How are you finding DMC5 Yea Forums?
How are you finding DMC5 Yea Forums?
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i was loving it until they forced me to play as this faggot button masher v
literally spamming random shit on him and got an SSS rank
i dont know how to have fun with this guy, everything about him is awkward and clunky as fuck
He gets less mashy when you get more moves for him but V is pretty disappointing so far desu
Gameplay was great, but the narrative felt like it suffered from a lack of a cohesive villain. Would have worked better if Urizen was Mundus or a separate boss that was built up more, and V was just Vergil rather than the human part
The only thing I don't like is V. Shadow seems to attack whatever direction it feels like so whether or not I hit anything is a 50-50 shot. Strangely enough I can still manage to get S ranks on his missions thanks to Nightmare dropping in and doing whatever the fuck he wants.
Other than that it's amazing.
>how are you finding DMC5
Found it on store shelfs yesterday
really enjoying it so far, got hit a lot by cavalier angelo but still got an S style ranking, must be because I landed the fully charged RR
It's too fucking easy. I get s ranks for doing nothing.
I can't turn off the style announcer.
& they changed the input for neros split attack to backwards. and forward does a dive move. I'm so fucking pissed off.
>tfw you beat it, and in the ending credits there's a tutorial about Nero's DT
Holy shit, Itsuno fucking packed it in for NG+. All these new animations for Nero's busters are so fucking brutal. I love how he straight executes the Hell Prides.
Beat Urizen in the prologue and unlocked Son of Sparda
breakers fucking suck. it's RNG bullshit laying around the level & you can't switch them.
I'm waiting for mods to fix this game.
okay then just use devil bringer, remap it to the devil breaker button and move itt to something else, never touch it again
post yfw
v is too powerful shadow fucking rekts enemys with the spinwheel attack bosses get shredded too
>not liking DMC5
I seriously hope you schum don't do this
I guess you won't be forgetting that devil's power, huh?
>tfw just realized that Dante and Nero actually have a dance that automatically gets them to S
he is pretty easymode just mash attack with panther while reading for infinite DT
How many references are there to DMC2 in this game? Hopefully no more than 0
I will. I want to use breakers properly tho.
So i'm keen for.
Breaker switching mod.
No style announcer mod.
Face fix & costume Mods.
among others.
shitter detected, V can combo incredibly sweet shit once you stop mashing like a fucking casual
>launch enemy with griffon
>shadow catches it mid air
>griffon shocks it
>shadow catches the enemy with spikes as it is falling
>meanwhile doing V's ride of the valkyries taunt in the background
Fucking glorious I tell you
I don't think there were any. Even the anime got referenced but DMC2 was left in the dust.
>can't pause during cutscenes
For fucks sake
>DMC anime gets one slide during the History of DMC movie
>2 only gets one slide as well
I fucking SUCK at this game. Currently in the first V mission boss and I cant hit the red fucker. Shadow keeps missing the target and coming back to me and the bird does no fucking damage. What am I missing here? Loving the game but I cant wrap my head around V's gameplay
Dumary Island gets referenced as a bad time by Dante, who says it when he gets annoyed that a boss is running away rather than staying and dying.
Normal mode in every DMC game has never been all that challenging outside of OG DMC3 but that was due to a localizing error. It's why a lot of people don't really consider beating the story the end of the game, beating DMD mode and Bloody Palace (Coming next month for free) is the true end goal
he probably needs to get used to multitasking something I cant do ath the moment
Pretty fun, the environments towards the end get a bit boring and samey but the gameplay is good. V feels a bit too easy to play though. How do i not be trash with Dante? I was never this bad with him in 4
>Dante really really dont want to go to Patty's party
This makes me sad
What did she do to deserve that?
Have you tried locking on, user.
>Secret Mission 06
Mad House normally has huge budget. Where was it for the DMC anime? At least Patty is a decent character
The game is handing out S ranks like condoms in sex ed class, why is it so lenient this time around?
Practicing with Virgil and seeing if I can hit S but I get walled during the phase when he DT's and summons the clone. Just want to get ready before tackling the higher difficulties
There are four references minimum
Dante, Devil May Cry, Rebellion and Ebony and Ivory
post yfw Vergil DLC unlocks him for mission 19 and 20 to fight Dante and Nero
I think even the anime fared better considering both Morrison and Patty make an appearance (even if patty is voice only)
Dante's fully aware that the moment he arrives into her party, Patty will immediately start to claw away and pull down his pants. I wouldn't blame him.
It's not about Patty, it's about having to spend time with Patty's teenage friend's. He's a forty year old woohoo boomer who can't afford to shave and who probably hasn't cleaned his clothes in years. Imagine the judgmental looks he'd get, you think he wants to deal with that?
>Can finally listen to Cavalier Angelo theme
it's never been this easy at all. I'm not even in human mode.
even in DMC4 I never got got close to S ranks just fucking around like I am in DMC5.
Total newfag regarding to DMC here.
After I beat the game I retain all the skills that I unlocked? Or something like that? That's the replay value?
Just needs alt costumes, and did they ever explain why rebellion in 2 looks different, they explained why red queen and blue rose look different why not that
>you cannot kill me I am omega
holy shit
It's cause at the end of the anime he promised he would marry her when she turned 18. Knowing Patty she must have really thought he meant it and took it to heart. In the Novel he said he doesn't mind going as it's be nice to see Patty.
Got salty when I got Dante and didn't have any orbs to get his good stuff. I feel like grinding for orbs is the worst part of DMC especially when you have to grind for standard combos
i'm pretty shit but I hit S on him and the mission by just learning to RG his shit
He'd rather party with his bro.
It gets a lot more focus in the novel. Dante goes back to Dumay island to fight Balrog.
>Ebony and Ivory
Ebony and Ivory arent in 2.
but he just hangs up on her. what an asshole.
Threw in a bitcoin miner and some cheese pizza (no olives) just for you.
YES but the black fucker keeps missing or coming back to me for some reason. Is it possible to make each monster attack different enemies?
Is there a diffrence between buster snatch and wire snatch? Also isn't buster arm completely obsolete now?
No way fag
He doesn't mind Patty, it's everyone else at the party he doesn't want to be around; Before the Nightmare mentions that he wants to wrap the job up quickly so he can celebrate her birthday, even if it's a day late. Can you blame him for not wanting to hang around a bunch of chatty high school girls?
And then her birthday gift is Dante disappearing for a month and then going to hell.
Bust your balls on DMD and get the costumes and S ranking everything.
It's good. Need a bit of tweaking. I really hope they improve it on SE or whatever version they have in the future. SoS is more fun so far.
What would be a good button to remap RB to? I need the lock-on but my bumper is fucked.
Anyone know how to get over there on mission 3? Just before you enter the tunnel there are some grim grips that I can't lock on to.
>Patty's teenage friend's
They're all probably 1 year away from being legal or maybe even already are, user.And what better way to spend a 18th birthday than to lose her virginity on the spot, right?
