Is this game still bad? What do you remember from it?
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It's okay for the first 20 hours or so. Made me want to go play Terraria.
The thing is I'm so fucking burnt out from Terraria, knowing every single detail and way to play like clockwork memory I can't even be motivated to go through pre-hardmode. I was hoping Starbound could be a new experience but everyone keeps saying it's trash.
I wish I could jack off on the face of every person involved in making this game.
went into it blind around its official release. I enjoyed it, loved the music in particular. Thought the story was dumb. Wish the planets weren't tiered so the endgame wasn't just exploring post-apoc or lava planets all the time.
Later heard about all the cut stuff over time, really sad. Would probably make me fucking hate the game if I knew about it at the time.
Frackin's pretty decent though
>Frackin's pretty decent though
pretty impressive how the guy behind that mod manages to be an even bigger scumbag than tiy
lot of asset theft or soemthing like that right?
Story? Unreal if true somebody involved with this game is an even bigger piece of shit than Tiy.
I remember filling one of the compartments of my ship with derelict furniture, crates, cardboard boxes and other miscellaneous containers with a retro firdge that contained some slime blocks, items and a lobster.
Only one good thing came from this horrible game.
I've thought about making a Starbound clone, but I always keep coming back to the same thing: What the fuck is your core gameplay loop in that kind of game?
Like, okay. Terraria is the most obvious comparison. Terraria's world is essentially your only play area. You explore to find items, but also to know about the environment you're in. You build a base which has persistence within the world. You go over old territory more than once.
Meanwhile, Starbound doesn't have that. You strip a world of its most superficial contents, and then you leave, because once you've picked the low hanging fruit from a planet, why would you stay? If you need more fruit, go to another planet. If you want to build something, you may as well build up your spaceship. Planets are no longer things to explore but resources to harvest.
So how do you keep it interesting? What's your loop? What are you progressing towards? Do you have any pressure or motivation to explore at all?
it has its moments
I think what could have made Starbound interesting was random events. I noticed there's like Zero compared to Terraria's 9 or 10 completely random cycled events that you could start with something like the pumpkin medallion, treasure map or naughty present. There isn't even shit that could change the world like spreadable biomes or meteor crashes.
But that's the thing, right? You have no reason to stay on a world, so what does it matter if the world changes? And if you do have a reason to stay on a world, how do you balance that against the nature of exploring planets?
I remember thinking my character looked like a cool adventurer but then I tried playing with a friend and he told me I looked like a creeper
probably a dumb idea but what if you explored planets to basically map them and see what resources they had, and when you found interesting planets, you would like warp them to either a single solar system or maybe some sort of dyson sphere type thing where you would start out with a flat, indestructible metal floor, and worlds you found that were worth taking would crash into it, and so you'd slowly build up a crust around the sphere with different biomes made from the wreckage of the worlds you had explored. Once on the sphere/system/whatever base you wanna call it, you could harvest the resources, or even better cultivate changes.
Higher tier planets with better base materials could have local species that would defend it and you'd have to like beat a dungeon to be able to warp the planet, and once a part of your base certain things would evolve that you would never see naturally, but you would have a good gameplay loop of:
>cultivate resources
>explore next tier and repeat
Why do people stay on Terraria past Wall of Flesh? The world changes.
If you want people to stay on a specific world for a lengthy period, you need to have actions that impact the entire world and make it evolve. Plus you need a reason to explore every inch of it. Terraria nailed that. You must go to every biome to progress. In fact, you really need to go to every biome then retread through every biome a second time after Wall of Flesh. The problem with Starbound is that there's literally nothing that matters below the surface of the planet, and what's on the surface can be stripped within minutes.
If you want to give people a reason to stay while also having a reason to explore, you need to have a greater link between planets. Make it so there's a questline that alters and evolves the planet as you explore every inch of it, then when it's done do it again on another planet. Have it be where doing this a few times on a few planets summons the final boss or something.
You could even intermingle this and have resources gained on other planets be required to progress on prior planets, thus requiring you to travel between them while remaining invested in each of them. (Think like a Zelda or Metroid game, where new items and tools open up new ways to progress in previous areas).
The number one mistake this genre of games makes it giving players too much freedom. People will min max, it's in their blood. Give them a perfect omni tool and they'll dig a hellavator at the start of the game to farm ore, causing them to miss 90% of the content. Put good loot on the surface and people will just farm that.
