Bioshock 4 to star Elizabeth & Big Daddies
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Who would make it? 2k?
doubling down on their bullshit? sounds like such a great idea
why does this read like some ESL mong wrote it?
sounds terrible
Reboot or at the very least be separated from the past three games
if there's no penetration what's the point
never played bioshock but I fucking love this girl
does this mean i can fuck her since i'm not her father anymore?
How do people make such bad decisions? They didn't make a sequel to BioShock with Jack, they didn't make a sequel to BioShock 2 with Delta, why would they break the trend of having a unique story for each game to have us play as someone who doesn't have any gameplay value? She was a good side character that provided side mechanics, like cover and ammo. She doesnt wield weapons, she doesnt need to augment herself with juice boxes to gain power, the entire gameplay would have to change.
They already did a two part DLC with this bitch, she isnt the face of BioShock, shes SFM bait and nobody actually cares about her as a character.
>As reported by Unilad, Michael Pachter of Wedbush Secruities reckons we could be getting a brand new BioShock in 2020.
>Michael Pachter
Oh, that idiot
i wouldn't mind having her as a sidekick though
Why would that stop you in the first place?
I played Infinite for 30 minutes before I got to the shooting galleries, realized it was complete trash, exited the game and refunded it. Bioshock is insipid garbage.
Why would that stop you in the first place?
I lasted until the museum type area with all the cut outs. Game was dogshit compared to 1.
>the only games wanted are sequels that feed nostalgia
Didn't Elizabeth die at the end of Infinite DLC?
But Rapture's Elizabeth is dead, why would they do this?
>More Elizabeth porn soon
Theres no point to it. The game should be almost completely isolated from any other games in the series. 2 was obviously close to the first game because you were still in rapture, but it was its own story. Infinite would have nothing to do with BioShock 1 or 2 if they didnt have their shitty MUH PARALLEL UNIVERSE plot, even with it Rapture didnt actually have anything to do with the plot it was just some dogshit tagged onto the aforementioned shitty plot.
>"Resident Evil 2 mod lets you play as Captain Marvel"
I get the marketing point to this, as NPC's will latch onto the game simply for starring Elizabeth. But from an actual design standpoint, why or how the fuck would they even do this?
Where is Bioshock 3?
That sounds horrible. Tying Infinite to the story from Rapture was one of the worst mistakes they made. Shit, I thought the games were going to follow a similar style with recurring themes, but individual stories.
>city somewhere you normally wouldn't build at
>specific ideology that varies from place to place and shows how it can go wrong
>city gets mixed up with some new technology and makes things go to hell
I hate how they tried making Infinite somehow directly tied to Rapture.
They will probably bullshit their way through with Vita Chambers or alternate timelines.
I wouldn't totally be against OP's idea if it's executed well but I realize the chances of that happening are nearly nonexistent.
Infinite universes, bro. Quantum mechanics says you can do whatever the fuck you want.
This is good. It was starting to slow down.
sounds good to me
>I thought the games were going to follow a similar style with recurring themes, but individual stories.
I think that was actually the original plan, but the rough fan reception to Infinite made them panic and retreat back to safer territory. So now everything is focused around Rapture.
I'm going to impregnate Elizabeth
Isn't Burial at Sea a big fuck you to Elizabeth and her waifu fags?
I was playing bioshock infinite the other day, bit boring with only being allowed to carry two weapons and the time couple are some hipster bullshit but the scenery is nice.
Me too bro
>not fucking your daughter before the send off
Original Elizabeth is the best one, fuck the rest.
Would be interested in a reboot or some sort of successor.
Not interested in Elizabeth bullshit again
Parkside isn't related to Infinite
Do yourself a favor and play them. 1 is undeniably one of the GOAT's followed by a solid sequel and as much as people love to bag on Infinite it is an enjoyable experience with the tied in DLC.
> Calarts
Fuckin kill yourself.
>that image
Does anybody even want another BioShock?
Where the hell is this gif from. Always makes me laugh
Tekken 1 or 2
That's some damn good animation then.
I'll give her my Big Daddy.
Why would being her dad stop you from plowing her?
1 is a genuine classic & the best Western game of the century behind Portal. You need to play it
Yes, everyone loves the original & Rapture is considered one of the best fictional universes at this point
Well this sucks. Let her go and make something new, you faggots.
So Elizabeth, a character people only like for her porn, is being used or in this case whored out for the next game.
Radical. It's nice to see they know what people liked. Hopefully the game will be playable this time.
Fucking how, she died to start the events of Bioshock 1, according to the DLC story
>big daddies
the fucker knows exactly why his game was popular in first place.
>tfw you genuinely enjoyed Infinite even if the ending was retarded
What's the point in bringing her back? What more PARALLEL bullshit?
>Big Daddies
Are they going to take turns ravaging her delicate insides in a brutal mating press train? Because I think that's just about the only thing Bioshock has left offer me.
Real talk, sexing Elizabeth as Booker should have been an option. You would get the choice to become intimate with her before finding out the truth. The game plays out the same as it normally does either way. Neither character dares to bring it up.
You shouldn't
BS2 had a better daughter who actually fought with you and was of some use
Sounds like a good gang bang vid too bad sfm porn makers are all degenerate dog fuckers.
Yeah, I definitely felt way more connected to her than Liz. It was the scene where you are just about to rescue her and then the Anita bitch takes her away as you pound on the glass. That really got to me.
>make her call you daddy
>you're actually her daddy
The devs would be better off making a new "Shock" successor while dropping the Bioshock name and all of the baggage that comes with it.
the baggage of selling well? this autistic shithole was the only place REEEing about it.
well that sounds fuckin dumb
this guy needs to kill himself instead
>the baggage of selling well?
The baggage of having to either reference or create new versions of shit like Big Daddies, Rapture, or plasmids like Infinite did just because it has "Bioshock" in the title. A new Shock-inspired IP would give the devs more creative freedom.
Instead of Big Daddies, they should use Big Mommies.
This is something I can definitely get behind.
>that image
Levine may be a hack, but you don't need a working understanding of real world quantum mechanics to tell a story about crazy alternate universe shenanigans. Most people writing fiction don't have multiple doctorates. Just sayin.
hopefully she isnt a granny
I didn't think Big Head modes were still a thing.
I dont care about this shitty character who appeared in the worst game
>you need a doctorate to do research
Thanks for contributing to the thread
Lovely, they'll most likely ruin her character.
>ruining a character that was already bad
Didn't the original VA for Elizabeth quit voice acting?
Sooooo... was dlc elizabeth the same of the main game or just an alternative one?
She actually got really sick with some rare disease and is basically living on oxygen 24/7
This guy gets it.
