Are you gonna buy Mortal Kombat 11?

Are you gonna buy Mortal Kombat 11?

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Yes, because based Liu Kang and Kung Lao are gonna come back with time travel shenanigans and help us get out of the corner we wrote ourselves into again.

Is he gonna get shit for saying that? I hope so.

I'll wait for the Komplete Edition like I do with their other games thank you very much
If my man Smoke isn't in it I may wait even longer


No thanks. Never liked MK but I will say that lady that uses blood weapons is pretty cool. And seeing that electric dude turn bad is cool too.

probably not, but i haven't played a MK game since armageddon


No but i will watch the 2h30min of cut scenes, ending and fatalities after the game comes out.

I mean why bother? Fighting games are dead in a month anyways.

They would have been back as revenants anyway.

nope probably gonna be a laggy mess with pricey dlc

No, I already bought it. Not gonna buy it twice

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Most likely not, but I may change my mind eventually.

Remember when this dev studio said the render of Mileena covering her bare nipples with her sai was a favorite wallpaper at the office? What happened?

its on unreal engine 3 lmao. dumb mk cucks will literally pay 60$ for a 2007 engine game

i started playing mortal kombat with 1 and i have never bought a mortal kombat game

they just arent the type of game you buy

Do you not understand reclaimed language, u faget?

Who is "he"?
Surely you're not talking about eyebrows man, because he doesn't have anything to do with the MK twitter.
At any rate, why would he get shit for that?

MK ended for me at Trilogy.

I'm picking this up because you faggots won't stop spamming the board, so that's 53 bucks they normally wouldn't have gotten

>Are you gonna buy Muslim Kombat 11?

Yes I will, and I will enjoy it, and it will make you faggots angry, and that makes me happy.


Oh so their taking back the language like using the word "nigger" and "faggot"?


>fight like a girl
So, punch like Ronda Rousey and then get knocked out in one hit?


>And seeing that electric dude turn bad is cool too.
This is like, the second time it happened my dude

Why does anyone get half the shit they get on twitter? Who the fuck knows. You say something vaguely sexist or even retweet it and you're career could be over.

Yes, I want to support Rondetty's first VA job

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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Deception was fun, specially the adventure and puzzle modes

They would post this. Lay off the bluepills already, NRS.

Not one of these girls is attractiv, so no.

Is skarlet literally wearing a hijab? lmao christ this game went to shit, for her x-ray move, does she also stone the person?


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>i hate girls
fucking fags

are you retards going to get mad every year someone posts girls

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*trannies and niggers


Yes, probably buy the ultimate edition and drop it after a week, long before any of the DLC releases

Gotta see what happens in Story Mode, so yes.

Being straight is knowing how dumb and annoying women are but impregnating them anyway

If they're doing it to virtue signal to twitter ham-beasts, yes. It's fucking pathetic and bluepilled.

>i said tranny im funny

I wish they weren't so fucking dumb

I read somewhere that this is Boon's last MK "in this timeline" or something like that.

Does that mean a full, 1100% reboot next game?

so why do retards here want to hate mortal kombat again

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u seething tranny


hahaha ebin

these are hands down the worst female character design tho


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what the fuck is this cursed image

Warner Bros games... Why am I not surprised

yeah and they shoved her at the bottom barely noticable

you sound like a retard

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like "people of color", which, linguistically, is the exact same as "colored"?

Boon has been saying that shit every game since Armageddon, and maybe before that too.

Why is Johnny so based?

>" After Kevin Tsujihara became chairman and CEO of Warner Bros. Entertainment, he promoted Diane Nelson to the post of President and Chief Content Officer of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment."

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So... lose?

Yes. Using _____ like a girl used to be an insult. Now it's showing how girls are good at stuff.
No. Reclaimed language is taking terms used as insults and reclaiming them as language used by the community. It's the kind of shit they can say but you can't, because they've reclaimed it and you can't (because you aren't part of the group that the insult was directed towards originally). Nigga is a kind of reclaimed language. People of color is just replacing the term colored, it isn't the same term (even though it is describing eat essentially the same thing).

