Share your favourite builds, anons, be it for PvP/PvE shards or even for official campaigns

Share your favourite builds, anons, be it for PvP/PvE shards or even for official campaigns.

Here are some straightforward builds with no shenanigans.

The most braindead starter for the official campaign is human Fighter. Take all prerequisites for Weapon Master, and you'll get all the juicy feats like crit multiplier by the end of chapter 2. Scimitar+shield or scythe, but any weapon will work.

My favourite for low-level modules (and official ones) is a melee dual-wielding cleric. Take Exotic Weapons for two-sided weapons (so you don't have to reserve two slots for each of Darkfire and Greater Magic Weapon), Extend Spell, Two-Weapon Fighting/Improved TWF, Ambidexterity, and Knockdown. Buff up & kill shit. You can take the domains that give you Energy Sphere (or whatever the spell that absorbs elemental damage) and Stoneskin. Strength domain is good for extra Divine Powers.

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Beamdog is a guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones.

1. The Enhanced Editions are essentially a collection of free mods that had existed for nearly twenty years. Beamdog gathered them all up, slapped "Enhanced Edition" on it and resold it as a new product. There's very very little in the Enhanced Editions that wasn't already out there, and most of it is stuff you don't want (like obnoxious character outlines).

2. The games didn't sell so well and the originals were still far outselling them, even twenty years after their release, so Beamdog had EVERY digital distributor stop selling the originals and ONLY sell the Enhanced Edition. If you want to buy a digital copy of the originals now, they're "bundled" into the Enhanced Edition. Now these scumbags can claim sales from people just wanting to buy the originals as their own.

3. The infamous 600+ bugs on launch. The game is still riddled with bugs (as even a perfunctory glance over their forums show) but the fact that it took nearly two years for them to get a game that had been working fine for 20 years to reach playability after launch is telling of their wild incompetence.

4. This is where we get to the ones that really piss people off. Beamdog couldn't just remaster the game, they had to fuck with the content too. New dialogue for existing NPCs like Jaheira, Viconia, Safana, Kivan, et cetera was written in to make the characters more progressive and leftist friendly. Beamdog shills will argue that "adding content isn't changing content XDDD" but it is when the new content changes the core personalities of the existing characters. This is in addition to adding a slew of their own LGBT (hitherto there were none in Baldur's Gate) NPCs, all flooded with OP attributes and magic items to encourage people to play them despite their cancer.

5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear.


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Fighters, Weapon Masters, Dwarven Defenders, Barbarians, Red Dragon Disciples, Rogues and Shadowdancers and are boring because they have very little in the way of active feats.

however you equip them, I agree melee-oriented clerics are overall the most fun

sorcerer is unga bunga the class, take two levels of paladin if you really don't want to think and just that one feat that gives you your arcane spell levels for paladin

Well, you can take Knockdown, Power Attack, and.. Expertise?.. to add more buttons. It can be a stepping stone for people who may feel intimidated by the DnD system, one has to get used to all the rules, attributes, saving throws, etc. Having a barebones, gameplay-wise, character can be helpful to ease yourself into the game.

Surely you do not refer to the unethical dual-kama build, we do not do that here!

Yeah, high saving throws and versatile spellbook.

>Surely you do not refer to the unethical dual-kama build, we do not do that here!
naw, I mean if you're playing a module aimed at levels 1-5 you're still going to have a lot of fun as a battle cleric with a weapon and shield, for example


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Dragon fucking Disciple.

I'm just glad I played NWN in an era before steam became popular, because my hours would probably be in 10k+ territory

NWN1 Class Tier List

>God Tier:

>Top Tier:
Shifter, Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric

>High Tier:
Champion of Torm, Black Guard, Bard, Weapon Master

>Mid Tier:
Paladin, Harper Scout, Pale Master, Fighter, Red Dragon Disciple, Dwarven Defender

>Low Tier:
Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Assassin, Shadow Dancer, Arcane Archer, Barbarian

Yep, cleric is flexible and powerful, with many low-level buffs to attack, damage, AC, elemental protection, even trap disarming.

I've recently discovered that there is an Android port and it plays very well. I've already completed official campaigns, Swordflight, and Lord of Terror. Planning on getting through Aielund Saga next, assuming it doesn't require CEP2.

>Low Tier
The dreaded dual-kama build has already been mentioned above.

>Aielund Saga
for some reason I never finished that, I think I ran into some major crash close to the end of the final chapter but I can't remember
anyway thanks for the heads up about the android port, will have to check that out

>rakshasa shifter comes along and casually slaps the shit out of you while you cant do anything back

Dual karma build is garbage, you literally have no AB or defense, you just get some gimmicky attacks per round.

Monk is TRASH

This guy is a notorious monk-hating dumbass and he's on every neverwinter nights threads. He will never accept that a good monk build exists.

>That one monk samefag who gets laughed out of every NWN thread

A good monk build has not existed since its very inception as a wannabe-rogue class in the tabletop games, it is still shit even in 5e.

Damn son, sacrifice everything for a couple of extra attacks per round at low AB with a low damage weapon, damn son, damn, such a good build

user, you are not supposed to go Monk 40, you should obviously pair it up with, say, Cleric.
And I suspect you are talking about PvP or epic-level PvE. You might very well suck at building if you can't make a good mid-level Monk.

I made a "Changeling" sub-type character with Druid, Shifter and Sorcerer so I could have every single polymorph in the game. Feels fun, man.

>ruin your entire build for "mid level play"
>Its still shit compared to other classes at mid level

Dual-kama cleric is in the top 3 highest damage per turn mid-level builds. Can hardly call it "ruined"; not really interested in arguing with a shitposter, so you do you and keep posting that tier list.

