergo surgery.

>masculine traits manifest stronger,
you realize without testosterone in their body thats not gonna happen right? all those gross older manly trannies you see transitioned a lot later in their life and had testosterone ruin them for decades. this doesnt happen in people who transition at a younger age, they age with the right hormone in their body

Is ValkyrieAurora a lesbian?

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And according to you this makes him responsible for all of the bullshit happening today? You think he just invented something and people fell for it hook, line, and sinker? Like I said the guy was a scientist. He wasn't advocating degeneracy. Back then this was treated like a legitimate mental disease and he was investigating ways to understand it and control it. Your inability to tell the difference between a scientist and some cock smoking cult leader is astounding.

>tfw 5'6'' white GOD

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>You're making shit up
It sure is weird how nearly all trannies on HRT that weren't losing hair before now have massively receding hairlines.

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I'm not really planning on undergoing surgeries but more power to the trans girls that do and it helps alleviate their dysphoria.

Why is it a problem for you that people undergo treatment that doesn't fit *your* view? If you truly wanted me to be happy and live a life I wanted to live, you'd be fine with me doing this. I've lived a happier life since starting HRT. Is it really hard to accept that, or referring back to what I said, you don't want to accept it since it doesn't fit your narrative?
I'm really tired of hearing this word. I'm not trying to trick anyone. I'm just trying to treat my condition.

This is completely wrong. All estrogen does is make you fat and bald. It doesn't change your bones or other masculine traits, no matter how early you take it. No one has ever looked better after taking estrogen. They only look worse than they would have if they stayed normal dudes who crossdress.

It will happen, testosterone or not. It's in their DNA.

You making an unsubstantiated claim and posting cherrypicked photographs is not data.

>this doesnt happen in people who transition at a younger age
nice meme, upvoted

>masculine traits manifest stronger
that's actually not how HRT works, the masculine traits manifest before HRT begins. The intention of HRT is to mimic the endocrine profile of a woman so that they end up aging like women. If you've been exposed to testosterone for too long, this is largely ineffective. You seem to have the perception that trannies age in to gamestop ma'am no matter what, which is unscientific and shows how little you understand any of this.

MPB is all entirely genetics, and sometimes it can be resistant to any attempts with drugs to make it stop such as a DHT blocker like finasteride or full blown HRT. All of this is dependent on genetics and most hairloss begins in your mid 20s. If you've already lost most of your hair and it's been dormant for too long then HRT will have no effect, but it won't make you lose more hair, that doesn't make any sense.

>I recognize that posture, it's the same as mine
Why is this man dressed in drag?

nope, he's right. estrogen causes baldness in men.

>All estrogen does is make you fat and bald
thats not how estrogen works
> It doesn't change your bones
yes but having low testosterone prevents your further masculization. what exactly do you mean by masculine traits? bone structure? its not going to change once you get on hormones.
>No one has ever looked better after taking estrogen
you're actually retarded

>that's a disgusting tranny, not a trap
make my dick hard it's a trap. sue is a trap

>a trap is a boy who doesn't mutilate himself with hormones
imagine being this much of a faggot, hormones improve their skin and hair. it's a good thing

>or surgery.
'she' still has 'her' dick

You don't know what DNA is.

You can, with zero effort, search and read the effects of estrogen. HRT is also not only estrogen. The more important part of HRT is antiandrogen therapy.

If he takes HRT then he's a tranny, not a trap

100% this. Estrogen does not make people cute or feminine. It just makes them disgusting, and it makes them age even faster.

>It's in their DNA.
dna tells your body what hormones to release, thats it. you failed biology didnt you

mods delete the thread already

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>It would help you by coming to terms with yourself and accepting what you are
Or they could just take drugs to stop it from happening, because the drugs exist and they work. These people would rather take the bullet than accept what they are. They are mentally ill.

As far as I'm concerned, the only difference between traps and trans is that traps are too poor to pay for HRT.

Apart from that, they're the same thing.