V should have been his own character entirely.
The writers of Devil May Cry are the masters of writing themselves into corners.
Now they have Vergil and Dante who basically have no reason not to just work things out and become buddies
>first mission with playable dante
>no stinger unlocked
>fighting King Cerberus
>goes into ice mode
>makes a direct reference to Bael from dmc4
I never got S ranks in DMC4 on Dante in normal but they were pretty easy to come by in 3. Nero as well in 4.
Granted V is easier than both by far but for me Dante and Nero are about the same.
I've been outside of the internet for the last 10 days, just finished the game.
Can someone fill me in with what happened here in these last few days?
Also is this the DMC thread? I can't find a good one.
Don't forget the biggest thing
>you can keep up an offense while taunting since Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare's movements don't count as movement for V
>Hey sure i will go to your birthday party. Where is it going to be? A church...? And i should be wearing a suit you say? Right... i will give you a call back in a moment.
>I won brother give up
>No I can get more power
>I won AGAIN brother, give up
>I won dad, just fucking stop
>No I can still fight lets go
This, i don't understand how you can't appreciate V
>Griffin banter while blasting jabronis
>Shadow bein all cute
>V just casually reciting some Blake poems in the background
I loved every second of it
He's shit at explaining things to people, look at how he handled explaining to Nero that Vergil is his dad, hanging up probably saved him points. If he'd stayed on the line he'd have said some dumb shit like "I CAN'T COME PATTY, YOUR PARTY'S JUST DEAD WEIGHT."
The panther whiffs too fucking much, he decides to warp to the enemy or just attack from where he is at random
Not only bael, the toad from DMC 4 too.
stop using the analogue stick with him. With Trickster there's no point. Concentrate on style switching.
People talking about vsync, I’m not noticing any input lag at all, I’m usually very sensitive to input lag and it even feels more responsive than the PS4 demo. Am I crazy or is vsync just very well implemented in this game?
I've never played a DMC game before, but all the hype threads and the memes made want to get into the series. Are all of the games good? Is there a single one I should avoid?
Beat DMD mode and Bloody Palace (Not in the game initially, coming next month as a free patch). Then you can say you've beaten the game.
Bael is the toad, he shit talks Berial as well
why did Nero take the dead weight comment so personally? he never shut the fuck about it even though he literally had one arm and was getting BTFO when Dante said it
That fight is full of fanservice that I don't know why it didn't have a remix of Suffer. He calls Berial and Griffon for fire and lightning too.
>brother I'm winning again
>we are even!
Fire mode talks about Berial
threads hitting bump limits over leaks was fun
How the fuck is Dante having trouble paying for rent when he has saved the world multiple times already? How's Vergil gonna react to the mountains of debt he probably has?
If you shoot them they activate for a brief time.
be button masher use v face boss learn to not mash buttons again fuck that horse boss
>Game let's you pick between more than one hero
>pick anyone but V
did anyone else did this too?
Avoid 2, 1 is atmospheric and slower due to being the first of its kind, 3 is the best game ever made, 4 is unfinished.
Avoid 2 and the reboot. 2 is shit though some anons would argue you should play it just to see how shit it is. 2 isn't even really ref'd in 5 so it's hyper-skippable.
Berial too in fire mode.
Nero is amazing
Dante is amazing
Vergil is god awful
V was taken from us too soon
Dropping Nightmare on boss fights is absolutely hilarious and seeing the AI freak out at this colossus opponent is an absolute delight.
Avoid 2. You can 1, 3 and 4. DmC if yu want. They're not perfect and have some flaws. 3 has the best story imo.
Get the HD collection and 4SE. Don't play 2. The reboot is optional.
you have to shoot them
2 is garbage and not worth playing.
Technically they are, just named as THE HANDGUNS
Also Sparda and >Imagine Trish etc
because fuck you
V is so awful. I don't get why he's even playable. Could have easily been an NPC and worked fine.
hell yeah. V is just aweful. a complete waste of dev time imo. I would have prefered literally any other playable DMC character.
I want dlc where you get balrog and see lucia
I’m honestly suprised nobody has made a gif or jpg of Nero flipping off THAT MAN as he pulls off NEROS THEME SONG that has so much potential.
Because he just finishes the job and nobody would bother to pay him. The government is probably aware of his existence but ignores him.
Because Nero's an orphan with a shit ton to prove who thinks Dante is his only family, he's not sure of it but it's there never the less, you never want to be called shit at what you do and less so by someone related to you. It's like if your dad came into your room and said you're 'a useless fuck up' at the only thing you've ever been good for.
He blames Credo death on him not having enough power. Vergil's gene basically.
>After like 3 games of killing Vergil we're finally set up for a bro-op adventure in the Underworld
samefagging this hard
Dante does a great many jobs for free or "whatever you've got" because he plays hero, and Mundus and the Temi-ni-gru were personal matters and not official jobs. He also owed an outstanding debt to Lady that's not cleared until DMC4's end after the Order of the Sword job
V is a test for summoner class in Dragon's Dogma 2
Yeah, i think i got my groove back now
>grizzly old man rocking up to an 18 year old girl's birthday party
Definitely not shady at all.
>mfw i can't air juggle for 15 seconds on m9
>DMC V hype is off the charts
>some fag managed to download a DENUVO-less .exe from Steam
>game was pirated literally a couple of hours after release
>it’s unironically the best DMC title ever
Strong start, weak finish
DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC5 > DMC > DMC2
I'll still get 2 because I'll be buying the HD collection, thanks for the heads up though. Is it viable to play DmC with kb+m? I'm too lazy to buy a controller.
To use the cat skills you need to control the cat from V's point of view not the cat (if you want to throw an enemy into the air you press the analog stick to the opposite that V is facing ignoring what the cat is facing), also doing a side step with V will instantly teleport the cat to your side for healing and protection, like presing back + jump with chicken.
Thanks user, will try it out later
Are you stuck using characters for certain missions? If so what gives
That sounds really shitty
Boy, you lost everything.
First there was the official final trailer
Then one user leaking stuff was trying to show off the "all mission ranks" screen and accidentally showed vergil corner chilling out with dante in the van.
Then one day later someone posted Vergil with his face deleted, getting everyone riled up
The same night, everything went nuclear when some brazilian uploaded the entire fucking boss fight to youtube.
Then 3 or 4 days ago some user who got an early copy streamed 100% of the game on youtube
What's the best way to get orbs quick? Despite having the DLC orb buff and having good ranks, I lacked enough to get the bulk of Dante and V's kit before Devil Hunter was over.
I didn't want to fight them. Can they ever feasibly brought back? They wouldn't just waste V's entirely gameplay system on 5 missions, right?
So I heard u liek Mega Man!
I woildn't say best but it's good.
Everythint was going so well until somebody intervened and then it felt half baked.
