Other urls found in this thread:
Unironically agree
how so
Look at all that evidence.
Microsoft is equally guilty
Same. People always forget that Valve created loot crates with TF2. They weren't a thing before that.
>HL2 invented cinematic games
>TF2 invented lootboxes and live service
>Dota invented modern esports and twitch faggotry
>Portal invented meme games
>CS invented battle royale
damn, literally every game they made is destructive
>They weren't a thing before that.
not like some other company wouldn't have just implemented the same thing a year later.
>>CS invented battle royale
Yes they were.
No, they actually weren't.
Name a full price game before TF2 that had lootboxes.
No. Unironically Quake ruined gaming.
Guys, guys, Microsoft, Ea, Valve, is the whole western industry, imho the japs should have never let them make anything
Japanese and Chinese games had lootbox like systems years before TF2 added them, dipshit. Look up ZT online
>loot box like
Kys, valve cocksucker
>>Dota invented modern esports and twitch faggotry
Valve didn't make Dota 1 though
Shoo shoo Xiang
They didn’t. But they bought the rights to it
How does it feel that real fps gamers hate half life eh valve drones?
Nice arguement oh wait there was none fuck off kid
Cinematic fps experience that force a story over gameplay
Easy puzzle that are just filler for another story over gameplay
Casualization of the RTS genre with a community that believe they are playing something hard or complex
Another cash grabber card """game"""
Casualization of the fps genre, reminder that Quakefags called CS a bunch of casual back then and for good reasons
Same as the above
In the end, japan devs win again
How does it feel that TF2 is still alive and thriving while esport FPSs are dying?
Is there even a single game that has copied the Half Life series? You know, being able to fuck around during a cutscene?
>Portal invented meme games
based zoomer
>Is there even a single game that has copied the Half Life series? You know, being able to fuck around during a cutscene?
TF2 didn't have that shit until when, 2012?
plenty of shitty MMOs were already doing it in the early 2000s
no, but the takeaway devs got from half life is "add more unskippable cutscenes and make them first-person"
Dota hurt gaming, but LOL hurt it more. And even if you say that Dota hurt gaming because it caused LOL, Valve had nothing to do with Dota 1. MW2 did more damage than TF2 by far. Even lootcrates were done by EA first - and EA's were tied directly to game play, and not primarily cosmetic. If you say cosmetic hurt more than gameplay, Maplestory and Bethesda beat Valve to the punch there,
Valve's damage was HL2 making cinematic experiences popular, and Steam itself, though I would still say that gatcha is far more damaging than that, which Valve certainly contributed to, but did not cause. EA and Bethesda beat Valve any day of the week.
TF2 didn't become P2W until well after it became a free game, so no I won't.
>The takeaway developers got from this game is something that doesn't exist in this game
Name one (1) good Japanese fps that's on PC
no one refuted this guy embarrassing valve drones
Wrong. Fifa and Maplestory both beat TF2 to the punch.
name one mechanic in TF2 that casualizes its Quake counterpart.
Those don’t count Gaben. Haha
If it wasn't for Half-Life, all FPS games would be stuck in the old-school id software/3D Realms game design philosophy of "find keycards, go to next level" and we would never have advanced video games story telling. Half-Life didn't just change FPS games, it changed how narratives could be told through the medium in general.
I would argue that TF2 post F2P/MTX updates and the evolution of Steam in general ruined games forever.
>You know, being able to fuck around during a cutscene?
That's the worst part because it makes the cutscenes unskipable.
Why does Half-life 2 get accused of starting the cinematic game trend when games like Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit where literally marketed as being movies in video game form?
half life and cs were considered casual garbage by quake and doom players.
>It makes the cutscenes unskippable
No, I think making the cutscenes unskippable is what makes them unskippable.
Welcome to the bait thread, come for the replies, stay for the salt
>blaming tf2 for lootboxes
>not blaming the thousands of retards that spent money on lootboxes when they were implemented
If tf2 invented lootboxes and the gaming community instantly shot that shit down and made it an obviously bad idea, then this wouldn’t happen.
The only reason lootboxes still exist is because they make money via the consumer.
How long until your shitposting contract runs out, Mr. Epic Games Affiliate? A month? Two months? I guess since they're only paying you pennies per post it could be longer though.
They didn't start shit because nobody cared about them.
it didn't do anything special that other FPS games at the time weren't doing. team-based games were inevitable, Valve had nothing to do with it.
imagine being a le meem slut spouter that praises gaben XD
>Horse shit and nuclear shit
Well, I guess horse shit IS better.