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>I'm really tired of hearing this word. I'm not trying to trick anyone. I'm just trying to treat my condition.
You're tricking yourself. And it's not treating your condition, it's enabling it.

It's nothing to do with "my narrative", reality will come crashing down on you at some point. And it's gonna hurt.

he's right. not only are you objectively wrong, but you're clearly a tranny recruiter spreading lies and fear tactics.

WHy are so many gays on 4channel?

So it's just coincidence that people who didn't have hairloss problems before get them after taking HRT

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>the major hormone that propels feminine traits doesn't make people feminine

care to explain why natural females look feminine then?

Traps are cute because they know HRT is a meme that makes people ugly. Trannies are fucking vile garbage.

You're not a psychiatrist or psychologist or psychotherapist. You're just some dickwad on the internet, same as all the other retards who post this "I'm just trying to help you" bullshit.

They're both incels who gave up.

Reality will come crashing down at me at some point? You mean the fact that HRT has been the only thing to *improve* my life? It's already crashed down on me. I'm glad it happened.

I still don't really get you user.

That's sadly the reality of it. It's completely absurd to me how this is being pushed so hard. It's just not moral.

he doesn't know shit about video games and it's obvious somebody writes his scripts for him

he's a tranny hooker who doesn't wanna be a tranny hooker anymore and realized being a "youtuber" (especially a "girl" one) is an easy source of neetbux so he went for it

dude is a faggot and not video games


tell me, how does dna work and how do hormones work. did you just not take basic biology.

>mfw thinking of all the cute feminine boys that got tricked into being trannies because they're girly

Why is the world so cruel?

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Isn't it a bit weird that people have made entire businesses that focus solely on post HRT hairloss individuals?

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you can't tell that they're dudes
you can immediately tell that they're dudes

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It's not a "coincidence" that some people, AFTER having gotten HRT, go bald. The key word is "after". They aged. Male pattern baldness happens with age. HRT doesn't always stop it.

Don't worry user I stopped listening to their bullshit a long time ago. I'm just trying to pick their brain for thinking the way they do. Concern trolls are the worst
>lol you're not REALLY feeling better because of what you've done, what you need to do is what I tell you to do.
>I know more about you than you do, and the therapists you've been to ;)
Jesus christ, lose the ego.

it's the same thing retard, trap is only used when talking about the hot ones

bet you think that ugly as fuck broccolibutts is a trap

Can I get a based over here?

what drugs are you talking about?

there is no drug that cures gender dysphoria, trust me, most trannies would take it if they could.

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As far as I'm concerned traps actually put effort into it because "trapping" a man into believing you're a woman is the point, and if you don't pass at least a little bit you're not a trap. Trans women are just men who have given up on being masculine. They have no motivation or willpower in the first place which is why they're so fucked up in the head. This laziness doesn't change when they transition, so most of them just look AT BEST like a mostly shaved man with longer hair.

based and redpilled

I have a friend who had a huge bald spot in high school. He recently started HRT and his hair is finally growing in. I'm happy for him but the HRT thing has me worried.

Hrt doesn't ever stop it. It causes it.

>Face recognition apps mistakes wooden doors for faces
>search engine mistakes man with long hair in a dress for a woman

Nigga cuz you people won't shut the fuck up about representation and swole ass niggas with shitty wigs on demand to be called mam.

>It causes it.
explain how this happens. what is the biological process that occurs. Do you know what causes male pattern baldness user?

>psychiatrist or psychologist or psychotherapist
You're right, I'm not. But if you can't see that treating the symptoms instead of the cause is not a real solution, then I don't know what to tell you.

You'll get me when it's likely too late for you. I cannot help you.

this is a female then?

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hairloss is caused by DHT, only men have this problem, women don't lose their hair because they don't have to worry about large amounts of testosterone

giving men what women have doesn't make them lose their hair, it does the opposite. That's why desperate guys who are not trannies will get on drugs like bicalutamide in an attempt to stop hairloss.

