Devil May Cry 5 thread, now that the dust has settled, is it better than 3/4?

Devil May Cry 5 thread, now that the dust has settled, is it better than 3/4?

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Better than 4, not as good as 3 or 1.


Post yfw this starts playing

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Better than 4. About as equal as 3.

Better than 4, 3 and the trash that is 1.

It's better than 4, but not 3 or 1. 5 completely falls apart after mission 14. It's such a pity.

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What's there to compare, the story, for a dmc game? It comes down to combat, and dmc5 has the coolest graphics, so it wins.

I still want a vergil/dante costume where they change outfits and hairstyle.

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Better than 4 and 1 by far, and pretty much tied with 3.

This game really had the potential to be the best game but damn that the game kinda falls apart on missions 18-20, vergil fight (the actual gameplay) feels kinda meh and Vergil theme was mediocre too.
The last 50 seconds of the game are fucking KINO tho.

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Best bosses are Angelo, V's Familiars and Vergil. Prove me wrong. Geryon was good too.

best in the series

V was bretty gud though

Whenever someone says this I can't help but think they're underage that's never played a game before 2007.

It's not really good. Thought Nidhogg's theme was better.

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More depth than any other game in the series. This is peak DMC. Nostalgia fags fuck off.

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dumb idol slut

Below 3 & 4 for sure, easily. Nico is a disgusting character and V is more fitting in DMC than in an actual devil may cry game.

>That one (1) guy playing V when he could be playing Nero/Dante
what's his story?

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>you have to pay 15$ for the old music

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5=3>4>1>reboot>QUANTUM LEAP>2

15 and 16 are shit too. Navigating 15 is a nightmare. It's just a bunch of random knots. And the angelos just sitting and blocking are retarded. 16 is just boring. They give you enough DT on all the platforms to just Sin at the bottom of each area and wipe everything immediately.


maybe he just wanted some easy SSS ranks

>mfw beat Urizen in the prologue on second playthrough
I wonder if there's some poor guy out there who thinks there's only 1 mission and the game was an elaborate practical joke.

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but the deluxe edition was 10 extra shekels

>that techno music for King Cerberus
>after that awesome Suffer remix in the intro

>that Gilgamesh fight
Fucking embarassing

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>keep dying on random bosses
I guess I'm not good at video games

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It's worse than both. The writing is god fucking awful.

They're retards

Name your favorite joke so far

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3 > 1 > 4 > V = m >>>>>>>>>>>> 2

what happens if you beat him?

No, but it’s the best after 3

>most of the later missions dont have the regular battle music

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We're here to judge your Neros and Dantes

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V's battle theme is genuinely the worst piece of music in all of DMC

Shut up, V's really fun to play.

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1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > DmC > 2.

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Issue is the Normal difficulty in 5 is way too easy. Vergil on DMD is the best fight in the series

Wait.. something happens if you do that?






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Credits roll.

How much have you changed the default controls?

Lock on - L1, Jump - R1, Pistols - L2, DT/Exceed - R2, X - burst of weapon switching, Y - sword, A - weapon switching, B - styles.

I don't think the defaul layout works very well, since in a lot of situations you will want to be holding down multiple buttons, so it makes sense to keep them separated on the controller.

>We will never get a DMC game again with the atmosphere of 1

I like spooky settings. I actually don't like the aesthetics of V that much, but it still looks really good.

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>Another V Mission
>On second thought I'm gonna go to bed

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Not really a joke, but.

>"Urizen? Your parents must have hated you. Because your name sucks."

>nero just grows a new arm
>you dont even get your old arm back
this is honestly bullshit

How? The Vergil fight is shit even on Normal. Mechanically it's a total mess. No where near as fluid as the fights in 3.

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>1 is the best


I miss Chaos Legion(though V is still no substitute)

DMC usually sold around 3 millons copies per game.

I believe capcom has lower sales expectatives and build just a short game and plot to revival Vergil, maybe if DMCV sell well, DMCVI will be huge.

Am I missing something with V? He’s a lot of fun fighting mobs with but the Nidhogg fight felt awkward.


I'm not feeling V, bros. I keep dumping orbs into DT gauge because he's only playable with Nightmare

Same. The first area is still memorable to me to this day

Really? It's reminded me dunkey video about me andromeda.

>alright one mission and I'm going to bed
>tfw had to go to bed after finishing 17

I thought it was a lot more challenging than the final one in 3.

Is devil hunter hard or normal?

those demos still never got datamined, but dont worry lads, im on it when the time comes

nothing hurts my autism more than missing blue/purple fragments first playthrough

do most people just use guides for this shit? heaven forbid trying to find the fucking secret missions too

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Crimson Cloud is the best battle theme.

V's a mess. Game would've been better without him.

just read your fucking book and mash

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3 > 5 > DmC > 1 > 4 > 2

For me, so far. I don’t ever wanna hear that Kyrie song intro again (Listen to my voice calling you blabla) and I don’t wanna see Fortuna and its bosses again either. I really dislike DMC4’s vibes.


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The story for this game is pretty damn weak but I don't mind, they're usually just an excuse for characters to interact and the ones here were great.

>DMC 3
>Some of the worst levels, enemies and bosses in the entire series
>DMC 4
>Half a game
5 is better by default, there's no debate here.

>The Vergil fight is shit even on Normal
Uhh, yea thats what I said. Normal in the game is way too easy and Vergil is just way too passive on Normal

literally the worst post this thread will ever have

Pretty much every scene with Nico but the whole meeting Dante and the hat thing in particular.

Since this one uses the same engine as RE2, I could really see a fucking amazing DMC1 Remake in this engine retaining all that atmosphere.

On par with 3 and better than 1, 2 and 4
I'm satisfied

>last thing you hear in the game is a remix of subhuman
how did subhuman ended up being the best theme?