>reflecting summoned swords
Can't wait for it
But what if Patty says that he's a trusted old friend of hers, would it make things worse?
>avoiding spoils
>check youtube 2 days before launch
>THE EVOLUTION OF VERGIL (Vergil thumbnail)
Anyone else think that the credits theme with the vocals sounds like it belongs in Dragon's Dogma?
Can't lock on but I managed to shoot it. Maybe I have to be on a different platform.
Pretty much.
Not fan of "be at distance and let others fight for you" types. Never was. I find that shit boring in game like DMC. That shit is for DD.
you fail. that's not me.
Haven't finished the story or know much about V but i wish he could have been given a few moves for him to fight independently and his minions would just complement his moves but having his minions do everything is pretty whatever.
Capcom did a summoner Action game right many years ago
Bloody Palace. They probably wouldn't come back for another game, if there was another game.
probably using the hat weapon
Please respond.
>Mission 2-9
>boring shit
>Mission 10-17
>oh shit nigga, real shit is starting now
>mission 18-20
>boring shit again
It was supposed to be the best game..
Got you chief
anyway to deal with spinny lizards aka Chaos when they are spinning besides DT?
also kinda weird there was only one fight with the teleporting fast lizard blade men
literally both saying the same things its obvious
subhuman has really grown on me
oh shit i'm in the tunnel past this bit hopefully I can go back.
Nero was the weakest for me, V is top tier, only plebians can't appreciate how good he is
DMC2 is universally considered the worst game in the series and one of the worst games ever made. I would also avoid the shitty 2012 reboot game, it's perfectly functional but it almost ruined the franchise for me.
Shit I missed that, he went down pretty quickly for me, maybe I'll hear it in hard mode
if you hit them they reflect back
How is that writing themselves into a corner? Pretty sure that's what they're going for.
Loving it, except for the occasional crash on PC killing my momentum.
Despite being slightly below the minimum specs, the game still runs at a solid 60 FPS and looks beautiful at medium settings.
Why did you get spoiled user?
Well, at first I hated V, but after unlocking some moves, his gameplay got a bit better. Doing that violin taunt while raining chaos all around me in DT was friggin rad. He's still gonna take some getting used to, tho.
On the whole, the game is a little too easy. Bosses might kill you once or twice, but random mobs seem to be be more likely to kill your style meter than your health bar. Gonna have to play this game on hard for a real challenge it seems. Then again, in DMC3 the Hard mode was the best mode.
Other than that I'm loving what I'm playing. Definitely worth getting day 1.
I got work tomorrow, so despite just getting to Dante, I'm gonna have to hold off and play more tomorrow.
That was the point of webm, you can reflect them with your melee and not perfect guard release
Beat Artemis and going to bed. That was one of the best boss fights I've had in years and it was only on Devil Hunter. Game is rad as fuck so far. Goliath was fun to but alittle too but like a worse Berial with more life.
im using alt announcer calls and its pretty good, morrison calling dante a screwup when you get hit is pretty funny
So how many of you lads missed getting Kalina Ann in dante's second mission?
>spinning lizards
Break their backs, you get good amounts of style and its basically RIP for them if you keep up the assault from there
>one fight with the fast teleporting lizard men
There are a few, actually. Not that many, but I think at least 2 fights with one are required.
>vergil fight
>boring shit
>tfw the game was every bit as good as you had hoped and the only thing your sad about is turbo mode
>lack of turbo mode ends up making you a jump cancel/exceed god since you never played 3 and 4 on normal speed
t. retard that can't check timestamp posts were posted
Never change Vfags.
It's sad that they somehow make Trish in DMC2 really cool to play with her unique Sparda and lightning fist moveset, but you have to grind as Lucia and Depression Era Dante to unlock her first.
How do I change or disable the style announcer?
I remember them saying before even the xbox demo came out that you'd be able to disable it, and the preorder came with an "alternate announcer" pack. How do I change it?
Where do i put money to get Kyrie commentating Nero's fights like she's Rise in Persona 4 Arena?
>Dante reveal trailer
>wtf is this music lmao
>mfw everytime I play with Dante
>Yea Forums tells me MTX gebera and cavillere arent better than base version
>they were wrong yet again
I explored as much as possible, managed to get it but missed quite a few fragments.
But I didn't by some miracle
>That little remix of Cerberus's intro
fuck why didn't they just remix the whole thing
Yeah fuck those faggots who post shit on YT and don't even bother to spoiler it.
You know what the best thing someone ever did for spoilers on YT?
Persona 4's Culprit. The video was literally called "Persona 4 Culprit fight" and the title card had a big fucking question mark in the middle of the battle arena.
It was a really meh fight and it was the final boss, mission 20 was just an epilogue.
Does Vergil 2 play if you have the OG soundtrack DLC?
V is fucking weird, man. Maybe I just need more time to get used to him but I'm having some real trouble getting the hang of this. Like I might think I'll have Griffon do his forward launch, then make him charge the back+forward trap things while Shadow juggles, then charge his normal while Shadow combos, but then Shadow just decides to teleport to me instead or I have to evade another enemy which moves them back to me or Griffon got hit and lost the charge while I was looking at Shadow. No fucking clue how I'm gonna deal with the inevitable room of Riots. Then I summon Nightmare and he wrecks shit but I try to use Promotion and he just flails around like a spastic unless I spam laser. Wish we had BP so I could play around with him more freely, Void's cool but unless I missed an option you can't have a room of enemies.
Dante and Nero are both fantastic, and I'm liking the enemies, the bigger focus on tuning them has turned out really nicely. I wish Malphas had more of a presence since she's sort of filling the Arkham/Agnus role, I think they got too tunnel-visioned with Urizen/you-know-who.
Just finished it, want to play with the completed Nero more.
Merging dantes sword style shit as his default moveset was a mistake.
Rip prop shredder
Loved V, then started playing Dante. Felt meh about Rebellion, saw this thing called Balrog. What's this, I can switch between punches and kicks, that's pretty
>Zanar Aesthetics
Sounds like an evil corporation from a shitty sci-fi movie
Was there a cutscene where Lady and Patty talked? Someone mentioned that and I might have accidentally skipped it
I marathoned the game when it released at midnight till earlier today, took me 12 hours. Haven't done that since I was 14, the game is fun as fuck and delivered absolutely.
Just wish some of the earlier bosses were as fun as Cavalier Angelo and Vergil
This. How the fuck didn't they choose to remix the old one.
>break their backs
when they are glowing yellow just spinning in place? i seemed to get the clunk deflection with my weapons when i attack em
guess i'm just wanting/sharing info about certain enemies/bosses that people have been having trouble with. though i cannot think of many others at this moment. 4 hours of sleep, played at unlock till 5 in the morning and then all day.
What's the strategy for those teleporting lizard niggers anyway? I just have to brute force my way through them with DT stingers and Kalina ann.
RT, duh
Fucking this!!! Why give us a godlike remix and then opt out of it?