A trap is a crossdresser, which is known as a transSEXUAL.

A transgenderism, while similar superficially, is a mental illness.

this is accurate. hrt only makes people chubby, and it makes their hair fall out. natural traps who never take hormones always end up cuter than disgusting tranny abominations.

I know you /pol/tards just keep repeating lies until people start believing them, but all anybody has to do to debunk this is do basic research on the subject.

Literally the first search on google. So by what you're saying, a person that increases their estrogen, and decreases their testosterone ( which causes male pattern baldness), causes hair loss?

So increasing the hormone that causes hair growth causes hair loss is what you're saying?

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It's so weird how people lose hair after taking HRT though.

Based Ranger telling it like it is, HUH

>t. delusional femboy whos gonna age as a man

>won't even show himself wearing "cute" pajamas cause it'd show the lump potato of a body he truly has
>never shows his face even though his "orbiters" say he has a cute face
>consistently derails shitty threads like this with idiotic replies for easy (You)s
>was already banned once for being a tremendous faggot posting his autistic twatter
how badly can one person fuck up?

Biology > psychiatry

Biology says you're a man.

Yes, it is. And no woman or gay man would ever want to sleep with her because she's disgusting and clearly not a male.

>I cannot help you.
I kind of don't want your help tbhonky but thanks for trying user!

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traps aren't transexual what the fuck

>it's a "trannies and tranny allies act like they won't kill themselves when they look like saggy old men in drag" episode
I hate reruns

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>imagine having to get hair plugs because you started HRT

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HRT is not a cure for GD, but it's recognized as the only viable treatment

what feminine traits is she portraying then, if she's clearly a female?

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Psychiatry NEVER treats the cause. Nobody is ever "cured" of schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder. With mentally ill people, you treat the symptoms and develop coping mechanisms.

The mods added his twitter link to the spam filter, lol

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why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies? you guys talk about them more than /pol/ and /lgbt/

God I wish this were me

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Soulless eyes, a dopey face and a vagina.


I still wish you the best.

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What's the difference between drag queens and traps then?

You do you, but could you also stop spreading your sickness to children?

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same tbhonk

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>You understand that the suicide rate doesn't change after transition, right?

not true read a study before making assumptions

it's not a viable treatment. also gender dysphoria is a hoax, it's not real. trannies are just immature losers. they don't have a legit illness and deserve no sympathy.

going bald and sucking cock #justgirlthings

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that's transvestite m8

>male hormones cause hair loss
>female hormones prevent hair loss
>males on female hormones expedite hair loss

smooth logic

What a hero.

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Unironically still waiting for a reply to this
Literally first google search fampai

yeah, 40% is just a joke, they're not actually killing themselves over a crippling mental illness, they're just making it up

Quick! I need 15,000 dollars to fix my hairline!

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thats because the 40% is "attempted", aka pretending to be suicidal as a cry for help

Wait a second this isn't a vidya thread at all!

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it's just a shitposter

I do posture exercises once per day. Should probably increase it to twice, honestly.

traps are transvestites that look like females, so a passable femboy, a passable transgender, a passable *insert any other mentally ill term here* are traps

drag queens are also transvestites, but they don't pass in the slightest because it's not their objective, they're flamboyant performers

OBSESSED. why do you have all of these saved user? its time to come out of the closet

There was a time where I wasn't sure about my future, but now I think I'll be okay user! Thanks! You as well.

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Do we NEED a Sue thread twice a day every day? Is that part of Yea Forums's rituals to stick it to the mods?

Not him. But your belief system is based on shit research done by a child abuser. Tell me, how does chopping off a babies dick and balls, then having him get dry humped against his will by his twin brother prove trannies aren't mentally ill?

haha yeah isn't it weird that a disorder that hooks you on hormones and other drugs for your entire life as well as requiring extensive surgery is being pushed by the for-profit medical establishment? haha that almost sounds like a conspiracy, haha. i'm sure they're trying to help people though and not make money at their expense haha.