Tbqh both game single players mode was piss easy. Quake is also casual shit compared to UT but hey, not like you played any of these right?
It was a complete flop. HL2 didn't start it - it popularized cinematic games.
why do you defend lootboxes and cinematic games?
Clearly they did because people keep making games like The Walking Dead and Life is Strange which is pretty much the same format of game.
valve games will never be in the top 10 or top 100 games dealt with it subhumans.
Ah, I see you've refined your techniques since the early parts of the campaign. You try to come off a bit more sincere sounding, though you're still just pirating the same things you've said previously despite people in the thread proving otherwise. A solid effort, I'll give you a (You)/10.
What does this thread have to do with epic games, you insane paranoid schizophrenic?
>a cinematic FPS experience that forces story over gameplay
If you don’t like it don’t buy it
>easy puzzle that are just filler for story over gameplay
If you don’t like it don’t buy it
Can’t really defend this one that well except: if you don’t like it don’t buy it
If you don’t like it don’t buy it and don’t pay to win at it
Unironically not a bad game, don’t see any of you bitching about COD
If you don’t like it don’t buy it
Unironically the precursor to Overwatch and now APEX legends and without it those games wouldn’t have happened
>get a lootbox
>sell it
reminder that this is the optimal system in video games and everyone who has copied Valve has missed the boat completely because they forgot part 2: sell it
autists who have played dota 2, csgo, and tf2 for years have been rewarded many times over, likely having made hundreds of steambux just from playing a game they love
If anything your post proves Valve was the first to do it right, but they where not the first
Unironically this, tf2 literally had its own economy
why do you defend lootboxes and cinematic games?
it was grorious nippon that invented gacha
quake and doom and other old school fps fans dont like valve games. in fact boomers hate them.
Indigo Prophecy sold less than a million. HL2 sold almost 7 million. You might be able to argue that HL2 wouldn't exist without IP, but to say that IP was anywhere close to relevant enough to cause Walking Dead and LiS is incredibly retarded.
>done right
Wanna know how I know you're steam level 250?
>Chink Games store releases
>Valve shitposting increases several hundred percent on Yea Forums ever since
Gee Billy, what COULD this thread have to do with Epic Gaming™?
You are completely and utterly insane, schizoid. Go to a home before you murder your mom for being a chink shill because she doesn't play TF2.
>i hate steam!
How to tell if someone never had to manually update a PC game or find their own servers.
Everything big and dominant will always be the enemy to you when you don't know anything else.
Except Half-Life 2 isn't comparable to those games because it isn't a cinematic movie game.
and no one prove him wrong
holy fuck you're deranged
half life was an embarrasment for fps players just like halo and cod.
>this entire thread
Oh, so you're just blatantly ignoring reality. Gotcha.
What does this thread have to do with Steam, insane paranoid schizophrenic?
>Easy puzzle that are just filler for another story over gameplay
t. never played Portal 2 coop
>replying to bait
I know living with ADD is hard but just because you couldn't sit through the first two chapters of the game doesn't mean it's a movie game.
>Half Life 2 isn't cinematic
They were so amazing nothing will ever live up tp them
quake players hated cs
it's not bait if it's the truth
>Stop noticing patterns!
Wouldn't you? It literally murdered their game and everything else in their game's genre. Quake players will eternally be seething.
>im a retro fps player i like half life
>im im not a casual i play cs competitive
No, but it being the first major release to utilize unskippable, in engine cutscenes and prioritize story certainly does. Serious question - how old are you? Were you around when it came out?
Sorry people don't like the company that invented paid mods, lootboxes, DRM, games as a service, and multiplayer focus, buddy. This isn't anything new, valve has always been shit.
they are not cut scenes, the player maintains control during them.
the game you are thinking of when you make this argument is Halo, during which the player does not retain control.
>prioritize story
half-life is about 12-13 hours long and has what....30 minutes of story all said?
Xbox Live came out before Steam user. Wanna try that again?
>the player maintains control during them.
>but xbox did it too
It doesn't matter, valve is a shitty company that only milk their retarded users like you
Lord of the rings online had them well before tf2, then again I don’t care about lootboxes, they aren’t bad.
Xbox did it FIRST, nigger.
>they are not cut scenes, the player maintains control during them.
