What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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What didn’t?

webcam ward was the peak

When they stopped RPing the LPs

>Top tier cyberbullies shitting on subhuman LPers that produce god awful "point camera at TV screen" LPs, unregistered hypercam videos, etc. Weren't afraid of using words like "gay" and "retard". Slowbeef even had the balls to call a girl a "dumb slut". Oh, and they were just plain funny. "You can make these fat guys bra straps snap too, I think."

>Apologizes to S-J.Ws and tumblrinas for their past slurs. Now wag their fingers at people for the "wrong type of humor". Don't make fun of LPers because they don't like when their fanbase to go after people (even threatens to block people that do) and now they hide past videos if they're asked to. S.J-WBeef was anti-GG and Diabeetus is now just a flat out c.u-c.k. Also just really lame videos like Retsufrash, because really, who cares about really old Newgrounds flashes? And the less said about their "hilarious commentary" over old video games, the better.

youtu.be/Ow---AaOIEo (Here's S-J.WBeef defending Dina. The infamous Mighty No. 9 Community Manager.)

>John Bergman: You know what's funny about this situation, 6 months later? Dina turned out to be a really shitty community manager.
>Retsupurae: Not really.


What happened? Did the s o y get to them and make them into estrogents?

One of the saddest things that has ever happened in gaming and we all just fucking watched

Shockingly, the most sane member of Retsupurae turned out to be Dave_O, who revealed himself as a Donald T. supporter on the Retsupurae podcast.

slowbeef getting in with the S.O.K

based cyberbullies poster
discord trannies finna seethe



More cringe kiwifarms shit instead of being funny

This. Retsufrash and old games were never funny

Lack of updates, lazy organizing, Slowbeef never capitalizing on internet friends for exposure, real life made them lose interest, and then the Youtube policies changing making it hard for them to make fun of autistic kids.

I genuinely enjoy their Wrongpuraes. I wish they would've stuck with that, but after a while they just started doing "whatever" and it fell apart.

Slowbeef said it himself. You look at a giant shitty problem and say to yourself, "Wow, I could make a thousand videos about this."

And then you make a thousand videos. And then you're done.

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While I agree the LPs were the best I think retsufrash and older games had their moments.
I still remember the journey that was dark seed 2.

They were always shit. Literally just "what if we did commentary but over LP's and we decided not to be funny."
>inb4 seething oldfags

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But why were they making fun of actual good games like I Have No Mouth?

Plus even Ambition took more talent to make than anything they did - the LPs were right for Diabeetus and Slowbeef because they're no talent Lets Playing goons.


everyone stops being funny after some time

>making fun
It's pretty clear Slowbeef genuinely enjoyed the game. Only real criticisms of it I remember are the puzzles being really obtuse.

They got old.

I'm pretty sure he got triggered at one point

>most sane member of Retsupurae turned out to be Dave_O
You forgot about Proteus.

>playing japanese game

I think they felt like they had to be SUPER DUPER CAREFUL about the "rape scene". As in... the scene that doesn't even contain rape, but implies it as part of a character's backstory. Felt like one of those shitty
>oh yeah we're super irreverent we'll make fun of anything

even cornshaq is doing better on youtube than slowbeef

Yeah, Slowbeef's refusal to take any slight risk was a big issue later on. Stuff they said was graphic or intense always ended up being standard-fare M-rated content.

They tried to do it without Proteus and it just didn't work.
But seriously, I feel bad for Slowbeef. He tries to stream almost every day and he barely hits 100 viewers.

That's video games in general, AO is pretty much non-existant.

Pretty much this. Getting older makes you less edgy.


You have no idea how much I miss simple stuff like this. I was there from the beginning and this was post the discovery of Chris Chan, where being mean on the internet was still actually fun and encouraged.

No. It just makes you care less. I still hate furfags even though they've been pretty irrelevant for a good while compared to other shittier fetish fads. I don't even tell tripfags to fuck off anymore, even though I still vividly remember the whirlpool of cancer they kept this place in.