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>expecting trannyjannies to care about video games

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Dickchoppers need to be publicly executed

let me fuck your neo-vag

Meanwhile the politically active left will push this shit because it gives them another demographic to kowtow to and pretend to care about.

>doesn't even shave
cmon motherfucker at least TRY

The good news is, despite not being self lubricating like real vaginas, the pus can function as a faux lube.

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no one is arguing that trannies aren't mentally ill, and I wouldn't exactly use genital mutilation as an argument when cutting baby dick with the intention of permanently damaging male sexuality and making them inferior is a normalcy here

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a whole 0.2% of the population, that'll pay off great

Because you don't keep your shit to yourself and try to change the world to accommodate you, that is why people want you to kill yourself, so they don't have to listen/read to your disgusting bullshit.
If you are not one of the freaks than do this then why involve yourself and not just keep going? Do you feel associated to the ones that do? Hmm I wonder.

>Trannies are actually getting full facial reconstruction and FOREHEAD REDUCTIONS because of their hairlines
You can't make this shit up

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>natural traps
those only exist in anime

Imagine these things entering the same bathroom as 5 year old girls.

>despite not being self lubricating like real vaginas
actually, the srs vagina that brassard does is self lubricating
>t. have a tranny ex

Oh fuck, Brian Peppers became a tranny?

Don't they self lubricate with colon secrete now?

>visible facial hair
as if being a cripple wasn't enough attention for this faggot he has to pretend to be trans, pathetic

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Guys, what the fuck is this?

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custom chair made out of a Recaro rally car seat. even after hours the posture is perfect

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Tranny thread #431
Someone tell me /pol/ isn't the biggest cancer to ever infect Yea Forums. Even the ponyfags didn't spam their obsession this much.


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Ever notice that the majority of trans women are white men?

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You know how mobile games make the majority of their money off whales, while many people never spend a dime? Trannies are the medical equivalent of whales, they probably spend more money on healthcare than any other demographic save for the elderly.



can you point to anything on the entire internet that supports the idea that giving males a female endocrine profile with female hormones causes hairloss? anything will do, will wait

I was referencing the study where they removed a baby's testicles after accidentally destroying his penis. They then raised him as a girl without his knowledge and subjected him to human experimentation. This study failed to prove anything, but is now considered the basis for transgenderism.

Didn't even begin with the tranny threads
>election tourists come in
>upsurge of cuckold porn spamming and "Muh BBC" memes at the same time
It's not a coincidence.

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To answer the question, dead.

id put it in his butt

Am I kawaii user-kun?

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nani the fuck
>different eye spacing, nose, jaw, hairline, and mouth shape
(x) doubt

Man, what is with Yea Forums obsession with trannies lately?

Every fucking day, day in and day out.

I somehow doubt that pol is the ones spamming this shit and not legit mentally ill people.

What's this here?

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This thread is dangerous.

How is faggots making posts about this specific tranny 24/7 /pol/? What the fuck

Go to craigslist and see for yourself what the truth looks like.

>different eye spacing, nose, jaw, hairline, and mouth shape
That's what facial feminization surgery does. She literally is in /lgbt/ discords. I know people that have stayed at her house lol

More like tranny cope thread #9999999

Yes, I know what you're referencing. It was actually a botched circumcision that made them decide to try it in the first place. We could maybe start by not genitally mutilating infants and they might turn out less sexually confused.

They make these threads specifically so they can whine about them. How dumb are you?

I'm not sure why you're blaming /pol/ when it's obviously discord trannies

discord trannies


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trans is a western term, of course the majority is going to be white

go to a place like thailand and you will have a surprise, but they're called "kathoei" or some shit like that there

/pol/ and /lgbt/ are obssessed with each other, both groups infest Yea Forums and other boards

Yes, hello.

>implying you fags wouldn't

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>discord trannies
I would ask for an explanation, but I imagine it would be nothing more than a shit excuse /pol/ uses to shit up boards.