Rules are pretty simple:

>Rules are pretty simple:


>Don't use a racial/homophobic slur or similar language. You will be banned on the first offense, no questions asked. Bye bye!

>Don't get all "aggro" in the chat towards other users, and don't argue with the mods. If you believe you were unfairly banned, feel free to tell me about it and I'll investigate. If you believe you were unfairly timed out, let it go or get timed out again.


>Don't repeatedly ask me to switch to another game. The game that's on deck for the day is the game I'm playing, period. Feel free to suggest games you think I may like, though.

>Don't ask for shoutouts or self-promote. I've had a "no shoutouts" policy for 5 years running and it's not changing. Self-promotion links will simply be deleted.

>Don't bring up politics/religion or other sensitive subjects. Keep the chat light and fun for everyone.

>Don't hold your donation "ransom". (e.g. "I'll donate $50 if John says my name on stream") I'm not doing it.

>Don't jokingly break the rules. Mods look at message first, username second when moderating.

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Get fucked.


Posting in a based thread



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We did it, Reddit!

The pin would just bounce not stick, hell it would fall with the other side down since it weighs more.

Basic rules for human decency and you morons start screaming racial slurs while pissing in your diapers

Why the fuck is this guy wearing sexual apparel for a social media post?

If you dont like freedom of speech you can fuck right off

Shut up, faggot.

The problem is he phrased it like an egotistic, self entitled douchebag.

Attached: lean_in_closer.gif (607x609, 514K)

also this

Attached: 1534038679470.jpg (720x592, 40K)

t nigger

Look at logicfag being all logical and shit. What a fag.

suck a dick, faggot.


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White males must be euthanized

I can’t underatand what kind of subhuman would willingly volunteer their time to mod some faggots twitch channel.

based nymn poster

It's hall monitor syndrome.

Captain Autismo saving the day

Start by yourself.

I've spent over 5 years passively attempting to get mod positions in shit like that just to troll with it, I think you need to act like an obsequious faggot to acquire said position in the first place

Maybe if people weren't sensitive babies or knew to ignore the uneducated you could actually have a decent conversation about politics, religion or niggers even somewhere as debased as twitch chat, and then someone bringing up the 13% and the complex problems on why it exists wouldn't be considered a "breach of human decency" you fucking swine.

Every time I try to give some small streamer a chance he's got some faggy rule list that makes me leave immediately.
>Don't use a racial/homophobic slur or similar language. You will be banned on the first offense, no questions asked. Bye bye!
This would be fine if it extended to all races but whitebashing is pretty much always accepted by these virtue signaling cunts. I'm honestly very polite and have zero desire to call people niggers outside of here but it should be all or nothing otherwise that shit just rubs me the wrong way.

the "no racism" in the bio is a big red flag, I agree

>streamer has one rule as a joke
>or the one rule is "don't be a dick"
>or the rules list is empty
best ones

There is nothing in this planet I hate more than white guilt. I fucking loathe it.

Um sweetie, hate speech is not free speech.

God this board is fucking trash. I honestly hope you all die slowly and painfully. You’re all so utterly fucking worthless.

you're probably just a no-fun-having faggot. If you can't handle bantz or bad words, you should just leave instead of forcing your lack of humor on everyone enjoying themselves.

Wow racist

i love you too

based my ideology is not an ideology, it's basic human decency, poster

nailed it

Fuck off nigger

nigga that is a special nigger-grade pin it is so dense it would penetrate your mom.