The next Fromsoft game will be a Battle Royale

The next Fromsoft game will be a Battle Royale

How does this make you feel?

Attached: dark souls battle royale.jpg (1200x1050, 163K)

Attached: 1364877464029.jpg (618x673, 39K)

>Armored Core Royale
Actually reasonably hype.

Attached: dealwithit.gif (267x199, 103K)

>roll and then suddenly warp third of the map and insta-backstab someone


>make offhand comment in response to question during an interview
>instant headline

>mecha Battle Royale
It'll still be shit because it's a trash genre, but it would be cooler than all the shit BR games we have now.

Gotta get those clicks, baby!

please no please no please no please no plase no plasep a nao

>battle Royale set in Sens Fortress ver 2.0

Fund it

They're going to blame the "B" team.

>101 players
>1 of them is the host
>99 of them are different colored friendlies
>1 is the invader

It better allow you to leave messages.
Troll messages are the best part about the Demon's Souls series.

for 11 year olds such as yourself

so basically DaS3

>nobody knows who the invader is
>friendly fire is on

Attached: surprised.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

2020: From Software makes the first Japanese first-person shooter ever. Yea Forums hails it as the best game ever made.

Im just gonna pick up outward
Looks decent enough and if it's about it's only 40 down the drain

Yeah, after all good chunk of missions begin with you being helicopter dropped into the area of operations.

Attached: _-Silent-Line-Armored-Core-PS2-_.jpg (665x696, 68K)

I honestly don't even know what is battle royale is other than the book/movie


Like I'm in hell. Might as well play a bunch of DOOM wads.

user, it's the movie, but videogames. You know what it is.

Wow, Dark Souls battle royal sounds like such a fun concept. I love those moments in invasions where you can't figure out where the enemy spirits are. Imagine that feeling but in a huge map with weapons and items to compete over, and monsters througout.

I can't wait to play the Dark Souls of battle royale games

How would a Battle Royale Tenchu work?

DS2 creators made the best PVP so let them make this.

Sorry DS2fag, you pvp is shit

Soul memeory ruined it