>new to kenshi
>do the nobodies/settler start
>name my characters after jethro tull songs
>spend a good 15 minutes making each of them perfect
>satisfied with them i click begin
>spawn in the middle of the desert
>around me lays the remains of some village
>try and pick up the building materials scattered throughtout it
>notice some guys running down from the side of a mountain
>theres about ten of them
>they get closer and i see theyre robots
>they make contact with one of my guys and leave him unconcious on the floor
>run my remaining guys over to fight
>the robots slaughter them
>they dont take anything and immediately run off like they were never here
>moments pass before one of my guys tries to stand up
>i begin to hear a loud noise from behind the camera
>a giant beam of light as if from a giant magnifying glass runs across the landscape and kills my broken and dying team before my eyes
Wow tough game
New to kenshi
I will never comprehend how the general gaming community (this includes Yea Forums and its console-focused tastes) considers RDR2 and BotW as innovative and fresh, and not Kenshi.
why the fuck did you type up this garbage ass story that amounts to nothing
Wow tough thread
Probably because Kenshi looks like shit so they ignore it. More than likely the faggots who like other shit don't even know it exists.
I have 150 hours in this game just playing a roving band and I'm finally going to settle down and see how the basebuilding is. Where did you guys settle? the map is so gigantic I'm feeling indecisive but I'm thinking the swamp
How did you manage to play so long without making an outpost? Most of the content in the game is locked behind making outposts, what did you do for all that time? Genuinely curious.
>put in 100 hours
>have a fucking sweet crew, a nice village turning a profit, and scout teams getting some sweet forbidden technology
>finally after getting asstomped I can start to actually win fights
>can actually gang fuck people
>massive massive swarm of slavers and mercs comes and rapes my town and people.
>barely fight them off
>Next day they return with totally rejuvinated numbers and wreck my already weakened team
>sells everyone off to slavery all around the map
fuck this game goddamit.
How do you resist the urge to savescum in games like these? I usually use ironman mode but this game doesn't have that.
Just roleplaying desu. I played the hive exile start and had a bunch of self imposed rules for roleplaying and it just ended up that way, I always had short term goals and never ran out until now so it just ended up that way, it wasn't exactly planned or anything,
my first play through I couldn't help but save scum constantly, then I decided to make a second file to play alongside it ironman style and see how far I could get. I immediately realized the ironman file was waaaaaaay more fun because things like losing limbs and slavery aren't the end of the game and it actually has much more content that way, and eventually the ironman file became my main and I abandoned the first one. For example if you lose an arm in a fight and get captured by the enemy and save scum then all you're experiencing is that battle, or running away from the battle once you save scum. Ironman if you lose an arm in a fight and get captured by the enemy then you now have to spend the next few hours of playtime coming up with a way to escape slavery, finding a disguise and getting your equipment back, living on the run since it's a crime to be an escaped slave and people will hunt you, re-gearing if you permanently lost any of your weapons, and you now have a short term goal of needing to find a robotic replacement limb. Basically ironman mode = more content out of the game and you'll end up with cool skills like lockpicking and stealth you used to escape slavery that you may not have got on that character otherwise.
Basically just make one save per game and update it whenever you get off
you should have set up a funnel for them to run though with multiple gates and tons of turret cover
play it like a tower defense game
Only time I save scum is if I get dumpstered by the lasers in Venge while passing through. That area is perfectly positioned to always be in the way and large enough to be a massive pain to go around, so I made the exception because having a squad get erased by rng is not fun.
Otherwise losing is fun. Or if losing everything early is too much then only save scum if you outright die.
I only play with autosaves so savescumming isn't an option.
I don't respect this game because every single winning strategy is about finding the best way to tredmill, and things that were broken in 2014 were broken on final release.
Good thing the game autosaves and you can reload at anytime.
What are the best mods?
Asking for a key in case anyone has a spare one or the devs or some billionaire richfag is in this thread.
sent ;)
No fuck this game, because the first time I beat them I would have just made them all my slaves. But you cannot do that because the dev is a fag and wont let us have slavery. So fuck this broken bullshit. I hate it.
It also runs like shit, and plays like shit. There's a lot to dislike about Kenshi.
Lower your settings. Dumbfuck bitching about the game running like shit is exactly like bitching about the weather
Even on lowest settings memory leaks make it unplayable after a couple hours
Just download the compressed texture mod
Swamp is pretty good actually, fertile, flat, reasonable amount of ore, natives aren't anything too scary.
What exactly is the appeal of this game in this day and age?
Reminder to kill literally every Beak Thing
This game is fuck-ugly as sin and plays like absolute garbage and I genuinely have no idea how you can enjoy your time playing this game. Someone enlighten me.
Thanks for getting my hopes up at least senpai.