Don't they get deleted anyway? can't capcom just delete your channel if you are a literal who?
>mfw whole day of DMC V marathoning and practice
I got to stop weapon swapping like a maniac with Dante but everything feels so right when it hits.
Let me play all missions as any char i want and then this game is 10/10
Fuck nero and fuck dante, give me V
i am waiting for a music mod or somet shit to beat the game in hard mode
"Fuck you!"
Also Cavalier is broken as fuck on Dante.
Yeah I just did that, should've actually looked, huh?
So I'm only at like mission 10 or so but I'm hearing that you can parry hits with nero somehow? do you have to use one of the arms at specific times?
V's advance dodge options summons back either Griffon or Shadow. Basically, if you want to maintain your offensive, you CANNOT do any other dodging actions other than jump.
Never bothered with Promotion actually, so I can't tell what its good for. Default Nightmare can wreck shit anyway.
>Picked easy because it was my first dmc game
It turns out that's so fucking easy that I never loose more than 2 or 3 health bars. I never died and I'm on mission 12. WTF is this shit.
Biggest issue with the game is the story structure. The jumping around between dates is extremely often, and it never really adds much to the story. I guess it leaves the V=Vergil thing for about 3-4 hours into the game or so when its the very first thing that happens.
Also they don't really say who/what was kicking Vergil's ass over and over unless Dante was doing it on the side for free. I don't think Vergil would be losing to random demons all the time if Dante doesn't really struggle with them
Go the the juke box in the main menu
Your retarded ass realizes that there is cooldown to posts, right? You do know how time works, right? You do know it's impossible for one person to post two posts in span of 12 secs on this website, right?
>Kyrie's Rank announcements are just her saying the rank for Dante and V
>Kyrie's announcements are cheers of encouragement and affection when you're playing as Nero
do want
The biggest sin is no usage of ultra violet
>Get Dante Sword
>Aerial Rave becomes default Y input with Helm Breaker becoming a directional input
The one thing I always wanted for Dante came true.
if you hate spoilers, this post is for you
Anyone got the gif of Nero getting double punched?
I am interested in how v would work against vergil
The only universally agreed blight to this game. I have no idea what they fuck they were thinking of doing that shit.
you picked easy, that's what happened
even normal is easy, DMC games don't really get hard till DMD
Can we unlock Vergil or is he going to be DLC?
I think this is almost everyone's experience.
>awesome let's play Dante again
>holy shit is he faster than in DMC4?
V's OP as fuck. Hes intriguing to play as since its so different. Theres more to him than button mash.
Promotion is for directing Nightmare a bit better since you're in direct control of him, normally he just lumbers around on his own
too busy crying over the dead emo boy to use their brain
i set it as my nero battle theme
I think I'm the only one wishing Vergil was still dead. Killing characters doesn't matter when death is a revolving door. Did you even bat an eye when BackupGuy11 died in Dragonball for the 4th time?
Yeah, when they're spinning you can also parry them to break their backs too.
I don't really know, I mostly shot them and stingered when I could. Them and that one blue faggot that also teleports around and attacks with the dual scythe claws were annoying in that regard. Not really hard, just kinda meh with how they instantly disappear and reappear elsewhere.
>check reviews
>"it takes like 15 hours to finish"
>finish it in 9 hours
what the fuck do these journos do when playing?
I'm not really particularly enjoying Nero or V.
I just want 20 Dante missions.
>pick easy
>the game is easy
not sure what your issue is here
Theres a air mission that you need to stay on air for 15 secs with dante. If thats it, use the bike weapon and spam Triangle on air. That shit will keep you on air forever.
What do you think?
It was Dante, and told that it was him when Vergil mentioned his name before the split. Remember, the score is 5-2 in Dante’s favor.
>what the fuck do these journos do when playing?
This was literally the shit I saw when checking youtube, I was listening to some random music and I saw that shit.
im not a journalist, but i went out of my way to go the long route just to pick up extra goodies
if i wanted to just get through it i would
>lack of turbo mode ends up making you a jump cancel/exceed god since you never played 3 and 4 on normal speed
It's not that, its just a hell of a lot easier to jc in this game.
This game started so fucking good
But became dull and boring midway through and ended poorly.
3 had a better story and 4 had a better dante mechanically
What are the best devil breakers and order should i put them in?
>"It's my turn to play with the demon sword."
I honestly didn't think I'd like V, but he really grew on me.
You just swing and connect at the same time as their attacks do. No damage will be done and you get a fair bit of style.
Can we talk about the story?
what things did you guys liked and disliked?
I actually didn't liked that there were no new characters, everyone was just vergil.
I didnt like gutted dante or V.
Nero is only character that is fun this version. Dante is better in 4.
get good and you'll hear it more
Nero and Dante are both awesome. V is a mess, but still entertaining. Game is great until Mission 15 where the design takes a nose dive. Graphics and music are good. Cameo system makes no sense.
Dante is trash and switching Balrog forms is a pain in the ass
tfw I never found a single secret missions after the first 1
I saw more signs but I couldn't get my 81 iq to figure it out
im pretty shit and I finished it in 13, but I went full autismo on Vergil and refused to beat him any way but Royal Guarding every one of his attacks so that probably added like an extra hour
user, pute yourself in Capcom's shoes. Imagine yourself as biggest kike that ever lived. Now, as a big kike that you're, would you ever, EVER, give your biggest cash cow for free?
that aint my fault bitch
Are there supposed to be missions with no normal music?
Nero in the rematch against Urizen mission and the one where Dante Nero and V are all going through the tree dont have the music I picked for them and the generic background metal is hype deflating
with your sword or an arm
Gerbera GP1 x8
I got over there, you've got to get to the bridge before it collapses because of V. There's only some red orbs over there, but it's still neat.
>tfw this game runs "great" on my 750ti
>not posting it as a thread opener
I did that on saturday with vergil lol
It was very pandering, didn't really go anywhere. 3 is still the only game in the series with a good story.
STARRING: yourself
imagine them playing on human and with assist on and STILL taking 15 hours
Brainlet detected
Even at SSS, it's only the environmental/ambient music. ZERO battle music plays.
I wish they didn't remove Neros battle music after mission 5, feels wrong after hearing it for the first few missions. Hopefully atleast newgame+ puts it back in later missions.
Sorry if i like my shit easy and not complicated
Whats wrong with assisted?
Lady was so bad in this game, that VA is terrible and has 0 effort, why was she even in the game?
I think the music might be bugged. It was doing weird shit the whole time for me.
>4 had a better dante mechanically
You can believe what ever you want about the story, thats subjective. BUT MAN IMMA FIGHT YOU ON THAT DANTE BIT! DMC5's Dante is the best iteration of him by far, especially with the Dante sword.
missions 15-16 was utterly horrible the level design is awful
No! Kikecom wants your greens. He will be sold as either DLC or in SE, as always.