Rapture is a really nice setting. But I think it's run it's course. They'll just ruin it by going back.
An Industrial Analyst that predicted BO4 would have Battle Royal in April of 2018, and that Blackout & Overwatch will go free to play this year
She is credited with doing work in Days Gone. Maybe she is well enough to do voice work. I enjoyed her as liz.
God forbids asking for clarifications about an overcomplicated story made by an hack.
It's the same Elizabeth. She goes to Rapture to kill another Comstock, and then dies. Then because of whatever logic when she goes back there again she loses her powers and dies for good.
How do you ruin something you already ruined?
No matter what everyone says. Bioshock infinite was dog shit compared to the predecessors and to the early footage we got. But ffs, the visuals were great and the plottwist was fucking amazing. Eventhough nothing made sense, when you entered the door to kill comstock and come back to see the baptism. Pure kino
> Kevin Levine had to literally go out & publically apoligize for the ending of the original Bioshock
Was is it really THAT bad Yea Forums?
You don't need to even do research, you retard. The constraints of real quantum mechanics are wholly irrelevant to telling a story. I know you want to tear him a new asshole for how stupid Infinite was but use your critical thinking skills.
Her character was "Disney Princess." And if you valued that character, then you should probably think Burial at Sea already did that.
>HURF DURF I'ma kill all the bookers now because reasons!
The plot twist was fucking garbo. Only part that had me interested was Elizabeth's missing finger
What? No, it was fine. The boss fight was a little weak, and the cinematic was a little short but that's fine. I hate huge cinematic endings that come off pretentious and last forever.
>HURF DURF I'ma kill all the bookers now because reasons!
those reasons were that all bookers were comstock and all comstocks did terrible things, whether in the past, present or future.
which i guess elizabeth thought was a good enough excuse to shove a child into an incinerator
Bitch, GET THE FUCK OFF THE BED! You haven't dried off yet. Do you want a moldy mattress? Because this is how you get a moldy mattress.
1 is utter dogshit. it's not worth anyone's time.
Really? Damn.
>96 metacritic
>widely regarded as one of the best games of all time
>>utter dogshit
looks like captain contrarian has arrived to shit up the thread
He's right. Bioshock is a bad series for brainlets.
> 96 on Metacritic
> 4th Highest rated game of the century behind BOTW, RE4 & HL2
> Only Original IP to get a review score of 96-97 aside from HL1, PD64, C.Trigger, Halo & Portal
> Responsible for influencing every action game since it's release
> Somehow shit despite it being amazing until after the Andrew Ryan reveal
Kill yourself contrarian, unless you can actually explain why the game's design itself is bad
Is this bait? The game is horribly simple and has no sense of challenge, danger or exploration. You'd have to be a genuine idiot to enjoy Bioshock after playing an actual good game like SS1 or King's Field.
>look mom I'm pretending to be retarded on the internet again! xD
I thought the series was dead.
this desu, respawning enemies is bad, the gunplay is bad.
The saving grace of this game is the story but that wasn't enough to keep me going
SS1 and King's Field are trash tier babbycore shit ahaha holy fuck user you are really pathetic
>not pretending
>is legitimately retarded
>has no sense of challenge
are you one of those freaks who doesn't enjoy a game unless it's on ballbuster difficulty?
are you one of those idiots who think bioshock is even remotely difficult? it's legitimately a baby game. even on the hardest setting it's totally braindead. there's nothing even mildly fun about a game like that.
The level design is also disgustingly simple, and the mechanics are too forgiving and casualized. It's just a terrible game all around.
>are you one of those idiots who think bioshock is even remotely difficult?
i didn't say it was
>it's legitimately a baby game. even on the hardest setting it's totally braindead. there's nothing even mildly fun about a game like that.
so you are one of those types. figures
>so you are one of those types. figures
But he didn't even remotely imply that a game had to be super hard to be fun. He just pointed out that Bioshock is so simple it's boring and impossible to have fun with. Which is true. Bioshock is even more dull and lame than a CoD campaign. There's no player agency or decision making because it's designed for infants.
...There's a plot twist? What is it? The chinaman being mindfucked from Booker's reckless portal hopping?
>that unabashed charge into calling out Jews
God bless Krogan.
good taste.
difficultyfags are literally the worst
>hurr it's designed for ACTUAL BABIES because the gameplay isnt hardcore enough for me
you're shitting on a game with perfectly acceptable gameplay because there's no tryhard mode
>perfectly acceptable
now this is bait
Your a complete idiot who pretends to be smart. Bioshock 1 is trash compared to System Shock 2. Bioshock 1 is a poorly written ripoff of other material, half of which is also complete shit. I would rather share this board with somebody who thinks Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is an underrated masterpiece than some idiot like you.
That sound like a porn title.
I thought it was kind of bullshit how Burial at Sea had Elizabeth brutally killed off in a way that would have been incredibly easy to avoid until she lost her god-mode powers in order to help one random timeline out of countless others that she would never even have the chance to visit. But it's hard to picture her being brought back at this point unless they go for some major retcons.
Her story was told, the series went full-circle, and any connection that she could have had to other cities, or "lighthouses," was cut off in the end.
Fuck these jews for absolving the Vox of all of their guilt in the DLC, literally turned Infinite into a full-on "Fuck Whitey" game instead of a partial one
>Bioshock 4 to star Elizabeth & Big Daddies
Is it porn? Sounds like porn. I think I've seen a webm with that.
I liked Infinite, I just think there's a lot of wasted potential and preferred the explorative horror theme of the first game.
For every fun and creative element it had, (zipline battles, the songbird, the Luteces, etc) there were too many sections that boiled down into long samey shooting galleries with countless bullet sponge soldiers.
Post the Elizabeth webm. You know the one.
now there's less reason to fuck her
System Shock is literal who garbage, Bioshock is iconic as fuck
I thought that was a really odd decision. Daisy wasn't a super fleshed out character, but she was still more interesting with the morally grey theme of how those fighting ruthless tyrants aren't necessarily heroes by default. She was both a victim of Comstock, and an advocate for the cycle of violent extremism.
But chalking it all up to the Luteces pulling the strings at the last minute felt kind of forced. Why would Daisy commit suicide for the sake of their plan?
Sounds like a porn game.
>I thought that was a really odd decision.
I don't. They tried to be unbiased, then got nervous about portraying niggers in a negative light and backtracked.
Why is she so damp
I like Bioshock, but if you think System Shock 2 is a "literal who" game you're really, really dumb.
Who even cares if she looks like that?
Title makes it seem like it's just a question.
