Remember me?

Remember me?

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Not in a million years

I remember a failure to launch reboot.

>DMC fans do nothing but ridicule DmC from the moment it was revealed
>devs throw in one or two little jokes at their expense in response
>DMC fans shit their pants and will not shut the fuck up about it more than five years later, even with DMC 5 in their hands right at this very moment

stay mad rick

Feels like we can finally put this nightmare behind us

i know everyone hated this scene, but i'm in the minority who thought it was a chuckle-worthy acknowledgement of the criticism surrounding the game

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Guess a million years passed, then.

>do something retarded
>people call you a retard

It's actually sick. incels stay mad

DmC is better than DMC2.

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>still seething after all this time
Tameem won. He beat you. You're never going to get over it.
Not in a million years.

That’s not saying much, user.

I'd argue that it's better than DMC1 too.

Not in a million sales

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Low quality bait, you can do better than that

I'm just giving credit where it's due.
This dude doesn't know what he's talking about.

>t. Tameme


>Tameem won.
What did he mean by this
Seriously what did he mean

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Yeah, this. I love this game.

It actually had a cool style to it, and the music was awesome.

The only people who hated DmC were literal autist sonic fans sperging out about how Dante wasn't ebin pizza man

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DMC5 was released less than 24 hours ago
and you're here whining about DmC on Yea Forums.
You need to admit that you lost. Tameem took the soul right out of you.

I don't, but sadly my Google search does.

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If only Vorgilsaurus was real

the only thing funny about it is how seething not just one, but an entire group of people must have been to write, storyboard, motion capture, model, animate, voice, and polish through tedious of amounts of QA just to include something so dumb and self-serving

DmC was pretty terrible though regardless of the fans of the series bitching.

All the good content is in the first half of the game, the entire game might as well be mid air platforming rather than an action title with the priority that gets, the weapons are generic trash with bland move sets, the plot is laughably edgy and tedious and the designs are very uninspired.

The game's only defining distinctive feature is it's level design. Even the touted Noisia soundtrack was obnoxious with only a few tracks being remotely decent.


Hello Tameme Antonlades

>user prefers this

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He is, as the kids say, living in your head rent-free.

case in point

Technically, it was. This is an enemy in the game.

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>Year of our Lord 2019
>A new Devil May Cry game has released, the first one in over a decade
>People are still seething about DmC
It's nice to be reminded that we share the site with autists

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its like 2 seconds of screen time. it probably took them about less than an hour's worth of effort collectively. it probably went something like this:

>guy 1 says "hey people on the internet are pretty mad dante's hair isnt white"
>guy 2 says "lol we should make a joke about it during a cutscene"
>guy 1 says "lol yea that would be funny"

>it's all DMC5 and Donte
I miss him.

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Whats the origin of vorgilsaurus? I wasnt around Yea Forums in those times

someone anonymous poster on Yea Forums said pre-release that the final boss of DmC was going to be Vergil who transformed into a dragon.
DMC fans on Yea Forums then worked themselves into a shoot over vergilsaurus


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This is unironically the coolest Dante's ever looked

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Kek is there a screenshot of this


This felt more tacked on than natural desu. No Vergil vs Dante vs Nero was whack.

Yeah, I remember you.

Anthony Higgs, right?

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I dunno, I think it would have felt more forced if Dante was trying to kill Nero too.

I remember the director being a faggot.
>If Dante wore the clothes he wore in the older games in a bar today, he'd get laughed out.

Attached: .......png (122x130, 20K) cringe

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Yea Forums will never stop seething over donte and it makes me laugh.

thread is here

And screenshots

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oh boy, he must have got assblasted when lady and trish were shown nude, saved by white men, carried in their arms like a damsel in distress, lmao

And 4

Can you guys imagine if we actually got that game? Like, it'd be the same shit, but even more edgy, that shit with Mundus' kids is even more edgy than sniper abortion Vergil.

He said if he wore them outside of Japan, because Japan is lame.

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But DmC sold 2 million copies

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How could it be anything other than a joke when Dante had that white hair for the previous 4 games and continued to have white hair in other spinoffs. You're supposed to say heh and move on.

Well, I mean like Vergil. They could be killing each other in game but making them submit in a cutscene.

Not on launch. It sold 800k. That only rises up because of sales.

Are you sure, sniper abortion and wet chunks is pretty edgy. Along with Bleach DLC.

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I'm amazed DmC didn't tank harder.

It's pretty fucking edgy but that Mundus shit is even worse.

Why? Because a man said old Dante dresses badly?
He does.

The marketing for the game was really good, honestly. They put a lot of effort into that.