I mean, I think. I'm a Jew so what do I know. We haven't reclaimed any of our insults from you goys.

don't ever fucking reply to me again, kike

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Honestly I think the reason Jews don't reclaim terms like kike is because we want to know who the antisemites are, and any positive use of slurs like that would make it more difficult. Anyway fuck you too buddy.

At this rate i’ll Skip the komplete edition too.

>paying more than $5 for a game
lmao my dude

I think I'm gonna play Mortal Kombat (2011), because I recently got it for almost no money from some bundle along with a few Metal Slug games etc. Is it any good?

>fight like a girl
>shows 5 men

Did he post the wrong image?

Congressional hearings about violence against women.

looks like she wins to me

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I cancelled my preorder for this shit, and am already getting DOA 6 AND the season pass. Fuck Muslim Kombat.

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Kill me, Pete.

End this miserable lonely life that i actually dont really hate but am just tired of the concept of living.

Its outdated as fuck and the graphics are bad.

You’re a chump who couldn’t tell a false flag if you had a flagpole up your ass.

Best MK since the original trilogy, so yes.

>fight like a saudi girl

You mean NRS fighting games, Japanese fighters live for years, look at Tekken and even SF V

It's over MK is dead

tickle me, elmo

lol no

>caring about graphics
Can you explain how it's outdated aside from the graphics being bad? I'll just mention right now that I don't play a lot of fighting games so if you tell me some complicated meta shit about the competitive fighting game scene then I probably won't know what the fuck you're talking about. I was just going to play it casually.

Kill me, Pete. You better do it this time you fucking pussy

No ty. It's going to be $10 2 months after release or so.

holding grudges against past wrongs goes back at least to Moses.

>I cancelled my preorder because of jacqui briggs

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Don't listen to him. MK 11 has the best graphics and animations of any fighting game, it truly looks like this current gen unlike the other games. And the fighting looks like fight scenes from The Raid.

Why did they retcon a cute light skin black women into a full on African? How does this fit the progressive agenda?

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She looks like a fucking literal nigger now, come on. Also her tits shrunk.

user is asking about 9 and was told the graphics suck. Which is dumb, they're fine for 2011.

MK9 is a contender for best game in the series, IMO. Up there with MK2 and where most people put UMK3. Although, not playing it in its prime might reduce some of its appeal.

>full on African
what and didnt most of you retards say that all the girls in mkx are ugly

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Rather commit harakiri

who gives a fuck and she looked black in the last game sperg

Mixed guy here, sjws hate us mixed people. Jacqui looked mixed so she had to go. Mixed guys everyone hates and pushes to the side, mixed girls got promoted a lot as black women, so now angry black women sjws and their white sisters are doing a campaign to scrub mixed women out of everything as revenge, Prepare to see more unga bunga women.

Also you will NEVER see a handsome mixed race male in a video game. NEVER. Only ultra dark skinned Blacked actors.

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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They made an already ugly woman even uglier by making her look more black. Black features are fucking ugly man. No one wants big ass noses and giant lips. Not even africans like that shit.

She looked mixed in the last game, now she's a full on ape.

Kill me, Pete

>Jacqui looked mixed

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so sound like a retard trying way to hard to shitpost

Look at her nose in her old model and her lips, and face shape. How the fuck does she go from a straight and narrow nose, smaller lips, and a narrow angular face, to this she boon shit with a big wide gorilla nose, huge greasy lips, and those fat ugandan cheeks? Bitch looks like she came from Wakanda now. Her skin is darker too.

its funny how you retards have nothing more to shit on about the game so you need to make shit up and look for small shit to hate

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Not like the gameplay of NetherRealm's games ever made them stand up on their own merit

>post anything with women in it
>Gamers™ throw a fit
>end up getting tons of free press
Marketing is the easiest thing in the world in 2019.

I get that you have an ape fetish and all, but Jacqui straight up looks worse now.

>Look at her nose
have you been around any black person ever

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Definitely not. The gameplay looks like the worst in series history and for some reason now they're full woke. So fuck em.