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NO it's way to easy.
staying in the air isn't hard. combos aren't hard to pull off.
It's just not rewarding.

I can't beat Vergil
Am I retarded

i used all my red orbs and gold orbs i had left and barely made it
yes youre retarded, because i am too

>press R2

Pure kino

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how are the live action cutscenes?

DMC3 is really strange honestly. It's got some of the best and shittiest parts of the series barring 2. Really inconsistent game quality.

We could, but I rather get Dragon's Dogma 2 now

Staying in the air and doing combo's were never hard in the first place.

>using revives on Vergil

Pro tip: Royal release when he's at low health and you'll skip the whole last phase of the fight.

Yeah, I imagine there will be ways to style on him, and he probably gets more attacks on higher difficulties, but on Devil Hunter he just stomps around waiting for you kill him.

i am shit at this game

>Not using Royal Guard

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>Nero never cried

Oscar worthy. They're like high budget LARPers, it's awesome

Dunno if they could get a Dante that looks right for 1's though.

>tfw I want play it on higher difficulty
>tfw I'll be forced to play as V again at some point
Mod that lets me play Dante and JUST FUCKING DANTE, WHEN!?

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What's your fucking problem?

>discovering wtf tomboy does for the first time
boy i love this thing.

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That's not the point. Don't use fucking revives. If you can't do the fight from beginning to end, you're not learning and you won't get better.

I hope you didn't activate auto mode by mistake

V's fun to play!

it still has some of the best gameplay and cutscene direction in the entire series

in a perfect world DMC3HD would've included the style-switching from DMC4 as an extra playable mode, but this is not a perfect world

I love how nero is what sparda always wanted to be

DMC3 is a game of highs and lows, where the highs definitely outweigh those low points. Haven’t finished 5 yet, only just beat the Angelo fight in the theater with Nero and V, but this one is remarkably consistent in quality and I can’t wait to see how the game changes on higher difficulties.

There's a mod that does that, actually. We may yet live in a perfect world.

helps to save DT to escape situations

yeah that's why I said best and worst. Arkham is actually the shittiest fight ever conceived but its Vergil fights are god-tier.

I find V really fun to play honestly. He's not up there with Dante but I find him more fun than Nero.

>but this one is remarkably consistent in quality

It falls apart in the third act.

Is it me or that van is gigantic?

I love that too. He embraced the life and passion his woman gives him and is the happiest person for that

>see my rank go up
>try to keep it going
>see it drop fast
>keep freaking out and resort to button mashing
I'm terrible

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this is what the jump from 1080p to 2160p looks like in power draw

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>no early access
>no streamer bait shit
>single player
>no season pass shit
>88k players on steam
how did they do it bros?

Hey, Nor is alright too. But I agree with V. Not feeling him at all. He seems so out of place in this game.

this desu, i wouldn't mind just playing as nero either

fuck V and fuck fujos

Id say Vergil is the best vidya rival boss of all time

V is kinda proof different doesn't always mean good. I applaud the risk taking but he doesn't work.

Good gameplay, known formula, back to what made the series good.

Just taunt. Slow the action down and take a breather while your character taunts, and you get free style.

i think all 3 of them compliment each other in terms of playtime. ill be dante and get switched to V and theres no complaints. i get sick of nero after a few missions anyway.

I feel this is a straight upgrade over 4 but not better than 3.

How anyone could argue 4 is more fun than 5 is insane to me though.

Nero* (Whoops)

I disagree. I loved it the whole way through. I like it better than 3 honestly. 5 has low points but they don't get nearly as bad as the fucking Arkham fight.

tfw no faust boss

What's Trish reading?

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Does anyone have the Faust Hat one?

are air taunts not as effective as ground taunts? same with running taunts.

>get used to royal guard for meter
>go sin on his ass
>get out-ungaed
man wtf

Mission 13 turns into a really crazy partyy as soon a V and Dante players teams up, Nero player is just dead weight there.

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>Vergil not playable


It's huge

Is the second Kalina Ann the only gameplay secret we’ve found so far?

I mean of course it is

Taunts are worthless in this game. They give you like half of a meter and take five years to activate.

they're not but they obviously come out much faster

So how "multiplayer" works? The players you see are just ghosts or something?

Nero is tolerable. V is just smash to style. Griffon is great though, but funny familiar isn't enough to make V fun for me.

Pretty sure that's an actual photo of her face model in the magazine

This is my GOTY for sure. I only have one slight complaint and even then it isn't a large one.

the game kinda lacks that 1v1 rival character, Urizen seems to try and fill the role but he isn't similar to the player. The last Vergil fights are fucking great though

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Capcom wants money sorry vergilfag.

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My biggest complaint so far is the extremely linear level design. I know this is the standard but I was kinda hoping for a bit more options and ways to play through a level. Its me looking for something to dislike though, I even really enjoy playing V

the other players play the "other" part of the level that happens in a different mission. you can see them, maybe even exchange taunts with them if they notice you. that's all.

If it has a symbol on top of their names then it's real time online, if not then it's just a ghost

13 is the only mission with real co-op.

Only thing I disliked is that the game is more dark and less anime, this is the only thing I like more about DMC 4

Am I retarded or is the default style announcer actually Balrog?

Mission 13 is full multiplayer, there is no one to help you unless it's a player, it's basically co-op there
mission 07 you might get a bot but it can also be a player turning it again in another co-op.

Maybe I'm just bad because this is actually my first DMC game (I've played plenty of Platinum games), but this game just feels off to play. Feels too loose and imprecise. Aerial combat feels especially off, and dodging just feels temperamental. Sometimes I'll dodge, sometimes I'll just jump and take a hit.

