For me? It's The Silent Cartographer.
For me? It's The Silent Cartographer
Other urls found in this thread:
Two Betrayals.
Why does this game make people so butthurt? There were console shooters that came out before this and yet this makes people seethe
My favorites are any level that let's me drive a ghost. Those things are so much fucking fun
Popular thing bad.
Popular thing must be forgotten.
Stop liking popular thing.
It's extinction for me.
Anything without the Flood.. worst part of the series.
i like Truth and Reconciliation and The assault on the control room.
the first level but instead of fending off the covenant boarding party you shoot cheese in the head and fend off invincible marines for as long as possible
for me, its the covenant.
Can confirm
>that scarab
1st level CE on legendary.
So linear, so good, so fun.
Assault on the Control Room, Two Betrayals, Truth and Reconciliation, Silent Cartographer.
All are levels that I can do blindfolded I love that shit.
>trying to do a no-death run on legendary
Man there aren't that many parts of CE that I would call bullshit but Two Betrayals is one of them. The game literally spawns invisible elites right behind you at one of the hardest parts of the mission.
for me, it's the library
nah actually it's two betrayals, 343 GS, or the first level, but Iegitimately do like the library, did it on legendary 0 deaths many times late in the evening, it was super comfy simply because the whole level takes place indoors in the dark
Assault to the control room
Silent Cartographer
Truth and Reconciliation
Two betrayals
The Maw
Truth and Reconciliation is the GOAT level
>Halo 3
>We wrote ourselves into a narrative corner by removing the enemy type that ties the entire covenant sandbox together.
>Let's fix this by making the brutes even less fun than Halo 2.
Popularized regenerating health and poor FOVs
>he thinks weapon sponges are fun
Thats a bridge. Some guy did make a "human scarab" and its on that map though.
>Let's fix this by making the brutes even less fun than Halo 2.
They objectively improved them in Halo 3 though.
>He thinks slow fat Donkey Kongs in paper mache armour are better than a unique enemy type that required the player to mix up their approach a bit.
Even if you disliked the H2 Brutes they played a secondary role to the elites in that game. Halo 3's are both garbage AND front and center as the primary enemy type.
It popularized a lot of bad trends in vidya even if it in and of itself handled them pretty decently such as regenerationg armor, 2 weapon limits, very linear maps etc.
alright so unshielded halo 2 legendary difficulty master chief vs title defense glass joe, who wins in a fistfight
halo 3 brutes are literally just re-textured elites with a rage mechanic. and the brutes were front and center in the last three levels of the game in 2, and were arguably less fun than 3.
>halo 3 brutes are literally just re-textured elites with a rage mechanic
It was successful, ID and Epic never made a big budget shooter to compete so arena shooterfags just kept playing quake 3 and live all day whining about it. Meanwhile several attempts were to made to make a modern arena shooter that arena shooterfags never played.
[ Laughs in Elite ]
*shoots your body before the game reloads*
they literally were. deal with it.
you're retarded
I actually like the library, I understand why some people might dislike it, but I think it hit all the right notes for me.
youre a nostalgia blind boomer.
>low FOV console shooter that limited weapons and movement
not hard to understand why
It's also associated with the dudebro culture that it created
Had a
>that friend
who told me if you did that and survived long enough, Cortana would "hack you" and kill MC. Lying little shit.
Only 1 brute had shield recharging. Every elite in the franchise has that.
Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that MCC is going to be announced for PC on Wednesday and all PC Halo Gamers will be welcome in Halo General enjoy thank you :)
(P.S. pic related is Pistol Elite he's kind of a big meme around here so get used to him! haha )
If only Timesplitters became the cultural juggernaut...
halo 4 and 5 had more fun campaigns, and better writing. this is a hard pill to swallow to those how had halo as their first game.
>Two Betrayals
your health doesnt regen in Halo CE though
>Better writing
>Explaining the forerunners, making the not!covenant, making ONI and Halsey retarded, Spartan IV's being a massive leap from II and III's
Yeah no.
because it's popular, which makes contrarians seethe uncontrollably
It technically doesn't regen in any game, but they removed the health bar and packs in halo 2 and 3.
MCC has a better chance to release on the switch than the PC.
halo 4 and 5 had better writing over all because they distanced themselves from bungies nonsensical cannon. half the shit they wrote mad no sense, and the other half was just them covering their bases to make it seem like the games had a story when they were just mindless shooters.
It's announcing for PC on Tuesday my dude. Watch and see.
Then if your health gets damaged in 2 or 3 it stays low during the entire mission??? I don't think so
wrong. that announcement is for the switch. MS has already bent the knee to nintendo with licensing, and now its only a matter of time before halo goes there as well.
It's literally already announced on switch. It's on game pass
In terms of gameplay its The Silent Cartographer, but in terms of visuals its Requiem from H4
How is explaining the forerunners a good thing? How is retconning what ONI and Halsey did a good thing? I dare you to defend Spartan IV's, I dare ya.
I doubt H2A or halo 4 can run on switch at 60fps.
I can't wait to recapture that Halo Reach 15 fps magic.
Yeah yeah but the shields sure as fuck do
That one where you leave the crashed dropship and have to save a bunch of marines is max comfy
Assault and Cartographer are best for action
>be a psycho little kid
>spend hours killing the marines over and over again in this mission
>sometimes have them get into the warthog, drive them way out into the water, kill them and drive back only for no one to suspect a thing
>for some reason was the funniest thing ever
underage as sin
>no Final Run
the forerunners were a nonsensical plot hole in the other games, the new trilogy fixes that. ONI and Halsey were horribly written and bland. now they are interesting and well thought out. spartan IVs are spartans with actual flaws, and not just plot-armor clad slabs of meat.
1 2 and 3 had literally no story beyond a surface level veil that wasnt even good.
the switch is more powerful than the base xbone, so i dont know what youre on about.
holy shit user, how could i forget extinction
Spartan IV's were a shit but them being better is understandable as technology moves forward. Spartan II's were genuine pigs and only the strongest survived. Better understanding allowed them to be more efficient with the augmentation and specialized from solider to solider. Spartan IV's will never have the training Spartan II's had, so they will always be worse and more ineffectual soldiers then the II's but far more plentiful. Cortana called them a bunch of children playing with big boy toys.
No. Now theyre all over explained and the mystery is gone
Absolutely, though I am not sure if certain story checkpoints reset it.
the mystery was just laziness, it killed any intrest and made no sense. flesh out your species next time.
>mass dogfights dealing with scarab, wraith, and scorpion AA fire
>absolute madlads dropping Longsword nukes
Good fucking shit.
Switch DOOM: 360-480p 25-30fps
Xbone DOOM: 900-1080p, 60fps
One of my favorite levels.
That is functionally untrue. There is an entire market now for dark souls lore. One of the claimed most mysterious game stories. Over explaining shit just ruins anyone having any fun with the story.
Story is expected in videogames, but its not important. So giving exposition is taking away from the experience.
>PC version has a two-sided multiplayer version of Silent Catrographer called Death Island
>They didn't port it to the Master Chief Collection
This is a sin.
why does bungie halo have such god-tier music?
>blocks your teleporter with a tank
Chiron tl34 was the best map. Fite me.
By indirectly popularizing concepts that would become standard in FPS that aren't necessarily console exclusive, the games were mostly fine otherwise.
>Story is expected in videogames, but its not important
a lazy assumption that keeps videogames down. halo 4 and 5 did more than that, and they are better games because of it.