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I think this is s3nding th.e wrong message to little girls. They’re going to think it’s avgood thing to be on world star hip hop beating each other senseless

FUCK. I have to play that game all day at work I can't have it in my home.

>turning a black girl into a gorilla is a small thing to hate

nigga please

Yes because I have disposable income and hardly buy games anymore.

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Considering what to day is, it would be stupid not to pander.

Yeah, and most of them have ugly as fuck noses too, so what's your point? Jacqui had a decent nose before, why make her look like that? She wasn't great to begin with but she's ugly as fucking hell now. They should have made her look like this.

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>fight like a genetically altered lady who can fucking manipulate your blood and who will also kill you with a smile

ah yes. i too wanna fight like a psychopath

nope post something thats not someone doing the same thing over and over

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The gameplay looks like a fight scene from The Raid you dipshit.

Fan since MK1. Already preordered

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Where's Mileena? Not buying it if there's no Mileena.

Reportedly an unlockable character not seen on the initial roster

But Max said they removed combos...

holy fuck that looks just like MK 11, wtf?

i like max but sometimes he is a fool

I'm just happy Skarlet is back.

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They're going to gyp everyone with their DLC packs

Thanks. As for not playing the game in its prime, I doubt I'll give a shit. As noted in my other post, I don't really know anything about fighting games and haven't played a Mortal Kombat game since MK2 on Sega Genesis, and I was just going to play this one casually. Hell, if there's single-player, I probably won't even go online.

>Augment Sockets

Dead on arrival like Dead or Alive 6. god people just cannot stop getting woke and going broke. At this rate EVO won't have any wester like games left in it, this trash is definitely getting dropped for Grandblue next year

Basically it's kind of like Injustice 2 where you can give characters perks, but now you can make your character look however without having said bonuses tied to specific items.

The gameplay seems like an improvement to me. They're focusing less on rushdown unga bunga 50/50 and more on actual neutral. Let's be honest though, none of you shitposters care about how the game plays. You're too busy complaining about ninja hoods and niggers looking too much like niggers.

Do you miss me?

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you forgot to mention how half the gameplay is just a cutscene now. kill yourself shill.

I'm not happy she looks like a Bolivian jew.

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I like Kung Lao so I can't help but like this post too.

Not in the pic you replied to

Her 11 face reminds me of nu-Hitman's first target, that Israeli woman. Lesst the game calls her that anyway.

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You sure about that?

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What? Are you talking about the fatal blows, which nearly every other fighting game has in the form of supers? Or krushing blows, where the game zooms in on the character's bones for literally a second? Perhaps you're talking about the optional fatalities that come after any gameplay and are pretty much mandatory in a MK game. This is a stupid complaint that I have never heard of. I'm pretty sure even you know how little you know about what you're talking about but you still want to have an argument about it.

No, Reptile/Smoke arent there and the chaacter designs look like trash. The gameplay seems like a downgrade from X and 9, the story seems boring as fuck re-using time travel, the new characters look lame, the roster overall is pretty fucking weak and im more interested in other fighting games coming out like Samurai Showdown or the Power Rangers one.

I usually buy them but i will skip this one, maybe the next title will be better.

>Power Rangers one.
You mean that shit game that has the same quality as it's original mobile counterpart?

dam... so empowering...

>the new characters look lame
We only seen one new character

yeah just what we need, more arcsys one button anime fighters with no depth

>What? Are you talking about the fatal blows, which nearly every other fighting game has in the form of supers?

I don't care if other fighters have it, it's a shit mechanic there too. These cinematic supers ruined the genre and each game copies each other now.

I will not buy muslim kombat, no.

DOA is just broke and not woke at all. Remember core values?

MK is only kinda woke and the exact opposite of broke. The last one sold 5 million copies.

No because I don't play fightan gaems no more.

you sound like a fucking retard

So if Goro is out, you think Sheeva or Kintaro will make DLC?

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I've seen some gameplay and it looks fun, not as a main game but for 20 bucks it has that nice vs flow to it.

Giga niggas is lame and he killed Tremor, and the bald lady is lame, or is the bald lady not playable?

