What did he even do?

What did he even do?

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marketed the Wii and DS, which sold millions

Act as a cult of personality to braindead zoomers. Reggie has never designed a game in his life.



Pizza Hut Big New Yorker

Make his body ready

Pizza Hut spokesmen

We'll find out as Nintendo sinks in the next 5 years.


The guy who retired before releasing Mother 3 in NA


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Ready-ing your body.

He kicked ass, he took names, he made games.

Memes, I guess? He didn't fuck anything up, which seems to be a hard thing to accomplish nowadays.

He oversaw sales, marketing and distribution within America as the president and COO of NoA.

Basically all the work to prepare ads for tv and get the games in stores on launch day.


Bantered with Bill Trinen and the Dorito Pope


market Nintendo machines. Sometimes it was so easy, you could do it in your sleep, and sometimes it was a nightmare (WiiU)

You forgot about the WiU marketing...
But that's actually pretty understandable.

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