If not, I hope not. Elizabet should stay dead. Just give me a damn good setting with commentary on some political or religious ideology.
Don't connect it to Rapture, that was Columbia's mistake.
This wasn't the original intent, lefties with nothing better to do were hounding Levine about a black revolutionary being portrayed in any sort of negative light, like a real human being.
The commentary throughout the whole game was clear that thew intention was that a revolt based on class or race, as opposed to specific individuals creates more tyrants.
is big daddies code for bigger nigger digger?
left liz best liz
They could give her the Delta treatment, he was dead for years when Bioshock 2 started.
A heavily-spliced Daddy is more likely to have a usable corpse to restore in a Vita-Chamber as opposed to a standard woman.
Sorry user
Since it is current year and sjws and liberals totally control gaming now she will be made ugly on purpose
>Resident Evil 2 mod lets you play as Captain Marvel
Who the fuck asked for this? People that want to see Brie Larson's innards eaten out of her?
This character is fucking dogshit.
She's dead though
She'll be black.
We'll play the next BioShock in the nog reality. New city will be escaped slaves that build a free utopia that collapses as a result of evil oppressors discovering them and the people choosing death over submission.
Fucking screencap this.
>already consider BaS non-canon
>bring Elizabeth back
>make BaS non-canon official
>Redeem classic BioShock story
>run risk of Elizabth ruining BioShock 4
>keep her dead and increase the chances of striking gold
>BaS still "canon"
Very hard.
Lets get this straight.
1 is very good, but overrated in aspects.
2 is only good.
Infinite is dogshit and its only value is the porn it inspired.
So here is hoping for more porn, since I dont think the industry is capable of anything new and exciting if they have to recycle two of the most prominent things from the previous games.
>the absolute state of (you)
2 is better than one you noob
BioShock stands out as one of the few games that is most praised for its setting.
No matter whether you like the games or not, Rapture is an easily recognizable and well known setting from vidya.
Also this. Played through the series again a few weeks ago and: Minerva's Den > BioShock 2 > BioShock > Playing another game >>> Infinite >>>>>>> force fed shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Burial at Sea.
I couldn't even finish it because it was so bland and boring. The last straw was when I noticed that you can shoot a big daddy a few times, get killed by him and instantly respawn ten meters away with zero penalty, and his health doesn't reset.
I played System Shock 2 a few years later for the first time and it was immensely superior.
Can't be worse than BaS2. Honestly, they can do whatever they want as far as they don't touch Eleanor.
Normies don’t know what System Shock is
Didn’t stop Nu-Lara & Overwatch girls
Outside of her appearance having to make one ending canon, Eleanor is one of the few characters that can make an appearance whether it be directly or not, that makes sense at this point. That is of course if one believes they even need to be connected.
But if that's something you want, she makes it clear that escaping Rapture was just the beginning of her story.
Why doesn't Levine just make the game from the original concept of Bioshock? A distant pacific island with a forgotten gigantic underground bunker complex in which the nazis were conducting genetic experiements. After the war ended decades ago the place and everyone in it were left to rot but instead of dying off a new underground ecosystem and society formed out of the nazi scientists and soldiers, and mutated test subjects and their offspring.
>Most popular Bioshock game isn't canon
Burial at Sea 2 was pretty good though. It's more difficult than all three games
Great news for boner culture.
BaS 2 was just Levine's jerk-off session with his self-insert tainting the story of the franchise.
She still had her powers and got wrecked by one Daddy.
What a useless retard, but hey, you got to be a tough chick glaring as a remorseful old dude got murdered after you set a kid on fire.
What a shitty character.
He wrote both
Yes, there was a point where Levine wasn't up his own ass and ruining stories with "herp derp, multiple realities" "YOU'RE actually the villain, from a parallel dimension!!"
What's your point?
she has some oddly long buttcheeks
Are you saying that a baby grown in a lab with superpowers sent away from the city and then sent back and mind controlled with a phrase isn't also ridiculous?
shit i'd fuck her ass if u know what i mean lol
Where did I say ridiculous?
I said "up his own ass", as in it's pretentious, plus it's a cheap writing device.
That's Levine in a nutshell
>Elizabeth & Big Daddies
Isn't there an SFM about that already?
That negress was pants on head retarded, what were they thinking
Every list on the Internet from any major publication or website will have Bioshock in their best games. Almost always it will be in the top 25-50 range. Even on the most popular forum in the world (Reddit) everyone still cirlcjerks Bioshock 1 just as much as they do Zelda, Portal or Mario
"Gotta pull 'em up from da roods"
"You... you just confuse da narrative"
Daily reminder that people were upset this delusional lunatic turned out be a delusional lunatic.
fuck normies
i don't want to be "that" guy but are video games the only medium where "recognizability" is the biggest mark of quality?
I haven't played Bioshock in years. She was the Socialist revolutionary right? All I remember is that you end up killing her. What'd she do?
>it is an enjoyable experience with the tied in DLC
the fucking dlc retroactively ruined bs1
It is when it comes to determining relevance, Popularity & critical acclaim is the only factor. And unless your in the top 100 in acclaim (Which SS2 isn’t) you aren’t relevant. Unlike something like Panzer Dragoon Saga which was so good that everyone circlejerks it as a masterpiece despite the fact that most people haven’t played it
That shit was dumb even coming from Booker.
>I'm gonna smother that bastard in his crib
WTF Booker? People become who they are from their experiences. He could have just as easily thought to go back in time to talk to "young Comstock" and teach him to stay the fuck away from churches or something. This is even without him knowing that he is a different timeline version of Comstock.
SS2 used to show up in every top100 until Bioshock released. A generation shift happened and there are more people that played Bioshock nowadays reading gaming media than with SS2, regardless of quality and actual impact between them.
She was a housekeeper that came to Columbia already not in favor of having to live with white people, worked in Comstock House and was accused of Lady Comstock's murder after being found lingering around the corpse.
She leads a revolution against Columbia itself, not just the leaders in charge under the philosophy that the problem needs to be uprooted. She gains the upper-hand, murders an industrialist, then tries to kill his kid.
She gets BTFO by Elizabeth with a pair of scissors. Her followers then go on a mass murdering spree and the city if destroyed.
In the shit-tier DLC she was retconned into just following somebody else's plan, so she dindu nuffin, because people were mad that the revolutionary wasn't portrayed as the inarguable good guy.
SS2 also has the misfortune of early 3D that aged like fine milk. Wasnt there a fan remaster in the making? I wouldnt mind playing it with reasonable visuals and QoL improvements,
Playing Bioshock 4 when only the original was good? Welcome to the cringe compilation.