Crunchy can beat off my leg anytime

I think Sheeva will, I need her back even if they don't put her in the sexy outfit

Bald Lady is not playable

Woman have traditionally been people who poison others. That's how they fight. Should I go out and poison some people? Fight like a woman?

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Tremor and Geras don't have similar attacks it's like saying Cassie killed Sonya or Frost killed Sub-Zero

I'm just saying you're exaggerating bro. One move you can only use once per match at low health is not half of the game. Me personally? I don't have a problem with supers because I have to stop pressing buttons for ten seconds, I dislike them in games like Tekken 7 where they're OP as shit and reward people for getting the shit kicked out of them.

Tremor is an Earth elemental, Geras's gimmick is time and just so happens to be made of Sand.

>Tobias with the Mk2 scorpion pose

So giga nigger is the only new guy? Thats lame.

Im pretty sure i've heard people saying Nigger man had animations and moves from Tremor in him.

I don't think assassination attempts can be defined as fights, especially via poison. They're kinda low effort, one-sided and not physical at all.

Big fist, that's about it. And no, he's not the only new character. Kollector and Ceitron are there too

there's more new characters, such as frost, some elder god woman, and some guy called the Kollector who looks like Mumm Ra with 4 arms

PLEASE HAVE FRIENDSHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giganig isn't the only new character

There's 2 other new guys that haven't been revealed yet. Kollector and Centrion or some dumb shit like that.

>New character

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>some elder god woman
You mean the bald lady? She's not playable

You only care about this when western companies do it.

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Based Chad Kang going to save this franchise again

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Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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No, Cetrion, she's in the trailer in the scene when Raiden is talking to the elder gods, you see the back of her head

Well shit, then why didnt they reveal these fuckers, doesnt this game releases in a fucking month or so? Why waste time on guaranteed fuckers like Johnny and Sonya when you can market the new guys, also

Really? This is the character they chose to bring back from the 3d era, female sub-zero? What a fucking waste.

>wanna play Menstrual Ma'am
ew no thanks

Will MK11 save the FGC from the mess that is SFV?

Frost is different though, she's Bald now

That looks fucking disgusting, like chibi gone wrong, being wacky is the only thing that saves puzzle fighter.

They only say that because he uses sand which Tremor never used. Liu Kang has fireballs just like Shang Tsung so I guess they're the same and have never been in a game together

Perhaps their too story related to showcase? Or perhaps they'll have a kombat kast for those two close to release

who is going to play john carlton

It will. The fights look better than any japanese game. They look like fight scenes from The Raid.

The west will save the genre the japanese destroyed through years of forcing shitty cliched anime weeb shit on us.

Sure, when the inevitable Komplete edition comes out

why do retards say this like its only mortal kombat that does it

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Why the fuck have 2 bald ladies?! This is fucking retarded, the only slightly interesting thing about her was her retarded ice hair and they remove that? Now she is just sub-zero 2. Fucking christ this roster is so redundant.

Thats dumb man, if they are brand new then there is no way for them to be spoilers, not like cyber sub, who the fuck planned this reveal schedule?

I'll just keep the superior limb based combat game.

Tekken's fights don't look like The Raid though, MK 11 does

this is so stupid

I want that Sonya to give me neck

Is that the script you’re going with you glow in the dark nigga?


How does it feel knowing they'll never use Nightwolf again because he's "problematic"?

The fighting in this game looks like The Raid. Its better than these jap fighters with their ugly anime styled fighting, like this:

Something that time punishes us for living in its reign. It's the process of becoming a Boomer. One day you're feeling a little more tired than usual and try out some energy drinks, then you have thoughts about buying a riding lawn mower, and then you buy furniture made with real wood and appreciate the varnish put on it. Suddenly Mileena covering her bare nipples with her sai doesn't cut it anymore and you replace your wallpaper with action heroes from a time long gone.

>indian werewolf sorcerer who use weapons that made by his magic
“This nigga cool as fuck”
>every move is ripoff from other characters
“What the fuck”

Nrs always make great concept and excute it like dipshit since 3d era.

Why are white dudes so easily triggered? That tweet is so pedestrian, I can't believe there are people outraged here.

Based The Raid fag

Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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