Day Capcom gives free Vergil ANYWHERE, will be day world ends.
dying a lot. i'm on console but it took me around 11~ hours just by going real life time. played till 4 in the morning and today from 12 to 7. but i was also taking shits and making food shitposting so i dunno.
its for shitters who never botherd to practice or learn in the game, people who use it are dumb fags
>gutted dante
I'm not really a Dante pro coming from 4 so this Dante feels good to me.
Have you ever seen him get paid for saving the world? The only time was in 4 and that was a pittance because of all the collateral damage. Nobody hired him in 3, in 1 his client was trying to kill him, and for 2 he got paid with a story (that he forgot to go listen to).
>first dante mission forces fucking subhuman on you
>dont get all the fun stuff until halfway through to get fucking stinger
>then gotta suffer a few more missions until you unlock diet motivated mode
Then this genre isn't for you.
how do I master max-act, I don't understand the timing
Everyone lost their battle music after first few missions.
I feel scammed for buying dlc music
user, he’s guaranteed DLC. People will pay top dollar for him, and there’s data for him being playable in the files
im just glad rebellion is gone and out of the picture, such a shit sword
So is there any point to the Buster breaker after beating the game?
look at this cool hardcore gamer
>love devil may cry
>be a huge MJ fan
>see this
usually I don't care about these kinds of things but this had me smiling the entire time
the guy uploading spoilers to youtube was playing on assisted, what a fucking trainwreck
I think the ending made me tear up a bit
It legit isn't even playing the game if you use it. The game is basically doing everything for you
press the button when you hit the monster to get boom sword
5s styles arw are even more gutted than 4s
Dante sword is straight dog shit because it merges SM as his default moveset
not hardcore just normal,
it was absolute kino
Obligatory appearance
Playable in Special Edition Bloody Palace DLC
Last few missions weren't spaced out that well but I liked everything else.
Sweet i hate working and having to learn combos
Literally just launch them just spam Triangle jump Triangle jump Triangle jump as fast as you can for 15 seconds and it works. They really made Jump cancelling overpowered in this game.
Still haven't gotten to play. Crashes on startup, and the fix that works for some people doesn't work for me.
>don't you say it--
So? This isn't dark souls
>I'm heeeeere-
>Takes on stray bolt from griffon
>I'm busy!
Fuck this tree nigger. V's really grown on me though. I was worried he'd be a smug weirdo asshole but he's SUCH a smug weirdo asshole he loops back to amazing.
You could ask the same question in DMC4. Why were Lady and Trish there at all?
>Sparda/dante sword
>devil trigger + REAL devil trigger
>magic hat
>cerberus with 3 different elements
>melee with fist and kick mode
>4 styles
Dante has so much shit, how do you even go back to play V after him?
DMC isnt for you then, this whole genre isnt for you, but whatever, buy it anyway so we can get DMC 6
>mfw trying to play v on keyboard and mouse
And here i though i'd try and mix it up with trickster/enemy hop, swordmaster/balrog combos. It probably didn't work cause i didn't unlock any bigger combos for cavalier at that point
Any advice for that? If I summon Nightmare and leave him to it he's like a god of destruction crushing all before him, but when I'm trying to control him he's a sluggish useless cunt flailing at air. It doesn't help that I need to control Griffon and Shadow at the same time.
You mean with royalguard or just sword clashing?
Absolute climax for me was the final Urizen fight. After that, fighting V's demons was the next emotional high point. Fighting Vergil as Dante felt like I was retreading familiar ground, but with worse music and scenery. Fighting Vergil as Nero felt cheap because I LITERALLY JUST DID THIS FIGHT BUT NOT EVEN HALF AS POWERFUL. Ending itself, nothing special. Weird that it just peaked at 17 for me.
Im pretty shit at it on DMC4, by shit i mean completely trash. But on DMC5 i press right after you hit the monster.
Almost every boss song is a fucking jam holy shit. They're not really a DMC jam, but it's a jam nonetheless.
nigga just hold the right button, pretty sure playing him with a controller feels weird, I keep using random attacks because I constantly move.
are there any music mods yet, like with the dynamic style ratings and stuff?
I was pretty disappointed to see DNC not use that
Odds of playable Lady/Trish DLC set during the story?
Seriously hope they don't miss this opportunity
>Vergil kills millions
>nobody cares
Oh, it's just when you make contact with the enemy
>can do it relatively often now but not all the time, and even I still get the near Max Acts most of the time
Thanks user
Nero is so fucking basic there's no way he can carry the series without Dante gameplay-wise
whats your favorite joke in the game so far
>Neither of you are dying
>Dying my ass, that punch nearly killed me
I always felt the SM style was redundant cause it just let you do shit Dante should have had in his base move set. Making SM use summoned swords with Dante sword equip just feels much better.
I didnt unlocked anything on the cavalier. I just spammed triangle and shit worked. Double jump and spam triangle. Maybe get monster hop to help?
they really fucked up the music for Vergil.
Also is it me or he looks fucking terrible?
Its one of those things that when you put on paper is sounds like cringy 14yo OC donut steel but is surprisingly baller when you play it
>>devil trigger + REAL devil trigger
Sin Devil Trigger was a shit mechanic that should've only been limited to only story moments
prove me wrong
What’s the first Dante mission?
It wouldn’t be a Vergil game without millions dead and a huge tower. Guy has a thing for them. He should run his own classy devil hunting business
Just like last time
too much shit Nero and V are much more fun because the are more simple and easier
i dunno i liked nico. she gave me some trashy boners. also her entrances when you rang her up were funny
dying bird made me sad though
Nope, who cares Dante got his brother back.
it's not tho, not unless you want it to be
just dont use it
they actually added him on DMC 4 so new players won't feel overwhelmed
What's Trish gonna use now that she doesn't have sparda anymore?
Is there anything for clearing the credits fight scene? I failed the first one(cut off while I was killing the Hell Judecca) but managed to I think clear the second one(Dante says he killed more).
>I'm just sayin, it's okay to cry, if you want to.
>Stop saying cry already, goddamnit!
>phone rings
>Devil May Cr-FUCK
I was unsure about V before I played the game but he's great. I appreciate the gameplay differences in his play style and love how you can taunt/read while juggling combos with your familiars. The only problem is he's ezmode for style.
>“If you say cry one more time I’ll...
>*phone rings*
>“Devil May C-FUCK!!”
Finally, fuck yeah
It's good but I'm bad at Exceed.
With all the shit Nero gets in DMC5, if they add in the ability to switch breakers I wouldn't mind playing as him for a whole game.
Even if you're shitposting I hope this becomes an actual thing.
>Devil May Cry... #@&$!
In what timeline?
They slow down if you shoot them allowing you to attack.
I like to use Ice Age whenever they disappear, parries them hard and gives you an opening to follow-up.
>"You've got some big cojones for coming back"
Her move set from DMC2 could work, but without Sparda, yeah that’s a tricky one to replace.