If there are infinite amounts of alternate universes, surely there are alternate universes where Comstock is good? Or had a change of heart? Also, how does Elizabeth plan to kill all Comstocks if there a infinite number of them? And why does she plan to do this? Surely there are an infinite number of Universes where she DOESN'T do this? Or an infinite number of universes where she is sympathetic to Comstock?
just let the franchise die already.
Bioshock 1 and 2 are good System shock 2-likes and I'd recommend playing them, even though neither are that challenging and the higher difficulties literally just raise health pools.
Infinie can be fun, but those not much exploration, the character building is stripped down and it feels like wasted potential overall.
I’d ruin that
It all goes down the drain...
Gee, it's almost like this is a shitty plot device.
Apparently the Booker that was deaded was the first ever (yet he understands what's happening) so it basically prevented Comstock from ever happening but allows the Booker's that refuse baptism to exist.
But... the BaS Comstock then still happens.
What, is Levine running low on SFM Elizabeth porn?
Has it finally started to die down?
Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.
>SS2 also has the misfortune of early 3D that aged like fine milk.
SS2 has aged better than most every 3D game of its era. There's mods to make it look better, too. It certainly has aged better than Bioshock in terms of gameplay and controls.
Wait, fuck really? That's stupid. One of the things I liked about BSI was the morally grey portrayal of revolution, and how the revolutionaries preaching equality don't always turn out to be better than the previous horrific regime. It's not the best writing, but do they actually abandon it for REVOLUTION GOOD MEAN PEOPLE BAD?
please... more..
>SS2 used to show up in every top100 until Bioshock released.
It didn't. SS2 flopped at release, selling only 50k copies in its first year. Barely anyone knew about its existence. If anything, Bioshock's release gave it more attention and made it more popular.
I thought Levine said somewhere he didnt like all the naughty media Elizabeth was in.
Then again, he might have been trying reverse psychology to top up his external porn drive.
>was the first ever
What does that mean?
There were apparently some pretty vocal complainers.
She flips entirely from an angry leader with justifiable reasons for that anger wanting to change things from the better, yet still having times where her mask slips, revealing more selfish motives, to an absolutely selfless leader eager to be martyred.
The first Booker to go through with the baptism.
Booker is "good Comstock". What defined whether a universe had a Booker or Comstock was a baptism that Booker goes to when he's a young man. Bookers who reject the baptism stay as Booker, while those who take it bece Comstock. The ending was Elizabeth making it so that the Bookers who take the baptism drown in the process. It gets unnecessaryily literal here. There's no reason to drown the player Booker. They just do it because it's cool and metephorical. The end result is that the time lines are all reset so that only Bookers and normal, unpowered Elizabeths exist, as evidenced in the post credits scene where a Booker goes to check on baby Elizabeth.
The baptism that turned him into a religious nut, or the one at the start of the game? And if they're alternate universes surely there wouldn't be a "first" one because they're all happening simultaneously?
>You don't need to even do research
Is this bait?
>It gets unnecessaryily literal here. There's no reason to drown the player Booker. They just do it because it's cool and metephorical.
How is the timeline reset then, if it hasn't got anything to do with the actual drowning?
I just wanna go back to the world of the original two games. The multiverse shit really fucks up everything.
There is only one baptism, the one that Booker goes to after Wounded Knee.
Whether Booker accepts the baptism is what splits the realities, those that don't stay Booker, go home, have a kid, and become an alcoholic, Comstock and Clumbia don't exist in these universes.
Those that do accept the baptism are reborn as Comstock, they find Lutece, build Columbia, become sterile working with the Lutece machine and steal Anna's from the universe's with Booker's (a large portion of who, if not all experience the injury that gives their power)
The ending is the first time Booker was to agree to the baptism, so killing him stops Comstock from happening.
Like I said, there are issues that stem from this and the whole concept is stupid, but that's the idea.
If you mean to ask why the player Booker timeline is reset, that would be because there's now no Comstock from another universe to interfere with your Bookers universe. Therefore Elizabeth is never taken, the flying city is never made, and Booker never goes on the journey. Everything is reset back to the point before Elizabeth is taken and the story starts.
Levine was talking about how he got a lot of hate from both ends of the political spectrum for the base game and that he was fine with that, I believe a different writing team did the DLC and decided to make the Vox the good guys
I really hate any media that contains
parallel dimensions plot. It just diminishes meaning of everything and creates plot holes.
>guy that supposed to arm the revolution is dead
>i guess we'll jump to another dimension where revolution has started :^)
This is where you lost me. And they most insulting part they are retroactively rectoned original bioshock.
ok tone it down im not into latex/bdsm. the lingerie is good
Nah, it was drowning ALL Bookers, whether they would go through with it or not, it was one of the bullshit constants that mar the infinite dimensions bullshit. All of the Bookers went to the baptism, but some changed their minds at the last second. By drowning player Booker, it shows that even those that didn't become Comstock were killed off.
If the ending scene with Booker and baby Anna is canon, why doesn't Elizabeth go to them? It's not like she's happy in Paris and she's omnipotent, so she must know they exist. Seems to me like it was just a bullshit thing pulled out of their arses to keep some people happy with the trainwreck of an ending, otherwise the ending would be, "None of this shit ever happened, nobody even existed, nothing good came out of it and you all suck"
Also, how is there a remaining magical Elizabeth when all magical Elizabeths are supposed to be dead? It's all just wibbly wobbly timey wimey bullshit that likes to think it's smart.
Oh, so the Booker that's drowned in the end was the first Booker to accept the baptism and so by killing him it made sure Comestock could never come to exist. Why does Booker accepting the baptism split realities, though?
I dunno.
Comstock having faith pushes him to do shit and create Columbia?
circa 2010
circa 2007
Though it's hard finding stuff from way back then. I'd need to go home and dig out my PC gaming mags here SS2 was mentioned every year.
And I don't need someone to retell me history. SS2 was well-known but also panned by "the nerds" for being simplified from SS1.
It does not necessarily split them. It depends on how you interpret Many Worlds theory. Either all the different realities already exist, or any situation with a variable event creates a bunch of new universes that correspond to each possible outcome.
>Ken becomes so obsessed with his waifu that he ruins his entire career
>Michael Pachter reckons
So it's never happening then. In fact the opposite will probably happen, sell 2K stock right now
I disagree about the controls. System Shock 2 has aged fine but its insane combination of point&click and FPS mechanics was an ill-conceived concept from the get-go. You don't just contextually change the basic controls of the player's aiming to an on-screen cursor controls in real-time gameplay. The mouse must always correspond to one function and one function only. If my character isn't turning his head left when I move my mouse left, then something is wrong with the game.