That is literally the entire fucking point of my argument. The in engine cutscenes were considered revolutionary at the time, primarily because they made the story more approachable and put it more at the forefront of the game instead of cutscenes, which the player could easily ignore since they were skippable and detached from the gameplay.
The fact that they were in engine and the player remained in control instead of making them cutscenes is literally the entire thing that made Half life 2 a movie game.
>xbox ruined console but steam didn't ruin pc gaming by doing the same!
Pcbro in action
yeah, that's a single instance. in which you are literally locked in a cage. and can still move and look around at will. :)
>valve invented it!!
>Actually, others did it first.
>uhhhh welll ur still dumb!!!
Valve didn't invent a single one of those.
Paid mods were Bethesda, lootboxes were EA, DRM was Sony, multiplayer focus was Activision, games as a service was Blizzard. The only thing Valve did was popularize the Steam storefront
Imagine being mad at video games.
me on the bottom
Literally nothing I listed was done by xbox first, try again.
Were you? It honestly sounds you haven't even played the game. The gameplay sections vastly outnumber the 'story' sections and they almost always come after big action scenes and are brief at that.
And thanks to the popularisation of Steam, they popularised all of those things as well.
yeah imagine being mad at bad videogames made by a bad company.
Do you valveniggers played doom or quake?
Valve is a shitty company full of liars and hypocrites. They haven't done anything worthy of praise in over a decade.
>pay 60$ a year or 10$ a month to play online
>play online for free niggers we don’t care
>Xbox... is doing what?
>pay for online niggers
>almost all of pc gaming
>play online for free guys
>Xbox and PlayStation are doing what?
>lol no way fag
>still can play for free
The number is irrelevant. See HL2's in engine cutscene presentation forever changed first person shooters specifically and games in general, arguably for the worse. That's what I'm arguing, at least.
N-no...N-no no stop ruining my narrative...
if you like valve games you belong in reddit.
Okay? I'm just correcting your blatant lie that Valve invented them.
What other games besides HL2 let you dick around while the story is happening?
hl1 and hl2 ruined fps and gaming. THIS IS A FACT. SAME WITH PORTAL, TF2 AND CS.
>they are not cut scenes, the player maintains control during them.
What "control" does the player have during this? Can you change or impact anything in the cutscenes? Can you stop it from proceeding exactly according to the script? No, you can't. Just because you can move a camera around doesn't stop it from being a cutscene.
Wikipedia defines a cutscene as a break from gameplay. What's the gameplay in Half Life? Shoot enemies and interact with things to progress. Can you do either of those things in a cutscene? No, so gameplay is stopped to show a story sequence, thus making it a cutscene.
Did you know they make 360° movies now where you can look around in it? Does that stop them from being a movie and make them into a videogame?
You're right, it is irrelevant. Just because you don't personally like the game doesn't mean you can magically classify it under another genre. You not liking the pacing or the fact that it uses in-engine cutscenes doesn't make it a movie game.
>cinematic games
Nah I'm good.
>can still move
you're deluding yourself so hard lol
When did I say I didn't like it? I love Half-life 2. That doesn't mean it didn't start an awful trend and change games for the worse. Resident Evil 4 is another great example. RE4 is an amazing game. So amazing that it ruined games for a few years because everything wanted to copy it and did so in a terrible way.
>I'm an uber gamer, I play counterstrike and tf2 and I hate battleroyale shit because it's too casual!
>fuck LoL and HotS, casual games! I only play Dota2 myself
>Overwatch copied TF2! they made it a casual game!
Pcbros are probably the worst elitist in the world since all of their games are the cause of what they complain about, everything made by Valve was copied and simplified from other games to make quick money and milk a bunch of western retards
Battle royales are really shitty user.
>Muh Fortnite
Eat shit. Millions of flies can’t be wrong
this valve drones never played real fps like doom, quake, unreal, duke, blood, shadow warrior.
hahahahahahah pathetic.
>real FPS
>cinematic, hero shooter, an engine, part of the body and shit game
Interesting take.
You need to train your brain with better games if you think my post was a defense for battleroyale games
Funny how you weren't saying this when PUBG existed. Maybe because it was on Steam.
retro fps gamers hate hl, cs and tf2
PUBG is fucking trash too.
>O-Oh no he’s not a drone?!
I see your point except Dead Space wouldn't exist without RE4 so I think it ruining things is worth it.
what is a retro fps gamer
you have yet to prove why hl, tf2 and cs arent casual compared to quake and doom.