>marine talking shit and charges in
>next thing you see is him flying through the air yelling WAHHH
i miss the old halo
Making them fight like Elites in Halo 3 was an improvement, a massive improvement, too bad the Brutes were never that god again. they may not have been as fun to fight as Elites but god damn did Halo 3's Brutes shit on Halo 2's and Reach's Brutes.
Gonna have to go with Uprising bub.
ahahahaha holy fucking shit no it isn't
Brutes were straight up garbage in Halo 2.
>they may not have been as fun to fight as Elites
imho they made up for that by making the jackals and grunts more fun to fight.
Back to the Halo discord with you.
This, it's the best level of the first game.
the scene where arbiter confronts tartarus and the scene here arbiter confronts truth are two of my favorite scenes in any media ever, and i think its because of the music.
True, then there was the Hunters and Scarabs, even the Drones were somehow less annoying than their Halo 2 counterparts.
For me it is, quite frankly, Delta Halo.
>people still think that Xbox Game Pass on Switch rumor was real
You two are a sad bunch.
Why so people could fucking shitpost about that too?
>best friend and I loved playing Halo and Halo 2
>spent an entire Saturday doing Legendary on Halo 2 from start to finish for the first time
I remember when codfags feared halo because they couldn't play it. Now halo is full of zoomers and codfags.
kek, the Switch is an awesome console but it's weak as shit.
the comfiest part of halo 2 was just sitting in that underwater elevator thing listening to cortana and the marines.
>go back to the MCC after like a year
>there are STILL people who in 2019 anno domini try to use the assault rifle in a CE match
Why will we never get all three Halo games plus ODST released for PC?
comfiest mission in the series on easy-heroic
pure fucking bullshit on legendary
The one achievement were you have to play that mission on legendary with no deaths made me appreciate how fun and relaxing that level is after completing it
why does everyone in the halo universe act so fucking calmly about the flood? do these niggers not realize that the fucking forerunners fought and lost against them?
the rest of high charity's massive fleet is still out there, infected by the flood yet no one brings it up.
The mission with two Scarabs on Halo 3
Delta Halo-Regret is pretty kino. Was my favorite but over time I began to prefer Gravemind more.
why were the forerunner structrues on delta halo so overgrown and dilapidated in comparison to the other installations weve seen? the ark was far older than it, yet it managed to still look good.
We probably will when W10 supports xbox games
Didn't only High Charity get overrun by the Flood?
no, there were other ship in its protection fleet that were infected as well. thats where the ship that got to earth came from, but it was only one of the infected ships.
it didn't just handle them decently it did a really really good job of introducing entirely new concepts, so well that most people don't even realize that halo invented them straight out
dedicated grenade button? halo did it. 2 weapons? halo did it. dedicated melee button? you get where im going with this
look, 2 weapon switching is bad because everyone cargo culted halo, the first game to have it, because it did such a good job of it. it's core to the gameplay loop and the way the levels and enemies and multiplayer is designed. it's not like Goldeneye Rogue Agent where they just slapped 2 weapons and dual wielding into a corridor goon shooter to make it trendy and it probably ruined the game
>Halo will never have a PS2 Battlefront-style mode where you try to capture points on a large open battlefield filled with tons of AI bots
I would literally never need another game. I just want to drop in to large Halo battles and mindlessly fight.
Unironically the best level in all of Halo is The Library.
Well, guess the universe is fucked.
high charity was blockaded by the Elites while the Brutes and Truth went to Earth. Thats why the elites only sent 6 or 7 ships to help.
Partly because the stone structure are fucking old as fuck artifacts that were transplanted to the Halo to preserve them. Partly because Penitent Tangent is a lazy fucker and got caught by the Gravemend.
Cortana says they wanted to preserve the old structures. Probably historical or something.
I cant even wrap my brain around how awful your opinion is.
also, according to some old lore, the monitor of installation 02 was incompetent as fuck, and neglected maintenance and procedures.
Only thing missing from the series at this point, must be why we can never seem to get it outside a few CE mods... They know it's endgame.
but there were so many ships, at least some of them had to have gotten away.
another thing missing is a dead space style survival game with the flood. having an actual game centered around them and their *cannon* power levels would be both fun and terrifying.
the halo universe is absolutely retarded
halo 1's story is a masterpiece and halo 2 is pretty good but they tried to flush it out too much and expand on previous things that weren't really designed to be used in a manner like that. and all of the flaws of halo 2 were compounded exponentially with the third game and every subsequent game
covenant? flood? ring worlds? hella cool. earth? islamic undertones? the arbiter? soft pass
halo 2 was reactionary bush-era political shlock of a sequel to a brilliant game universe to try and make it seem deeper
Assault on the Control Room you bitch.
>spartan IVs are spartans with actual flaws, and not just plot-armor clad slabs of meat.
holy shit. that is the entire purpose of them. they are chad slabs of meat. they are the protagonist of the video game
this is what they're talking about when they talk about gamergate, isn't it?
TF2 as well. You could argue OW if it hadn't already fallen off a cliff and lost all popularity and good faith it once had.
>halo 2 was reactionary bush-era political shlock of a sequel to a brilliant game universe to try and make it seem deeper
They removed a beheading scene to specifically avoid that.
>Not liking the cool rusty old Africa setting
>Not liking arbiter
Max pleb
post yfw MCC gets announced for PC
do not respond to 343fag bait.
They were human structures. He had ignored his maintinence of the ring because he had grown to enjoy watching human society when he was alone. When we see him with the gravemind he is completely mindbroken. Since they floodified all the life he enjoyed observing on his ring.
Why does this matter exactly? Halo was made for controller.
Unless PC bros are modding and making new maps/campaigns, I don't have a reason to be excited.
>Halo was made for controller.
you... you do know you can plug controllers into computers, right?
>Why does this matter
Because I'm not one of the 12 people in the world who own an Xbone
So there is no difference, and you'll gimp yourself in multiplayer, great.
>that part when you get the banshee
>Why does this matter exactly?
Because I didn't waste my money on a $400 Fisher price locked down toy.
>Halo was made for controller
No one will say this if halo comes out with cross play.
I really hope Halo Infinite learns that people don't want these retard abilities anymore. Just give us normal Halo multiplayer with good maps and a campaign that takes level design inspo from CE and you're golden.
>Unless PC bros are modding and making new maps/campaigns, I don't have a reason to be excited.
The community is split on it so chances are "some" will return.
Thry will if they understand the systems. The TTK will be too quick, campaign will be a joke.
Halo was always a controller focused game.
How to please literally nobody 101.
Pick a fucking side.
Halo 1 and 2 were literally released on PC you retarded zoomer. No one complains about mouse and keyboard support on those games.
They did, it will definitely not have Spartan Charge or Ground Pound since most hate those, it's debatable whether it will have Sprint or not since that one seems to be split equally.
>sneaking over to the mythos and wrecking everyone on that map
where my cold snap boys?
Nobody complains because they are PC gamers who don't know better. Game is way less balanced on PC. This isn't Quake, the game wasn't balanced with twitch aiming in mind.
>laser focused god gun pistola starts in CE
Kill me
You either have retarded "enhanced" mobility or you don't. Pick a side.
If sprint is in this game so help me god i'm switching to PS5 and never looking back.
Jet fags BTFO
Don't ask me to pick a side, 343 already did that, it will have enhanced mobility, I honestly don't know why you thought otherwise, you either take it or you get the fuck out.
>implying that halo 3 is an anyway a bad game
this picture is outdated, unbased and bluepilled.
>tfw we will never get to see the best looking ship in the games
My understanding was that the UNSC and elites would work together, after the fall of the convenant in 3, to cleanse the galaxy of the remaining flood. But then halo 4 and 5 came along and fucked everything up.