You mother fuckers had this argument before.

I haven't posted about NWN since Yea Forums has become a consoletard ecochamber. Dual kama monk being OP is hardly an arcane knowledge among people who have been playing since release, it is sufficient to google through all the major build communities/archives.

Ever play on Zombie World

This must have been like two years ago. It might not have been you, but the other guy posted the same tier list, and used the same arguments when someone disagreed with him on this same thing.

>Dual-kama cleric is in the top 3 highest damage per turn mid-level builds
lolno, not even close.

Comeback when you have actually played NWN

The only people who think dual kama monk is OP are shitters who have no idea how the game works or how to play it.

Samefagging is pathetic.

This, its literally the same idiots who think RDD is "OP"

I just wait eternally for A Dance with Rogues 2, or its equivilent. So far the closest I've come is heavily modded Skyrim and the occasional adult game that allows you to try pure runs, but none of them ever feel as intense. There was something about (earlier builds of) ADwR (before she went full porn) that made you feel like a genuine underdog, in a harsh and terrible world, and the setup made you *want* to build the character a better life and escape the situation.

I'm so fucking tired of games making the player a demi-god right from the moment they stop shovelling shit on their farm, having rewards practically handed to me, and female characters being basically men with tits as far as the game world treats them.

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I tried only the latest version of ADwR and found it to be too cringey. I acknowledge that it might offer choices&consequences, but I'd rather replay Swordflight, or try out one of the hundreds of other modules.

Here comes the dog fuckers to ruin the thread.

>latest version
That's part of the issue. If you have any interest, try a version around mid v4 if I'm remembering right. Her last few updates turned everything pornilicious and even more rapetacular, including a long, pointless, naked jaunt through a castle near the end.

Originally, your princess could be raped, and it could be somewhat graphically described, but it was usually due to a bad choice, a failed skillcheck, and it somehow didn't feel jarring or like you were playing a h-game. It felt more like you were genuinely playing as a soft young woman having to grow up fast and hard in a world that just didn't give a shit. Enemies could and would stomp the shit out of you unless you did things right/smart. Even chasing power would generally only allow you to catch up with the stronger party members, who were far from immortal themselves, unless you had played enough NWN to know how to break it. And I genuinely liked a couple of the companions, they felt somewhat like real people, with the added bonus that the cute older girl bard liked to sit on the princesses face, which is something generally denied us in game romances.

Adult modules and roleplay servers were a massive part of NWN and its popularity. If that bothers you maybe try to find a more age appropriate forum?


I'll check out an earlier version and will try to be as unbiased as possible, but "adult" mods have always seemed cringeworthy to me.

This is what dog fuckers tell themselves to feel less like the disgusting outcast losers they are.

And you keep arguing back and forth, and some people start posting actual figures showing Kama Monks doing really high DPR, then you come back saying it doesn't matter because of certain spell set ups or something like that, someone says something about that not being how it works, you come back by saying there's an exploit so yes it is.

I've no clue whether you're right or not, the only thing I know is you constantly shit up these threads with the exact same thing, and you always act like an edgy teenager being the most insulting shit head I've ever seen, over fucking nothing. You kill entire threads by acting like a angry child, and I have no clue why, or what you get out of it.

Most of the enemies don't give a shit about sex and just want to murder you. And earlier versions have less unavoidable sex scenes. That said, if you are the type of person who unironically uses 'cringey', then it's unlikely you will enjoy any version. It's surprising you can play anything with a romance option, to be honest, given how lame some of the writing can be even in AAA titles.

>That eyelashes talk with Leliana in DA:O
>Everything that came out of Serana's mouth in Skyrim
>Some of the Baldurs Gate romances

Unrelated to this thread. Playing my first game of D&D soon. How viable is a lizardfolk wizard in 3.5? The only information I could find on playing one has them set at -2 int. Would it be better to go sorcerer?

Are you referring to something specific here? I don't know of any NWN modules that let you fuck a dog. In ADWR that's specifically sidestepped even when its alluded to.

Yeah a penalty like that is ass in 3.5

Monks don't do high DPR, even against a training dummy that wont dodge attacks they pull mediocre numbers, nevermind the fact that enemies in the game AREN'T dummys and wont just sit there and let you wail on them. also who the fuck just completely disregards spell casting in a D&D game just because they are desperate to make their shitty class seem better by comparison? genuinely curious.

Sure mate, sure, if every other class in the game stands around doing nothing then yeah monk has the highest DPR... fucking clown!

See? You acting like a child again. You're not trying to have conversation, you're not arguing your points, you're just reasserting your conclusions, and insulting anyone who disagrees.

Fucking why? I even told you I don't have know nor care if kama monks deserve a higher tier spot, I just want to know why you're shit posting like an angry 16 year old, and what you think the positives of that method is.

Not him, and don't disagree, but I got bored of playing the most powerful thing a few years into my tabletop hobby and started making characters to a theme or concept even if their class was less than amazing. Monks can be a lot of fun. Provided your DM isn't an asshole who will randomly fill the room with enemies only an elite team on munchkins could defeat with days of pre-planning.

So I guess go a non-intelligence caster and I should do decent?

No, calling you out when you say something dumb and factually incorrect is not "acting like a child" no matter how tushy tustled you get in the process.

Sure, playing weaker classes can be a lot of fun and can force you to think outside the box more rather than just bute forcing your way through everything, personally I like rangers and pallys but I'd never go round saying they were top tier OP classes, especially if i had nothing to back that claim up with that the other dude is doing.

I miss roleplaying on Sinfar in like 2012