What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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furries, people avoid anthropomorphic animals now because they don't want to be associated

motion controls

I know it's been discussed, but I still don't get why they won't just move beyond Assault timeline-wise. It wasn't perfect, and Adventure's a bit of a base breaker, but it doesn't seem worth retconning them over. Never played Command, so I can't vouch for it.

Not enough waifus

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Miyamoto trying to mess with the formula with gimmicks and Platinum not in a role to influence and control decision making on gameplay

>It was more or less a reboot of a reboot.
>The WiiU was already more or less dead at this point with only Splatoon and Smash being the main source of life
>People just did not like the Gyro Controls
>No Multiplayer.

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I forgot this shit even came out

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>but I still don't get why they won't just move beyond Assault timeline-wise
Because Nintendo’s bread and butter is having all of their IPs include recognizable battles against familiar foes. Mario will always fight Bowser. Link will always fight Ganon(dorf). Samus will always fight Ridley. And Star Fox will always fight Andross. What? Andross is dead? Better resurrect him! Wait, we did that already? Better reboot the whole fucking thing and just do the Lylat Wars again and again!

Star Fox really could have been one of Nintendo’s few series that follow a truly evolving story, but Miyamoto got cold feet and just wants to do the same thing over and over. This is especially sad when you remember he based the games on Thunderbirds, which was a television show that has EPISODES (you know, giving audiences something NEW every time). So now instead of getting inventive new villains and plot lines that actually shake up the team dynamics (like Peppy finally retiring as he always wanted to do), we get to fight monkeys for the umpteenth time.

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Is this the new Jet Force Gemini?

>furries, people avoid anthropomorphic animals now because they don't want to be associated

Yeah man, I too remember when the Crash collection, Spyro remasters and Zootopia all bombed. What a tire fire.

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It's literally not finished. There is a vehicle in the training mode that doesn't even have a mission in the rest of the game. It's probably a combination of rocky/lengthy development + Wii U died about three years faster than they expected.

The spinoff game where you use the security cameras, though? Shit was surprisingly enjoyable and felt far more polished than the main game.

>a NEET thinks everyone is a NEET like him

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It's not this game.
This is what Star Fox could be like with a little effort.

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How did this happen anyway?

Good relations with Ubisoft after Mario and Rabbids

Nintendo has allowed some developers to use their IPs to boost sales for mature games with an uncertain audience. They did it with Skyrim and Bayonetta, too.

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No content.
Less full stages than Star Fox 64. Over half the game are short little side quests than full fledged on-rails or all ranged mode levels. The same issue plagued Assault but it had a pretty good multiplayer.

Co-op missions were fun.

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I refused to buy it due to the forced motion controls that couldn't be turned off.

More like furries bombarded the game with negative reviews because Miyamoto didn't want anything to do with their bullshit.

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