Source on HI having enchanced mobility?
And I won't get out, expect consumer dissent if you make defective products.
pretty much all of the stuff they introduced in halo 2 about the covenant is heavily influenced by islam. the whole heretic, prophet, arbiter, great journey stuff. none of that was in halo 1
look, you don't remove something form your game to avoid controversy if your game has nothing to do with the controversial topic
>We will never have a Halo-themed Star Citizen
Not that user but I remember several articles when infinite was announced stating that 343 was 100% invested in its new style of gameplay which they feel they perfected in 5.
you would be correct then. at least, to an extent. but i dont think any large scale operations would be possible, due to the elites trying to murder eachother. although R'tas was doing search and destroy with the flood, so id think its safe to say that there are human ships doing the same.
story wise though, 4 and 5 made no sense with how the SoS just kind of fucked off away from the humans.
>Getting bombarded by longsword nukes and jets while driving a warthog with 2 randoms
good times
I've kept up intensely and not seen anything like that.
Can master chief die already so that I can stop buying 343s garbage?
Holy shit, you actually think they were going to take it, out, how stupid are you? Just to clarify, Chief's new armor has the Thruster Pack from Halo 5 and Tom French and Jeff Easterling told people to play Halo CE-3. This is what they meant by classic Halo on PC and why they're pushing MCC, MCC is their hub for classic Halo games on PC sold Xbox and PC players that want classic Halo will play on PC, Halo Infinite itself will have Spartan Abilities with about two or three cut from the game.
for me it's the bipedal mech
>no difference
>solid 60+ fps and any res possible
>not better in every way
*so Xbox and PC players
So many people have spoken out against it. The Halo tuber community is all in on classic. The EXTREME positive reception when Cheif's new helmet wad revealed. They've already announced the armor wasn't finalized and got tweaked. The MCC is being heavily promoted... almost like they're trying to woo old fans back, that tweet was from a long ass time ago.
Basically, you're fucking stupid.
Those are not the only Halo fans, there are millions upon millions of fans and many fans like Halo 5's mp except for a minority of Halo 2 and 3 dudes, most just hated the Spartan Charge and Ground Pound.
What was actually the reason the covenant in 4 are hostile? Been so long since I played and I don't even remember if they explained it.
Are they also hostile in 5?
>the minority of fans don't like Halo 5
So you're a shill, a Zoomer or both? Halo 3 was a fucking GIANT. Halo 5 suffered population drops and lots of criticism.
Different sect.
Haha more like onions cartographer
the banshee snow levels are objectively the best
Not a shill but Halo 5 lost players because the game had jackshit on launch, something that's not happening with Infinite next year, you want classic gameplay so badly then your ass better get on the Flight Test when they announce it but if most disagree with you then you better get ready to just stick with the MCC from now on.
are they ever gonna release actual numbers for how many people are still playing halo 5?
human interaction between the SoS and their involvement in the elite civil war as a massive waste of potential, just like with having humanity as the new dominant faction, a good idea that was massively fucked up in concept.
They are finished off for good in 5 by arbiter himself
>Likes Two Betrayals the best
How to tell if someone only played on Easy/Normal
There Covenant Remnants, not the empire, the empire fell in Halo 3, and these nuts in Halo 4 still believe in the Great Journey.
I thought it was common knowledge that H2 went too deep with the islamic metaphors. The Arbiter’s original name was even “The Dervish” and its what he’s called in the game files.
>Halo 5 lost players because (conjecture)
Nope. They lost old fans because they keep trend hopping instead of making Halo.
You bet your ass i'm going to be on that flight program. God forbid if there is sprint in there I will report it as a bug every day.
Not that guy but there were multiple reasons that people hated halo 5 other than the core gameplay.
Me, personally, I don’t mind halo 5’s gameplay. I’m happy with classic halo or halo 5 mechanics, as long as we stay so far away from halo 4 style gameplay.
>that tiny window of time when both Republicans and Democrats saw eye to eye and were out for blood
i wish we could go back to those days
Nope, they lost players because they had nothing. The dropoff happened before BTB and Forge were even added user, there was no way that shit was going to sustain a playerbase. Once Infinite has everything at launch it will retain its players.
This is the other thing. People who will accept H5 will accept anything remotely quality. Classic fans wont accept anything but.
You've got one chance to sell your console 343. Make it count.
I don't know. Co-op was a blast and it wiped the floor with every other FPS at the time, aesthetically speaking.
dune did Islamic undertones better
Who’re we gonna fight in infinite then? Please don’t tell me it’s promethans. For the love of god not promethans.
It is in the MCC though.
So much misinformation in this thread tonight.
halo like starwars stops after the first installment
For me. The Maw
Light Fuse, Run Away.
You mean Roman Catholic
This. Sequels are a cancer that should never exist.
They're the same
See you in 2024 when you come crawling back, if Xbox and Halo is still even a thing.
Quarantine Zone
The intro to Silent cartographer was fucking awesome. I wish the whole level would have felt like that, just a long, relentless, adrenaline inducing assault till the end of the level.
maybe someone will make a game like that some day
The Library
Planetside is basically that
not 2, Planetside 2 is more like relentless boredom and unlock bloat
Halo 4 and 5 did well, so I'm not really worried for Halo Infinite seeing how it's for Xbox One, Xbox Arcade/Pro, and Windows 10 PC it'll be fine.
>they did well
Horseshit. Population dropoff, bad community reception, not culturally relevant. Delusional.
Sales is literally the only metric that matters for 4.
For 5 it's sales and in game purchases (whales)
Probably why I have sunk over 2000 hours into PS2.
Halo 4 yes, Halo 5 it was dropping off until they started adding features but from there, people are tired of Halo 5 and are ready for Infinite, 343 has moved on from Halo 5 and put full effort on Infinite and the game is already a significant improvement over Halo 5.
>spartan IVs are spartans with actual flaws, and not just plot-armor clad slabs of meat.
Only MC has plot-armor, it's pointed out repeatedly even in the games as what makes him stand out - they're all dangerous, but he's dangerous and LUCKY.
Also Spartan 3s are great, you buy into them after reading FoR because you get to see that they really just had each other - they understood on an intellectual level that they were humans, that they had a responsibility to defend the interests of those in charge of them, but there was a degree of separation from the rest of humanity (because not only did they end up being surgically altered to superhuman state, but to begin with they deliberately recruited sociopathic children who couldn't emotionally connect with normal people).
So coming back to Halo: CE with the knowledge that the only people who could provide companionship for John were dead (so far as he knew anyways), emphasized the sense of isolation and heightened the importance of Cortana and John's relationship.
>an RTS designed for the mac translated into an FPS for the PC launching first on the Xbox for marketing reasons was designed for a controller
Not even close.
A game as popular as Halo 3 was wouldn't make more sales in the bigger market today
Wew lad. Also, nice job making it about money, I guess that's what shills care about, huh?
>b-but it's Because Halo 4's multiplayer was too unbalanced and the story too complicated
>bu-but it's because H5's campaign sucked and not enough content at launch
Stop ignoring the fucking elephant in the room. I know you can make a halfway decent fucking game and H2A is proof of that. Nobody wants this retarded, map breaking shit. Make Halo or fuck off and die.
It triggers PCniggers because it was more popular than Unreal Tournament and their other flavors of the month.
Cortana is forcing the various species into her servitude. So cortana's covenant.
For me? Its the elephant rush.