I honestly believe that the game featured at E3 before it got released would have been a far better game. You can see that the plot was going to be completely different, Booker wasn't going to be some alternate reality Comstock and Elizabeth was going to continue to be the high spirited comic relief from the action scenes well into the game. (It really needed this in the late game, everything just becomes depressing.)
The big problem was they rewrote the entire story about a year before launch and thus had to change a ton of stuff to make the new plot fit. Sure, it wouldn't have been as good as the E3 showpiece, games never are, but I honestly believe it would have been better than what we got.
Aren't you talking about SS1? This is something SS2 "fixed" and a cursor only appears when you bring up character screens.
I'm still unironically stuck on the lighthouse part in Bioshock: infinite
>too much of a fucking dunce to understand quantum mechanics
Is that a dunce characteristic? Quantum mechanics seems like an alright thing to be ignorant about, even if you're writing some fiction very lightly using it.
He explained why you don't need to do research pretty well.
The existence of the post credits scene is there to tell you that it did rectify the variable into a constant to leave the normal Bookers alive. It's the only reason the cutscene COULD be there.
The Elizabeth's would not drown all Bookers and therefore kill themselves as well. That is an undesirable outcome for everyone and it would be illogical to go through with.
How did it ruin it you imbecile?
This reminds me of that YouBigJohnson video where milf Liz rapes Futa Liz. It was very, very hot.
It's not too hard, you obviously have the scroll, the trouble is the swords.
First you need to go into your inventory to make sure you have both your keys from home, if you rowed you'll have one sword. I'll spare the spoilers for how to find the second.
Except NOW it’s in SPACE
And the sun makes the whole map super bright so there’s absolutely no suspense or darkness in the WHOLE GAME
Tekken 2
>All of the Bookers went to the baptism
Huh? Infinite monkeys can write all works of Shakespeare, but infinite Bookers are incapable of not going through baptism? Why?
Hey, Levine.
The problem is that an infinite universes setting would also involve universes where Comstock DOESN'T get drowned, universes where Elizabeth eagerly helps Comstock, Universes where a completely different dynamic takes place, entrenched tyrannical Vox vs revolutionary Christians going full Deus Vult.
But Levine thinks he fixes all of that by saying there are constants in the universe that ALWAYS happen, so there has to be a Booker born to get to the baptism because the baptism ALWAYS takes place in every universe ever. So the only universes that exist have to follow the path that allow for the constants to take place. But somehow these constants stop being constants when Elizabeth sticks her nose into the events, the Luteces couldn't do shit, had to be her for some reason.
They already did that though, called Prey. It was pretty gay
Dude shut the fuck up, you’re literally a retard. It’s just saying there’s infinite realities and there’s a guy saving a wamen. Fucking Mario is a booker. Every story with le male save le female is a bioshock game based on the idea of the end.
If you don’t get it you’re genuinely retarded and it was an effective way of closing the series saying “look niggers we can do this fifty more times but it’ll never be as good as the first time”
Especially with that shitty final battle on the ship
After Infinite and its reception I no longer want anything to do with the Bioshock franchise.
Forgot about that one m8 thanks for the laff
The Baptism happening and Booker attending was a constant, the dividing point was whether Booker goes through with it or runs off at the last second out of shame for thinking he could absolve his sins.
Why would its reception affect you at all?
What the fuck are you niggers talking about? The ending implies that even the events of the first two bioshocks are part of the infinite possibilities that exist.
You dumb niggers looked way too far into the ending and took it into a level of autism that transcends my being.
>a constant
Huh? Why is it a constant?
No, it's not a problem. Constants and variables.
>"He doesn't row."
>"He doesn't row!?"
>"He /doesn't/ row."
Booker not rowing the rowboat in the opening is a constant. He never ever rows the boat. Other things, like the baptism, are variables. He sometimes does and sometimes doesn't. The constants are what forge the similarities between realities.
Because it’s reception led to people who are saying shit like
And anyone who read this deeply into the ending is obviously an autistic nigger
you're just not a meta enough dude dude
Why? You're saying this as if it makes any sense.
Oh come on, burial at sea ep2 was imo better than infinite. They connected both games and ending is one of my favourites in video games. I however don't understand how 4 will feature Elisabeth as she is kill.
You didn't answer my question as well.
No you’ve literally never done a single psychedelic and your puny brain can’t comprehend the nature of infinite realities
>They connected both games
Connecting a good game to a shitty one is not an improvement
Because Booker always seeks redemption, but in some cases he can't go through with it.
Honestly, user, the story is retarded shit, not really worth thinking too much on.
lol, it's just autism text, close your eyes. Doesn't affect the actual game.
You're angry because logic is undoing your point of view. You want the game to be bullshit, but someone taking you through the story as its creator most likely intended you to see it frustrates you.
>Because Booker always seeks redemption
But why? That's not an explanation. You're just saying that universes are infinite except in those cases where Ken wanted to make them finite without providing any explanation. Sounds an awful lot like bad writing.
You can "explain" this shit-tier writing, but trying to make it make sense is insanity.
But there have to be so many constants to allow for a similar reality, to the point that the variables becomes very few and far between. Everybody that exists in the game has to have identical ancestry that lived their lives in exactly the same way otherwise they would be vastly different people, even the sperm and egg that made them would have to be identical for each generation of Dewitt. So the exact time and date of Booker's ancestors fucking are constants CEMENTED in the timeline. And this goes back all the way to the beginning of time, all the things that transpired to make our world exactly as it is, all constants.
Where the fuck ARE the variables that don't have the benefit of taking place during the narrative of the game? Because I don't see them.
Because of Wounded Knee, and yes, it IS bad writing, that's the problem.
Still not answering my question.
Does this she will move on from her share of fucking niggs and dogs?
Do you also complain about the magic in Harry Potter not making sense? It does make sense within the story. This isn't even the story breaking its own rules. "Constants and variables" was something that was being referenced right from the start.
You don't think much at all, is the problem.
EXACTLY. The constants were just a shit writer's way of restricting the infinite spread of possibilities into his finite desired possibilities to better fit the narrative of his game. Like time travel, writers should stay the fuck away from multiverse theory unless they're just dipping their toe in.
Doctor Who is fine when the time travel is just a vehicle to let the characters interact with varied settings, but as soon as the time travel actually becomes part of the story, shit gets stupid.
>A new BioShock will be coming out in 2020 according to a reliable game analyst, but will it star Elizabeth and the Big Daddies?
Nobody knows if they'll be in, it's just the author of the article speculating. It's not even confirmed that they are making a new Bioshock, it's just some other guy "Yeah, there'll probably be a new one in 2020"
I do admit, huffing my own farts is not commonly included when I play vidya.