You don't NEED a whole galaxy, three or four well developed unique planets is way better than a billion of the same shallow crap.
Yeah a smaller sized down handcrafted system with planets and moons would have been much better and opened the possibilities for the eorlds changing and random events happening. But sadly everyone in Chucklefuck is retarded.
>final boss is a shittier version of the Wall of Flesh
How creative of you Chucklefuck.
It will be a new experience, but it gets old around the 20 hour mark.
It's shit. Was much better before all the patches. I recommend getting the mod that skips all the story shit you're forced through just so you can get back to what the game originally was about; exploring the universe Terraria-style, finding loot and building. The story is so fucking mediocre and irritating, I will never understand why they decided to shoehorn that crap in.
Agreed. Post more floran.
"why does every planet feel the same"
I remember swearing off early-access forever after falling for their promotional images.
Starbound started bad and managed to get worse with every update
I don't have much but I'll post what I can.
Why do they have tits
I also remember getting banned from their forums after destroying a 50 page thread that only had 4 posters in it about adding a "furry" race that lasted for like a year.
Seed pods.
Golden liquid nectar storage.
You are in every starbound thread I've seen paint floran. How do you not have more?
I don't think I'm the same person user.
It's literally worse than it used to be. Heavy handed story, no open ended adventures. Just gotta keep playing their premade scenarios every replay. And their insufferable dialogue.
Why do they have hands and eyes and legs and why are they people? Damn junior biologists think their so clever.
i don't know dude maybe they're venom sacs
>hands and eyes and legs
because they're people
>why are they people
because a race that can't move wouldn't be very fun
Nah they're nectar sacks, like all other kinds of pretty flowers.
have you tried any mods that adds new stuff to the game?
So you're willing to accept that plants can be humanoid creatures, but not that plants can have tits? Do you really not see the hypocrisy in that?
Yes I've played Thorium and small quality of life mods, refuse Calamity though because of the autistic furfag mod creator and the equally autistic and retarded powerlevel, sprites that don't even look like they belong in Terraria, one hit kill bosses, overdrematic animeshit style orchestra music. It's bad.
>go to play through again after reading last thread
> put 700 hours into the game already, mostly in the beta. just want nostalgia
>still get fps issues making it nearly unplayable even though my machine has a 1070 and i7 cpu
>no amount of optimizer/lowfps mods fixes it
I hate the chucklefaggots so much for this, almost as much as I hate them for the forced diversity and removal of unique racial characteristics
A plant could evolve to have hands/legs because those serve a purpose. Boobs don't have a purpose for plants.
its fun with frackin universe
the game has memory leak issues because they don't know how to code. it ran better during pre-release
How many times we gotta say they store the liquid golden nectar fag? It's a reward for human copulation the same way bee's get nwctar for pollen.
Played, was decent.
Installed Frackin Universe, pit 200 hours in.
I don't even usually install overhaul mods that make me learn new things but FU mod made Starbound genuinly a top 20 spot of all time experience.
If it wasn't for other games coming out I could easily spend double for sure.
I still really like both Terraria and Starbound, and I'm hoping that they both update in the future.
I've got my money's and time worth with both though, so I would reccomend either/or. Each one is significantly improved playing with someone else a second time though when you know what you are doing.
The sheer amount of stuff you could screw around with in Starbound made it fun for me.
I liked flying with Anti-Gravity Agument and the Drill weapon.
You complete fuckwit. Chlorophyll is not remotely potent enough source of energy to power arms and legs for moving around. Also, plants have been around our planet LONGER than animals. If they "can" evolve that way, why the fuck didn't they?
I remember following it for years during development, defending it in Yea Forums threads and then quitting after playing for an hour because it was so fucking shit.
never reply to me again
Get a trip and I will gladly filter you.
You make a handful/dozen of unique planets with unique monsters that are somewhat hand-tailored and then you make auto-generated planets with auto-generated monsters so people always have extra resources/loot that they might not have found on the unique planets.
They could've let you build up a settlement/faction and have npcs inhabit it and then some questlines that revolve around some of these settlements. Defending it from threats, building up defenses, establishing inter-planetary commerce etc.
It suffers the same symptoms of No man sky, at least in starbound the NPC's are more fun in some sense, so many stars but worth a limited time of gameplay, worth exploring 10 to 30 planets and thats it. For me i spent almost 300 hours, i had fun with it, made my own mods for art and stuff. As to how they managed the game, it could have been better but they canned the next update so they could publish more games i guess.