All those mental gymnastics to explain why the games fail when it's just as easy to say "we didn't make a Halo multiplayer experience"
Here's the simple reality, user, if you don't fix your shit and have all of your content AT LAUNCH, people are not going to wait for you to fix it. MCC had Halo CE-3 and it also had a massive dropoff right after lunch, do you know why? It's because the game was a broken ass mess and 343 took way too fucking long to fix it. If Halo 2 and 3 were an unfinished mess at launch missing features from CE you could bet your ass that everyone would leave and never return.
You can call it that all you want but I do a good job explaining it to you here .
They are still using that crutch as an excuse not to listen to the fans. "Back to roots" "legacy Halo". That's what people fucking want.
Doom listened to fans who wanted a more classic experience. CoD went back to its roots. It's the right fucking thing to do.
That makes no sense considering people are still playing Halo the original release on PC online right now.
I remember age of empires 2 hd having a kinda bad launch. One thing they did to recover was add a whole bunch of new content that meshed well with the existing game. Imagine if mcc had done that.
Bug Report #6284178117:
Hey, weird issue. I can't seem to move at top speed unless I depress my thumbstick in, and when I do, I can't use my weapon at the same time! Something wonky is going on... pls fix!
ok dudes check this out:
the s.oylent cartographer
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The only people this game makes butthurt are those who didn't like that it was so popular and not just another Doom, Hexen, Nukem game.
As much as I like all of those, the butthurt has more to do with those stuck in the past. Probably the same people who hated Doom 2016.
MCC is your legacy Halo, Doom still has modern elements that original Doom didn't have and the old Doom fans don't shut the fuck up about it shitting on nuDoom all the time. Halo Infinite will be closer to the old games than anything release after 2009, whether it has sprint or not will have to wait and see but the game not have ground pound and spartan charge is a start.
>move at top speed
>Still slow
I don't know, Halo fans have a tendency to not come back to old games. Halo: Reach fucked up and got kicked out of MLG, those huge number of fans didn't return to Halo 3, they left it high and dry to die with almost nothing. If Halo fans really cared about their series they would have kept Halo 3 alive before the MCC.
There is no "a start". You either do it or not.
Legacy games are fine and good, but fans expect new content and a thriving community, not a legacy bone thrown at us.
H5 is your game if you like this style, learn to live with change :^)
Halo 3 did fine until 4 dropped and killed any hope the community had.
>154 players online
>All the forgers left
>reach split the fanbase in half
>new console generation
>next entry killed all hype for the future
>was STILL played fairly regularly until a few years ago
Why can Doom half step going back while Halo needs to be literal Halo 3 copy, no offense but even Bungie said they couldn't keep repeating the Halo CE-3 gameplay forever and that the series needed to move on past that, even if Bungie's direction was shit.
Why didn't they stay? I can understand MCC but now it works so why aren't they coming back? Ask yourself do these so-called old fans want Halo to go back to classic gameplay or will they only comeback when Halo falls for the BR train (thank god this isn't happening to mainline games)?
So basically, everyone fucked off to PC, PS4, and Fortnite?
a lot of people were turned off entirely to MCC or just arent aware anything was fixed.
While I do think the Brutes filled a much more unique role in Halo 2, at the same time the irritating aspects of them necessitated a reworking to some degree. It would have been nice if the game retained a bit more of their Halo 2 traits, though I can see how it'd be a very difficult balance to strike.
Nobody is askingg for a copy of Halo 3 you strawmanning fuck.
Keep core mechanics the same, fix balance, map design and the sandbox.
Yeah let's take out a previous generation console and try and play a game none of our friends play anymore because "Halo sux now".
Fuck off.
This is the same problem with Halo 5, though, even Halo 4 had this problem since 343 did a lot of changes to it in 2013 but people were so pissed off they told 343 to rightfully go fuck themselves.
Well I don't see you two monkeys coming up with solutions to Doom 2016 Halo up.
1. Remove Enhanced mobility
2. Return to classic artstyle
3. Make campaign more in line with CE in terms of simple scifi story and level design
4. Make new weapons, vehicles and maps
That's it. EZGG no RE
They're doing all of this except the first.
>we're building a house but we forgot the foundation
Don’t forget launch with and keep important community fostering content like forge, file browser, custom browser party ups, social playlists, population counters, recent player tabs.
This is literally what Halo Infinite should be.
Brainlet. Halo is a sandbox. It's about what's in the world and map, not what's glued onto your Spartan. The possibilities for new features without changing the classic style are innumerable. Just use a fraction of your tiny brain to imagine.
>Water vehicles and water combat (was going to be in reach)
>Bring back space dogfighting and expand on it
>Unique map features and mechanics. Think Conveyor belts on elongation, wind turbine on Zanzibar, low gravity on Anchor-9, etc.
>Hunter boarding (was going to be in 3&reach)
>Massive 50v50 world battles with scarabs, pelicans, and frigates (was going to be in 3 and reach)
>Customizable AI for Forge or Firefight
>New weapon classes or powerups. Think mounted turrets, flamethrower, throwables like power drain, speed boost, etc.
>The obvious things like new weapons, enemies, vehicles, modes, forge, etc.
Based. Classic gameplay did not reach its peak with 3. We can do better, we can do more. Just give it a chance.
Lone wolf
>Regenerating armor
Not objectively bad at all, and in some halos, you still have non-regenerating health seperately
>2 weapon limits are bad
An unlimited arsenal is bad in that it trivializes encounters by allowing to to have every optimal solution in your back pocket, by limiting you to two weapons you're forced to pick your poisons and play around them. No explosive weapons for that enemy vehicle? Time to snipe drivers out of their seats then, or sneak behind and plant a grenade
>very linear maps
I dont really know what this means since traditional FPS campaigns have never not been linear in am A to B sense. It's also not a bad thing either
Hahaha fuck no, protheans are retarded and the forerrunners reveal was fucking butchered
Not to mention CE was not /that/ linear at all.
>can't come up with shit
I agree with all of this but Halo's been adding new traits to the player since Halo 2 in 2004.
im not even looking forward to MCC coming to PC cause I know i343 will butcher it somehow
>retards like this actually exist
Where's that mentally retarded 343shill that hates reach/odst? Has he been baited into this thread yet?
>implying I need to
If you don't build the foundation I have no reason to construct a house on top, it'll fall over no matter what.
>They did X so Y is OK.
Also most agree CE was fun jank outside of doubles. 2 and 3 are universally praised as better multiplayer foundations.
>defending reach
Don't even try it. Reach is what got us into this fucking mess.
>comes out on PC in the same state it released on Xbone
>takes them another 4 years to fix it
Yeah, while it is still ultimately A to B, there was a lot of room for exploration and dicking around in all the levels. Personally i think Reach did this particular thing the best, there were many secrets to be had
Reach was great faggot
Was it on the cliff? Yeah, but with perfect balance. 343 spartan kicked that nigger off the ledge and now we fell into the hell that is loadouts, CoD controls and built-in sprint
For base abilities, Halo 2 only added binoculars that let you zoom whenever. Hardly a gameplay changer. Some would argue it also added melee lunge, but I consider that a tweak to an already existing ability, not a new ability outright.
Remove SAs and the melee system and start again.
Build a new melee system. Pasting over Halo 2's fucking shitty one for 15 years is inexcusable. Shouldn't still be in the series.
Make melee work like it does for the A.I. enemies, like Hunters for example. They don't have lunge but there is a fixed distance they walk during a melee, and they have to actually time their attacks and aim them, yet it never feels ineffective at hitting you.
This is a much deeper melee mechanic than players have.
You want mobility? Fine. Call it Agility, give it a meter. It makes players use acrobatics doing normal actions (making them harder to hit) and drains the meter. Let's players change direction instantly, somersault in the air, do combat rolls, add range to melee, etc. but no Ironman Thruster shit that completely breaks jumping.
lmao nice to see you again in another halo thread.
