

Attached: 1551563325090.jpg (534x683, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>plus tax

>being poor

>When Abra is fucking around in your backpack.

Better than a 60 dolllar movie lmao

I've got a pile of shit I'd like to sell. $60 please?


>having shit standards

Attached: piracy_time.gif (300x168, 1.61M)

Why would I buy something I don't want?

>food analogies

>plus tip

Attached: 1551443786906.jpg (756x840, 160K)

You need to put the nintendo sticker on it first, dumbass

what a loser


Dumb commie tranny retards will buy anything.

Attached: 1550668203660.png (792x691, 299K)

>wasting money


Then don't buy it. I'm not understanding why you are so confused right now.

stay mad

Attached: 1896429864.gif (240x138, 531K)


maybe where you're from

>paying full price for a broken product



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>implying you eat shit

Attached: D0CILk_XgAUJzOh.jpg (466x575, 47K)

I doubt it's "broken", just graphically very ugly and behind the times.

does it have a Nintendo sticker?

Never ever

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>backpack is suspended in midair
That's not how backpacks work. If it doesn't work, it's broken.

>eating shit
Do Americans really do this?

>being poor

>on the fucking wii
We should have known it was bullshit.


Nigga, you don't need realism to have proper physics.

Unless it's a glitch of some kind then no, it's just typical laziness from Game Freak.

Nintendo has better looking games on the same hardware.

>3 pokemon
>in a franchise with over 800
>not even considering basic animations for movesets, let alone other shit
Sure, they got the money and could have worked on something like this on the side while releasing the usual games to keep people occupy. Actually trying this much is where I agree. But fuck off if you're implying it's as easy as "Look!! One person can do it!!".

Where is this from?


This shit is basically an upscaled 3DS game, not simply visually but also gameplay-wise. I'm not saying it needed to be an open world meme or a real-time action game but they could have at least fleshed out the level design.

>game footage not final
>it's proper physic

Ya hate just to hate

I really hope the Soccer Gyms will have some interesting aspect to them.
Even something like this would be cool.

>posting SNOYfans in a Nintendo thread

Someone explain this Nintendo hiring meme

look at this loser paying for shit HAHAHHAHAHAHA


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When are they gonna refresh Game Freak and bring in a team of people that can actually put a game together. It's amazing Game Freak's survived all this time on the pedestal they're on when it's obvious they have the capability of a mere indie studio.

Cope lol

Those who are truly wealthy don't waste money, paying full price for games in 2019 is a poor financial decision.

Reveal trailer for battle revolution

The worst part of this game that I dont see getting enough hate are the fixed camera angles.
This is completely unacceptable for a console game and I'm actually concerned other devs might try to get away with this now. Regressing gaming as a whole.

Fixed angles can be good at times (if a developer knows what they are doing and uses them effectively), but there's no fucking excuse for pokemon to still have them because fixed angles serve no purpose in this series.

>absolute biggest fear for gen 8 was that it would just be an upscaled 3ds game
>its just an upscaled 3ds game



>paying full price for games in 2019 is a poor financial decision

They are very prideful. The last time they did that, we got Colosseum and XD the second and fourth best games in the series. Obviously they can't let themselves get outdone.

Alternatively, just funnel everything to Town. It seems like Gamefreak has been making a recent push to let everyone know that they don't just do pokemon.

>likes Colosseum over GoD

They literally don't know how to do anything else. The leak that correctly called out Sword and Shield also said that Gamefreak is woefully underprepared for HD development.

Better level range
Better mon selection
more likeable characters
game doesn't play itself for you
being a shadow pokemon was pretty detrimental

literally everyone on this board with a switch is running CFW, sorry but the shitpost really doesn't effect us.

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Gotta save as much devtime as possible not modeling the back halves of areas.

Yeah there's no doubt the game would better with free cam. Its pure laziness.

That fucking “leak” again. He just got lucky he said the titles correctly. For the setting it was literally the setting everybody put in their “leaks”

Of course they're underprepared, they haven't had to innovate for 20 years at least.

this. so much this! blah blah dragon quest switch power ooga booga game freak $60

Okay. thank you. I've always heard people prefer GoD over Col, but I've never played it personally, so I have no proper stance.

>sold my switch because no games
>was gonna antother when we get our first real console pokemon
>its just another 3DS game
Very dissatisfied, but if it's at least good I'll get it