so it finally died
So it finally died
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explain you monumental faggot. most people don't play this game and only have passing interest when the autists that do get a news article written about them losing thousands of dollars worth of jpegs in a fake war tism fit.
I call bullshit.
>Runescape has wilderness globally
>women complain about getting killed everywhere
>Runescape relegates the wilderness to the North of the map
>women complain about getting killed in the zone specifically made to kill people
>Runescape removes the wilderness entirely
>women complain
Why would anyone think following fagexs example is a good idea?
>All corporations/alliances that don't own a structure in space are safe from the war declaration system.
>So come back to New Eden as there's never been a better time to fly with your friends and corp-mates in high-sec!
the very core of EVE is that nowhere is perfectly safe and players can interact/go to war and shape the territories around them. this is protecting carebears and other faggots from any conflict or loss
CCP's been dead to me since they canceled World of Darkness. Fuck em.
op this is three month old news, but you know that which is why you blacked out all the dates in your image
It was dead the second it changed hands.
>muh women boogeyman
where's your proof
yeah no. I just haven't played in a long time and this came into my inbox
Thank you for explaining. that is a really fucking stupid decision. sorry about the rage earlier.
no worries user, I didn't think to consider non-eve players since the comments are usually just spreadsheet sim memes
not OP but declaring war on a player corp is one of the only three ways of pvp in high-security space. Also, it's the most non-consentual form of pvp. And in high-security space there is shitloads of player structures floating around worth money so those become the first target for high-sec pvp scrubs that want to get a shiny killboard. My alliance don't recruit those kind of faggots because shooting structures that can't shoot back = you're a scrub, a carebear, it's unworthy.
sounds like a fair trade to me
hes talking about carebears in general, these are your casual players who throw a bitch fit when they have any sort of negative experience in a game at all. and companies especially mmo game designers almost always end up catering to them because they are such a vocal minority the company believes its the core audience, when its not
sure, I'll buy that. the whole women are out to destroy gaming thing is bullshit though.
>Ready or Not
>Remember it exists and check on updates
>Trailer dropped literally today
N I C E. SWAT 5 hype
I got so bored of this game. Exploration for isk and plex got monotonous after the first four months of omega. Don't think I'll ever go back. There are better space-themed games out there...
such as? I'm not being an asshole I would genuinely like recommendations
What's a good space RPG that's recent?
I want Freelancer 2.
which is stupid because the worst thing about eve was how difficult it was to get into the game and how long it took to do fucking anything.
Also the gameplay is ass
>how difficult it was to get into the game and how long it took to do fucking anything.
which has absolutely nothing to do with war decs
oh I agree, they fucked up
Ironically, I've never played freelancer.
I'm fucking addicted to Starsector and the awesome ship mods that its community creates. It has rpg elements (you level up and learn skills that are either personal combat, fleet combat, carrier combat, salvage, planet survey)
that game is such a buy to win piece of shit I can't believe anyone plays it. I mean If you're going to offer free to play make the game playable for free to play. even if you're a member there's always someone who comes along with a ship they paid 1,000 real dollars for and kills you. Elite is a piece of shit also but I had more fun playing Elite at least Elite isn't pay to win.
is the game even released yet?
>I want Freelancer 2.
Literally never ever
There was a really drastic change in tone for this MMO during the early years of this decade and it made me stop playing. I can't explain it very well, but it's one of those situations where a company for some reason becomes lame and coincidentally there are dykes with purple/pink hair appearing.
Same guy (continued)
you also hire mercs and sort of steer them into learning the same combat skills you're given.
"Mercenaries" pilot your fleet's other ships a bit better than the default AI of merc-less ships.
Looks like Tactical kino is back on the menu, boys! God bless AA guys saving this shit industry.
>its a "wow this pvp game sucks for pve" episode
every fuckin time
Still in development but I played the shit out of it, it pretty much feels like a complete game. One could argue that MMOs like EVE are essentially still in development as well.
Same thing that happens to everything that has the misfortune of ending up shilled on r*ddit for some reason or another. They invite themselves, then invite others of their kind, who then bitch until the community is ruined.
Still in development, but very playable. Barely hit 0.9 a few months ago but still has more features than most modern officially released games.
Word of warning, it is written in Java. Will deffo need to fiddle with the memory setting if using a lot of heavy mods at once, as well that mods occasionally break save compatibility between their own updates.
Calm down femanon us boys just like to tease your bitch ass
>>Runescape has wilderness globally
This has never been a thing in Runescape. Dueling in RSC is not global wilderness.
>what is darkscape?
pvp itself isn't much better either after the 15th roam. You get blown up and woohoo gotta' wait for your buddies to come back hours later so you can comb around the bottleneck hoping something weak and not bait comes through. Really boring.