Those came from reach.
>worst maps in the series
>ruined the visual design of Halo
>contradicted the best story in the Halo universe
>armor abilities with unequal starts and gamebreaking implications
FUCK reach and anyone who defends it. Reach is not classic Halo.
friendly reminder that if you're going to be playing CE on pc, set game speed to 1.2 and set mouse acceleration to 0
sprinting is such a gay mechanic. Why did they feel like they needed to copy fucking CoD when Halo was perfectly fine the way it was?
You can hijack vehicles, lunge, and dual wield in Halo 2.
Zoomers don't think about weapon timers or enemy placement so they need something to fiddle with as they wander the map.
i bet they don't even let us mod it
>t. Reachkid
100% this
Those are all contextual, not a base trait.
Good ones at that, except for dual wielding which is shit.
>343i does retarded shit.
>Dey a gud boi din du nuffin was all Halo Reach.
Halo 4 launched with loadouts, perks, care packages and NO ON MAP WEAPONS. Halo 5 has fucking ADS.
But they are base traits just like using equipment in Halo 3 along with tearing off turrets and carrying them around.
Nobody is defending 343, but we have to be very clear in messaging when we define classic Halo and what 343 needs to do to fix this mess. Reach is not that fix.
>No argument
Take your ass back to waypoint/reddit already
Not him but at least Halo 5 had even starts and all players had the same abilities, along with the weapons not being shit and the reticle was centered on the fucking screen like in CE, can't defend Halo 4, that was legitimate shit.
>halo 5 doesn't even require you to learn timers because it """helpfully""" yells to everyone when the rockets are about to spawn
this really shouldn't make me as mad as it does
put it this way if the new Halo has sprint Im not getting it
I forgot, Halo 5 also had POWER-UPS ON MAPS.
>all players have the same retard gameplay breaking abilities so it's 'balanced'
But they are abilities you can use as the player.
No reason to argue if you want enhanced mobility shit. Fuck off.
One final effort (three towers maybe us the level name) the music, the hot landing taking fire, was what I felt was the best level sealing my happiness with the serious.
More balanced than Reach, that's for sure.
You have to find any enemy occupied vehicle to hijack
You have to find 2 1-handed weapons to dual wield
You have to find and pick up equipment to use it
You have to find or pickup a mounted turret to use it
You DON'T have to do anything to use sprint, jetpack, boost, etc. You just press the appropriate button after you spawn because it's literally attached to your Spartan instead of out on the map.
I don't dumbass.
That just looks awful. The geometry is still 90s low polygon and the minor details that can spice it up are non existent.
Stop deflecting to Reach to exonerate 343 retard
That's all true but you need to look into the perspective of FPS today, retards now need their enhanced mobility and possibly sprint so the game could feel less arcadic to them.
I'm just stating a fact here, don't bring up Reach as if it's a classic Halo it and Halo 4 are the worst modernization this series has ever had.
>Unless pc bros are modding and making maps/campaign
Literally my plan right when it comes out
Don't forget 5, which is also completely unacceptable.
Not once has anyone said that, you're the one constantly bringing up Reach like it excuses 343's choices.
Real human bean and a real hero.
Overwatch and doom didn't have sprint and were both very successful. And if you look at a game like PUBG, which is also megapopular, there's not much advanced mechanics going on. Yes it has sprint but the gameplay is very slow and it's not the main focus.
Or maybe we can look at Titanfall 2, which has sprint but it lets you shoot while sprinting? I didn't see anyone complaining there.
Halo 1, 2, 3 & ODST are Halo Games
Reach, 4 & 5 are not Halo games.
Blessed and Halopilled.
Oh niggers please,
You faggots were leaving halo 3 when Cod: MW came out.
I don't even recognize those settings and I've got like 3 versions of halo CE installed.
I agree.
Halo Infinite is the final chance. I haven't touched this series (beyond Online) in nearly a decade - they'd better make it right.
Halo, musically and artistically, is my favorite first person shooter series of all time.
Somebody didn't watch the numbers when Halo 3 and Reach were neck and neck for quite some time. I played that son of a bitch every single day before reach, and after reach I still played it more.
Better than Halo Reach and 4 not anywhere near as good as Halo CE-3.
This is actually the first time I brought it up in the thread.
Infinite may not even have Sprint since that's a highly debated topic in the community.
I'm the guy that stated that Halo Infinite will have SA, this is the most based post in the thread.
I stuck with Halo 3 until the end, I said fuck COD4 when it first release and never looked back, I made the right decision.
I don't know how anyone could still hate Halo these days when there's so much worse shit out there
same dude
I played Halo 4 for half hour when it released and that has been my last taste of Halo in so long. I used to play it every chance I got but after 3 it was trash.
So you’d be ok with spartan abilities being map pick ups?
So you're just a doomposter then.
>yfw 343i killed the Rookie in a book that was dedicated to turning Buck's squad into SIVs.
Nope, a Halo fan, I want Infinite to drop Sprint and just have Thrusters, Clamber, and Stabilizers while letting the players shut when using Thrusters and Clamber, they can cut the rest, I want old Zoom back, classic weapons in Halo 5 give hope and the rest was needless shit added for the trend of that time.
Alright, so just shit taste then.
Yes, but only temporary. Power weapons have ammo. Overshields and camo Run out. that's how I wish Halo Reach did it.
>create a new, cordoned off, enthusiast market in your franchise
>Only give them a portion of your franchise, one with gameplay systems that you've abandoned in modern installments
If HI DOES come from an evolved version of H5's multiplayer and not classic style, what the ACTUAL fuck did they mean by this?
>Half of them become terrorists for no fucking reason
I was the camper in the mountains all day every day
Nah, just an idea to combine old and modern Halo together to shut everyone up.
What made Halo's plot interesting was how it didn't get directly bogged down in bigger lore. It was focused on the situation at hand with the Covenant, and if you were an autistic lore fanboy you could go read the books. 343 are a company of those autists
>This isn't Quake, the game wasn't balanced with twitch aiming in mind.
Whatever, just give me campaigns to shoot ayy lmaos.
They can easily redeem this stupid writing by making ODST 2 and have us take up the mantle of another silent nameless, faceless rookie ODST. spiritual successor, I guess? At any rate it would be shit if they tried to make it some quipping OC character.
I'm a literal 30 year old boomer and Blood/Quake 1/DOOM are some of my favorite FPS's of all time and I still adore halo 1 through 3.
Some of the most fun I've had in multiplayer were on those games, especially Halo PC back when that first came out and it was hella popular. I want to go back.
>le compromise XD meme
Congrats, now nobody is happy. Classic fans will not play a game with sprint and zoomers see the less flashy game and abandon you for some flavor of the month shit.
Quints of truth although I hope you are just talking about the 343 lore autism, and not Halo 2 where it was actually good
Zoomers will abandon it if it has sprint too. When Halo copies other games, the people who like those features will simply go play those OTHER games...
If none of you faggots can enjoy a game that's closer to classic Halo over any other game in the series then you can do everyone a favor and fuck right off. This is why MCC exist for classicfags and BR shit exists for gay ass zoomers. Halo Infinite will have its own fanbase and a great community since it will actually have shit at launch this time including 4-player split screen and coop, BTB, Forge, Custom Browser, and Warzone since fans like that shit.