A 30 year old boomer, someone who actually played good games and not the shit you play
A guy that plays games older than you are
>i-it's not cutscenez becuz u can luk around
why are valvecucks so embarrassing?
Hl, tf2 and cs players btfo
Itt: paid shill drones and edgy angsty teens wanting to belong. It's sad really...
Reminder that valve drones don't consider this to be a cutscene because you can move around during it
Why do you post a game older than valve drones
>muh muh the modding community
your game is garbage and still not as active as doom.
they didn't do shit
the problem is everyone else tried to copy them instead of doing something original
>im a boomer my first fps was half life and cs
>Do i fit in yet guys?
That's actually sad, there is less modding on csgo than Doom and there is less custom maps on Dota2 than starcraft or warcraft
Boomers won
>everyone tried to copy them
>when they were copying other stuff and making it easier and more user friendly for normalfags
I don't like that Apple took the headphone jack off the iphone. Now every phone removes it. How do I buy a phone that has a headphone jack?
They ruined it with Steam, digital distribution, and all the negatives that come with it such as automatic updates with Gabe brainwashed people into thinking updates are a good thing when updates mean the game was released unfinished or unplayable without a patch and automatic updating existing encourages developers to release games unfinished or unplayable without a patch.
Reminder that Gabe said it was a bad thing that developers used to have to release games complete and playable without a patch because there was no way to send out updates. You brainwashed drones still praise le gaben
Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company. Anyone that uses Steam or pays for a download is a casual and not a real PC gamer.
I am a quake oldfag boomer
I loved cs when it came out. I wonder who you kids think the original cs players were. New people capable of getting into a half life mod did not just coalesce overnight
I dunno why I bothered replying, it just eventually gets to me seeing 24 year old people who receive a monthly disability check tell me what games I enjoyed in the 90s or how I did so.
I'd like these faggots to elaborate on their extremely retarded opinions.
I'm sure it would be hilarious.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, my dude.
doom still more alive than half life.
also hl was the reason why doom 3 and nu doom
are so shit.
I bet you have poop on at least one of your fingers RIGHT NOW.
>I couldn't get into Quake because it was too hard but I still played it since I had nothing else at the time but then I got into cs and it was easier for my smol brain
It's kinda sad how obsessed a person can be.
It's funny because you think playing CS:GO has given you any perspective on what playing CS was even like. You are completely clueless.
I would probably instantaneously thrash you in any quake game right now and I haven't played one multiplayer in 12 years.
refute it
>all these casuals who didnt play quake and stick with cs and other half life mods.
>he thinks im the only one shitting on valve games
>Forces story over gameplay
outside the beginning and maybe like 1/2 other parts there are barely any story segments in HL1.
HL2 though i get completely.
I doubt you ever actually played any quake game.
So now that Valve fired half their Artifact and VR/hardware staff, where do they go from here? The only thing they have down the pipe outside of Steam and the multiplayer MTX titles are whatever the Firewatch devs are cooking up for their next game.
oh yes that's exactly what i always wanted out of an fps. standing around in a box (NO WAIT YOU CAN MOVE AROUND INSIDE THE CONFINES OF THE BOX GOTY!!!!!!!!!!) while some dipshit yaps off about a poorly written story. truly revolutionary.
You invite me to an 1v1 in Quake?
Sure, 1.6, csgo, source or quake, I'm up for it, if I win you have to admit that cs is shit and for casual
>artifact staff
Shitposter headcanon sure is fascinating.
tell me why cs isnt shit and for casuals
cmon valve drones
Companies make lots of retarded decisions but ultimately it is for consumers to decide whether they stay or not.
Now, the real problem is that there will always be retardation enablers like and there's not much you can do about it unless the entire community dives into a hardcore purity spiral.
hl1 was the beginning of the end.
real boomers despise that game
Imagine unironically believing the shit that you are typing.
>Objective fact is now headcanon
Stay delusional valve-fag.
Imagine unironically playing cs instead of quake or hl instead doom, unreal, duke, blood.
All of those games are fucking cringe dogshit for braindead boomers.
No one wants your shitty bait, stop posting anytime.
cs is casual garbage
>screencapping your phoneposts on PC to make something appear like it was a discussion between people
nice one
>HL2 invented cinematic games
>TF2 invented lootboxes and live service
>Dota invented modern esports and twitch faggotry
>Portal invented meme games
>CS invented battle royale
All wrong.