What about Metokur? He's possibly older than Slowbeef and still doing the same videos he's done since 2006-2007

i fucking hate how Tipping Forties and Retsupurae got turned into this neo-sjw shit

Going to agree with this too. Slowbeef's Twitch stream where his newborn kid was constantly crying and interrupting his gameplay made me wish that he stopped doing Retsupurae. The channel barely updates anymore so I hope he's focusing on being a good husband and father instead.

> that point where you could hear him off-mic muttering "please go to sleep" in the most defeated and exhausted tone you could imagine

Having children causes a shift in priorities more so than personality. You could see it when Slowbeef stuck with Lowtax even though the SJW crowd started turning against him. Metokur definitely doesn't have the same kind of responsibilities as a father.

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>tfw Chip is the absolute best Let's Player you've ever seen yet his videos don't get any views despite being entertaining, informative, and relatively concise considering he does full-playthroughs.

This world isn't fair.

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Metokur is what happens when you have a steady low work income and instead of doing something more productive you dedicate your entire life to shitposting and kiwifarms threads

Metokur's also a washed-up manchild whose entire Internet presence is validating other people's beliefs.

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Chip is a dumb faggot that hangs out with that screeching banshee voidburger.

...but yes he did make good LPs.

Is he still taking the dick from VoidBurger or has he mercifully gotten out of that relationship yet? She acts so erratically online that I could totally picture her as someone who's emotionally abusive towards her boyfriend (making scenes in public, threatening self-harm, etc).

i havent seen his channel in a while but i remember a problem i had is that his videos came out so infrequently that i would forget he existed


Who unlike Retsupurae, still has a healthy channel because he stays true to his content.

I wish he had better guests. The only LP I've liked Ironicus in was Watch_Dogs, and that's just because of how much he knew about Chicago.
>That fucking MGS4 episode where Ironicus just ate a bag of chips on the mic over a cutscene


You completely missed the point of that post if you're bringing up popularity as a metric of quality.

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something awful was utterly overrun with sensitive babies and lowtax did absolutely nothing to stop it. it's actually disgusting how far they've fallen and how completely and utterly unfunny everything related to the site has become.

literally who?

Did T40s get back together?

Snatcher, Darkseed1+2, and Cobra are all kino

By that metric Civvie would be a shitty youtuber and I will fight you if you think that's true.

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I honestly miss when goons would deliberately fuck with each other in the middle of LPs just because they were comfortable enough to do that. My favorite example is when TaxidermistPasta started reading the wrong walkthrough on purpose when he was trying to help another guy out during his LP. It was just five minutes of confusion and LP sabotage.

Well it's not like your post had anything to do with quality to begin with

Your post is a misleading summary of Metokur

What do we consider washed up? Retsupurae is the one actually washed up - they haven't produced content in months. Metokur streams get 3,000-10,000 people depending on the content.

Don't ever post in my thread again.

They realized that being in your forties and criticizing teens on Youtube is pathetic, no matter how bad the LP may be.

Also SB is deleting old videos because they show him being a dick and clashing with his new persona as a SJW.

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Civvie is a cuckold who hasn't covered Duke Nukem 3D because he's an SJW (but he has covered other Build games, SW, Blood. Not to mention fucking Doom)

I wasn't drawing comparisons with Retsupurae when I said that Metokur does nothing but validate the egos of people who feel sidelined by liberal shills or who want to laugh at pathetic people. It's lowest common denominator bullshit for people who feel insecure about themselves. No shit that it's going to be popular.

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>Also SB is deleting old videos because they show him being a dick and clashing with his new persona as a SJW.


Oof, shame old Retsupurae fans share his most shameful vids like MST3K fans that keep trading the tapes

>Slowbeef keeps trying to distance himself from his old "bully" persona and doesn't want his fans attacking bad LPers

>but he still tells people to kill themselves on twitter and sends his fans to bombard the shit out of them


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What, Retsuprae wasn't laughing at pathetic people and their content?

Didn't he just do Hated?