The plot of the first game is awful after the first hour of Gaylo 1, your argument only makes sense for 2
>Remember those aliens that partook in an almost making humanity extinct like a year ago
>Yeah let's give a very small faction among them on a single, half evacuated world a couple of crates to spark a war
What were they thinking?
you dont know what youre talking about
>we only made your game a little bit shit what is the issue
Scraping the bottom of the barrel
You've taught yourself to accept this
I mean, they were called "Covenant" from the beginning and their thinking the ring was holy. It was always there
This, there is no winning with zoomers just making a classic Halo game with some modern stuff is the best way to push Halo forward.
>coop, BTB, Forge, Custom Browser, and Warzone
None of that is confirmed. They never even mentioned any of it. Even 4-player Splitscreen isn't official just yet, they said on a stream they had got it to work but they also said that for halo 5. Everything is subject to change.
Depends on what you mean by some modern stuff
Why do you need any "modern" stuff, Classic halo still doesn't feel dated at all. In MCC they are more fluid and responsive than most shitty AAA shooter game these days
I gave a solution to Doom 2016 the fuck out of Halo. I can already see that if 343 makes it where you can shoot with Thrusters, Stabilizers, and Clamber, while removing Sprint, Slide, Spartan Charge, Smart Scope, and Ground Pound you'll act like old Doom turds in a Doom 2016/Eternal thread. There is no pleasing you, also, fuck zoomers they eat anything up. Glad Infinite won't be BR shit.
Clamber, Thrusters, and Stabilizers but you can actually shoot while using them.
Doom 2016 was right in philosophy of returning to some classic conventions, i'm not saying RIP THEM OFF Like Reach and 4 did for CoD and 5 did for Advanced Warfare.
Classic Halo or bust, it's just that easy, you said it yourself Zoomers don't matter. Appeal to the ACTUAL fans.
Why do you need thrusters, stabilizers, or clamber? They don't provide anything halo didn't already have. For instance, thrusters let you strafe faster but aim assist was increased to compensate. Clamber lets you climb ledges but negates crouch jumping and maps aren't even as vertical as old Halo games were. CE is way more vertical than 5 was using portals and ladders alone, and other games had elevators, grav lifts, etc.
Then WRONG. It wouldn't be classic Halo.
>negates crouch jumps
>negates proper spacing control
>EZ mode for shooting while jumping
None of these are required.
The problem with Clamber is not that you can't shoot, it's that you have to face ledges to get over them and they design every ledge too high for normal jumps.
This makes traversal really choppy as soon as enemy players are introduced.
The problem with Thruster is that it enables map design flaws and when all other Spartan Abilities are removed, becomes useless compared to strafing.
Clamber, like sprint was never about making the game play better. It was about making the game FEEL better to very casual players.
This is appealing to actual fans while Doom 2016 it up, you don't like it then you just liked Halo for the nostalgia factor. You just want the same game at this point even if Sprint, Ground Pound, Spartan Charge, Smart Scope, and Slide were all removed from Infinite.
Why not they add verticality and fast movement during gameplay and if you can shoot there is no longer an issue because it means you can shoot using all of your abilities like in Halo CE-3. They can also add all of those things back even though I think ladders aren't ever coming back.
Yeah well if it's just restricting me in how I traverse the map with 0 benefit then it's just a useless hassle and I want it out
You could still use all of that and maps will no longer be stretched out.
Then don't use them.
Halo was the game that made me fall in love with online gaming and Fps games. From splitscreening Halo 2 with my friend to long nights of custom games and co op campaigning in 3. It was the major reason I got a 360, and the only reason I bought a One.
I just need to know if theres hope left for the series. My mind and intuition are telling me no, but my heart doesnt want that answer.
>you just want the same game
Nice strawman faggot. See:
None of that shit is a positive to the game mechanics. They are not needed and NOT wanted. It would not be classic halo.
Clamber adds neither verticality or fast movement. In fact it slows you down. Make no mistake, maps ARE designed around it. Simply by existing it's something map designers have to autistically account for in every single scenario. Game would be better off without it. And like I said before, the old Halo games were just as vertical as 5, even moreso, and none of them had clamber. Just good map design.
So throw it out.
>Then don't use them
How about you stop playing Halo.
>don't use the optimal mechanics
You can have all of that and Clamber, Stabilizers, and Trusters while shooting, it's too late anyway since Chief has Thrusters on his suit.
5 isn't vertical at all because of sprint, that needs to go and then we could actually get some unique maps again instead of symmetrical shit.
Why not
It's structurally the same argument as telling someone not to use Spartan Abilities
Clamber doesnt add any of that. Sprint doesnt speed up the game either. They both do the exact opposite of what you feel they do bit they give visual feedback so it tricks dumb players like you into thinking they serve a purpose that would otherwise be unsolvable.
Why do 343 and their shills always try to look for some complex goldilocks zone between their shit ideas and classic Halo?
Fans have rejected your games. Just make a classic Halo game with new sandbox toys and maps. It's so super easy. FANS ARE DOING IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW ONLINE FOR FREE!
>You can have a steak dinner with a turd on your plate so why worry about it
KILL yourself. Also 343 confirmed that Chief WAS NOT FINALIZED and has been changed since we saw him. We also know that many H5 assets were used as placeholders.
I loved Halo since CE.
I said I want Sprint gone because it stretches out the map for no reason and the maps have all become symmetrical.
Doesn't mean they got rid of Thrusters you retard, if Thrusters was getting canned it wouldn't have been on the back of the suit, even the description of the Gen3 armor talks how it will incorporate Gen2 shit and 343 have been pretty much confirming SAs are in their tweets.
Somewhere in there they genuinely believe modern Halo is more fun and not just because of having new content (when in reality it IS the only reason).
You never understood what made Halo good in the first place.
I have yet to see a reason to include your shit mechanics besides ZOOM ZOOM ZOOMIE I FEEL LIKE A SPARTAN XD when in reality you are slower and less efficient then ever and spacing in combat is FUCKED so free kills for Zoomie!
Halo Infinite just needs to be FUN and have shit at launch. competitivefags are a minority and have been bitching since 2001 and will continue to bitch, Halo was always a party game and these dumb fucks turned it into competitive shit, zoomers dumbasses will run off to the next big thing anyway so they're not worth pleasing. 343 just needs to make a Halo game with a great campaign that is replayable, fun coop, split screen, and lan gameplay, a fun multiplayer with many modes that people could return to, and a big one here HAVE EVERY FUCKING THING AT LAUNCH, the only free content that should be added is completely new content, that's it.
This. Halo was like Melee. Super fun and satisfying to pick up, but hard to master. 5 is more sweaty as a reactionary response to 4's CoD multiplayer, and as a result it's just an unfun clusterfuck.
Classic. Gameplay.
nice comment user. you summed it up pretty fucking well. i like halo, always have and its because of intelligent game design like what you pointed out here
I loved Halo because it was fun, I never gave a rat ass about competitive Halo, you fuck bags were annoying in 2001, 2004, and 2007 with this shit, I just ignored you and enjoyed the game.
*not have
>I'M the competetivefag
Wanting a balanced game has nothing to do with being a competativefag.
>2017 pre-armor reception
>Wishy washy and pretty irrelevant
>Not relevant
You have nothing.
I want a fun ass game and that's all Halo needs to be.
Wont be fun if it has zoomie shit ruining the flow and needlessly complicating it while also trivializing traversal and combat spacing.
I know it its retarded but I liked Halo (the level) just cause of the feeling I felt the first time i walked out the deploy pod. How calm it was always stuck with me.
Halo PC took a chunk out of my childhood for sure...fucking amazing time that was. Sidewinder, Ice Fields, Danger Canyon, and the very rare Infinity fight...those were the days man.
i will quite literally suck every 343i employee's dick to get MCC on PC and play the original trilogy + ODST's campaigns with a keyboard and mouse
make it happen
Not him.