This game just doesn't feel as snappy as I was expecting it to feel. I kinda don't know if I like it so far.

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It's a mix of real-time and ghost data of the developers, other players and occasionally yourself.

>Starring: The DMC Team

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So people have supposedly datamined that vergil is in fact going to become playable. Do we know if theres anything about bloody palace in the datamine? I'd murder for co op bloody palace, with a session ID system for inviting a friend.

my main gripe is a lot of the environments look the same

so cerberus is just ice chucks which can temporarily transform into eletric/fire instead of say like balrog where you get a choice to stay in a stance?
fucking lame if so

LOL what? You ever play DMC3? They give you a full meter and take like 2 seconds.

Name me one DMC game-- NO! Name me one CAPCOM'S GAME THAT LET YOU HAVE VERGIL FOR FREE! Just one! Out of all crossovers he had, find me one in which Capcom didn't pulled a kike and told you to pay extra for him? Exactly.

Has Capcom acknowledged the Nero music bug?

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Jumping has iframes, don't be a shitter.

How is this a secret

Wait for the DLC

most fun enemy roster too.

I don't get this, even at full meter Royal Release does nowhere near enough damage for that. You'd need to do like a third of his health in damage to skip phases.

DMC Manga

Normal attacks are ice
Swordmaster attacks are fire
Hold attacks either normal or swordmaster is electric

>every time you don't pick V

I have never played a dmc
Can you play 5 without the knowledge of the others?

Can someone explain why Devil Sword Sparda forces you to press both Triangle and Circle? Why can't the summoned swords just be automatic? It's making me press an extra button for every attack, forever, for no reason.

there is only one mission with dante that opens up a bit.
I rather have this than having the mess of design that was 4.

Is the get more orbs skill worth a shit? I figure it's kinda useless unless you're using Dante's faust or some other ranged gameplay most of the time.

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>Multiplayer BP
>Everyone does their own dance
God I really want it, mission 13 proves how fun that can be

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I don't really see how it was in doubt. Bloody palace arrives next month and we'll definitely see everyone taking part.

Even Morrison

what is the bug

Project X Zone 2

Vergil has and always will be DLC in every Capcom game

It's the best game in the series without a doubt in my mind. I just replayed Mission 8 for a solid hour and didn't get bored. That's a testament to the combat.

Also, I hope you all aren't sleeping on Rawhide. If you time the attacks right, it sucks enemies in and you can savage them with a Max-Act Streak in a big group.

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You need to do it at the end of a combo that will send him into that phase.

Devil Sword Dante*

I don't get it, I'll wear out my thumb if I have to mash two buttons forever. It's like they mostly eliminated the need to claw, but had to come up with some other way to fuck up your fingers.

What do you guys think is the worst parts of dmc3? I'm playing for the first time and it seems kinda mixed

I remember seeing it go a full meter


5 not far behind 3.

Does it? I seriously didn't fucking notice if it did because my ass just gets hit. Maybe it's a result of playing on Devil Hunter which I assume has tighter iframe windows, I don't know.

This is seriously my first DMC game. This is all new territory for me.

dmc3 taunt is notoriously broken yes but style also drops fst there. air taunting is great in this and it giving nero mobility + an option to max-act alone makes it not not worthless. air taunt is also good for V for obvious reasons. dante's are just some extra style which is fine. none of them are "worthless"

>Short game

It's 20 chapters, and none of the DMC stories are globe trotting adventures.

Project X Zone

>Starring: (you)

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No, you have to answer a quiz before you're able to play
You won't find the answers online

There's a recap video in game

Mission 18 was the kino moment for me. Fighting those three lads after growing to like them/powering them up over the game hit me hard. There's also the feeling I got that they knew they'd get blown the fuck out by Dante but threw themselves at him anyway to die and free Vergil of his nightmares. I miss them.

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post your boss tierlist lads

>fucking amazing
King Cerb
>Real good
Cavaliere Angelo
Final Urizen
>Had fun
Griffon Crew
>Has one redeeming quality
>please don't be in bloody palace
Elder Geryon Knight

Did I miss anyone?

Do you unlock DMD after finishing the game once? It’s been ages since playing the last game in the series.

Sure, there's a gallery mode with brief bios of each character you meet, so you learn about the story as you go.

damn. was hoping it was like balrog in that way. oh well never got a chance to fuck with them since you get them almost end game.
ill definitely fuck with them second playthrough

anyone else stay with just 2guns/2weapons? i find more than that just makes cycling through them annoying

>Capcom build kind Multiplayer like MH using DMC characters

Why is all the new music so unmemorable or just plain bad? Good final boss theme though.

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Thanks on reminding me that thing even existed.

Because the summoned swords can constantly knock enemies out of a favorable position for combo's if they just keep going. Happened to me a few times

>Devil Sword Dante requires you to press two buttons at once

This makes Dante 50% less fun

I'm staying with 3 weapons, i hated that shit in DMC4 but the weapons in 5 are so fucking good it feels like a waste not bringing at least 3

I mean lets be honest thats an overall problem with the entire series

Elder Greyon is gonna be fun in Bloody Palace with Nero and Dante since they said you fight all the other bosses in Bloody Palace like with how Goliath is shown fighting V in the trailer
Makes me wonder how V will fight things like Gilgamesh

grab airhike when you can afford it, it gives you an aerial dodge to dick around with

oh God no, if anything DH has bigger windows because I'm abusing the shit out of table hopper

loose, it's the opposite actually

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I've seen a few other posts regarding it, but Nero doesn't have any battle music after you switch back to him for the first time. Regardless of whatever song I have assigned to him from the jukebox, I only hear the ambient/environmental music. I can get all the way to SSS rank and not hear a peep of Devil Trigger.

