Resident Evil 2

RE2 is still holding the title of best video game in 2019!!!!

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Are they in love??

rec 709 or sRGB?

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you seem suprised

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It depends. I played on a computer monitor at first and sRGB looked fantastic, but on my living room TV I had to switch to rec 709, and turn off the film grain effect too since it showed up as an ugly checkerboard pattern.


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This was fun
But wave 40 when they fucking spawn like 5 pale heads and fully armored zombies was just cruel.


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Claire best girl

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Do autistic people feel like those are normal facial expressions ?

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>Do RE fans feel like they are couple?

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>without a doubt

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Why Leon and Claire smiling everytime time they meet up??

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You'd be happy to see anyone alive when you've been dealing with zombies trying to eat you alive all night, even if its that autistic looking goblino you ran into outside of town.

>there is air conditioner in game??

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they have that sexual tension everytime they meet.
Lucky Leon

You faggots ruined any discussion of this game.

Because they like each other

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>which faggots??
Clairefags , Adafags or both

Both, but I see more Clairefags engaging in shippingfaggotry then Adacucks, so you're worse.

I'm a Claireanon and I still discuss the game. What was your favorite Ghost Survivor?

>beat G3 as Claire on hardcore
>have 8 flame rounds, 60 handgun shots, and 100 machine gun rounds
>get to G4
>pick up gatling gun
>gatling gun + everything else I mentioned above isn't enough to kill G4
Am I doing something wrong? Why isn't he dying no matter how many bullets I put into him?

Not that user but I liked Ghost, mostly because that badass music

>*laughs in power*

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When people actually come in trying to discuss the game they always get replies. It's just for most of us there's not much left to discuss so we just post pictures and shit

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You have more than enough ammo to beat him.
If you've got a knife, you can shoot it when it climbs the wall to knock it over and get in some free slashes.

Ghost was easily the worst for me. Even if you know what you're doing you can still barely make it through.

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Really? I found it the easiest.
No Time to Mourn and Runaway both had brutal gauntlets at the very end. Ghost really only had to deal with Mr. X for one room, other than that it was a cakewalk

>still no 47 model for Mr. X

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No, I mean I just fought him with everything I mentioned in my post and he wouldn't fuckin' die.I actually ran out of ammo for everything.

Yeah specially No time to mourn. If you take the right route after the elevtor and didn't save much ammo. You are in for a really bad time

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Anyone else playing this?
Picked it up last week and I've really been enjoying it.I smashed through the campaign and ordered the B side expansion yesterday.
I'm fucking pissed they made the G 1, 2 and 4 fights paid expansions though.
I had to pay solo, it actually was p. good

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I ran out of ammo the first time I fought him, but that was because my accuracy was complete crap.

How does it compare to Zombicide?

Kendo's was actually the easiest for me. They give you a ton of shotgun ammo and I was able to just blast most of the stuff in that final corridor.

why do the characters and facial expression look normal in dmc5 but not in this game when they're both made in the same engine? I love RE2 remake but every model (claire especially) and their facial expressions give me the creeps

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Are you shooting him exclusively in the eyes? He only takes damage when you shoot his eyes, and it seems like the more of them you destroy the faster it dies, so things like hand grenades work the best since they kill like 20 eyeballs at once

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Yeah, I'm aiming for the eyes, but I guess my accuracy is just dogshit.

RE is more of a dungeon crawler that plays similar to the video game (i.e. run around finding keys and items while evading enemies). Zombies are much harder to kill and a big part of the game is getting past zombies by shooting them (to move them), trying to evade their attacks, or taking a bite and pushing them away.
The character and item art is great, but the tiles are complete fucking trash. I can't believe how bad they are.

they only look weird in some of the cutscenes though. I don't see any unrealistic expressions on any of the pics of Claire ITT even though she is making some pretty varied ones here. Only looks odd to me and again it's because it's from a cutscene

some animations are good

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DMCucks getting blown out has been a highlight of the year.