>magic in Harry Potter not making sense
Magic by definition doesn't need to be explained. If Ken told me that an evil wizard has frozen the timeline and created the constants, that would be an explanation I would be happy with. That's good enough. But just saying that some things are constant for no specific reason is not good enough.
So every single part of that article except the question mark is bullshit. How can they keep getting away with this
>But there have to be so many constants to allow for a similar reality, to the point that the variables becomes very few and far between.
The game itself shows this is wrong with every choice event you go through. The coin toss, the throwing a ball at the race traitor couple, the decision to let the guy stab your hand, the brooch you chose for Elizabeth. It's all meaningless in the end and outweighed by the constants that push every player down the same path.
Why do people keep referring to this as a puzzle when it was obviously just meant to be a password? If the notecard was instead something like a numerical combination for a safe, would you call that a puzzle too?
It's easy to explain, actually. You just don't overthink it. Or underthink it and give up like you did.
Jason Schreier said Hangar 13 had small dedicated team working on it a year ago. But they might be a supporting studio
Because the memes were good
>city on the moon
>Victorian British Empire
>imperialism and colonialism theme
>Steampunk aesthetics ala Jules Verne
Because this is complicated.
I've already seen that SFM. So they are turning that into a full game? It'll be difficult to make it all the way through in 6 minute increments, so I hope it's not TOO long.
If magic not having to make sense is your problem, then look at any other example that requires what is called suspension of disbelief. FTL in scifi, monsters in fantasy, ect. Constants and variables is how the multiverse works in Bioshock. That's that. You don't need to go further, other than think "that reminds me of some physics shit".
>city on a train
>late Czarist Russia
>Rasputin is a wizard
>rusian punk aesthetics
This video would have been so much more popular if it didn't have that ending.
>more elizabeth for no reason
>more big daddies for no reason
Let me guess. More comstock and Booker for no reason too?
No Booker/Liz incest, no buy
>city in California
>the worst place to live in America
>Main issues?
>Sky high rate of violence and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else.
>Can’t deny it - it’s all true...
>but everybody still wants to live here.
>This city’s always got a promise for you.
>Might be a lie, an illusion but it’s there...
>Just around the corner…and it keeps you going.
>It’s a city of dreams.
>And I’m a big dreamer…
My problem isn't that I DON'T BELIEVE in constants, my problem is there are no rules to them. They just happen when it's convenient. That's like if Harry Potter had a one-shot kill spell that he just sort of didn't feel like using most of the time for no specific reason.
That was too good for me to think you didn't copy it from somewhere.
> 4th Highest rated game of the century behind BOTW, RE4 & HL2
>ain't even in the top 3
>City in an artificial island
>time after global warming megaflood
>resistance vs ark security
>tfw Minerva's Den was a plot device to tie Bioshock to System Shock
user I...
>if I can't cum why bother?
Well Harry could use avadra kavada, but he doesn't want to murder people and we later find out that murdering people "tears the soul in half". Both are good enough reasons.
Bioshock Infinite knows that it couldn't pull the constants and variables thing out of its ass right at the end. That's why you get shout outs to it from very early on in the game. On replays there are things that will change besides the stuff you pick. These are some hidden variables. The heads/tails chart at the coin toss choice is one of them. There's a few others, but you'll have to look them up because I can't recall them. The game is nearly constantly referencing the constants and variables thing because the plot is so reliant on it.
better version
also nice alternative
My first playthrough was a blast admittedly. It's a visual treat if nothing else.
I want to be her big daddy tbqh
If you think there’s a chance in Hell those fags won’t make her either a lez or asexual, you’re fucking dreaming, mate.
This, the fucking world building and comfy feeling.
Great place to set up an adventure game desu
Well I think the game should have been designed without screens where you use your aiming controls to do something other than aiming. Thief uses the same engine and it has no ingame instance of the mouse doing something else.
My daughter Elizabeth is pretty and cute
Bas Liz is a goddess, if anyone deserves a chance at redemption it is her because BaS fucking sucked dick.
she takes a trope of 'great character design stuck in a bad game' to an entirely new level.
Bioshock story is boring af and the gameplay is even worse. Most overrated series in existence
Honestly, at this point I equate Elizabeth to porn more than I do Bioshock. She's tainted and I can't take a game featuring her seriously.
>one third through the game you get a FREE invisibility power
>literally nothing can detect you as long as you're using it
>it deaggros ALL enemies the moment you use it, even in melee range right in front of you
>more difficult
The fact that you're asking this question shows that you're the kind of intelligence-impaired individual that the game was targeting. The game starts with the protagonist picking up a paper with extremely simply instructions that nobody could possibly not understand instantly. Yet in the very next scene the game goes out of its way to make sure that you didn't miss it. It insults the player's intelligence. An obvious solution to a trivial problem revealed seconds ago and the game insists on reminding you of it like you're a retard.
Then again if you didn't manage to notice that kind of stupid condescending game design, I guess they were right in implementing it afterall.
If it's true they could set it during the period where Elizabeth is in Rapture on her own, before she gets killed.
>hey remember how Fontaine played Jack like a fiddle? guess what, it was all because of timelord waifu
>other fucking instances of integrating elizabeth and columbia to rapture lore
fanfiction tier
Din dins
At least you're just equating her with porn. I seem to be going even farther because I equate her more with having a cock than having a vagina in said porn.
It's not as good as the first two, but I still had fun overall. The main part of the game is good, it's just the dumbass ending ruining everything. I'd give it a 7 compared to a 9 for the first two games.
pls no
Bioshock Infishit threads created some of the best moments in my life. I miss laughing like that.
The whole point of the post was to dispel the notion that it was ever meant to be some kind of puzzle. It wasn't.
Micheal Chricton had a medicine degree which gave more depth to his writing.
Tom Clancy actually bothered to read books and military reports in a time where there was no internet and the cold war was still going on so a lot of stuff was still secret.
Tolkien wrote an entire reference bible (Silmarionn) to create a consistent world.
Is easy to write about flying cars, is harder to write about the consequences of the flying cars.
actually ken was just the creative director
the story for infinite was written by joe fielder
It's simple to the point of making anyone with a brain ask, "why even make the player interact with that?".
Hope she has a dog companion too like in my favorite SFM videos
>imperialism and colonialism
Pls no.
Everyone knows how it'd go.
More like it was never meant to be a complex moment and brainlets who like playing at being intellectuals try to make it into something it was never intended to be so they can feel smug and superiour through their own ignorance
I'd kill for a game that blows up an obscure historical setting, like say, post revolution Greece or one of all them southern asian countries in the 40's
>staring Elizabeth and Big Daddies
Did they make it sound like a porno on purpose? Anyway, it doesn't matter, Bioshock wasn't good since the first game, doubling down on their Sue isn't going to do much for it either way.