No you have to beat Son of Sparda mode to unlock DMD. So that's 2 playthroughs

it doesn't "require" it but yeah it's kind of awkward and probably requires a remapping

I literally finished the game in one day, 9 hours.
don't even remember the last time I played a game like this that wasn't some autismo simulator.

I am definitely missing Sparda's circle in sword style compared to devil sword dante's

Not to mention you can use continuous jump cancels with Rawhide to lift multiple enemies up into the air all around you.

>people asking for real coop
>not asking for PVP

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Rebellion > Devil Sword Dante

DSD doesn't let me hit them with a home run.

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Dmc is Time to grow up kiddie...Dmc was never about mhu crazyness and le edgy demon slayer emo fag

>Another V mission

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>air taunt is also good for V for obvious reasons
What reasons? I'd assume keeping him in the air a bit longer to avoid attacks you might be falling into but I might be missing something. Dante's air taunt launches if the rose lands.

yeah the bird was my favorite. the death scene made me kinda sad honestly

I wish V could do more stuff himself to compliment the summons. Chaos Legion needs to come back.

the mission where you have to twist the tower around if I get turned around once
arkham, gigapede, jester, geryon are all trash bosses


Maybe they're just bad at the game.

Oh fuck, I only just started and haven't experienced the online yet. But it sounds like the crossover campaign stuff from RE6. Is it like that? If so that's really cool.

Are summoned swords that good? Do the other versions have any upsides at all?

I really don't want to constantly mash circle until my thumb falls off.

nah you unlock Son of Sparda then after that you get DMD

final urizen and vergil in BP with V sounds like hell

pvp would never work in this game. too many 0-death combos.

You get the option to use either Sparda or Rebellion again.

I don't have DSD yet, what's different about it from Rebellion and Sparda? Are there actual uses to switching them up, or are they mostly reskins?
I saw you could Aerial Rave without Swordmaster with DSD

>fucking amazing
King Cerb
Cavaliere Angelo
>Real good
>Had fun
Griffon Crew
Elder Geryon Knight
>Has one redeeming quality
>please don't be in bloody palace
All Urizen

>Use V's finish move on a Nobody.
>He stabs the giant eyeball, walks away, and then stabs it into its face.

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V a shit. The character that is

Holy fuck Voltaic Knight is literally built for Royalguard practice.
>never ever used RG in my life
>meet the boss
>wanna try RGing him since the reveal showed people doing it
>my fucking face when parrying every single blow

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>watching the Woolie Vs. playthrough
>Pat being a super shit ass pain in the ass the entire time
Is this faggot capable of shutting up for a single second without him raising his low test voice for a single second?

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How do you enable subs?

the game looks really good in 4k, ngl
shame the screenshot is too big

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It only became more anime with DMC3. First game still has the best setting.

Summoned swords are fine but overall I like Rebellion more.

DMC gameplay is like cocain, this is why people love it.

be happy the wubstep wasn't the main theme like KH3 fuck Skrillex why did he have to come in and ruin it?

Yeah it's useless

>lets plays

y tho?

is kalinna ann the only hidden weapon?

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Thanks for the advice. I'll pick this up next time I start the game. Sorry if I did come off as a shitter btw. Again, first DMC game, feels different than I expected it to.

Really? That's... ok then.

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it's just free style when he can't really do much and it does give him slightyly longr air time. at higher style ranks the ending animation is long though so be careful. DT is probably most important for him so building it whenever possible is good, you want nightmare on screen and buffed familiars are strong

Best taste in this thread

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Credits Roll.
It's actually possible to beat the boss on the first s hot with no abilities as well.

It's under Sounds in the Options menu.

Honestly I'm having fun with all the Breakers, and I wasn't expecting to. I'm not too hot on the Mega Buster since it seems utterly useless and Ragtime is too clunky and can't really be used for comboing and stuff, but they have their uses.

Yes. It's a great starting point gameplay wise. Story might confuse you but it's pretty standard and easy to connect without context

Skies will open.
Oceans will go dry.
Fish will live without water.
Earth will crack.
Sun will blow up.
Tameem will be redeemed. But Vergil won't ever... EVER, be fucking free.

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Yes it does. Dance Macabre is back-forward but otherwise exactly the same.

You.. what?
You go to Language settings and turn on the subtitltes.

I swear to god am I the only one that - when they play a new game - they immediately go to every option and look to turn on subtitles?

Are you new to watching them? That's Pat all the time.

I seriously hope you already finished the game on your own.

Are they going to copy Tag Climax for Bloody Palace?

>rest in peace, little chicken

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It has a fucking shower in it

It's a glitch. I've had the same thing happen to Dante and V whenever you switch off the other.

how do i turn my brain into the big brain so i can actually play dante

When? I think Im a mission or 2 after getting DSD and when I checked before each mission I couldnt equip them.

nope is this because I pirated?

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>tfw just finished marathoning through my first run
Loved every second of it but the Urizen fights were kinda meh except for the last one

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I fucking loved that one. V is really sassy when he wants to be.


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Ah right right thanks.


Sin Dante > V > Dante >>>>> Nero

Despite his Devil Breakers Nero is weak as shit compared to the other two.

DSD has the full SM rebellion moveset in it's basic moves list.

You can still do it with the DSD.

Other than the KH type story, one other Major gripe I had was the most emotion I felt for someone was freaking Griffon and not any of the mains. 3 Is still the best by far.

Which is the worst devil breaker and why is it the mega buster? The pasta breaker is more useful.

i was rolling sword/balrog+pistol/shotgun(later kaliann) all playthrough
i banked the motorcycle. i think that thing is just retarded, mechanic wise

balrog definitely my favorite weapon though so far. though the stance switch for them is a bit weird and wish there were more options besides r1+back+attack

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DSD has an altered moveset which includes swordmaster moves in it by default (e.g. attacking in the air does aerial rave and back+attack does helm splitter) while swordmaster now does summoned swords.