The only one that's even remotely accurate here is the "tf2 invented lootboxes" claim.
well, they didn't exactly invent it but they did make it more popular in the game industry
Not even worth a (you)
>chinese tradewar retards
>getting paid
They only get paid in goodboy points
>they let contractors go
Yes, Valve is truely finished and crumbling.
Yup, this is going in my snap compilation.
I like reading posts like yours op because it exposes your underage incredibly well.
we didnt want doom clones die fuck you valve drones.
>Blatantly samefagging to this degree
Holy fuck. How pathetic.
>he still thinks its only one guy
stay mad valve fat shill
>They only get paid in goodboy points
You're saying companies in general, not just Epic, don't pay people pennies on the dollar to shitpost/"advertise" across various forums Internet sites? Though I fully agree nobody Chinese is being paid for it. Also like others were saying, at least TF2 loot boxes could be sold.
by the time HL2 and source came around most people couldn't be bothered to stick around playing mods
Fuck off zoomer
Heh.. watch this..
Valve > Every other game dev
Id Software games> Valve garbage
never argue with someone typing in all caps. they are probably just dying of a stroke and if they have nobody to argue with they will stop clinging to life and we'll be free of that problem.
*Gets epic Victory Royale*
Nothin personell you old fuck.
Looking Glass Studios> Valve
yeah valvefags love to floss. the audience of valve is zoomers
>>>Dota invented modern esports and twitch faggotry
starcraft started that shit tho
it's cruise control for cool faggot
the audience of older game studios are six feet under and spend all their time in coffins. You fucking fossil, hurry up and die so the younger generations don't have to hear you bitch about how things were in the "good ol days".
>he's too stupid to apreciate Looking Glass Studios games
i bet you think id software games are bad too
Looking Glass Studios, more like Fuck My Ass Studios. Fucking faggot.
>i love portal the cake is a lie xd
>way better than any lgs and id soft game amirite?
yeah in asia not in the civilized world.
This but unironically.
ZT Online invented lootboxes in videogames, including the key system and the visuals where RNG always comes so close to the item you actually wanted. I don't know about the pricing but it was a Chinese MMO before f2p became a thing so presumably it cost money to purchase in addition to subscription. Of course MTG predates all that but that's /tg/.
>ZT Online invented lootboxes in videogames
Stopped reading there. It's hard to believe there are people on this board that haven't even heard of Team Fortress 2.
Its hard to believe that valve drones played doom,quake,unreal, blood, ultima underworld, system shock, thief.
CSGO wasn't even popular and the game was dying until valve give them skins and lootcases to waste their money into, valve drones are literally asking to be scammed
>valve drones are literally asking to be scammed
Stopped reading there.
Its embarrasing that people in this thread like hl and cs. Casual shit hated by fps players at the time.
Its like the retards who have nostalgia for halo these days.
That game and Dota2 are full of russians too, only subhumans are into this shit
The amount of seething is impressive.
Did Valve molest you or something?
t. subhuman valve drone
play real games
Obsessing about things you hate isn't healthy. You need to learn to let go.
Why did you open the thread then
Steam was always cancer though. Fuck paying for a download and fuck making it easier for devs to push DLC and micro transactions and early access and automatic updates.
The rest of the industry started using Valve's tactics after they saw the "PC master race" fell for it, and you faggots act like Steam became cancer even though it was always cancer
Hl is garbage. Valve is garbage. COPE.
It feels good being a doom and quake fan unlike being a hl fan.
Shitty series that ruined gaming.
Glad its dead as karma.
I dunno why did you?
Please dont let this thread die i want to see more valve drones crying.
Actually, yes. Valve did.
I went to tour at Valve HQ, the offices were great, it was cool to see the concept art of so many different games I had played through. But while walking through to the next part of the tour focusing on upcoming titles I was swiftly pulled away from the group into an office. There I had my belt forcefully torn from me and my pants pulled off. Then I was thrown on top of a desk, my legs spread, and there I saw my attacker. I could recognize those oval glasses, that chubby face and that beard anywhere. It was fucking Gabe Newell. "Hopefully this was worth the wait" said my attacker, as he pulled down his pants and swiftly plunged his erect cock into my dry asshole. The searing pain I felt is difficult to describe, the tearing of skin, the bleeding and internal damage, and all that time I could hear Gabe Newell mumbling about how this assfucking was a good thing for the consumer. He finished in my ass and pulled out, and along with his cock came a small trickle of a mixture of blood and cum. His face was that of disgust at the sight he had made. He threw my pants and belt on me and told me to get dressed and to get the fuck out of his office. As a sign of condolence of missing out on some of the tour he handed me a Steam Key to Portal 2.