>Bioshock wasn't good since the first game
the firest system shock wasnt even that geat
by the time system shock 1 came the gaming industry had already gone downhill
i never played infinite because my pc couldnt handle but i knew it was gonna be a bad game
a new model and outfit for SFM creators is appreciated
Elizabeth must be a proud woman of color
Fucks sake. I hated Bioshock 2 because of the focus on big daddies, and i hate this new fangled SJW bullshit.
did you even play bioshock 2 or infinite
I want a game in post-fall Columbia. Maybe using some of the darker design concepts that you can see in the Infinite art book.Open up the gameplay a little.
>Hangar 13
Nah. Do something else. Something new. We've been under water and in the sky. But what about... Under ground?
>it was never meant to be a complex moment
Then he shouldn't use a complex subject or make it the main point of the game.
>complex subject
You know he's talking about the bells you have to tap at the start of the game and card that tells you the order, right?
Underground would be cool. I've had the idea in my head of like a somewhat punk themed, "underground" type society.
But I do think there's still potential to be explored in Columbia.
The fact that the player controls that sequence means that it absolutely came off as a puzzle. So the designers failed. If there was supposed to be a password for lore and story purposes only, there was no reason to put that interactive sequence there. It was a stupid decision by the developers and all it did was insult everyone's intelligence even if that wasn't the intention. So whatever they intended, it has been made official out of their own incompetence that they treated it as a puzzle and their audience as retards.
It's either there, space (either a station or a moon colony), or they make a city set on the ground. No one would see the last one coming.
a city set in a lighthouse
do people like hairy puss like this?
are female sidekicks allowed in 2019?
>no cute daughter-wife
You don’t need a fucking doctorate to not shoehoen in mechanics which are BLATANT writer fiat like “Constants and variables”.
Oh yeah. Have you ever been to /hgt/ on /soc/?
Myself I can appreciate a neatly trimmed full bush but don't get the love for it getting completely out of hand.
There's nothing wrong with it, really.
whatever they do, can they not make it as boring as bioshock infinite? holy shit that was the most braindead consolized garbage I've never seen
it made bioshock 1 and 2 look like games for intellectuals even though those games were consolized hard enough already
there was no interesting weapons, no interesting vigors, no builds to speak of, you just pick shit and you don't have to think about it
It’s literally “Whatever the writer wants to happen will spontaneously have reason to happen, whether or not it makes sense in the context of quantum mechanics”. Any single event that the author wants to be decisive is a constant.
2K Marin.
They haven’t done shit in years and they said they were gonna do the next Bioshock years ago. Might have change.
If you can see the hand of the writer so obviously within the story, it’s probably going to take you out of it. It’s anti-worldbuilding.
1 is pretty good yes. Some things will feel clunky and that shitty hacking mini game.
2 is better than 1 in regards of gameplay.
Infinite is just painfully medicore because of so much wasted potential.
Based. Bioshock 1 is just a casual normie version of SS2.
But they already canned the series.
Not true and homosexual.
>Also, how does Elizabeth plan to kill all Comstocks if there a infinite number of them? And why does she plan to do this?
This is probably the most retarded thing in the game hands down. Elizabeth even said herself that you can’t kill one person (Comstock) and expect for all to fade from existence. Killing Comstock would just open even more doors. But I think the writers forgot they added that line and just said “fuck it” and went with it because of deadlines.
>he played with vita-chambers on
>endless possibilities with the "lighthouse, city, ideology, super powers, downfall" framework
>could've gotten city in the middle of antarctica, deep in the unexplored rainforests, undeground, in space, anywhere
>all with a different ideology that backfired, different super power shenanigans, and different aesthetics and architectural styles
>but no, gotta ride the "remember Rapture? remember big daddies? wanna fuck Elizabeth? good times, right?" nostalgia train
Fuck everything about the the bioshock games past the second one. Wasted potential through and through.
There was an option to disable them? I don't remember. Anyway, the point is that System Shock 2 has you imprint yourself at a reconstructor and then you need to actually spend nanites to come back. So you can't just keep throwing yourself at an enemy until it dies.
It's 1960s, make sense that women would have hairy pussies
>Mom went to college with Ken Levine
>Asks about his games
>Never have the heart to tell her about how much I hated Bioshock 2 and Infinite because it's the only interest she's ever shown in my hobbies
Lelios kekius maximus
>bioshock 2
If there is a next Bioshock game, I won't buy it if its tainted by Infinite's bullshit in any way.
If it's another unique location, a light house, the usual formula great. If Elizabeth or the Luteces show up or there is any dimensional wank I will not buy
Which one is the least spooky game is the series? I wan't to play but I can't handle horror, especially jumpscares.
It's outright shown that every Elizabeth is helping to kill their own Comstock.
There's no way every Elizabeth is alive so how would that even work.
Every Liz that made it to the end like yours did is helping, and each one is already omnipotent. They have this covered.
You're out of luck then when it comes to Shock games. Basically the game's spookiness is inversely proportional to the game's quality. The game that's most spooky is the best one and that game that's least spooky is the worst one.
Bioshock 2 is much better than Infinite, but Infinite is slightly less scary. Bioshock 1 is spookiest and on par with 2 on quality
2 isn't really scary except maybe atmospheric terror during a dark area you have to go into and restore power. No jump scares and it's not really scary.
Remember that one bit in infinite here you turn around and the trumpet head guy is behind you, though.
No I don't. I couldn't stand playing that piece of shit that far.
These are all good reasons why their writing was as good as it was. But it's really not something to hold over another writer's head. You can't expect every person who touches a pen to paper to have this kind of background. That's just being unreasonable.
Also. It's fuckin video games, man. A novelist is always going to put more effort in than someone who wants an excuse for you to shooty guns in bad men faces.
do yourself a favor and don't play them, they're all awful and the only thing people like about them is buh intelectual 3deep5you story
lmao who cares about the game? As long as it revitalizes Elizabeth shota/bestiality/monster sfms again
>There is an Elizabeth who married her own father
>There is an Elizabeth who travels to other dimensions to have sex with younger boys
>There is an Elizabeth who traveled back in time and had sex with underage Booker
>There is an Elizabeth who enjoys beasts too much
>There is an Elizabeth who force other Elizabeths to have sex with her father
Elizabeth is a monster
Thank god my tastes aren't always in the extreme and i can enjoy good and somewhat bad games a lot instead of being totally HATE/LOVE everything
Mildly interested I guess
I want to go to Battleship Bay with Liz again!