Dante never growing up but thats the appeal of him on V and Nero being the example of what Dante and Vergil should have been

Oh I see. Also I noticed I can't turn off the style announcer, did Yea Forums meme me?

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Any tips on Vergil in 19? His DT fucks me up

>Vergil claiming his son means nothing to him when Dante asks if it was worth cutting off his arm.
>Then asking if Nero is his son as if it took him a minute to connect the dots

I think Vergil might be dumber than Dante.

is it me or every boss had 500 million HP?

Rebellion and Sparda are the same exact moveset.

DSD gives you drive but loses round trip. Holding down the style button will give you summoned swords that are a weaker round trip

The summoned swords basically do the same shit as DSD itself, aka stinger and high time.

if you hold the attack button down then you summon more swords that just follow your attacks so each swing does multiple hits. DSD also doesnt have baseball swing

Beat the game

It's definitely in the menu somewhere, I enabled them like an hour ago

I'm new to the series. Are you supposed to hit the combo sequence instantaneously like in fighter games or do you have to wait for the animations to finish?

in game it's a bit hit or miss depending on rank, and a lot of the SFX drowns it out.
and i even put voices/sfx down just to hear it. maybe dynamic range had something to do with it

>Complaining about Pat yelling over people
Are you new? He's been doing that since 2012 and it's why he was the most popular member of SBFP

Style announcer can be 'changed' but not disabled as far as I'm aware. .

I don't know about you but the bosses are pretty fucking good so far

Nero with DT is strong.

Why does everyone shit on Donte for saying FUCK YOU but it's okay when Nero did it to Vergil?

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DSD has baseball swing. RB+back to forward+O



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So Helm Splitter (or whatever it's called again) gets Split's input? Cool. Does it feel intuitive to use, or is it clunky and jank?

Just every boss fight with V because he's a chore to play

Like this:

Literally just run around with swordmaster hitting him with the spinning blades and then hit him when he's hitstunned from it or starts putting Yamato away

Should've considered getting some brain power

He clearly is to think they're even after jobbing to dante like 5 times now.

why isnt this a battle theme in game?

All 3 baby. Had that run it was a blast


no problem dude, gitting gud is part of the fun

not sure if i would call those a weaker round trip, they're active for really long and chase aggressively.

it's in language

The latter.

Shut up, retard. That's what higher difficulties are for. The game literally has 2 methods of reviving in it. It's meant to be used.

No the input is a lot more forgiving

nero is saying it to his deadbeat dad who is literally the cause of everything bad in his life

It's here:

Because Donte said it 24/7 to everybody and flipped everyone off. Nero is saying it to his dad who never raised him and suddenly appeared 24 years into his life to rip off his arm and open the gates of Hell. There's certain points where expletives are acceptable.


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>cheesing bosses in a game meant to be stylistic and flashy
max act GAY

Because Donte did it for no reason other to be an edgy bitch. Nero is fucking pissed that his dad that he didn't even know he had not only has reappeared out of nowhere, but is the brother of his borderline mentor, and also recently ripped his arm off for nothing more than a stat boost. It's completely within his character to react like that. He's fucking mad.

I dunno I feel like throwing round trip into a group of enemies and then going in with balrog nets met a lot more damage and style.

Plus Rebellion looks better

If you read the novels you find out that Vergil is an actual autistic chunni. It's hilarious.

First thing I do is go into options and speed up camera movement, then turn subs on.

3 will always have a special place for me, but it's undeniable that 5 is the best action game out there

DMC V got me to enjoy hearing Psycho Siren and Mental Machine again

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DMC 5 is one of the few games that actually made me smile

>once in 3
>once in 1
>once in credit scene (unless you're counting Urizen as well, even with him it ain't 5)

do those count as a continue actually? i was thinking how aids s-ranking hell or hell would be but if you still get the continue multiplier after using a gold orb or red orb it might be manageable.

Greyon was way too easy, to the point where I think it's the only DMC boss ever I've not taken a single hit from during my first encounter.

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>Donte said it 24/7

He didn't really. People like to exagerate that.

It's capcom, they'll eastern jew us any way they can. Be ready for the rerelease this year, $60 USD

>So people have supposedly datamined that vergil is in fact going to become playable

The chink mobile version of DMC3?

>this is fine

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photo mode is okay i guess

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Why is Devil Trigger so hype?

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is this the one that plays in mission 19?

You must have autism if you don't get why it was ok for Nero to do it.

>House is burning down
>Let my lock my son in the closet
Sparda's wife and sons weren't very bright, Sparda himself was a dumb-dumb to did he really think just leaving his family completely unprotected and hidden was gonna be enough to ward off the entire demonic community?

Only Nero seems to have a brain but if you piss him off or put Kyrie in front of him that brain power goes bye bye for pure rage.

Oh I agree, just saying DSD definitely has some merit to it.

How? How do I change the music too? I haven't seen anything like that.

It might have just been because I'd marathoned the entire game from the moment it launched but the Vergil fight was so fucking hype for me. I got my ass kicked again and again and I had the dumbest fucking grin on my face the entire time. From his first dt to his judgement cut I was having such a blast playing. I almost shit myself when he spawned a doppelganger and almost assumed I was just sleep deprived and imagining it.

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Not sure how I feel about all the techno in this sound track but that mix was great.

Worse than any other game except 2. Even DmC was better.

It would be great if it wasn't for V. I just got to mission 9 and I don't think I'm going to finish it. V is such a chore to play. Garbage controls with input lag, no way to move your summons around, DT is literally just automode, executions don't work half the time... I don't know WHAT they were thinking but it ruins the whole game. I was excited to play as Dante but I don't think I can sit through one more level with V. It honestly feels like DMC2.