That's some shit taste there lad

Diabetus and Proteus should have teamed up.

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Retsupurae is either about making fun of shitty Lets Players (the only area of expertise they have) or games/flash content that required more talent than they have ever had to make like Exmortis or Ambition

>chip and ironicus
>ironicus looks like a beta numale cuck
>chip is literally the size of a chip and dating a deranged feminist psycho
Stop worshipping ecelebs.

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He is doing Doom youinvalid.
I'm really happy every phrase from 2011 is now so watered down it means nothing and only outs retards too stupid to lob actual criticism.

>giving a single shit what some Something Awful goon faggot thinks about anything
Put a bullet into your retarded brain.

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Hatred, but yes he did

There's a world of difference between shitting on a guy for making a bad LP and shitting on mentally ill people or political subversives in an attempt to make yourself feel like a better person. Metokur's content tricks you into believing that. That said, you can say that Retsupurae is absolute trash if you want. I was never in this to defend them.

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I haven't watched it, but he does videos about bad games like Blood 2

I have no doubt he thinks Hatred is a bad game (even though the company is still successful and on their fourth game unlike games by SJWs)

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you're an incel

I mean... Is that Chip? He looks better than he used to, he handsome. Girl doesn't look bad at all either. He is short though, I remember that.

> Broteam

He really fell to shit over the years and his fake Internet friends haven't helped him at all

>in an attempt to make yourself feel like a better person

Right, because that doesn't happen with Retsuprae videos either. Go back to socking on the farms, bryan.

Hi quckqueef

>He is doing Doom youinvalid.

No you illiterate mongoloid, I meant he covered Doom before Duke 3D - while covering Shadow Warrior and Blood before Doom. Why hasn't he covered Duke 3D other than being an SJW?

And if you're gonna ignore those very specific anti-right cancer mouse skits, don't even respond you moron.

Hatred is a bad game you dolt.

Did emptyhero turn against the alt-right?

hatred was trash though. 4 hours of mediocre isometric shooting was never worth its price

If you can't defend Metokur without attacking other people, then you already realize how shallow and shitty his content is. It's tabloid trash.

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reminder that based jim is friends with lowtax while cuckbeef's SJW cult doesn't allow him to acknowledge him

I don't think he said it was bad, just like "meh".

>Hatred is a bad game you dolt.

It's really not, and the game Yea Forums claimed was better (Postal 1 and its remake) were total shit. Especially the controls of the original P1.

Then neither was Postal (except 2)

Hi there, Slowbeef here. How are you?

Reminder that everyone who willingly paid $10 to post on a website is a cocksucker, and he probably thinks that it's okay that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

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ok so theyre both shit games, whats your point

Well at least you didn't deny it this time, bryan. I don't think daddy Jim is going to pay any more attention to you, though, even if you continue to make a complete ass of yourself or send him outlines.

> opposing a new Zionist order
> seriously believing that the unwashed hordes will do any better

You have already lost

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>muh namedropping
You're a stupid faggot, and you should be ashamed.

Who considers the original postal a good game? Hatred may be better than it but being better than shit still can mean you're shit.

Why do you continually live in 2011?

Metokur exists for people too lazy to read Kiwifarms threads. The hamster video was pretty good though.

>Why hasn't he covered Duke 3D other than being an SJW?

'cause he has other games he wanted to cover first? I dunno, try asking him or something.

I honestly don't know who Bryan and Jim are since it's been so long since I've followed Retsupurae or SA. Feel free to go into excruciating detail explaining who they are and what stupid horse shit they've done. Since I'm not them, I obviously don't give a fuck.

Go ahead, you retarded cunt.

the dsp kiwifarms shit is tragic. how do you fuck up making fun of dsp so badly

but the jews did bomb the uss liberty. They even admit it. Hell, there are recordings of them telling the pilots not to stop attacking even though they are americans.

t. a woke white boy who thinks that racial treason is 'hip' and 'in'
You're going to get your fucking neck slit, lmao.