>Group of friends decide to try EVE
>Start learning the game and getting their stuff together
>Big grief corporation war decs them
>Can't even leave the main hubs without getting blasted instantly
Yeah, sure was a great system.
thats star citizen tho
>thats scam citizen tho
A mode nobody played that got replaced by the far more successful and popular deadman mode?
Imagine actually falling for the most blatantly obvious scam in history.
An experiment that failed after a couple seasons because most players genuinely don't like it when some rockstar can come along and steal all their precious, precious text for no reason.
I bet all of the whales that fell for it were leftists.
i didnt fall for it because i knew better but still, the promotional material and the jpegs they sell for $400 is the closest we'll get
Before Adamantite was introduced to Runescape it was global PVP.
Is the game going to die?
Why are they doing that?
and most important, how did the community react?
I stopped playing EVE in the middle of January.
Nobody around me was giving a shit about that at the time, because I was in a null-sec corp.
i remember in 2009 when everyone was claiming -THIS- was the wow killer
This is nothing. The game has been pay2win for years. I love the counter argument being that you can grind your way up to match people. Skill injectors changed everything from bottom to top. Speedrunning your way to titans changed corp warfare forever. Someone put this chink shit out of its misery. This change only made it harder for dumb corps slapping newbies down who barely have any skills.
>Dude, just join a corp and have fun!
>Join a small corp, get war dec'd, get camped for a week
Y-yeah. Though the real answer is to join a mega alliance so you can farm in null-sec even safer than you would in high-sec. Boot up netflix and grind rats with no chance of being shot by other players. Ebin.
no that's that one Yea Forumslancer successor
i'm still waiting for the: riii fakin normis
I thought war declarations in this game were just diplomacy, what's stopping you from killing them if you really want to?
Well it kinda does. Nothing worse than being a newbie joining a corp to get up to lvl 3 or 4 sec missions but some cunt corp wardecs you and then you can't leave your station for fear of getting handled.
In before hurrrrrr durrrr just don't join a corp. Game becomes boring then
In summary, war decs being abused by faggots and CCP have stepped in to fix this. It's a good step forwards
You sound upset.
Once dec'd, you can both attack each other without consequence. Remember, the dec is one sided. You can dec literally anyone as long as you're willing to pay for it. That means you can stomp some dudes who just bought the game and the only thing they can do is dock up for an entire week.
This is overall a good change. At least friends can create a small corp together without fear of being stomped and camped in high sec for no reason. And as soon as they drop a structure, they can be dec'd so it's no big deal.
>non-consensual pvp is bad
Eliminating risk is always bad and PKs have a place in every MMO. If you don't like Player Killers, then you need to find a different game or git gud.
Doesn't matter in this case, all the "good" players and corps left EVE ages ago. Only people who have remained are spreadsheet faggots and someone did some market research and learned this so they're catering to carebears now.
Suicide ganking is still a thing and the only people who DON'T have a structure are going to be newbro shitters who are just flying ventures anyway. If anthing this emboldens pirates because now they can gank people and nobody can wardec them for revenge.
How is decing a corp that doesn't even have a structure good?
I had fun doing it and my fun is more important than your fun. Git. Gud. Faggot.
Or send nudes and if you're a pretty little girly twink boy I might let you live. Kind of a moot point anyway, since no one worth a damn plays EVE anymore.
If you like losing ships, get into a catalyst and suicide gank them, that's what a certain high-sec alliance does all day to high-sec miners.
There's numerous activities carebears engage in, one of them is pos-bashing. We never owned a structure in high or low though because the profit there is crumbs.
hi-sec wardec's were for people who wanted to blow up ships but were too scared to go to low or null.
I get the impression you never really played EVE. Or if you did, not more than 50 hours. Even if you played for 5000 hours, it's still a pretty bad argument.
nullbabies are almost as bad as highsec
If you wont fight to protect what is yours you should not be whining about losing it.
This is the same argument by losers in Dark Souls whom when invaded either immediately disconnect, kill themselves by jumping off a ledge or only runs away and summons others till its like 4 vs 1 and then act tough if they actually win. How about you learn to protect yourself?
>Join null alliance
>Get a drone ship
>Get billions with almost no risk
>No players have a reason to attack you besides the really one-off unaffiliated meme stealth bombings
How is a new corp that doesn't even have a structure to their name supposed to defend themselves when they have shit for skills and barely any money versus people with perfect skills, T2 fits, etc? Are you gonna suggest breaking out your credit card?
You don't know what "carebear" means and I doubt you played the game at all before 2010 judging from your responses. So piss off.
>but da GOONSWARM is still alive!
It ain't.
Nice argument.
If you present a non-argument expect one in return. Especially when you don't know what the fuck "carebear" means.
Is not like you are one, discord tranny.
