

Attached: hahahahaha.png (1178x672, 314K)

Other urls found in this thread:

god of war is literally brainless manchild shit

i mean these franchises are basically the fast and the furious of vidya

DMC babies BTFO

Both rehash the same core game design every game, the difference is in God of War it's more memorable & enjoyable. And it's credited as the pioneer for modern Hack/Slash games

DMC has always been, and continues to be better than GoW
why would anyone base their perception based on the score of critics? you realize they're barely considered human

KH2FM > both these DMC and GOW trash

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God of War is exposition the game. the combat is dreadful and the atmosphere is embarrassing.

Dante is the best.


>lol following jew journalists reviews

>Barry thread

Stay out of this

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*these DMC and GOW trash games

>"Can't wait until DMC5 gets torn apart by critics and the fans try to say review scores don't matter!"
>"It's got a high score? Uh... that means it's bad! Journalists suck right, so if they like it it's confirmed easy shit!"
>"No... but it didn't get as high as this game! So it's still bad though!"

It gets sadder and sadder every day.

>Using games journalist scores to support your argument
I mean, go ahead and do that if you want. I just don't think its going to help your case. We're talking about the same people that thought the DmC reboot was a good game.

Stand aside scrubs

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where's DmC?

>And it's credited as the pioneer for modern Hack/Slash games
>Biggest games in said genre are DMC and Bayonetta, the latter of which was literally created by the creator of DMC.
>"Hur dur it was God Of War that did it because...Darksiders or something."

In the trash where it belongs.

It's almost like people don't like difficult games because they're bad at video games.
Fuck off barry

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Unironically was a pretty good game, strange since most movie licensed games were shit at the time

TWEWY> KH2FM, tbqh

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holy fucking blunder lmao


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Based DmC CHAD

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It's almost as if western devs pander to western reviewers more than nipnogs do.

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