The i-frames while jumping are right at the start of the jump. If you're already mid-jump (like jumping to try and avoid an attack as it's wound-up, rather than jumping a few moments before it actually hits) you'll eat it.

>over 300 posts in about 40 minutes



>the music keeps looping "BANG BANG BANG" when your DT gauge is full

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I can't stop using the bike simply because Dante sounds like he always wanted a bike and is having the time of his life using it


You mean twice in 1.

how long have you been watching them? surprised you haven't outgrown them already if you have been a fan for years

I thought Dante and Vergil were twins, when did Vergil become Dante's older brother?

meant for you

Is there any point to rocking Buster Arm in post-game?

>Say Fuck every 20 seconds for le edgy meme
>Says fuck you to the father who cut off his arm and committed genocide twice.

Context matters

>A-am I being arrested?

All right. Follow me on this one weebs.
>Mermaid visual theme
>Musical attacks
>Inside is a short haired girl covered in light blue blue
Was that a Madoka reference? Did I just kill Oktavia and save Sayaka?

DmC is still better

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He's fun as fuck when fully upgraded but I won't deny that he comes ez SSS rank mode out of the box.

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>The tell that he has it equipped is he has goggles around his neck

its the little things

manchildren game lmao

Go to bed, Tameem.

It's not my fault dodging vergils attacks are as easy as walking left with the occasional (roll, dash, guard)

>People hate V
>Every single battle I get into is a goddamn whirlwind of fire and lightning
>Legit one of my favorite additions to the series

If we don't get another summoner in 6. Im going to be real upset. This guy is great

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REengine is love

>He's fun as fuck when fully upgraded

he is?

Dodging is how you move your summons and you need clear line of sight to execute.

t. retarded with below zero IQ digit

you dont like curbstomping baphomets?

>Thank you Itsuno it's fucking perfect
Final Urizen
>Press F to pay respects
Griffon and Pals
>Smoking Sexy Style
King Cerberus
Dante vs Vergil
Cavaliere Angelo
Urizen 1+2
>Fuck off
Elder Geryon Knight

>have to work in the morning but having too much fun to stop
send help

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>Muh Madoka was the first to do this
Yea Forums cuck taste is plenty like always

I still hate Nero's new look. Mods when

>is it better than 3/4?
not even close. the game is ugly as sin and the combat just feels worse than 4 overall. what the fuck were they thinking trying to do this hyper realistic art style? i thought it was fine in all of the memes and demo but it really just come to light how garbage it is when you play the full game and see all the npcs.

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>Even DmC was better
it's been like 6 years, when are DmCbros going to stop being mad?

he had a bike in 2

He lost to Dante like 3 times as Nelo Angelo didn't he? so counting that plus 1 plus 3 and it's no wonder Vergil ree'd so hard he decided to start all that nonsense. just look at how pathatic urizen is

Can't i just do that with the devil bringer?

>demonic community

Kek, I don't know why but I laughed

Where's the second Nidhogg hatchling in mission 04? I can't find it and I want that secret mission.

The higher the difficuly to more he spams out his moves.
on DMD he even has a couple new moves.

Summons can't dodge.

Older twin, it's been a thing since 3

>Tries to emulate Sparda by undoing his life's work and doing the exact opposite of everything he ever did
Vergil was always dumber than Dante.

Vergil was born first.

Keep making these threads please I like having decent threads to talk about the game in.

>V just standing there as Nightmare, Griffin and Shadow cause absolute mayhem

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nero commits hate crimes towards demons
alright now hear me out
mega man legends 3, with RE engine

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Dante rides a bike alongside Lady in the anime. Of course he's borrowing it, because he's too fucking poor to afford one himself. Fat chance he'll ever pawn off his sick bike now that he's got one unlike all his other Devil Arms

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>and the trash that is 1.

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Leave Shadow alone

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This, haven’t reached Dante yet but I much much prefer him over Nero. Nero just feels so boring even with all his different arms.

>Hostage situation gone wrong

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Damn King Cerberus is nice. It's back + circle attack does almost 1k damage.

is S the highest mission rank?

You mean like one that persists over the game? The Vergil fight was fuckin kino

they dodge when V dodges

>everyone on Yea Forums generally agrees the game lived up to the hype
>get excited
>my wifi goes to shit so the game downloads at a snail's pace and i'm at 35% after hours


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You forgot Gilgamesh and for a good reason

>implying they won't use V to make a summoner class in DD2

If you dodge they dodge too for obvious reasons

And then his son fully carries the sparda legacy without even thinking about it, and does it the correct way

There is no other game to look forward to this year, so it's probably going to be my GOTY.

>Equip the Sweet Surrender
>Activate it
>It just thrusts back and forth
Holy kek I don't know what I expected.

Nero's definitely made out the best of everyone in the RE Engine

I absolutely love V. Its really different from the others and quite fun too.
V is definitely my fav.

Yeah they count. It also counts as using a continue if you reload a checkpoint from the menu without dying, I assume to prevent people doing that to fish for no-damage bonus.

Everytime I try to use Tomboy I end up breaking it

post yfw you will never save griffon

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The only thing I really dislike is some of the music, it's cheesy but I just wanted modern remixes of the Cerberus and Vergil themes from DMC3 man, not this dubstep shit.

For me it's Balrog just for IGNITE THE FLAME

>beats the game
>hyped as fuck for son of sparda
>cat makes an absolute mess of my right arm with scratches and bites
>can't move it for shit so the best i can do now is read Nico's reports

I do think Nero swore a little too much but it's actually in character for him so it's fine
>If Dante said t though I would be livid

>DT Vergil groaning "POOOWWEEEEEEER."
Is it autism?

