Now that the hype has finished, can we agree that DMC1 is still the best DMC game?

Now that the hype has finished, can we agree that DMC1 is still the best DMC game?
>deepest and most satisfying combat
>varied enemy design
>excellent bosses
>god tier ost
>good level design and exploration
>great atmosphere and artstyle
>best use of DT
>amazing difficulty curve
>best Dante

Attached: dmc1.jpg (3423x2260, 2.66M)

The first will always be my favorite, but no way does it have the deepest combat.

It does. Combat is more than just the baseline combat system.

>one melee attack button

Based. Can anyone recommend me more games that have the same feel as dmc1? Do they even exist?

Resident Evil 3 is kind of like the spiritual prequel to DMC. You can see how the more action oriented direction of that game led to the prototype for RE4 that became DMC.

doesn't ninja gaiden have one melee button

>deepest and most satisfying combat

Attached: CHAOSINCARNATE.jpg (532x470, 36K)

It has two.
DMC3/4/5 on the other hand all have 1.

Same feel as in gameplay or atmosphere?

>that shot of Nelo Angelo on the roof before the first fight

the camera alone is a marvel of difficult game design. Legit made me quit DMD Griffon 3 its so troublesome. Great game though

that's why they have firearms. two attack buttons.


Boxing has one melee option and experts are still finding nuances to explore.

Onimusha, maybe.
I'm not sure to be honest since I haven't played any of them except for the third one a bit

Pic related has mechanics that were later used in Bayonetta and DMC sequels. Dunno if it invented them, but Jack basically has a Devil Bringer weapon. It's more of a button mashing beat 'em up, and there's some rhythm input stuff during boss fights, but I'd say it's probably the closest thing to a DMC game since it plays similarly and also has that darker kind of gothic horror atmosphere that doesn't always take itself so seriously.

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I have this, it sucks dude. Stiffer than DMC2. Just go play bloodborne or ninja gaiden for more visceral action games.

DMC3:SE on PS2 is still my favorite.

I thought dmc1 also had firearms.

>the music accompanying it
Devs were something else back than

No. X is light attack, Y is heavy attack, and B is projectile. Can also block and roll with a trigger.

Ninja Gaiden also has a block + roll button and projectile button though.

Resident Evil 4 for the atmosphere. They even share assets in one location.

blocking and rolling is in dmc too
