What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Fire Emblem Three Houses.jpg (1000x1619, 275K)

downgraded art style for some odd reason

Attached: character-celica.png (528x587, 255K)

the nigger

this thread

That's a hideous boxart. Yellow being upside down is so jarring.
Also the game looks like a 3ds game, graphically

i'm going to buy the game but I will shitpost about the framerate until the heat death of the universe

nigger couldnt feel more forced and out of place

Terrible boxart layout

No incest

Attached: elise2.png (1024x1024, 1.1M)

>as far as we know
your dad IS a character in the game.

nobody bought echoes that's why

No marriage

Why the fuck is that guy upside down?

I want to fuck my sister/daughter not my dad

Too much going on at once. Clashing colors. Nigga is upside down.

Look at the minimalistic steelbook cover by the Automata artist in comparison.

Attached: Fire-Emblem-Three-Houses_2019_03-08-19_006.jpg (820x461, 72K)

Sword do bendy

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you can't downgrade from literal fucking garbage

That boxart almost looks like Cross Tag Battle but worse

Its a Bow you fuckin inbreed
They bend like that

Kazuma Koda wasn't the artist for Automata, he just did concept art

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Goddamn shame the entire game won't look like this.

Attached: Fire-Emblem-Three-Houses_2019_03-08-19_007.jpg (820x671, 329K)


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The cutscene animations from the nintendo direct look pretty good i will admit that

He even upside down like some monkey

I don't mind the brown fashion model being upside down, but it's literally just copy-pasted. The artist didn't even bother letting his cloak flow towards the bottom properly to imply it's a dynamic shot.

How DARE a game look like ANIME? It should look like STEVEN UNIVERSE instead!

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Bernadetta is cute!

Attached: Bernadetta.jpg (576x672, 36K)

if that's the real boxart then jesus christ... fe should've died before awakening. Whoever wished on the monkey's paw to resurrect the franchise really fucked us in the end.

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who the fuck is the art director of this game? I think the character designs are okay, but the environments are empty, and this is just trash box art 101.

>No non-human characters
Ok Nintendo I'm bouta head out


Whatever it was, it started ten years ago and hasn't stopped.
FE is a fucking animu shitshow now.

Is this the "FEfags desperately want the new game to be bad because they hate their franchise being popular thanks to Awakening" thread?

I want it to be good and the gameplay looks promising but that cover is just hilariously bad

>wanting sub-human filth near you
Bleed the half breed

Attached: Sub-humans.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Game looks so bad since the reveal,everything looks bland and neutered.

Less exciting FE ever.

This is like the Anti-Awakening

I like how they did Claudes lighting in reverse. They didn't even redo the light on him when they flipped it

Where's the string on that bow fag

I fixed the box art Yea Forums

Attached: fixed.jpg (960x1768, 524K)

the only they could abuse Yellow king even further is if they decided they'd just put him on the backside of the cover because he wouldnt fit anywhere else

Attached: copy&paste.png (1400x667, 1.01M)

This has to be the worst looking Fire Emblem cast

The pink haired pink eyed girl makes me feel magical but that's about it