DMC5 87
RE2 91

It's not hyperbolic to say Resident Evil 2 could be a game of the year contender.

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>Giant Moth expansion - $20
>Giant Alligator expansion - $40
>G stage 3 and 4 expansion - $30
>G stage 1 and 5 - $30

$120 just to get all the boss fights is fucking ridiculous. And I'm not even including the other 3 scenario expansions.

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Damn son, the game itself sounds great, but maybe I'm gonna have to print out my own or proxy zombicide tiles. Thanks , dude.

But Claire is cuter

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I really liked the pain facial animations of both. Some of them looked spoopy levels of realistic.

because itsuno cast actual people and not goblinas

Lol I ran out of bullets on G4 as well but he was already limping out on the floor and I was surprised that he eventually just slows down and dies

Someone uploaded some high quality floor tiles that resemble the game more closely. Just need a color printer for it.

Claire IS cute, but I prefer Jill!

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How much you paid??

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>why do the characters and facial expression look normal in dmc5

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>playing a board game "solo"
How does it feel to be an incel?

I dropped 90 bucks for the base game, and 50 for the B side expansion.
I might have been able to find the expansion for cheaper, but I just wanted to pick it up without having to wait.

>Is Marvin pervert around Claire???

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>How does it feel to be an incel?
Feels good mate

I shouldn't have generalized: in some cutscenes the re2 models look great but in others they look so fucking creepy. Admittedly I'm not done with DMC5 yet but I haven't seen one cutscene yet where those weird creepy facial animations are present.
piss off faggot frogposter

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youre the best

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>Admittedly I'm not done with DMC5 yet

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>when a chink stands next to your man

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Nothing to do with the characters themselves, this is about the job done by the 3D artists.

Claire is a wonderful person and I love her.

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I said piss off frogposter!

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jordan is such a beautiful angel

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based and canon

how can the real girl be so cute but the model looks like shit

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Claire and Leon have hot, sweaty desert sex while Sherry stands guard!

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They literally look the same

videogame techonology can't capture this level of cute and goofiness yet

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What is this facial expression trying to convey?

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Claire..I don't want to hurt you, you don't want to hurt anybody else. I promise I'll ditch Ada, and I promise I'll unleash my Aryan sperm in your fertile womb, so just drop the grenade – and we can all be happy again..!

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She's pooping


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seriously stop

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guys what type of girl Leon likes?

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The one's he can't get, which is very few.

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Looks kind of creepy

Is that even a needed question?

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>according to RE2 and RE4
Leon flirting with Claire so he likes tsundere girl

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Leon is infected with yellow fever. Not even Umbrella can make a cure.


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Claire is a cutie though.

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he never smile like that around any girl except with Claire

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Re2 fail due the fucked plot

but he wants to stick with Redfield chick

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ur post fail due fucked gramar

>Re2 failed
true especially in "2nd run" scenario

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What a cute couple

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No way fag

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>Leon reactions after she forcefully kissed him

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Yeah DMC5 is great, but level design is too shit + no Vergil. Both are still 10's though.

if nothing else you are persistent

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>cutest girl

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>even Claire's voice actress/mocap know Leon and Claire are family

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>fires 9×19mm Parabellum
what the hell is this weapon

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Get down!


From RE2 true ending, it hinted that they lived together

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sorry KH3 is better

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Isn't that a little kids game?

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>fuck off

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I'm drinking rum and going to get that S+ Rank on Leon A, boys.

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did they had hot steamy sex in Claire's room while Sherry took a bath?

There's a revolver IRL that's chambered in 7.62x39, it isn't that unbelievable.

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>it's new timeline

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Dat fingers on the barrel

>+ no Vergil
Yet. Hopefully

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no way fag

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it exists, there were also .45 ACP revolvers that were used during the 40s or thereabouts

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How did he make all those gains? I didn't even see him eating

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yeah looks like it really hurts

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It's out