Overall the tour was an okay experience.
I mean, I think System Shock 2 advanced FPSes in that direction, with a little more character depth with regards to skills.
But, it wasn't as popular so thereby not as influential, sadly.
I made 2 posts in that thread and I use a buttplug that react when I get a (you) so I'm here to bait
>HL2 invented cinematic games
That was MGS, zoomer scum.
Valve Drones hate him!
So basically the same reason then.
its free
Literally the most based guy in this thread.
Based and Codpilled
wtf is that
So you valve fags are going to refute his points or what?
steam is good it's like my fucking console
and you can't dislike half life and portal the cake is a lielmao and cs I mean HATING HALF LIFE that's a cult classic half life 3 confirmed xD
>OLD SCHOOL FPS are so outdated xd based hl for saving the genre.
>Cs is better because realism
literally hundreds of games had "loot crates" or similar microtransactions years before TF2 you fucking revisionist
Valve gave people the tools to make esports way more viable.
Those battlepasses sold for 10$ from which 25% went into the big dota2 tournament prizepool. They also made it possible for others to sell tickets for their own tournaments.
Sure, later on they started to take more control over events for the pro circuit and stop team shuffles all the time
No one who praises hl and cs played old fps before.
wtf I hate Valve now
Thanks for proving that RTS is a shitty genre that should die. If it can't even compete against garbage like dota2/lol then it's better off dead
E-sport also ruined vidya
How can you like any valve game?
Are you a casual?
RTS aren't dead, same with real games before Valve, people are still playing them and making content for them while the casual mass are sharing shit with each others
Except DLCs aren't that much different than expansion packs. Valve just realized the potential of stable/fast internet and how it would affect gaming.
Guess who started the whole (garbage) DLC shit in the first place? Microsoft though the original Xbox had mostly free DLC except for MS published games if I'm not mistaken
Then again you had digital distribution way before that with SatellaView and stuff like that
They are. People on Yea Forums says that all the time and mobas killed them
Doom and quake community still make content while only subhumans play cs and maybe make content for hl.
Oh man, I guess they are dead, please don't join other boards or search for any rts communities, keep playing mobas!
No, I don't play mobas either because Yea Forums tells me that they suck.
The casual shitter enjoy valve games meanwhile real gamers play rts and arena shooters.
I guess the only game you play is hollow knight since it's the only thing they circlejerk about
Suck my dick, Yea Forums says so.
revisionist history: the thread
>Valve made casual garbage is revisionist
But Yea Forums tells me to not play indie/kickstartershit
Literally no argument defending valve was made.
ZT Online predates TF2's lootboxes by a few years, that it's a shitty Chinese MMO nobody here played doesn't change the facts user. Of course I've heard about and played TF2 but it was so unlike TF Classic I dropped it immediately.
I don't think Valve let's their games invent books dummy
>adding to a conversation is whataboutism
>be me, 1998 many friends
>new game they are talking about "Half Life"
>"It's sooo cool user you get to shoot some niggas"
>I stabbed that bitch for bad mouthing Quake 2
>Now I have no friends but at least I'm a real FPSer
you are a nigger
and I didn't insult you, I just added something to the conversation
Keep deflecting valvenigger hl and cs are bad games even quake 2 is better.
b-b-b-b-but my based fat knife-hording jew
Combat Arms
Doom, and Quake is casual shit < Unreal
Imagine breathing "air" while knowing that you are existing in a simulation.
stop buying phones then zoomer, does anyone force you to buy one? It's not you only oprion use a pay phone or borrow a phone if you gotta call someone, do you wanna get ball cancer or something?
Imagine playing valve while you could be playing old school fps and rts right now.
I bet the chimps who reply to this act like you can't like more than one game at any time
*valve games
You know, valve had auto updates for a while, Far Cry 2 released like a normal game used to. Now Ubisoft is just like all big Publishers and relese broken POSes, it's like Valve adding features to their store doesn't directly casue issues, only when drooling retards like you buy these unfinished games and give them your money without them earning it. This caused the death of good large budget games
>you can like both gold and shit guys
Yea Forums doesnt like valve games give up valveniggers.