It seriously never bothers you that you can't do basic things you did in Halo 1-3 in Halo 5 without this huge fucking fuss of inputs?
Halo revolutionized the FPS genre on console with the way it effortlessly mapped all must-have functions in an FPS to a standard controller. You didn't need to switch to your fist weapon to melee, you didn't have to switch out your weapon to use grenades, you can easily switch weapons with the Y button and can hold two at once.
Why is it okay that Halo 5 throws ALL this away and clutters the controls to include sprint, clamber, and thruster? Why can't you just design a basic jump mechanic that serves its intended function and clears ledges, like every other Halo game? Why can't you just design an adequate strafe so players can dodge shots they feel they should? Why can't players just travel fast enough to move from point A to point B?
Why does it take 4 fucking bottons to move top speed in Halo 5? Why does it take two buttons to clear ledges?
Spartan Abilities just make excuses for poor game design and balance.
I was the guy in the passenger hog doing CTF with a piranha between my legs and my hair on fire.
GOD I miss doing that.
In hindsight this shit is cringe but I'd take it over the fucking joke the gaming journalism community has become now
>You will never be in splitscreen co-op in the year 2005 with your friends driving the ghosts up the mountain ridge and exploring the outer area of this level EVER AGAIN.
>you can now hear the whistle of a nearby longsword nuke
If Halo 5 had better aesthetics and an actually competent, simpler story it would be a Halo game. The multiplayer is fun even if it isn't quite as good as 2, 3, and maybe Reach's. Some ideas worked, some didn't. Hopefully Infinite takes things back to square 1
Danger canyon was the fucking shit, I also got stupidly good with the ridiculous latency in that game, pistoling people was so satisfying.
someone posted some working halo 3 on pc the other day (campaign). is that legit? an user was getting stuck on loading and the op helped him fix it. what the fuck is it boys?
pleb filter the level. each section build up anticipation and challenge. its also the best shotugn level
It's the best level in any Halo game.
Probably Eldewrito.
no it was the campaign. some kind of emulation maybe?
People were playing the campaign with a version of Eldewrito that wasn't released yet.
>It seriously never bothers you that you can't do basic things you did in Halo 1-3 in Halo 5 without this huge fucking fuss of inputs?
5 Req packs have been deposited in your gamertag
>will never have 4 player campaign co-op with 1 person playing MC, second person playing arbiter, and the other two playing a bodyguard to the respective leader, ODST / Zealot etc
They could have done so much cool shit
for me its the two betrayals
Halo 4's campaign was bad though.
Just shows 343's lack of creativity. We probably won't have playable elites in Halo Infinite either.
What scares me is in interviews they said they did a good job with h4's campaign and a good job with H5's multiplayer
What the fuck are you smoking?
I really want MCC on PC. Imagine if you could play halo 1-3 campaign coop with a friend. Or play ODST firefight with some buddies. Custom maps, coop, so much potential, I would play the shit out of it.
Most of the community not on Yea Forums liked Halo 4's story and halo 5's multiplayer. It's clear as day going by how 343 wants to make a Halo game with a campaign as open-ended as Halo CE and want to keep the books and spin-offs out of the mainline games like in the Bungie days that they realized what Halo 4 and 5's problems were in the campaign.
>tfw get gears of war 2 years ago when I first bought my 360
>before buying, brothers and I spend hours watching videos of the game
>it looked so cool. We were amazed and spent hours dreaming about how awesome it would be for the THREE of us to play this awesome, intense game together.
>end up utterly devastated when it turns it the game was only 2 player.
>”b-but how? It focuses on a squad of 4 dude bros?”
>couple of years pass and gears 3 is announced
>turns out this game is 4 PLAYERS
>”holy shit based! This is gonna be amazing”
>utterly disappointed again because it turns out you need two consoles to play with 4 people
>sadness engulfs us for years because we’ll never ever get to play a sweet 3-4 player campaign together like the good old days of brute force and conflict desert storm
>years pass again and GEARS OF WAR 4 is announced
>looks like sjw filth at first but then something interest happen
>rod Fergusson (god bless his soul) announces that gears of war 4 will have 3 MAIN CHARACTERS and XBOX PC CROSS PLAY (this means you can play on PC and Xbox at the same time while buying 1 copy of the game only)
>”HOLY FUCKING SHIT BROS, NO FUCKING WAY, ITS FINANLLY HAPPENING, NO’s a dream come true, thank you based Todd Fergusson, thank you Microsoft, thank you cliff bledinski”
>but then our tears of joy turn to tears of sadness
>gears of war 4, despite focusing on 3 main characters and having complete cross play capabilities only allows you to play campaign with 2 PEOPLE
>tfw will never get to experience a game with my bros again
What do game devs hate fun bros?
I'm smoking the good stuff.
The problem with halo is that anything positive it did was for consoles which are always a limited space in terms of FPSes to the point of being a joke. It also popularized a lot of the trends that kill fps, lowered movement and skill callings, and brought in a sea of dude-bro dorito savvy campaigns which ultimately hurt the gaming space more than helped. Most children won't remember it but halo was dudebro central long before CoD solidified it.
It also didn't help that it was a watered down arena shooter in the greatest of senses and the weapon balance(especially for 1) was fucked beyond belief. Its easy to see why people enjoyed it, especially since the presentation and OST was 10/10. But in the retrospect of FPS gaming it did more harm than good.
post music
Holy shit that’s sad man. F.
>tfw if it's announced MCC is coming to PC we'll still have to wait for the release date for who knows how long
I can't take it bros, all this halo talk is giving me nostalgia overload. I just want it now.
It wont be long.
It was the first paradigm shift in FPS games and it happened on consoles. And then no one did it as well, so people blamed bad design decisions from Halo clones on Halo CE itself.
To clarify, it popularized:
-Health Regen (half of it at least)
-2 weapon limit
-Dedicated melee button
-Dedicated grenade button
95% of shooters after Halo (like CoD sequels) copied those without adding the following that Halo did very well and compliment those decisions:
-Perfect vehicle / on-foot balance (more so on subsequent Halos)
-Unique Gun/Melee/Grenade trinity balance, like rock/paper/scissors (other games make melee/grenades 1 hit KO's, completely missing the point)
-Overall movement and its jump mechanic (the pacing of it matters in the overall balance, hard to explain)
-While map progression is mostly linear, the fight-to-fight scenarios/approaches are very sandbox-y
-Has very good enemy squad compositions and AI, while nowadays most Devs with much better CPUs available don't fucking bother to make good enemy AI or squad compositions like Halo.
I might be missing some stuff
It technically does, for example if you get very low HP in halo 2 then you get shields back the next shot after they go down again insta kills you
>while nowadays most Devs with much better CPUs available don't fucking bother to make good enemy AI
they've proven on many occasions that this is the result of incompetence, not a lack of trying. see: Creative Assembly
>this entire post
>-Health Regen (half of it at least)
>2 weapon limit
And how are any of these things a positive? They are actively detrimental to gameplay, there's no way to spin this.
You also forgot other 'features' like Halo's incredibly sluggish movement speed.
not him but how is 2 weapon limit detrimental? it adds many additional tactical decisions throughout the course of a game
>every halo custom edition server has 140+ ping for me now
>no more comfy custom map nights with the bros
It hurts lads
Also friendly reminder that 1 had the best atmosphere in the series
best fucking custom map all day everyday
I love classic halo but I've always hated how the game actually had to explain in-universe that Chief has basically luck powers. I find it cringey as fuck, and I know it's not literal luck powers but the fact that the game goes out of its way to try to explain it away is even more dumb than just saying Chief is that badass instead.