If it was the other way around people would be bitching that they can't use it, my only problem with it is that Sin DT doesn't heal, really not worth it.
be honest user, is this better than DMC 4?
>can't use prop shredder on command, have to combo into it
Hopefully you can get the old moveset back via Rebellion
A few weeks later, Trish and Lady bicker over who gets to keep Dante's office, since he doesn't seem to be returning. Morrison comes in and tells the "crazy bitches" to calm down, because Dante gave the deed to HIM, specifically to prevent either of them from getting it. He then offers them a job as the power cuts out, cause that rent ain't free.
Nico a cute
I would've came if he said "Rock You". That's a bigger "Fuck You" to DmC than whatever happened.
What are your top 3 well functioning arms built to kick demon ass?
Yes, even without Turbo
I'm so conflicted on this song because I normally don't like electro dubstep like that but the song really does fit Nero's zoomer-ass character and I kinda like it. It was a perfect ending.
Oh god yes.
wait a minute. are king cerberus weapon transformations just temporary and just part of the normal moveset with swordmaster?
the fuck
Anyone know if you can share deluxe edition stuff across sub accounts on the PS4? It's not working for me, primary account can access it but sub accounts can't. PS4 is activated as primary console.
As expected from Mundus bitch
He's not terrible but he does looks like he had a little too much pizza.
>He then offers them a job as the power cuts out, cause that rent ain't free.
I like where this is going.
Fun, looks great, and runs like a dream.
Thanks, I got that scene but wasn't sure if there was like an alternate costume for V unlock or something else for clearing both.
Dante looks great, why Vergil looks like a balding 40 years old man?
Also anyone noticed how did they tuned down the crazy cutscenes?
In literally every sense I can imagine, yes.
The real question is if it's better than 3.
I really like V in theory but he's kinda jank to use. I just finished mission 12 and Dante is so, so much more fun than either of the others.
>mfw Demon Sword Dante
Something about surfing on Shadow and steering him with the cane made be burst out laughing. I just ran in circles for a minute laughing at how ridiculous it was.
yes easily, it's actually finished
It's just a fancier DT Explosion when you really really need to kill an entire room of Fury bastards without swing at their bullshit invincibility half the time.
Did anyone else notice the DmC reference during the Vergil fight
t. Patty
>Vergil and Dante fighing over the last slice
Hit the enemy right as they're about to hit you. Not all attacks can parry and not all attacks can be parried, you gotta play around with it.
That is literally how equipping Rebellion or Sparda works, yes.
>Nero hurt Urizen at semi non DT strength
Yep, they made Nero likable and gave Dante the best moveset in the genre
>kyrie doesn't even have an in game model
>somehow ends up having more charm than in 4
what happened
>score one for dante! im up one bro
You can re-equip Rebellion and Sparda after completing the game.
>tfw nero is the worst part of the game
why is the phantom the only dmc1 boss not included in Vs moveset
am I alone in thinking that Lady is cute as fuck?
>Set it as V's theme
>fight the shadow beasts
>Ultraviolet starts playing during every encounter
It was so fucking BASED.
Nero's new toys are cool but nothing beats a good buster to close out a boss fight
So, when they said this is the end of the Sons of Sparda saga, did they mean Dante and Vergil arent having their autismo sibling murderfest anymore and are just going to be normal dickhead siblings now? Does it mean we are going to get wacky woohoo pizza man and autismo weeblord brotherly co op?
thanks user
It really gave me DmC vibes, not only that but it also has a "cinematic camera" too.
Harder modes have different enemies ?
fuck off idiot
>Does it mean we are going to get wacky woohoo pizza man and autismo weeblord brotherly co op?
No. You'll be getting crazy blonde bitch and crazy brunette bitch co-op as your DLC.
Nico makes some shit for her ez
Also on that note is it possible to miss the Kalina Ann and end up with just Kalina Ann II at the end of your first run?
>Also anyone noticed how did they tuned down the crazy cutscenes?
I'm not sure what game you played
A man after me own heart
no, you fucking idiot
>How are you finding DMC5 Yea Forums?
Something about Nero's combos seem off. In 4, I could perfect do whichever combo I wanted, but for some reason in 5, the timing is extremely strict on the ground combos.
That is honestly a good way to think of it. It does the same thing, wipe a room of enemies immediately by holding down DT, except now it's even more crazy.
Rawhide,Tomboy, Punchline, Buster/Bringer
Boomers, where are you at? are you happy with the game?
was it really worth the 10 years wait?
you get a habit of just attempting it for every swing and if you happen to get max act then capitalize it and not waste the 3 gauges on normal swings.
back forward swing can be cancelled into btw
everything else just feels too situational, I was really expecting to like tomboy but its way too slippery and if you get hit once its gone
punchline is just so unique compared to anything dante and V can do, and has so many fucking options
>easy DoT
>surfing combos for easy style points if you get them in the corner
>jump off the arm instantly for refreshed double jumps, height, can combo off of it and get some real unique setups
>Break age explode while its on something for good AoE damage
>real impact for combo finishers or just good raw damage if yo ucan land it
>started at 2pm today
>finished 30 min ago
Sequel fucking confirmed, and I will cum lots
I liked that one and Griffon mocking Nigghog for having being stupid
>"Ha! Even the big bad kitty cat knows you have shit for brains!"
And even through it wasn't a joke Nero yelling FUCK YOU while raising his middle finger as high as it'll go to transform amused me grately just because of Vergil's reaction. then there's the part where they stab each other with his sword
It's weird how he's the one who challenged Nero but his words there make it clear he doesn't really wanna fight him
>"This has nothing to do with you. Stand down."
and if you somehow manage to lose to him
>sounding like he's about to cry, "You fool"
I also noticed he was nodding as if in agreement with Nero that neither him nor Dante were dying today before he even pointed his sword at him.
Nightmare has many similarities to DD's golems
I know Itsuno defnitely wants to make DD2, but I won't forgive Capcom if they don't give him the chance, specially after DMC's success
does anyone knows how well DD's many ports did?
No actually. I exclusively picked V because I liked playing him and was relatively good at it.
>this won't be the main crew of mobile Devil May Cry with occasional Lady and Trish tagging along killing demons across the world
Who's the better dancer, Yea Forums?
Kek, i tried parrying Urizens flame ball and got fucked. I used the buster Arm.
But theres files for playable Vergil
is it me or these bosses fucking suck?
I don't care if you thought the ending was lame. I thought it was fucking great.
All the scenes near the end were the best scenes and moments.
I'm at 9hrs, just started mission 13. I've only died once, to Artemis
What version is this? PC got a metal gear beam of light
I fucking love Vergil's DT form
I always marched up and read books to the demons as I killed them. Keeps the Griffon and Shadow from dying as well.
This guy gets it
Just so there's an excuse to give Dante double rocket launchers.
