Who was in the wrong?
Who was in the wrong?
The melon.
bros over hoes always and forever. shame on you.
,vzp LMFAO
this game was groundbreaking. really deserves a spot in the "top 50 most influential games of all time" list.
the player for coming home without permission
You for making me aware that something that looks this retarded exists.
it's unironically based on rng whether or not one or both cheated
user, you need to leave right now
based zoomer
zoomer iffy uh
newfag got the blicky uh
reddit gang!
my brother was in 5th grade at the time of this game being popular on youtube and passed a test because it taught him how to spell and pronounce facade. Yaaaas sis the tea
Literally Trip. Trip was wrong on almost everything if you pay attention
Anyone who didn’t brofist at the end of the video was in the wrong
Santa Maria
Trip, for not cleaning the dishes while Grace fucked other men in their bed.
>couldn't get grace to blow me in the kitchen
Shit game.
Did they ever make that sequel that was suppose to take place during a house party?
trip for not fucking his wife
>read the wiki
>"Trip probably has a small penis"
the 'right' answer is both. but if i had to choose who is 'more' wrong i would say trip.
the story is that trip and grace had kind of a troubled relationship before being married, and trip thought marriage would 'fix' things. but he didnt think she would marry him.
so trip proposed to grace in front of her parents because he knew her parents loved him, and he knew she would feel pressured to say yes because she is so dependent on her parents money.
however, grace knew that she didnt want to get married, and said nothing. she admits that she shouldn't rely on other people to guide her life, that she should have taken control of her own life and left her parents and trip behind because they were toxic to her, and forcing her to live a life she didnt want.
during 'facade' grace continuously acts out in different ways to trip. she can't say to his face that she wants a divorce because she feels too deep in. so she does things like refusing to plan trips with him, constantly redecorates because she 'hates the place', and constantly expresses to trip how she hates herself and her work (she cant say she hates trip, so she focuses her hate on the things shes allowed to hate, anything that is hers, including herself).
trip recognizes these cries for help to be signs that grace is unhappy, and that he is a cause of her unhappiness, but continues to believe the problems are shallow, and that they can be solved. this is part of a deeper condition of trip, who believes all life is shallow and vapid. he believes this in part because he grew up poor, and was taught to believe money is everything. this reinforced to him things like love or spirituality arent important, that everything is materialistic, and has material solutions. graces problems about wanting love or being emotionally unfulfilled are invalid to trip, as he doesn't believe in them.
trip is worse because unlike grace, he forces her to suffer for the sake of his own values, values that grace doesn't agree with
Here's your drink,.
>Thank you. You know, Trip...
*tink* *tink*
>I have an announcement to make
I will conquer your couch.
I'm going to say the M word
fuck off you melon
Was a fun game, I bet if they redid it today it would be a hell of a lot better.
>Devs are now working on mobile games
>Grace...I cheated on you...
>Trip...I painted that painting!
Trip also still cheats and grace had sex with some one before the relationship,grace is innocent.Also she said she was gonna go to an art show with a “freind” so maybe she’s cheating but its not likely.
They should make a game where you get to be a judge and wouldn’t know anything (not even the crimes)and learn more each playthough until you figure out the mysterys and who stole the mayors statue.Imagine the games AI reacting to you just yelling “FUCK MY ASSHOLE” while a lawyer is talking.
L-lewd user
Can you actually get them to love you romantically?
You. And I think you need to leave
Trip literally did nothing wrong, aside from being boring(?)
Grace cheated on him and is also a manic bitch with probably a few mental disorders
Lesson learned: Fuck thots
They're both bad people, but Trip.
___ _ ____ ____ ___ __
>before the relationship,grace is innocent
Before they were married, not before the relationship. Grace slept with Vince right before Trip proposed.
Grace is also emotionally abusive.
Trip cheats on her during his trips,he admits it.
Trip was controlling and mean and very very much a dick.Also she doesnt cheat anymore and it was once when trip is actively cheating.Also grace never liked trip and was emotionally pressured to.