Based as fuck. Same here but 26.
lunge melee
ground pound
dual wielding
armor abilities (map pickups)
Heres your best halo multiplayer yet
>ground pound
No. You also forgot clamber.
>ground pound
>best halo multiplayer yet
>not him but how is 2 weapon limit detrimental?
SHooters have already one of the most simple gameplay loop there is, robbing you of most of your tactical options by restricting you to 2 weapons at a time is a humongous detriment.
>it adds many additional tactical decisions throughout the course of a game
It doesn't, it REMOVES your ability to make tactical decisions on the fly. Because you are only restricted to 2 weapons, you won't be able to e.g. to switch to a certain weapon to better deal with a certain encounter.
Fuck groundpound.
Why was it called "Two Betrayals" again? IIRC, it was just >Spark betrays Chief
It's almost as if you completely missed the point of my post, while also putting words in my mouth. I never said any of those points were a good or bad thing.
What a moron.
Just read the second paragraph, I literally answer your question. Those things are not inherently bad (or good - I think I have to mention this since you're so stupid) but they worsen if you add weapon restrictions or health regen for no reason whatsoever. Other parts of the overall game design have to justify those.
For example in Half-Life2 you have a lot of situational weapons, it would be beyond moronic to have a 2 weapon limit there because you need various weapons to solve puzzles or kill enemies in certain rooms. The limited health is also part of the challenge and map design, you must not play like shit from point X to Y in order to survive, healthpacks are strategically placed.
While in a game like Titanfall2 it would be very unbalanced if you had a whole arsenal available at once. If you chose a sniper you are at a disadvantage in close ranges against SMGs/Shotguns so it makes sense and balances the game out. You also only have 1 choise of Anti-Titan weapon, you can chose a good single-titan weapon but then wish you have the AoE rocket when you face 2+ Titans at once. And healthpacks would disturb the frantic pace of the game (They work on a fast game like Quake because it's not Loadout-based, in that one the objective is to control the map for weapons/health/powerups - but not in Titanfall2)
Used to hate it but realized it helps other weapons to fight against the overpowered battle rifle, man am i sick of using that gun.
>ground pound
Doesnt ruin the game and is actually fun to use, doesnt need any more reason to keep it, might even get a normie to buy it from seeing it in a trailer.
remove it, or reduce the maximum height by 50% and let you shoot while using it.
that's only true for a deathmatch game. anything team based benefits from it as it relies on strategic planning and combined offensives. you have to understand the map, the enemy threats at a given moment and your objective
Battle Rifle is supposed to be good though. That's why you don't start with it and have the shitty close quarters AR.
Just release a classic Halo, it's so simple.
>robbing you of most of your tactical options by restricting you to 2 weapons at a time is a humongous detriment.
No it's not. Halo only asks you to kill enemies to progress. You never need more than 2 weapons and if you do, you are refusing to learn the game's encounters and should instead blame yourself, not the game.
>It doesn't, it REMOVES your ability to make tactical decisions on the fly.
This should be good.
>Because you are only restricted to 2 weapons, you won't be able to e.g. to switch to a certain weapon to better deal with a certain encounter.
That's what the SECOND WEAPON is for. Choose two weapons that play off each other and choose wisely for the next area. There are no excuses. Stop expecting the game to let you have the answer to any encounter without having to learn them.
i always thought it was because chief (unknowingly) betrayed cortana/humanity/anything sentient by helping guilty spark up until that point
Its not supposed to better in every situation excluding rockets and snipe.
Reach's DMR felt like a better balanced gun.
>Reach's DMR felt like a better balanced gun
Sweet christ yes it was. ZBNS Reach was like the closest thing you could get to a balanced Halo CE.
The design of the BR is a mess to begin with aswell.
A burst fire rifle thats almost automatic, but has a scope and the ability to headshot aswell?
I agree. Just remove the BR and add the DMR with bloom
>don't make a girl a promise you can't keep
Fuck yourself.
>wahhh babby need noob gun, baby cant play without burst headshot noob gun
I hope the BR gets replaced by the pistol for every future game.
Wasn't Reach good? I remember enjoying it and disliking 4 and 5.
It's the best halo game but nostalgia fags can't accept it.
It was alright, but it was a step down from 3 in some aspects.
>wanting bloom
Fuck no. Only company fanboys suck its dick. Worst Halo at the time of release by far.
>wanting 3's shitty hit registration and sandbox in general
I'd rather have bloom be something exclusive to the DMR than ADS.
It was good, great campaign and weapon balance. Big step up from 2 and 3 in those aspects.
Only autists that unironically complain about armor lock hate it, like this guy 3 is easily the worst bungie halo.
Can you actually imagine playing serious sam or painkiller on serious mode and honestly believing two weapon limit is more 'strategic'. Games that offer that many weapons tend to compensate by having multiple types of enemies and larger hordes in order to overwhelm the player. It goes back to the doom days of the comparison to being 3d robotron. And these counters and situational encounters are not in any way made obvious to the player. A player still needs to figure out how to properly micromanage his ammo and figure out which weapon works for what. Some more obvious than others. This also applies to teamplay as well, especially on the harder modes when ammo is less scarce.
It's the moment I dropped the game TWICE, how did you know
>this is your brain on the 343i kool-aid
so why aren't you playing halo 3 on PC right now user?
there was some user who posted/leaked halo 3 campaign for Halo Online like year ago i think. is this still a thing ?
best Halo game? Are you a fucking moron?
Nah 2 is worse than 3. This is not debateable.
The russian company who picked apart whatever halo whether it was 3/ODST to make online for microsoft still have the ported game to PC at the studio. I wonder if it works in its current state, dialogue cutscenes and all. But we'll never see that port ever again.
you don't actually like Halo, that's ok, but please fuck off
Nah, I’ll stay right here. Reach is best halo game samefag :).
what makes Halo reach the best game?
It's the best value for content in any Halo game. Firefight at launch, best armor customization, custom spartan in campaign, both campaign and multiplayer theater, overhauled Forge, Forge World and insane custom games.
not him, but as much as i love Keith Arby, they did shaft him hardcore for 3. He was pretty much just a differently skinned player 2 through the whole thing with barely any input in the actual game. A grave flaw i feel when he had such impressive presence and impact on H2.
Holy SHIT people how old do you think zoomers are?
I was like 8 when Halo 3 came out, so were a lot of squeakers.
The right age to be autistically nostalgic for it like you boomers for Mario
There's something special about that skybox
>You're far away from home, but everything's going to be ok
maybe, maybe not...
>We probably won't have playable elites in Halo Infinite either.
Nobody said that you fucking nigger.
Reach was a FUN game, but not a GOOD one.
For me it's sierra 117
All the window dressing but none of the meat.
FUCK Reach.
i think i still have copy from old october threads. is this newer build ?
> nigger
are you trying to insult me?
This insult doesnt make any sense
no idea t bh I dug this one up from archives the other day and just started the campaign
I think it's mostly the fact that 4 and 5 went so far up their own asses people started looking at earlier entries with a much more overly critical eye than would be fitting for games of the era.
personally I dislike halo 3, 4, 5 and reach but love CE and 2
>There will never be a Battlefront-style (PS2) battle mod where you are dropped into a large battle with a hundred AO bots
>Several factions like Humsn, Covenant, Flood, Dissedents, etc...
>Playable ODST, Spartans of all Gens, Elites, Hunters, and every other halo species
>Pilotable large vehicles like Scarabs
>Space battles