>Dante swearing
I don’t like this Yea Forums, I don’t like this one bit
I liked Artemis, Cavaliere Angelo, Maphala and King Cerberus the most. I thought the others were serviceable.
It is you. These are some of the best bosses in the franchise.
I really like how they made Dantes Sin DT require him to get fucking impaled.
god I was so fucking hyped when vergil came back, I was wondering if they would have him in his human form at all or if he would just be some monster looking thing
He's not but he's pure power. I love how much of a tantrum the guy threw because Nero managed to finally get a blow on him HOW DARE YOU STRIKE ME YOU WORTHLESS HUMANNNNN
10mil units already shipped, it was steams best seller, and it's already confirmed two more games.
>Beat the first mission
>Lock myself in training mode hell almost immediately
Why do I do this
>Dante doesn't save the day
This really killed the game for me, fuck nero.
DD did plenty well, there's rumors that capcom is 100% down with itsuno making DD2, I just think itsuno is thinking more about finishing the final chapter of project justice, or making a new capcom vs snk game.
that's pretty much the problem I have with him. What is the point is trying to practice different intricate and creative combos for SSS when mashing and nightmare are all you need to do?
It gives me DmC vibes with the hulk hands and insta SSS
It's the PC version, you have to turn down the lens flare setting
I'm sure Geryong Knight will be great once we can play him as Nero and Dante
>can't replay the game as only Dante
Who greenlit this?
Those adorkable smiles warm my heart
Me :)
It has its purposes. It's essentially judgement cut, but now judgement cut is a character.
But Vergil and Dante are the ones saving the day. They're the ones who went to go cut down the tree.
>Dante doesn't save the day
He did most of the heavy lifting, user. He'd already ran a gauntlet of bosses before reaching Vergil.
>beat the first mission
>don't even bother trying stuff with nero and V till I unlocked Dante
why do I do this
>vergil trying to cut Dante before he says it
top kek
One day user
lady is hot and short fuck you
Avoid 2 and the Reboot
If you really want to play the reboot make sure that it's the definitive version since it fixes a lot of the gameplay issues, but it still has the godawful everything else.
1 is a bit slower but it's the first of it's kind, 3 is great, and 4 is good but it's blatantly unfinished
Arm switching WHEN
I never played DMC4, is Nero's gameplay similar ?
>Did you just sniff that? Do you know where that's been?
>Up your butt.
It's childish and stupid but the deadpan delivery and the look she gives really sold it.
>beat Urizen
>go down to hell to cut off the roots
Nero is the dead weight throughout the game
Just the fact that Vergil yelled that out makes me wonder how many times that happened so far in that month they've been there beating each other up. Dante's grins were childish as fuck dude looked so fucking happy to be with his douchebag brother, Lady was right, these fuckers do get off beating up each other.
>Can't take the swords or Ebony and Ivory off Dante
Fuck that.
Is anyone having trouble with difficulty? I'm getting my ass kicked by some bosses, but going from getting absolutely trashed to almost never getting hit feels pretty good.
I think it is. It's as imperfect as DMC4 for most reasons. I do think playing through it isn't as much of a slog as DMC4 was. They cut out all the bullshit in that game but forgot to replace it. Common enemies being too weak is a problem in 5 though.
That was perfect
Too bad he didn't beat nero to near death, fuck nero
>Don't you dare say it..
Secret Mission 3 is in Chapter 4. When you get to the part with a huge wall with graffiti depicting a red skeleton, summon Nightmare to smash the wall, then hop in the hole he creates, and climb all the way up to the top.
I can't find secret mission 2 to save my life, though.
You have to beat DMD to unlock this thing
Yes, he was just a lot more basic. He had his Red Queen, Blue Rose and Devil Buster. That was it.
Mission 10-17 where the highlight of the game, prove me wrong
They're stuck in Hell forever. That's a worthy punishment.
I think most of the bosses were easy but I got fucked up by Goliath ( though I don't think he was difficult in retrospect ), and some of Dante's bosses because I really wanted to get good at RG
are you guys going to use a guide to find all secret missions? i only found maybe about 4 total on my own
any note worthy ones that are easy to miss? also feels like some levels, especially those "coop" levels have no collectable fragments
the prologue on son of sparda has a empusa queen in the first area
Yeah, though the devil breakers add a lot more depth to his playstyle
No you stupid faggot we all think that
>pre-fruit Urizen
Stfu, deadweight.
>Beat the game over and over so you can truely beat the game
is the dlc worth it?
how do I git gud with dante weapons? they all feel so meeh
Fighting V’s minions is great
Nico dropping her spaghetti when meeting Dante. That whole scene. It's like she's meant to represent the player, just going wooohoooo yeeeeaaah at everything those curazay people around her do.
Turned it off but the beam of light is still there, anything else i should disable to get some ass?
>activate DT with Nero in chapter 20
I did not expect that at all
>Dante and Vergil go from trying to kill one another to being business competitors
>The two of them fight each other over jobs and race one another to get the reward first
>Vergil's new trademark quote is "I need more MONEY"
So who is Nero’s mother? We’re she and Vergil together or she was just some random woman he nutted in?
No. They do have more moves on SoS and enemies block more into counter.
Timing is way easier in V. Not only did I figure out the exceed times faster, but I was able to also figure out combos pretty fast. Only thing I cannot figure out for the life of me is a way to turn off the automatic assist bullshit. It's so fucking gay.
Anyone dissapointed with vergil being the big bad and the final boss too?
I only had trouble with the chicken lady and King Cerberus, and by trouble I mean they KO'd me once and I didn't want to go through the mission again so I just went to a checkpoint.
Dante's Vergil fight took me a couple of tries but once I got RG timings nailed down I fucked him up. Nero's fight was a joke.
she was the lady who looks at him at the end of his DMC4 campaign
Try post processing
Does V's voice actor sound like Kaiba to anyone else?
Vergil "Dollah Bills" Sparda
2 is the worst. 1 aged like milk and is dated as hell but is the granddaddy of these types of action games. 3 is fantastic, campy fun with great combat. 4 is half finished but had the best combat in the series until 5.
5 is hands down the best overall so far, in like everything from enemy/combat design, to the levels, and variety in both weapons & characters.
>have a minigame like yakuza cabaret
Prostitute or something. Vergil apparently remembers it and Dante says "I guess you were young once, too."
You need to have some form of autism to enjoy Japanese Character Action games. They are short as fuck but you don't even get the real experience of the game until you beat it on it's hardest mode. In DMC you legit don't even see the full move set for a boss outside of DMD.
>spend a fucking hour trying to get new controller to work
>i just hadn't plugged it in hard enough
nah, him being completely absent in 4 made me miss him.
Why bother playing the hardest difficulty to get their super modes? There's no point playing the game after that.
I should have waited for the SE so they'd be unlocked from the start.
Such a shame that only a single mission in the game truly uses the Network.
I was so happy when I was just killing shit as Dante and suddenly a Nero drops in and goes HEY OLD MAN, NEED SOME HELP
Online co-op should be more of a thing for this game.
