What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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No matter how polished or perfect it could be, zoomers wouldn't play it anyway.

Look at Pubg or Apex, both have shit ton of problems with the netcode, performance, crashes, cheaters, etc. But millions of zoomers are still jumping on that bandwagon.

Quake Champions runs way better on my PC with well over 180+ fps in FFA or 4x4 compared to 80-100 FPS in Apex Legends but it doesn't matter. Zoomers don't want to play hardcore Arena Shooters.

And Quake Champions is very close to Q3 (unlike what some shitposters say about it being a clone of OW) and it's very hard to master.

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nothing. ESR retards ran a massive anti-marketing campaign spamming reddit and /vg/ with their incessant bullshit. imagine 50 or so manchildren making all discussion of a videogame virtually impossible just because they added one mechanic. guess we will have to wait for Diabotical to come out in the fall.

Lack of marketing.

no true classic mode, and no real ctf mode add those into the game and I will play it, if not I still got the old games

quake wasn't popular because of vanilla, it just happened to have solid vanilla too


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>while Doom get's hugo martin
that guy ruined Doom though

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>quake wasn't popular because of vanilla, it just happened to have solid vanilla too
Quake just wasn't very popular at all.


And other games completely dominated the esports scene while competitive Quake was pretty much irrelevant.

>e-sports scene
just how retarded are you?

It will be exactly the same as Xonotic or whatever Quake clones were released before that.
Nobody ever cared about them.

Quake pros only want to play Quake for money, they want tournaments. Regular players don't want to play it at all, especially if the competitive scene is dead and no veteran pros are playing it.

Just what game do you think started esports retard

They tried to make a MOBA. Boomers didn't play it because it had shit netcode and wasn't Quake Live, zoomers didn't play it because it wasn't overwatch.

>Just what game do you think started esports retard

Street Fighter.
No one cares about Quake in 90s / early 2000s. It was quickly forgotten and replaced by far better and more successful games with way tougher competition and way bigger prize pools.

Quake's "pro scene" is so tiny and irrelevant that nobody even cares about it anymore. There are no new players and no players overall so the same scrubs are playing it over and over again.

>They tried to make a MOBA. Boomers didn't play it because it had shit netcode and wasn't Quake Live, zoomers didn't play it because it wasn't overwatch.

Nice, this is the retard I was talking about:
>And Quake Champions is very close to Q3 (unlike what some shitposters say about it being a clone of OW) and it's very hard to master.
Easy to say that he never even played Quake.

It wasn't a fucking Quake game.
It was a hero shooter with matchmaking and I think its ran at some bullshit low tickrate like 40.

I remember the loadout patch. That was the same one that introduced the "heavy machinegun" which serves no purpose in an otherwise perfectly balanced weapon set and ruined The Longest Yard. Servers upon servers full of grenade spammers who used no other weapons because it was the only way they could get kills.

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>It wasn't a fucking Quake game.
>It was a hero shooter
And another newfag who tries hard to fit in.

The Champions were a stupid addition and the game is shit on a technical level

here's a perfect example of a cretin that never played QC or any quake in general but still parrots "his" opinion

Only old school PC vets give a shit about the Quake title, but Champions changes way too much for them to like it.

I don't see what the first greentext has to do with the second.

Every "update" they do makes the game less user-friendly and adds another layer of pay-to-win

Incredible amount of incompetence from the developers. Literally everything about the game was/is mishandled

>Only old school PC vets give a shit about the Quake title, but Champions changes way too much for them to like it.
Why are you trying to lie about some "old school vets"?
I'm a part of that community, the vast majority of Quake players there is 30+ years old. Pretty much everyone switched from QL or even Q2 / QW to play QC.
Hell, most pros even admitted that they liked the idea with champions because it adds an additional layer of difficulty on top of a classic Quake gameplay.
It's the only thing that even attracted me and I quit playing or following Quake in ~2004 when I stopped playing Q3 OSP semi-competitively and visiting LANs.
I came back to try QC and there was barely any new players, the majority of QC players are old Quake veterans. Most of them never stopped playing Quake (Live).

Attached: 2018-09-18_17-23-43.png (899x676, 771K)

>loadout patch.
this and extra guns from team arena work for some game modes like ctf but holy shit deathmatch with full loaded high tier weapons was a disaster

there's like 3 maps and the devs were so fucking slow at adding new content that anyone giving it a chance gave up on it long ago

>there's like 3 maps
Blood Covenant
Ruins of Sarnath
Burial Chamber
Blood Run
Corrupted Keep
Tempest Shrine
Church of Azathoth
Vale of Pnath
Molten Falls
The Longest Yard


I actually rather like it, but:

1. No easy select classic mode on release to do away hero fuckery and just have even playing ground of shooty fun.

2. Its too ugly for today.
I get it. There is an obligation to keep the grimy Quake look and that is part of the appeal but that is a hard sell up against a ton of games full of booty and bright colors where loot boxes as a play driver makes more of a difference if they may contain something that shows more tits and ass. Its some cold hard marketing but loot box boobs work and that is hard to fire back at.

modern game engines

>Look at Pubg or Apex, both have shit ton of problems with the netcode, performance, crashes, cheaters, etc
Yes because those are built for dozens and dozens of players at a time
the way QC performs with 8 man servers is fucking embarassing
You can't blame DA ZOOMERS for mobile game slav spaghetti tech
I know you're trying to rationalize buying the champions pack like the rest of us sorry hopefuls, but it's time to move on

>the way QC performs with 8 man servers is fucking embarassing

It performs relatively well for me, the only times it was really bad is during the November's patch in 2017.
And people like you always pretend to forget that Saber fixed shit ton of bugs since CBT and improved the game. I even have webms saved from the earliest versions of the game with the air rockets dealing no damage, delayed rockets, etc. They fixed all of it.

>I know you're trying to rationalize buying the champions pack
Nah, it's not money for me, it costs less than a decent bottle of wine.

oh they finally added new maps :3
i'm done playing your fucking game. never installing it again.

See you in Fortnite.

Doesn't really matter if they fixed it eventually. With as many problems as it had for so long and with such a small playerbase, further constricted by an arbitrarily restricted period, there wa sno chance this game would survive.
In a game where peak performance actually matters, you can't afford to say "well it works relatively well for MOST players"
And that STILL doesn't excuse the fact that Bethesda made them make some frankenstein engine instead of just handing over the latest id Tech
fuck SyncError and fuck Bethesda
I don't give a shit if I sound like a shill, Diabotical is exactly the game I want and I'll enjoy every second it's actually alive

they tried too hard to appeal to zoomers with the light hero elements. its still plays and feels like quake, but it also has a lot of fucking garbage tacked on. pros played it because there was some money in it at tournaments and what not, but you can see that's already died. combine that with the fact that the netcode and engine are complete shit, with matchmaking being your only choice, its pretty clear what went wrong. the only good thing that came out of qc was that ql got a handful more players.