I'm not the one who said carebare nor do I understand why your semantic definition of it has any bearing on anything really. I'm trying to figure out why war decing a corp with 0 structures has any sort of benefit to the health of the game. Keep in mind, this is only a fraction of the population. As soon as they drop a structure, they're free to get dec'd.
>non-consentual pvp is bad
I never said this my autist, just said that fags who go for easy kills aren't worthy. Camping outside jita 8 hours a day for some imbecile to undock in a faction shuttle is unworthy. War-deccing newbs is unworthy. Combat-scanning down wormholes and raping ships that fly into/out-of is worthy, and therefore recruitable. Roaming faction warfare systems and popping ships is worthy, and therefore recruitable.
If a guy calls us up asking to be recruited and he just has pos-bashing on his killboard, he is like a kitten, we swat him away because he does not show coordinated experience. He is getting the same gamer experience that a mission runner gets. He is worthless.
>guy telling me to gtfo of EVE
Literally a limp-wrist fagnarok.
>git gud huhuhuh
Literally a fagnarok.
Never heard of this being an issue until recently, wonder why. But this isn't semantics, there is a clear definition of "carebear" and being a "carebear" means you are anti-PKing and PvP without "permission". Learn what semantics means also, you illiterate queer.
What corp are you in? Or were you in? Tell me. So I can laugh at you.
Why does your definition of carebear matter? Why do you keep bringing it up? You still keep avoiding the argument. All you do is sperg out and shout carebear and hope something happens. This change is a non-issue. It only affects a tiny part of the population. You can still wardec the fuck out of people and stomp them. You just can't wardec newbie corps who don't have a structure. You can still suicide gank them and kill them in other parts of space. Calm down, sperg.
Freespace 1/2.
It's not my definition, it's the definition in place.
>Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player who avoids PVP combat, heavily preferring cooperative or solo PVE combat, chatting, or developing tradeskills/running quests. Depending on the game and the individual, this PVP avoidance can show up in several ways: by playing on strict non-PVP servers; by avoiding PVP areas or declining duels; or, by avoiding or condemning PVP players.
And that's the light definition. Back in the day, a carebear was a faggot whiner who would scream and moan to anyone who listened whenever he got ganked due to being a pussy. My own personal definition is any MMO without unrestricted PK apart from newb zones.
>brainlet with nothing better to do than dick-measure
I can't say I enjoy this, but if it'll get you to step into Curse it'll make it worth my while faggot.
Skip the bants and jump to us when you're feeling froggy.
>Back in the day, a carebear was a faggot whiner who would scream and moan to anyone who listened whenever he got ganked due to being a pussy. My own personal definition is any MMO without unrestricted PK apart from newb zones.
Okay cool, so semantics. Completely useless posts all around. I wasn't even the person who brought up the word carebear and you just started sperging. Neither the "official" definition of the word or yours has any meaning towards the discussion at large. Even if I were to concede to your definition of the word, which I have no reason to because I don't have a horse in that race, it it doesn't change anything about the argument in regards to the state of the game. What a waste of time.
But this is what made EVE fun and enjoyable to watch.
Granted, I had no desire in joining, but it was very easy to follow and it's what made this funny as fuck:
Ultima Online private servers >>>>>>> EVE
>ignores the entire post and just harps on a personal definition that was never brought up
Okie dokie, smokie. Stick to WoW and whatever else and just run whatever themepark you wanna do.
>All Time rank that poor
You're a nobody.
>ignores the entire post and just harps on a personal definition that was never brought up
>Ask about war dec'ing noobs with no structures and how it's good for the game
Okay. I think your brain is fried. Must've been too much time grinding rats.
Well, you're advocating for a "carebear" game. What I think is a "good" game is different from what you think, that much is painfully obvious. I think PKing and ganking and griefing are fun. You obviously don't. A fun way to pass the time between big engagements was fucking up shitters. I don't play EVE anymore, so I honestly don't give a shit, but I do get annoyed by all this themepark bullshit and a focus on PvE carebear activities. That's why I don't play MMOs anymore, for the most part.
But nothing is stopping you from killing them still so bad argument. Next.
it's not a game it's just another shitty job you pay to play.
>catering to carebears
the end times are here
That's the fucking game.
And that's why no one worth a damn still plays.
It really isn't.
It only stops giant corporations from stomping noob corps in the noob zones.
Pussy. ;)
Didn't Iceland sell this game to Koreans awhile back?
>korean suits don't understand why EVE players played EVE and ruin it
Even though I haven't played in over five years, my corp is still top ten. You're a nobody.
And basically, Yea Forums is full of the kind of no skill shitter that thinks spawncamping is the epitome of skill.
>being in an SJW corp
Yeah, we get it, you're an incurable faggot
Well, this only really affects hisec right. Who the fuck cares?
>Muh space freedom
>haven't played in over five years
So you basically ragequit, well that makes sense.