>Game literally tells you that dodging moves your demons back to V

I think you're either just trash or retarded. V is fun as fuck

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This dumb motherfucker. literally shit for brains. So fucking stupid even V was making fun of him.

Through I always get a kick out of demons underestimating Nero thinking he's human

Context, silly

>I unironically get hyped up when I reach S plus and start hearing, "Savior! Bloodstained! Hellfire! Shadow!"

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Has anyone found Secret Mission 2 yet?
I assume it's somewhere in Mission 3, but I can't find it, and I really don't want to progress much further without completing it

It's only been a day or two, the dust hasn't settled.

>The moment you killed Griffon

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we posting screenshots?

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okay V

It goes so well with the style rank announcer


>DSD has an altered moveset which includes swordmaster moves in it by default
About fucking time.

Enjoy it while it last

Did you guys get Dual Kalina Ann?

The hell he was in 1 made me feel no remorse.

He wasn't trying to be like Sparda he just wanted to be as powerful/more powerful than him

always, but since mine are 4k and pngs, i gotta post the shitty ones
hirojewt better up the filesize limit one of these fucking days

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Is there any way to have the void display style meter? I'm interested to see what gains, how much and for how long

Thoughts on nero devil form?

This is the moment that V won me over

What would his skill set be?

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Bottom of a stairwell in Mission 3.

that beam fucking chunks holy shit

>Playing V
>Boss prepares his big dick aoe
>Dodge to pull catto back
>Don't hit any other buttons
>He sprints back in to stand beside the boss

Dumb kot can't even talk

Shut up Nero i just want to play

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holy SHIT doubkle kalina ann is strong, the laser thing murders bosses.

Best in the series. If you seriously think 3 is better than this then you have an even worse sense of nostalgia faggotry than me. Because 1 was my favorite prior to this.

When he use his DT he wears the goggles

Yeah, out of all devil arms that bike has to stay he's enjoying it way too much to pawn it off I think he kept his nunchucks the longest til they broke against balgo through I'd laugh if after that whole let me get stronger thing he pawns him off without a single fuck given, he might keep nico's hat, it'd be a dick move to give rid of a gift someone gave you

>Really looking forward to Balrog before release
>I try it and don't like it
>Most of the time I'm in kick mode, where its fine
>Literally the last fight with Dante against Vergil blow mode finally clicks with me
>Its literally just boxing.
>Weave between all his attacks, charge in with the uppercut, build up fire with jabs, and go for launcher uppercuts into dunk+shockwave.
>Weaves have crazy iframes and reward you for just dodges on them
>Might just be my favorite Dante weapon now

Every weapon in this game is a winner. The only one I can't stand is the faust hat

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Here's a hint. Check the stairwell

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I think you mean the cum got in his hair

Just beat it. Shame I had to buy a basic copy while Amazin gets me the collector's edition next month. Absolutely great ride, I feel so empty now that I've beaten it, but hey, more game modes and Bloody Palace soon. Will my save data and preorder/deluxe bonuses cross over when the real version comes and I can sell this normal one?

Are you unironic about this, or you truly this fucking stupid?

I use it to get free damage on Vergil during his Judgment Cut End move.

It's fucking shite.
And this game was originally DmC2 I'm pretty sure.

Thanks, I'll go check now

For me it was when Gilgamesh showed up and he just casually turns around and walks away.
>That is more than I am able to handle right now.

>Playing V
>Trying to do cat uppercut
>Cat teleports back to me before he does it
Every fucking time.

Order of the Sword-style Devilman + Ulquiorra Ressurecion

I demolished V's pets with that shit, it seems busted with Gunslinger


I shit myself laughing seeing his reaction here for the first time
it's so fucking funny holy shit

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3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2

is there a way to take the UI off in the main menu

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I wish I could fucking remove Sweet Surrender from the game on PS4 jesus christ.

Good luck on DMD where it launches right after his voice line ends.

It's nice

It's his bankai, t
Immediately got PTSD from the start of this one

I actually read some explanation on Gilgamesh.
>Gilgamesh is merely the name of a metal ore found in the underworld.
>This was just an artillery battery made from Qliphoth roots and gilgamesh metal.
>It's possible that the devil arm we got was an experimental weapon Agnus made when experimenting with the hellgates in Fortuna.

Still though, my only disappointments with DMC5 right now are the fact that the audio is fucked up for me (did a reinstall, voices still missing or horribly subdued somehow), and that co-op isn't much of a thing it seems? It's not live but ghost data right?


>so here I am, doing everything I can
>holding onto what I am
>pretending dante's my real dad

Why? Just blow it right away.

It runs very well maxed at 4k too.

I like the fallen angel look he has going on.

Only complaint with 5 so far is forced normal on your first playthrough is way too easy. Game is 100% worth a second playthrough though.

>mfw got ghost data of myself playing V when fighting Gilgamesh
fucking nice

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Also what was up with Patty and Kyrie being phone only?

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not having to make models for them


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I also did but i don't even know where i can see V

Models are expensive

does your cat maul you often?

It wastes my goddamn pickups like pasta breaker tho! I need to find somewhere I can complain to capcom so I can disable some DLC manually.
Also holy FUCK
The absolute kino of riding on that goddamn stage set fighting Angelos with V and Nero.

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>he really does the middle finger

Live multiplayer is absolutely a thing, if no one is available, like when you are playing a character that isn't V, it uses ghost data.

About your audio issues, I had the same problem with Darksiders 2 recently. Check your settings for Audio Devices. Your device might be set up for surround sound even though it's only Stereo, and the game might be trying to use those missing channels. If you force the device settings to Stereo, it should improve.