>playing the blame game
You lads would be in the same situation
>trip is worse because unlike grace, he forces her to suffer for the sake of his own values, values that grace doesn't agree with
This is a terribly biased reading of it. Grace is constantly making Trip suffer, by being emotionally distant, by constantly belittling him and the things he likes. Keep in mind that despite supposedly wanting to "slum it up," she still purposefully makes Trip feel bad for having been a bartender, for keeping his tacky advice ball out, and for opening up the bottle of wine they were saving.
>Trip was controlling and mean and very very much a dick.
If Trip was a dick, Grace was Hitler. She treats him way worse than he ever treats her. Her never liking him also means she was just using him in the first place, I hardly see how that makes her at all sympathetic.
They were BOTH in the wrong.
I tried to play the game legit without watching the surge of stupid youtube e-celeb video but i'm so socially awkward i couldn't progress much in the game,
anyone can give a summary of what happened between them and what was the best outcome?
got me curious now
Trip used her parents who love him to make her pressured to marry him,She didnt divorce became of how controlling he is and how he doesnt let her paint and do what she wants.Trip only married her for the title of married and he forced her on trips.Grace only argued with him when he was a jerk.
Have you ever been this happy?
There is no best outcome.
They're in a relationship which neither of them really want, but also faced with a breakup that neither of them really want.
Neither of them are in control of their own life or their own emotions and so they're stuck between shooting themselves in the left foot or shooting themselves in the right foot.
Reminder that this playthrough is how it was meant to be played
>how he doesnt let her paint and do what she wants
She explicitly states that she used him as an excuse not to do those things, because she was afraid.
>Grace only argued with him when he was a jerk.
Grace starts the fight over the Italy photo, Grace starts the fight over the 8-ball. She belittles him at every possible turn and calls his every attempt to fix their relationship into question. Trip made mistakes, but Grace is actively scathing.
>If you speak to him in another language, he will immediately eject you from the Apartment.
Absolutely based.
Trip literally dragged her on trips and forced her to marry him though.
I'm not gonna say your interpretation is wrong, just that it has a biased conclusion.
>Trip literally dragged her on trips
Oh no! How awful for her to have to go to Italy with her family! That's so sad for her!
>forced her to marry him
They were both using each other. The difference is, he wanted a wife, and she wanted an excuse not to try at life.
You ruined it : (
>Hulk Hogan, save me!
you ever go on a trip with people you hate?
Yes. You can still easily make it work.
No. Should I?
I don't really do the "be social just to be social" meme.
It was worth it for the one Joel did where all he ever responded with was Tim Allen's EUAAAGH
Grace was cheating on Trip before Trip was cheating on Grace.
She didn’t want to go to italy and she also hates her parents.And grace ONLY married him out of pressure.Trip lies and puts words in her mouth,and she’s depressed because of trip.
Can women even say No and generally not be extremely manipulative bitches.
No you shouldn't, you fucking inept idiot. That's the entire point.
Grace isn’t doing it still and she learns from her mistakes,trip does it constantly
I remember that. It was great.
The best part was the moronic names and how they were spliced into the dialogue
>GONZALO, don't you think that Grace is being unfair right now?
They say no by saying yes and then filling the world around them with hate until the person that asked realized he was a fool for not reading her mind.
>guy believes in free love
>gets shit on
>chick believes in free love
>she's BRAVE
When are we going to see another game like this? Maybe implement some new voice synthesizer so they don't need to hire VAs to say a billion phrases
I don't think so Tim.
That's what I thought but people do all sorts of stupid bullshit I don't understand.
Like how if your teammate is making a bad decision or has wrong info, people think you should just -let them continue- rather than trying to stop or correct them. I never understood that.
Also why people seem to think that having a girlfriend will (by itself) improve your life or make you happy. It won't. Girlfriends have to be the most overrated meme on the planet.
I never mentioned gender or considered you faggot
>Trip is currently cheating
>Grace learned and feels guilty about it and isnt doing it still
This idea would be great:About the courtroom
Still the best
it's more like having a girlfriend is something that happens while you improve your life
it shouldn't be the specific thing you expect to improve your life
He said the M word.
Yeah, that makes sense.