Also fuck you dude for spending 2 minutes at the statue of divinity, I was waiting for you
Hold R3, you can also turn it off in the game options menu.
Mission 8 boss took me down once.
Mission 19 boss took me down a dozen times
Aside from that, I never went down.
what's wrong with this Aho?
because the super modes obviously trivialise everything completely and are just gimmick rewards for 'mastering' the game
every video game ever gives you a ridiculously overpowered item for beating the hardest difficulty
You're really stupid, aren't you user.
We aren't getting DLC
If you mean Bloody palace it's free so it's up to you
>prostitute or something
she was a literal nun
Sorta but I expected. No matter who Urizen was. It was always going to be Vergil at the end. My only regret is no final mission with him against a huge, nigh unbeatable boss.
Did Lady have a scar on her thigh? Did anyone check that?
You don't play the hardest difficulty to get super modes, you play the hardest difficulty because it's the most fun.
so is it an RV or a van?
i want one. looks max comfy
No i just hate earning stuff in games
So when are we getting the Vergil Edition?
>be nun
>forsake your vows to be railed by some demon dude
sounds like a prostitute to me
Yes, but only because he sucked. The Vergil fights in this game are total ass compared to the ones in 3. I swear this game totally falls apart in the final act.
>Costs 500,000 orbs to begin with
>Think I'm going to save the 130,000 bonus red orbs and not use them because it would feel a little PtW
>Do the Prologue mission with no Streak, no Enemy Step, no Calibur, no Hike
>Buy fucking everything
>>We aren't getting DLC
You’re out of your mind if you think this.
Fuck that's cute
i thought lady's ass was only censored on ps4, why is it censored in my game on pc?
I swear to god it gets bigger in certain cutscenes.
>playing through game with friend
>doing missions at the same time
>get to mission where you get to pick between V and Nero
>we manage to get matched up partway through the level
>see friend upstairs kicking the shit out of things with nero
>blowing the fuck out of things with nightmare down below
>keep progressing
>suddenly we're in the same room, fighting the same shit
>start knocking things into the air
>he starts air comboing them
>absolutely demolish everything
Holy fuck more please. For the love of god
Is it me or does Nero sound like he has a bit more of a Southern twang this time?
No cheesing and being OP is the most fun once i play a game on normal i have no interest or desire to be challenged on hard and above.
considering she was dedicated to a religion that worshipped Sparda it's more like letting yourself get railed by Jesus.
Beating Urizen after he consumed the fruit is saving the day. Everything afterwards is just family drama.
if they take v out or just make him optional
You can do it like a lot in the game you just need to catch up to the other asshole.
>caught up to a V
>nigger dies, and decides to stay dead
>Mission 8 and 19 bosses killed me a few times
Is super dante almost unkillable with the royal guard change?
Great game. I didn't expect much, and I'm having tons of fun. Some fights feel like the enemies are not attacking at all, but I guess it will be different on higher difficulty settings.
It works surprisingly well in the game.
that bitch fucked me up with her fucking stunlock trample shit
fuck that chicken. i thought i was doing so good too
Because that's what the devs intended to do from the beginning. You have to turn off a bunch of stuff to get the ass
>some demon dude
That's the son of the God of her religon. It'd be like a nun getting dicked by Jesus.
>He fell for Xniggie lies
Probably all that angst in tow. Weird that they have that after 4. Feels really weird. He feels more classier in 4 with his dialogue
That was just a rumor Nero's schoolmates spread to bully him. I don't know if they implied she actually was.
>no vergil announcer
why capcom
Gilgamesh, NIdhogg, and arguably Artemis are not good and they lump them together one after another.
>feel good playing nero
>immediately exposed for the shitter i am when switched over to dante
Just finished it and then instantly went through it with the other characters. It's a fucking blast. Does the music change for other players because I don't think people appreciate the soul of my conduction of Wagner while Nightmare fucks shit up.
What do i turn off?
The diverging point missions with the winding paths and different routes and knowing I'd miss an orb fragment or secret mission if I went down one way rather than the other and trying to backtrack to the other ways before reaching a PoNR gave me a headache.
This. He's absolute shit. Every fight is either piss easy button mashing shit, or it's a hard fight in which case you just use DT to let the game play itself.
HOW the fuck did they think this was a good idea?
Yeah when the summons do the special moves you want, that happens. And then they die because there's no way to protect them and you have to pop DT. Then you might as well just watch a cutscene of Nightmare beating everything.
Nero and Dante control so well. What the fuck were they thinking making a character that feels like piloting a battleship? Zero mobility, can't do shit to protect your summons, can't control where your summons go or who they attack, and wasted buttons on dumb gimmicks like 'spend DT for easy/auto mode' instead of giving you that precision.
What the FUCK were they thinking? Blunder of the decade.
I believe it's either lens flare or post processing
>just defeated Gilgamesh
Hey, pick that up, we might be able to use that!
>Nero reaches for a can of beans
No, not that! THERE!
>Nero fumbles around until he finally picks up a chunk from Gilgamesh
I've definitely warmed up to Nico.
super stupid shcum
>Doppleganger splitting the same way
>The big zoom in on Nero going FUCK YOU the first time going into devil trigger
Didn't the sky go purple and shoot lightning at some point in the fight too?
>Vergil announcer for Nero
>Reach SSS
Don't know about regular announcer, but I like how alternative announcer is mocking you for getting hit
I still think her voice sounds literally retarded but I've warmed up on her
>Zero mobility, can't do shit to protect your summons
Hint: Your mobility protects your summons. Protecting your summons is your mobility.
You fucking tard.
No she wasn't, that's just generic Fortuna fashion likely because they didn't want to make models for all the citizens. Everyone wears that on the island.
D deadweight
F foolishness
S scum
Yup. Fighting him twice in a row and him just being Vergil from 3 but with a dumber face, it wasn't the best climax I could have hoped for.
And you have neither, what's your point? You can't call your summons back. You can teleport TOWARD enemies but not away from them. They put zero effort into V's sections and it shows.
Punchline. The detonation when its flying is too fucking good and its a really well rounded weapon in general.
Tomboy is situational, but its useful for getting momentum back in a fight. I think of it like an on-demand level 3 streak + super charge shot.
Punchline again
How? I hated that thing, I only like the charge attack
I had MUCH more fun with this then I ever did with 4. Level design just feels so much better and not the slog that 4's was. Even 3 had some levels that I just never wanted to play again, but so far. I haven't felt like that for this one, every single level has been great, some of them straight forward, others twist and turn, doubling back on themselves. I'm really loving the shortcuts that Nightmare can open up. Or the areas in mission 10 where you have to kill everything fast enough or the side areas close off.
Because you only deserve them if you don't actually need them. Welcome to video games.
what post processing? lens flare doesn't do it
you sidestep to call shadow back and glide to call griffon back