>Ebony and Ivory are still worthless

Why do they do this?

if anyone wants a wallpaper, go for it

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Would fight Fortinbras and Nobunaga with it/10

I love it.

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Because it's OK when based Itsuno does it. Further case in point, Nico the goblina.

Same. It's like if someone put Dragon Age class in Mass Effect. It. just. doesn't. WORK!

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/r/ing pictures of fatto catto being himself

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Man I had the opposite experience with Balrog.
>Get Dante for the first time
>Rebellion is good but balrog just works against literally everything
>Stupid good damage and staggers, Easy S Ranks
>Proceed to Unga my way through the rest of the Dante missions with just Balrog and the occasional firearm
I usually don't use the fist weapons all that much but something about Balrog just made it feel so good to me

Ah yeah, the single digit salute

That final fight is such a great victory lap. I couldn't stop grinning the whole way through.
>Vergil wants to be edgy but his son won't let him

I only put the faust hat on for some extra red orbs when I'm smacking the shit out of a single enemy, I also thought cavaliere was gonna be some shitty meme weapon that wouldn't work that well, lo and behold it's one of my favourite heavy hitting weapons in the series

>doing this just as Judgement Cut End is about to land

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Hell or heaven mode

How can katanaman ever recover?

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god fucking forbid the fucking
crowd have their precious loli ruined. It's for the best.
models are expensive and she honestly doesn't have a big enough role for one to be justified. I would have rather her gotten a model and then Morison be an offscreen ghost
To prevent DMC2 from ever happening again.

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i damn near died of laughter when this happened

nero's big package

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>be Dante
>do mission 13 first time
>try out Faust hat, all enemies tagged by it get hats too
>suddenly V player comes out of nowhere
>explosions, lightning and red orbs everywhere
this game needs more coop

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Quite, i just moved recently to my brothers house and it's his cat, motherfucker really don't like me for some reason and likes to stalk in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to strike
We got him castrated today however so today was my only chance to pet him while he was drugged, little did i know he recovered pretty fast however so while i was petting him he completely arm locked my entire arm and bit the back of my hand pretty deep
Fortunately i'm pretty insensitive to immediate pain so despite the blood shower it wasn't no big deal at the moment, but as the hours passed its became really unbearable and my arm is pretty much useless right now, i'm sure it'll be even worse by the morning

Fuck i want to play

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Did you know you can counter the move where he jets at you? Nero will grab him and give him a suplex as a counter

>To prevent DMC2 from ever happening again.
If you wanted to, you could kill everything with Blue Rose. There's no excuse for E&I being so weak.


Pray for co-op BP. Mission 13 being the only co-op in the game cannot stand.

Both melee unga bunga class and mage fit perfectly in me.

Vergil has always been a loser. He was just really good at hiding in 3

Dude, Ebony and Ivory were so broken in that game they make a joke about it in the novel, Lucia still calls them amazing

Thanks. Fucking Windows 10...

>Dante and Vergil in Hell DLC is full co-op

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>mfw finding the Mega Buster in a level
Deluxe edition is a fucking curse, I just want my Gundam arm
I knew that shit would be a fucking counter, shit screams in.

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>need one more blue orb frag
>have literally no idea where it is
I can't even remember which ones I already got

Patty is one of the few things I liked to come out of the DMC anime. Would definitely like it if she grew up to be a devil hunter

Attached: Patty demon hunter.png (707x1000, 896K)

Get to a doctor before you lose the fucking arm, it's probably already developing a raging infection. Cat bites are no joke.

Probably because its so different than the other fist weapons.

>their shenanigans causes hell to panic
>there is a demon that’s eating the fruit and roots of the tree to power up exponentially
>it’s Mundus

Why do you keep talking about 2? Did you ever play 1 or 3? That's what E&I are supposed to be like.

>mfw when I can finally beat the shit out of that fat furball with a Fast AF Dante
>Not to mention Trickster and Royal Guard now available

Fuck that fat cat. Nothing really gave me more catharsis than beating his morphing furry ass with a remix of his DMC 1 theme blaring in the background.

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Ignore this faggot.
You don't need that arm.
You have all the power you need right here.

Attached: img_devil-breaker_punch[1].jpg (770x434, 43K)

kill that cat you faggot

So why dont they just open another portal with Yamato and close it on the other side? Thats literally what Sparda did.

how do I get more used to style switching
I mostly just use SM
when're good times to switch?

>sons of sparda arc is over
>need a new story playable character to take over for dante taking a backseat / postgame only role
make it happen itsuno

Because that bitch slap nearly killed Dante.
It's the only place in existence where they can spend some quality hatemurder time together without Nero developing a new DT to beat the shit out of them.


They don't want to pay bills.

They'll probably figure that out after about a year of 24/7 fighting. That's part of why the ending as a send-off didn't sit well with me, Yamato means they can just come right back out.


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How else are they gonna cuck Trish and Lady with each other

>tfw uber brainlet
>can't figure out how to play V effectively
Geryon just about slaughtered my ass on Devil Hunter, I'm not looking forward to SoS mode at this rate

I don't think it's really a send-off ending. Vergil tells Nero he'll be back to fight.

I really like him. I can tell I’m just scratching the surface of some crazy shit, but it’s just too much for my tiny brain to handle.

Side-rolls allow you to call Shadow back in an instant, Air Hike or back-rolls allow you to call back Griffon in an instant. Lrn2multitask, it's essentially V has one gun and one melee weapon but they're independent entities out on the field while you have to keep track of your human.

So why does V look or sound absolutely nothing like Vergil?

Something something Vergil doesn't value his humanity or sees it as something alien to himself.

better than 4 but not superior to 3 because of the plot

It can be argued that the soul and body are 2 different things.