But if she doesn't do anything why bother?
this is the song they're dancing to
The game crashes a few minutes after launching with an error message about how my cpu isnt strong enough, and after that my pc literally slowed to a fucking halt it was like I was trying to run modern software on a 2002 craptop.
top 10 Triptup games
number 9: bnnjokuzoomie
not everyone's girlfriend doesn't do anything
>Trip is currently cheating
He literally says "It's over now" in his ending and that he regrets it. Why do you have to misrepresent the facts in order to forward your side?
Is Trip the most powerful vidya character? He can literally break the laws of physics to kick you out of his apartment.
Why Grace of course.
Trip is extremely based and black pilled.
>Can women even say No and generally not be extremely manipulative bitches.
Lemme put it this way. If it works, why learn anything different? If you let them get away with their bullshit they will keep getting away with their bullshit. D'uh.
If you don't have something the woman wants then she wouldn't be in a relationship with you anyway, so withhold that something until she starts behaving.
trip is controlling and dense, can't take obvious hints
grace is whiny and entitled, expects trip to read her mind
I hate both of them.
They're both insufferable faggots and incongruable shitlibs.
Grace acts like she has an icicle permanently stuck up her butt. Nag, complain, and insult all the time.
I'm gonna say the M-word.
How can I have sex with grace?
theres a specific point while scrolling that you see the thread melt down to shit
They're both shitheels in a farce of a relationship, too chickenshit to change or break their holding pattern.
Not really. The chatbot functionality is almost non existent. It's really just a series of dialogue trees that rarely acknowledges a keyword. An intro to programming student could design something about as complex.
This thread made me realize the game is better written than i had initially thought.
almost like it's the name of the game.
just saying yes to almost everything carried me through it
Trip is a manipulative weasel but at least he doesn't seem to unnecessarily torment Grace.
>almost like it's the name of the game.
It is, but it's also the answer to the OP question.
You don't sympathize with either. And although I think they want to you feel like some hero after forcing them to confront it, you definitely come away feeling nothing but disgust for everyone involved.
Especially the melon.
[bass boost]J O H N S O N[/bass boost]
Still my favorite Facade playthrough to this day. RIP Kazz.
Grace's parents
thread theme song
Did anyone ever buy the physical version and official hint book?
I didn't even know these existed. I'd love to see scans of that book.
you're fucking with me user
What are you new? It was up on the official website forever, idk if it is now though. I haven't played facade in 6 years.
>no mod where you come over when trip isn't home and strip and fuck Grace
Modders are in the wrong.
Hmm... Melonz!
>This is a FAMILY GAME!!!
god, so many memories of this game. it was spammed to hell circa 07-09 Yea Forums and i played it a ton to see what it held.
i'd say it's aged surprisingly well. even today with forced agendas and narratives, it's a really well done and presents things in unambiguous ways.
Who would win?
ralph would, obviously.
that being said...how many zoomers would recognize ralph pootawn? fuck i'm old
this fat fuck is my spirit animal
Neither, because I'm a terrorist
>that slap in the end
I think this has the deepest representation of a relationship I've seen in a video game
The game sucks but the concept and the writing is top notch
It's certainly an extremely ambitious game, especially for the time it was released.
Nobody can't deny that, especially that they were college kids working on the game for 5 years
I know AI isn't quite there yet but the idea of a Facade with a much more advanced conversational system seems like it could be pretty fun.
This is almost as deep as Aesop's Tale of the Potion Seller.
>gets a handful of ass at the end after nearly having his neck snapped by the booty
Lucky madman.
I appreciate the effort. I really hope more games take that chatbot idea further.
This one has always been my favorite
did these guys ever make another game?
Whats with this pic, i need the story
Event[0] is pretty much the spiritual sequel
Fat loser posts "God I wish that were me" as a comment on macro-adult-baby diaper fetish low quality 3DCG non-porn. His expression and comment is of such longing that despite the despicable content, he has left a legacy.
He has since deleted his deviantart account.
deviant art comment of someone saying 'i wish that was me' with that pro pic. forgot what the image was but 99% sure it was something degenerate
>girl is a stupid spoiled lesbian who just wants to fuck around
>guy is a literal cuck, completely spineless little bitch