Shadowrun Returns

is this worth checking out in current year?

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I found them tremendously boring but other people here seem to like them. If you do end up playing them just skip the first one and go straight to Dragonfall.

nah, but the sequels are. Dragonfall might as well be the silent winner of this new wave of CRPGs in recent years
It's 5 years old.

Did you like nu-X-Com? If not, then you won't like this. It's also nothing like the original shadowruns.

Don't bother with Returns and just play Dragonall.

What is "nu" XCOM?

I enjoyed Returns, it's not fantastic by any means, kind of short and there's pretty much no exploration to be had which kind of sucks.
However you want a decent CRPG or cyberpunk game, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it for like 10-15 dollars.
Haven't played Dragonfall or Hong Kong, but I heard those are much better games.

Enemy Unknown and up

The first game is barebones. It's short and you don't get any real party members. The later games have more content, actual party members with backstories and abilities they gain, and better stories.

Only Dragonfall and Hong Kong, skip the first game at all costs.

if you like william gibson books, yes

If you're asking that question, then all of the XCOM games you know are nu-XCOM.

There were XCOM games in the '90s.

People will say Dragonfall is good but imo it's just a mediocre turn-based strategy game with some braindead rpg-lite elements there to add a minimal amount of depth. None of the characters or narrative features are particularly memorable.

So what exactly is good about dragonfall?

the story, mainly. All the games are mechanically identical

>None of the characters or narrative features are particularly memorable.
Very cool opinion, may I ask which video game you think offers memorable characters or "narrative features" instead?

Good story, especially for a video game.

Planescape torment is still the gold standard.

Mechanically identical, but I felt that the games were balanced better and had better content as they progressed.

I really enjoyed Hong Kong but I wasn't too keen on Dragonfall or Returns.

Name 3 more.

Pretentious cunt.

Old xcom: soldiers marched around space by space using "time units", with speed counteracting shoot accuracy when something is spotted.

New XCOM: soldiers pick a single destination space in range, then can either move again or attack. Shoot accuracy is unaffected by movement. This was copied by a variety of other games after XCOM: Enemy Unknown was a hit.

Hong Kong went further out in terms of combat. Every archetype gets some fun powers and gadgets to play with. Even the Decker, losers in the last games, get grenade launchers and the ability to renotely turn off guns. I like the magnetic arm that automatically reflects grenades.

Yeah, the core gameplay was fairly unchanged but there was just so much more to play with. Returns really felt like a tech demo for the later games.

And I always played Decker so I always got shit on.

>Even the Decker, losers in the last games
Not sure what you mean here. Deckers made reliable budget Street Sammies by themselves, Riggers (i.e. Deckers With One Extra Step) throatfuck the game's balance in basically any way possible, and both Deckers and Riggers are Karma-light enough that you can save up those absolutely necessary points for Charisma and Body.

I went for a mage in Hong Kong, and I'm glad I did. Using fireball and Haste meant I could do 50 damage per turn often, then stun dudes with electrobolt. Plus I got the best ending my first play through due to getting close to the tall magic vendor.

New game never ever.

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Yes but you may want to start with Dragonfall, then Returns/DMS, then HK.

People are saying Dragonfall is the best, why would I go from best to worst?

So it takes part in a super high end artsy space station with cloned fuck/snuffdolls?

>Muh Dragonfall
They're all mobileshit unity garbage for tablets

Micheal Marshall Smith has and always will be superior. All of his shit is pure kino.

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>losers in the last games
Decking is hands-down the most useful skill in the game. I ran Decking/Assault Rifle/Charisma and there was basically nothing I couldn't do in any of the games.

Dragonfall and Hong Kon - absolutely
Reeturns - no

They're all pretty short and not that deep, get them at as low a price as possible.

HK isn't the worst though, and it's the most polished by far. But this was you go from best to worst to second best, which is probably how most trilogies are. If you start with Returns there's a good chance you'll get annoyed with its tablet-game-like features and decide it's not worth it, when it's a great series. Maybe release order is best though, but know Dragonfall and HK are a lot better than Returns.

I liked Returns but after played the other two I can't go back. I think you can play Returns story in Hong Kong anyway with HK gameplay