AS to terraria, i'm waiting for the 1.3.6 update so i can start from the start and see the new stuff.
try thorium
Sauce please
Was a drawfag, don't have it source user sorry.
Be sure to download Calamity, as it's the best mod.
No it's not fuck off with you're retarded Korean MMO numbers autism. Hope that furfag that made Calamity eats the barrel end of a loaded shotgun then pulls the trigger for being a faggot.
the star guys were the best race
A very bland game with any hopes for interesting mechanics shot down during development (racial abilities, actual proper firearm mechanics, etc). Predominantly mono-biome worlds never get interesting and are pretty much disposable, combat is dull, and gear never gets any interesting beyond tiered progression that happens to align with the bad AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS story, after that there's just no real weight to doing anything beyond that. An update added mechs whose relevant content is isolated from the rest, and feels more tacked on than useful. There's space stations to customize too, but functionally your ship is fine enough.
Only the building is notably good on top of some graphical fidelity over Terraria, and each race has some quips on different objects when you inspect them which is cool, but that's it. Starbound screams lost potential and I don't think mods would be able to actually salvage it, it would just be too much work. I've only heard that Frackin' made the game more miserable to play, so I'm guessing roleplay is all what's salvaging multiplayer.
Seeing that you've played Thorium, that's practically it. I've done a playthrough in Calamity and yes, it's a hot mess of power creep.
it's pretty good. better than terraria, at least. just download fu.
>start a new game
>installed a ton of mods including race ones
>tons of races to choose from with their own characteristics thanks to frackin
>still pick floran because they were my first char way back in alpha or beta and I love their lore and look
>better than Terraria
Nigga it doesn't even have wings or alternative flight like jetpacks, rocket boots or hoverboards who are you even trying to fool?
Telling lies on the internet... who does that?
To attract preys (beta male meatboys)
You mean alphachad mating partners like captains and hardcore mercenary killers.
The correct way to play. More races just means more variety at the dinner table.
Literal autism (not the good kind) is what spawnwd Calamity and I hate how retards keep saying people should install it.
terrarria is just boring, slow and worst of all for an exploration based game, small.
Imagine actually being this factually wrong lmao.
>and worst of all for an exploration based game, small.
Worst of all for an exploration game is having nothing worth exploring. And Starbound is vast amounts of nothing, except finding several colors of dirt and multiple reskins of the same damn furniture.
At least Terraria has important game changing things to discover.
This game is only good with mods and most of its content came from mods.
I can't think anything good about it. Terraria still far superior.
But it does have it's moments like DoG, if you can manage to get to that boss.
>I can't think anything good about it.
We got a blind nigga in here.
>At least Terraria has important game changing things to discover.
It literally, objectively does though.
>go to a region
>find many things you can find there and only there
meanwhile in starbound
>oh good a new locker reskin and I guess I can plant one new kind of fruit, this entire fucking planet was really worth my time
>smashing demon altars
>underground Hallow
>underground Crimson/corruption
>new Dungeon
>find many things you can find there and only there
because the game is literally as wide and as deep as my asshole. There's not much to find, and not many places to go.
Literally this. Most planets have nothing in them.
Here's your ((you)) now btfo
It's the bosses afterwards that get into pure autism territory.
I hated early versions of starbound but after it came out of early access it was a lot better. I like it better than terraria but its not that great
Frackin saved it but just bit a tiny margin. Doesn't feel right trying to restart and having to grind everything up again just because
God I hate furniggers so damn much.
Is this mod the Calamity mod of Starbound?
If floran girls had hips like that in game, I'd agree with you. But I'm still bitter about Starbound's wasted potential.
Does it have out of game style sprites, pants on head retarded powerlevel, one hit kill bosses and retarded Korean MMO tier damage numbers flooding the screen with horrible overdrematic orchestra music?
Even so, Starbound had solid ideas for races and lore in the beginning. All the early concepts and art was really interesting.
It's still bad but mods can make it go from bad to okay.
Does FU still add an autistic amount of extra grinding and tedious loops to jump through just to progress through the game normally?
That's exactly my point. Chucklefuck is incompetent and cut 90% of those interesting concepts, and I can't see Starbound as anything other than a botched abortion because of that.
And yes on this too, I think it even adds a furbait pokemon as one of it's monsters.