The entire thing was a shitshow, from the director to the game's direction and the overall state of Capcom at the time. People were scared about DmC2 happening.

Yeah, I have no love for the game and wish it had tanked even harder, but I can respect that their marketing team really tried their best.

It really wasn't a shitshow. The game did exactly what Capcom wanted: to find a new audience for an under-performing IP.
It turns out there's not that many people that didn't like the original DMC but want to play a game like DMC, unfortunately for Capcom.


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Because it's fun to shit on DmC. Always was, and will always be.

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>The game did exactly what Capcom wanted: to find a new audience for an under-performing IP.

And that new audience was swiftly tossed out the window after they saw the massive backlash from DmC

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Is that you, Gerard Way?

Backlash had nothing to do with it. Capcom doesn't care about upsetting people. The audience got tossed aside because it wasn't a big audience

Nah, he’s writing comic books now.

Laughing at DmC and it's autistic defenders (game journalists) will be funny.

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The joke is fine in of itself. Heck, most of DmC is fine in of itself, the Definitive Edition especially so. But DmC should be taught in business or marketing classes as how exactly NOT to do PR. If Ninja Theory had come forward with a message like:

>"Hey Devil May Cry fans! We know things look different but we're just putting our own spin on the character. Think of it as an alternate dimension version of Dante! I'm sure you'll like our game if you give it a chance!"

Or something like that, the game wouldn't have been met with such vitriol and the little million years joke would have gotten a chuckle out of most people. But instead their message was along the lines of:

>"Fuck you all, Devil May Cry fans. Those games you like so much are stupid and out of touch. Old school Dante is gay and you're all a bunch of stupid, pathetic losers for liking him! Fuck you all! We want to replace that old, boring, tired out garbage with our superior vision! Fuck you!"

So no matter what the fans were going to be approaching the topic with extreme hostility.

DmC was a mistake, but the level design was neat.

vorgilsaurus was a leak that happened a couple years before the actual release of the game, and it's what kinda aided in the shitfest of DMC players freaking out, because the design was so bad. he was originally supposed to be a demonic raptor quad-ped, and too much roasting occurred.


Unironically better to play than V is in DMC5.

I felt the same until I unlocked all the moves for V.

>the chain just floating on his hand

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Is there a move you can unlock that gives you precise control over your summons and removes the input delay? Because if not then he's still irredeemable SHIT.

how did we go from this...

Attached: Dga3RclU8AAWgO9.jpg (640x426, 58K) THIS

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different input combos give different ranges of reach so yeah it's all about learning the placements of your beasts

Makes sense. NT is in Bongistan.

>it's all about learning the placement of things that you can't see half the time and can't control precisely
Like I said. Shit.

Most of neo Yea Forums is too young to have been here when DmC was the new thing to shit on. They still ARE too young to be here, but now they're old enough to use a computer on their own.

>An underage poster now could have been in elementary school right when this game dropped

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The platforming is braindead.


Not disagreeing but the art direction for it, was good

DmC had horrible level design what the fuck are you talking about? Maybe you're confusing level design with the art direction? Because I'll admit that DmC has some gorgeous scenery.

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it's what I meant to say

>"That won't work."
>"Why not?"
>"He's bullet proof."

>"I can use a potion to make him vulnerable. This is something I will never use again. It will happen in a cutscene, then you will have a normal bossfight where you can damage him without incident even though bosses that are invincible until you break some sort of shield are a staple of the DMC series. This will hopefully make the player feel that I'm helpful and make them emotionally invested in my character because I solved a problem that had no reason to exist and never feels like it was ever a problem to begin with."

God Kat is such garbage. I can stand Donte's stupidity, Vergin being a fedora tipper, even the enemies being vulgar for no reason, but the game pushes her so much. She's the worst.

Based weeb fags not being able to take a joke


It will never feel so good again after this weekend

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Really? He seemed like a cool lad to me. Also the Black Parade was a great album.

mrfeelswide makes some shit takes most of the time, dunno why his tweets get so many likes

>No Nero Vs Dante & Vergil
I was 100% sure it would happen but that faggot Dante had to job and ruin it all

I don't see why Dante had to job. If they were smart, They would've made you choose between Dante and Nero. If you lose as Dante, You get the Nero ending. If you win as Dante, You get a different one. It was laid out. Capcom rarely updates their games but this one is so close to being great. Add aggressiveness to enemies. Give melee guys range attacks. Be more strict with style rankings and style meter. It's almost there.

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>tfw when lost super easy Nero vs Vergil fight because laughed to hard after hearing that FUCK YOU