You can buy games not on steam or the windows 10 store you release right peasant?
aah i missed this kind if threads, where all the anger is based on the games. thank you guys
The setting was certainly heavily exploited in Crysis and Resistance series
weebs shilling Riot Games League of Tencent and Blizzard shit.
Japan isn't in China you dip, and PC is the only platform that doesn't actually drain your wallet while you play
>inb4 I only play single player games so it's a nonissue
Just because you like paying 400$ to only play 10% of it's library doesn't mean the console isn't shit
Gamers are just better now, boomers can't keep up with new vidya. Its a shame since this romanticized version of the good ol' days sounds great but in reality all those good players, were they in their prime, would still get shat on by people today. The ease of access for information, the ready availability of skilled practice partners and a more game-friendly culture has stoked the flames of competition. I liked this quote from Artosis: "NaDa would probably be everyone's pick for the greatest of all time had Flash not come along." I like this quote because it a useful reminder that there'll always be someone better who'll come along and replace you. Its true in sports and true in video games as well. Lebron James can replace Michael Jordan and any pub hero from Quake Champions can replace you too boomer.
they aren't cutscenes, you fucking retards - nothing is "cut" about them - they're fully interactive exposition set pieces.
Stop replacing terminology, just so you could make your shitty (you)-baiting contrarian argument.
hey newfag, try to write "valve.drones" without the dot
>Zoomers think free for all CS was battle royale.
Please end my suffering.
Crysis 2 certainly had its expository moments with you being able to walk about (nothing to interact with, though), whenever Gould character was on-screen
Yea Forums gets triggered by random Twitter posts by irrelevant people
Yea Forums gets triggered by random Yea Forums posts by fucking anonymous people
why do i still come here
because you're a good boy lost in space
because everywhere else is worse
>>CS invented battle royale
Battle royal games are not derivative of CS. DayZ came before BR games, and that's based from milsim/battlefield games.
Fortnite isn't even on Steam you retard, Only fake old gamers hate on steam, was the old method superior? Fuck no remember when games let you only install a game 3 times, or when you had to open the manual or sometimes separate books to find the key, hell some games made you solve riddles before you could play them, so that means you couldn't lose the manual. You could copy your friends keys but if you bought a game at a yard sale or something you could've been fucked, DRM isn't new and most of your CDs will start to rot soon
30% for doing nothing, valve are the ultimate jews
I dunno, if you're using their platform to sell your shit, they owe you nothing.
>HL2 is a cinematic game
>only lengthy cutscene-esque segments are the intro, Black Mesa East and the pod ride up the Citadel
>t. Shitty Indie Dev
>OP actually wasn't able to answer this question because he's just a shitposter looking for a new target
Valve are just lazy, the only thing they ruined is the prospect of a new entry in any of their beloved series.
The Quake retards consider anytime you are not shooting a cut scene, they don't care about the story.
>they don't care about the story
hell yeah we don't, if i wanted a story i'll read a book, not play a game you faggot
There is literally not a single thing wrong with crates if implemented like they are in TF2.
>They don't provide gameplay advantages (the primary reason anyone dislikes lootboxes).
>They are in a free game, not a $60 AAA game
Cosmetic MTX are totally fine in a free game. Pic related is probably older than you
>If you don't like the contents, you can trade them away for something of similar value or scrap them
>You can grind metal in the game to eventually trade for everything a crate might possibly contain
Literally prove me wrong, you can't.
In fact, TF2 is the best FPS on the market still.
Fuck off Quake had a story until you Arena fags ruined it and Serious Sam and Postal shit all over anything Id or Epic MegaGames ever fuckin made
And I will put an addendum on this post: Valve are lazy niggers, and Shartifact was a failure due to Valve being tonedeaf to the community, and they need to make some fucking games and update TF2 with new stuff considering it still makes them money.
However, despite all that, TF2 is still an excellently crafted game.
putting things into context, like fighting against the enemy of unspeakable power levels that has completely zero regard for the capitulated civil population and putting it at risk of irreversible extinction, makes the experience so much better
Great games have an interesting story and good gameplay, have you even played HL1? HL2 I get but HL1 you spend the first half and hour talking and shit as a tutorial for the game's physics that you will be using for the puzzles throughout the game, and Freeman has no idea why the army and the alien are trying to kill him, there's that not much story in HL1
>have you even played HL1?