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I honestly don't hate Metokur and I think that some of his videos are fine, but his dick-sucking fans are absolutely intolerable.

He's just a guy who shitposts for fun. I can respect that. Anyone who believes that he's some kind of prophet dropping redpills is seriously sheltered and delusional.

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kek. which one was that

> implying I'm goy

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>the dsp kiwifarms shit is tragic. how do you fuck up making fun of dsp so badly

Ask retsupurae

You might have to explain though. I actually watched a stream of people talking over a DSP video and they were less engaging than DSP

Yeah, Jim's fine for the most part, but his fanbase can be pretty bad.

>You're going to get your fucking neck slit, lmao.

imagine being this much of a violent edgy child

This, Jim's fans are fucking annoying while Jim himself is based.

You're going to burn even harder.

I understand not knowing KoP "Bryan" by name, but not knowing Jim is a sign of a newfag.

Jim is still popular because he has stayed true to himself all of these years. At his core, he just likes to make fun of people on the internet and cause chaos. His only objective is his own amusement. Jim's fanbase (mostly people in their 30s and older) are loyal because what Jim is doing is everything that old internet was about.

I've never seen Jim cuck to anything and just accept it.

>how do you fuck up making fun of dsp so badly
When you get a clique of alogs with no common sense or selfawareness together, then the sky's the limit.

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.


Pretty much all the guests do nothing but fuck with the main LPer in the most annoying ways possible. Wouldn't be surprised if Taxi says "nigger" a few times too. It was a different time.

Pic unrelated, it's a mentally-challenged porn star and her agent.

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You do realize that you're engaging in hero worship of a guy who just fucks around on Youtube?

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This. I mean Retsupurae now has a huge furry fanbase when they used to make fun of them


You could see the slow trickle of furry avatars on the flash stuff they released (before I lost all interest and I assume the trend continued on old games they made fun of)

The hilarious thing is they hero worship the equivalent of a blue checkmark dishing out hot takes.

look up the archives

Not sure if you meant to respond to me, but yeah you're probably right.

What hero worship? I'm just telling it like it is. If Jim wasn't already doing what he was doing, I would be doing the same shit in his place and have his audience. I like watching people that remind me of myself and do what I would do.

>worshiping the gunt

Now that's just disgusting, user

Civvies lefty rants make up about 5% at most of his content. You forgot to mention he's also made an entire series on Postal 2, Apocalypse Weekend, and Paradise Lost. You have swung so far to the right you are now literally the equivalent of an SJW sperging out over microaggressions. I know high school's tough, but eventually you'll learn that it's ok to have different opinions.

aw fuck. I didn't even know this game was on the archive. Gotta watch that.
I remember the old Pikmin LP where they blatantly referred to Bulbears as niggers. Different time indeed. a funnier one

No one cares about your faggot blue checkmark, Shlomo. Imagine thinking that you've won, when you're simply setting up a strawman.

>mentally-challenged porn star
interesting, just makes me think how far would anyone go for tard porn.

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I wanted to see if you'd post some kind of cringey bullshit sucking Metokur's dick. You actually did it.

> I like watching people that remind me of myself and do what I would do.

The same echo chamber bullshit that liberals engage in all the time. Nice to see that you admit that you're just as bad as them.

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Parallel Worlds

I'm responding to you because you're a reddit spacing faggot who seems to think that random names can distract us from the fact that the jews are literally soft genociding us.

I brought up Taxi during one of Slowbeef's Twitch streams a couple of years back. Beef instantly recognized that name. He said he misses him.

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There is literally nothing wrong with being soft-genocided, tho

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>J-j-just wait fo-for based Jim to make his t-take down video
I do admire the guy though, the Warski arc was a hilarious dive in exposing every alt-right figure head as nothing more than a grifter. You really think about it Metokur was the only guy to come out Killstream stronger than ever.

I'm sorry but he goes from leftist to full retard when he believes in the Russian influence on the election

He's a faggot cuck and I'll make fun of him even if you don't like hearing it.