I swear there needs to be some sort of virus made that infects and kills furfags.
which pokemon
Isn't Zoroark relatively niche by Pokeporn standards?
What the fuck is that?
Floran doenst photosyntesize dummy, they eat meat and it gets told about in more than half of anything floran related
The Floran eat meat. They're a race of hunters. Carnivorous plants.
>terraria slow
>compared to starbound, where the devs nerfed the only real way to go fast
not the same user but it's pic related
why are they green then? Maybe they can photosynthesize a bit but not enough to be their primary food source? Or maybe it just wasn't thought out too well.
i think it's fun
Stealing existing mods and incorporating them into FU, then whining and bitching when the mod makers tell him to not steal mods, then review bombing other mod makers with his endless army of sycophants
Most likely the latter, too bad they removed 90% of the lore that should actually explain the history of the spacefaring races so that they can make sense out of the “united nations” bs
Carnivorous plants can perform photosynthesis, they're carnivorous because the soil they typically inhabit is low in nitrogen. Some pitcher plants have evolved to primarily fill this need using the dropping of small mammals.
It's not as popular as Lucario and Gardevoir, but 48 pages is nothing to scoff at.
why they thought a united universe was be more fun than a divided war-torn universe for a sci-fi sandbox game is beyond me.
yeah the user they're replying to was implying that chlorophyll is their only energy source. It's not.
Unless you have a reason that they'd eat meat only for nitrogen and get all their energy from fucking chlorophyll.
I remember the roleplay server I was on, mostly, Antares. Good times were had, terrible and cancerous times were had, a lot of players standing silently next to each other in bedrooms alone were seen, presumably whispering completely innocent messages to each other. Bird terrorism happened, fucking stargazer pricks from avos, stealing our jobs and killing our florans.
>Unless you have a reason that they'd eat meat only for nitrogen and get all their energy from fucking chlorophyll.
>they're carnivorous because the soil they typically inhabit is low in nitrogen
That was plenty of reason for the plants on earth, huh?
The plants on earth don't have arms, legs, and some kind of "brain" to co-ordinate all their functions and form thoughts and coherent language.
Florans have a more energy-demanding structure than the plants on earth, brainlet.
im so fucked up
What else than Frackin do i need to fix up this fucking mess anyway? I'm in a building mood but god damn is it a piece of shit
The only thing with high upkeep there is the brain and that might not be the case because the Florians are not known for their intellect. The cost of supplying a brain varies widely here on earth, humans by far have the most costly brain at around 300 calories a day out of 1300 to-1500 and that's because our brains are highly active, exothermic animals have much lower activity in the brain and burn less energy keeping warm, as a result of this, they have lower caloric requirments of endotherms of similar body mass. Given the Florians pre-lore axe were said to be so dumb that they only made it off of their rock with the help of other races, they're plants that likely move with hydraulics like fly traps do and they're exotherms based on their comments about cold. I'd have to say that most of, if not all their energy comes from photosynthesis and they're supplementing their nitrogen intake. Brainlet.
truly epic
What the fuck happened to Chucklefish anyways? Everyone responsible for every good idea they had ended up leaving the team. Did Tiy get threatened from having superior talent around him or something?
>calamity, the only mod that require some amount of skill to beat
>Yea Forums doesn't like it totally because it's got a furfag making it and not that they're too shit to play something difficult
I hope that faggot gets the worst, most painful and fatal cancer that exists
Oh you should check the staff roster. "Oh, there's
a lot of girls here. With... dye in their hair."
And then you might do what I did and look at their twitters, and notice at least one of them has used that one hashtag #visiblewomen or whatever it was. Y'know, the one that women used to get more attention to their work because women have been hidden for too long? Or some shit?
Now, this is all just stuff we can readily see on the surface. Imagine what kinda horseshit has to be going on within that we NEVER get to see.
The best way to keep from getting bit by a vampire, is to never invite one into your home. Once you do, your capital advantage is now GONE.
>the only good thing left were ERP servers
>none left
Why have I seen 5 threads throughout the week? Is this you, Chucklefuck, trying to shill this dead trash?
is that a fucking fedora
I played it with no expectations at all, just wanted a terraria fix without terraria, it was fine like that
i wish this got finished
oh god i remember that
didn't it's sprite sheet or whatever have a bunch of vore animations because the dev just took it from somewhere and put in it?
a misery
Turning NPCs modelled off animals into ayys, I assume.
Plus some new race, which may or may not be a reference?