>You can't expect every person who touches a pen to paper to have this kind of background.
I don't think he's expecting Ken Lememe to have a doctorate in theoretical physics, he's expecting him to do a bit of research into the subject before basing an entire video game around it.
>Also. It's fuckin video games, man.
Not really an excuse. Games like Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas, Morrowind and Spec Ops have excellent writing and quality despite being vidya
Eh sure, why not.
>big daddies
No, we had two games in Rapture, which is one too many and the second one in some bizarre turn of events was actually great, we dont need to revisit it.
If they wont do another setting Id honestly rather revisit Columbia in a good game this time.
Fucking no, use a new character/setting or use Eleanor.
Wait, Elizabeth dies in the dlc? How? Didn't expect them to kill their "golden girl" unless it was some self sacrifice or some bullshit
Don't tone it down, I'm into latex and BDSM.
Elizabeth would only be cool as a cameo with her going to the world Of the game for just 10 seconds then leaving. They need a new character and setting.
What would be the best setting for a new city? And what will be the "critic" of the game?
>he's expecting him to do a bit of research into the subject before basing an entire video game around it.
While it MIGHT augment his story about it, it might not. The reality of quantum mechanics is limiting, and someone who just wants a story about alternate universes really doesn't need to ever fall back on the reality of matters to just set up the scenario they want.
But of course, spergburglar however, understands quantum mechanics because he's such a genius unlike all the other sheeple
>ywn fuck Eleanor
I would badly want a Eleanor game but I don't know if I'd trust them with my daughterfu as a female protag in this day and age. The city she would visit would be Phallusia and the political ideology would be fascist patriarchism with a trump character at the head
The only reason I care about BI, everything about that game is shit.
I am still mad at levinefags that trashed Bioshock 2 because >not muh genius Ken (despite is story was easillyon par with B1).
>Just sayin
Just kill yourself.
A society where alt rightfags won, and what a totaliarian hellhole it became
Not because that's necessarily what would happen, but because of the IMMENSE butthurt it would generate for YEARS
why is it suddenly finite?
I would enjoy an "Elizabeth's Bizarre's Adventure" game. Set in a steampunk Nazi setting.
nigga this game is about multiple universes or whatever
they'll just pull another liz from a different one and that's it
Eleanor isn't very popular anyway so I doubt she will return...
The city woudn't be like that, especially if Levine is gone. It would probably do something very unexpected and critics something popular.
>tfw they go full madman and do a city where it's full SJW in a very extreme degrees.
Can't wait for the enemies banters, they were alright in infinite and really fucking funny in bioshock 1 and 2.
To be honest, i prefer stories where the writer don't refer to research (too much). More chances the shit will be crazy and original, rather than if every single writer researched themes and topics heavily, and thus more or less ended up making basically copies of each others work.
Just look at fantasy. Just because everyone studied tolkien's writing, we always get more or less stock races. Even games trying to be original with races still end up using similarities to tolkien races, barring a very few crazy settings like Planescape.
I still considers bioshock 2, minerva's den and the bioshock novel canon. Levine cannot stop me.
>There's actually "people" out there who prefer the ugly matron burial lizzie than cute innocent infinite lizzy
>Nobody likes himecut megatitty lizzy
A city build deep underground (a system of mirrors from the surface creates a day/night cycle).
>not liking aniki&friends
spot the gay
Who made all this Liz smut? It's not the usual SFM shit
>moving fast is good!
>okay so we put bunny hopping/strafe jumping in yeah?
>what's that?
>I KNOW! Let's make him jump out of cover onto magic ziplines. Better make them all just a fucking oval so they're not too complicated to navigate!
Would love to see it
>Just kill yourself.
Can't even say "just saying?" So who is to blame for your autistic rage? Does reddit own this one now?
Pseudonym3D on deviantart.
Sadly he stopped because rendering takes a lot time and he was doing it for free.
Don't even remind me about Brink. It had such an amazing premise ("eco" refugee city built upon an oil reserve and using everyone as slave labor) yet Beth both butchered the original concept and made another forgettable MP-only TDM game.
Brink as an RPG would have been bigger than Fallout 3. Instead it's just another forgotten Beth game.
Why did people fall for Baby's First Disney Waifu again?
same people who added the shitty half-jetpacks in anthem
>He thinks trained soldiers can easily hit moving targets while being shot at
kek, try joining the army and do a round.
I would still be doing it if I didnt have to fucking wage
>30 of you
>1 asshole on a rail shooting down at you
I pre-ordered this game, and so did my best friend.
We returned it two days later.
What a let down, what a monumental disgrace. We expected some open-world Mirror Edge sorta travel with dank ass customization and gunplay and we just got some fucking Nexon game.
By who? People who have never ever played another game?
>1 is undeniably one of the GOAT
>haha le incest amirite so hot lmao
give me a break you wouldn't fuck your daughter because you are literally programmed by nature to not being attracted to her by how gene splicing works, if you do you are literally mentally handicapped and need to be executed
Sorry lad, this ain't the USMC, these are bumblefuck idiots taken in simply because they're big, dumb and brutish
SS2, as with BS1 were both products of their time, only enjoyable to people who played them back then.
It's like playing Yakuza 0 first, then Yakuza 1. A totally disappointing experience. Time to take of your rose tinted glasses
user, stop. Don't bring "them" here.
That's bullshit, I played SS2 for the first time a few years ago and I enjoyed it immensely.
Fuck Bioshock
System Shock is where it's at baby
>series completely runs itself into the ground because muh popular thing and muh lack of imagination
I think this series should stay dead.
>people praising ss2 instead of ss
fucking zoomers. i hate you all
What was bioshock infinite critic? Religion? It was far less important than in bioshock 1 and 2 because of the time travel fuckery.
Can relate, finished both System Shocks 1.5 months ago and then went for Bioshocks, the former are far superior and more fun.
I will never understand why people compare Bioshock to System Shock. They feel nothing alike. It's like comparing Deus Ex with Gothic
you've done gods work my son, I am sorry for your wagecuckery
Truly, this was when my trust in videogames died.
I think it was Christian fundamentalism and being a Racist, which is fucking weak as all hell unless you go all in. As that Paddy said it, "Not once did I hear someone in Columbia say 'Nigger' or call an Irishman 'paddy'."
This whole thread is dedicated to a fake article that no one bother to check of its real
>there is a world where you have a gf
Imagine that fucking cock hungry whore getting railed by a big daddy’s dick. Now that’s a hot fucking image to crank one out to.
Nah, that would break the very laws of metaphysics