Is there any chance Yoshi nukes Lalas from the game in 4.56?

Is there any chance Yoshi nukes Lalas from the game in 4.56?

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Other urls found in this thread:!BwkBkCKa!aOOP57ghNUpipf2e6woMCDj4_Dr_7Wd0bdwxCo2bsz0

Why would somebody erase the best race?

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Become the change you want to see in the world...

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I sure hope so, but doesn't seem likely. At least the tarus in XI were cute. Lalas just look like retarded children.

What is the best Unspoiled Node timer? Preferably something that scrolls/rotates to just show whatever is up now or next.

Deniers on suicide watch

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Thordan VII did nothing wrong.

literally 0

This but unironically

Seeing him murder the shit out of Lahabrea made me sad that I had to fight him.

Reminder that Thordan did not have the Echo, so he was tempered by King Thordan as soon as he summoned him. Thordan VII didn't want to conquer the world, he just wanted to save everyone from scaleniggers and shadowniggers.

Is there a reason you don't use the in game alarm system?

There's an in game system that tells me were and when each unspoiled node spawns, as they spawn?

Just hit level 70 now what do I do?

I can get some enjoyment out of Frontlines, even feast on occasion, but god damn, as much as I want my mechagorilla, fuck rival wings.

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What are the types?

Being a type B hyur is nice.

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>leveling SAM
>keep pulling aggro off tanks
are they shit tanks or is SAM overpowered when leveling? I have most DPS jobs at 70 and have never ripped aggro this consistently while leveling

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What is the cutest hat for glamours in the game?

sam can do a lot of damage real quick,so learn to use diversion

>use diversion
Alternatively, do your job as tank and keep aggro like you're supposed to

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Not exactly but you can set up macros for what you want that i feel like get the job done if you name the alarms properly

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And there it is. You're the reason I'm happy I have shirk.

>Will Yoshi nuke the very race he plays in the game?
I don't know user you tell me

>will yoshi remove the race that the JP playerbase likes the most
we're second class citizens over here on NA

please respond


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Type C Hyur represent.

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Alright, here's my shot at a TLDR guide.
1. Do your job quests, unlock level 70 skill & class gear.
2. Finish up the main story.
3. After you clear Ala Mhigo unlock the raids and extremes. You will find them in Rhalgr's Reach and Kugane.
4. Once you've advanced enough in the 8 man raids, save up tokens from the Kefka fight to get an easy 360 weapon.
5. Save up some tomestones from roulettes and buy mendacity gear.
6. Save up tokens from the final omega fight to get yourself a 390 weapon.
7. Unlock Eureka. Also in Kugane.

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>i main SAM and BLM

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>2 weeks till JP Fanfest

So who's getting btfo?

>Discord trannies

What's wrong with that?

Don't forget to unlock all of the dungeons too.

All of the above

i can't wait until all of this leak shit is behind us. this was fucking smashfag tier.

literally me

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Oh it won't be over, people will be posting new """"leaks""" forever now trying to be the next Blufever.

You know damn well that until release there will be people ABSOLUTELY SURE that Yoshi is just le baiting everyone and he's going to surprise us with one last thing

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it's only going to get worse after fanfest because then it will just be months of people complaining

Why does Yoshi do shit like this

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he doesn't do it enough desu

I still believe we're gonna get male Viera, Hrothgar AND Feol.

>giving gooks a monthly fee

Will Alphi end up balding like his granpa?

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Whoever wins, we lose. Fucking months of complaining/obnoxious shitposting about whatever outcome we get. If anything it'll get worse than it is now.

Not if we start him on hormones ASAP

I like to believe that Alphinaud and Alisaie are both completely bald below the shoulders

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This is going to suck.

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>only thing I care about is the job changes
>no real details until fucking MAY

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Finish the rest of the story

I changed to elezen because I wanted to be tall and stand out in a crowd
>all the lizard and cat sluts don't even come up to your elbow

You forgot to tell him to do hunts, you can kit yourself out in i340 gear with minimal effort and be ready to jump into the other steps

Do I want to do anything with these tombstones or can I just buy whatever I want?

>type C hyur
I was almost a type B elezen but their animations were too disappointing.

Here's your 5.0 job change preview,
- SCH, BRD, and WAR are still the best jobs
- Your job now plays like shit but they promise they'll fix it in the next expansion
- DRK will be buffed but still feel extremely average
- MCH will be buffed and still be shit
- NIN will be nerfed but still be meta
- 99% of all netflix healers and greylets will switch jobs to Dancer and flood your clear parties

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>There will be literally thousands of BLUfever-esque leaks from now on, until the end of XIV's lifecycle.
>Every expansion
>Every patch
>Every fucking time

We're literally going to become worse than pokemon leaks at this point.

which ones? genesis? Poetics?
Genesis should be for gearing your main job, poetics can gear a lvl 50 and lvl 60 job in Mor Dhona and Idyllshire respectively

How the fuck do I get to 330 ilvl besides doing hunts and turning in seals?

>just buy whatever I want?
The priority list goes weapons > body > legs > head, hands, feet > belt > accessories
You'll need some other items to get the weapons though but they are all easy enough to get

I started playing recently as an Au Ra
Hate the fetchquests but it gets more fun since I’m lvl 35

Nigger just buy crafted gear, buy the weapon first though, don't be one of those shit stains that only bought accessories because they're cheaper but still has a shitty weapon, you're dragging the party down and make runs take 1.5 to 2x longer than they should

dungeon gear, omega raid gear, alliance raid gear, crafted gear, eureka gear, etc etc etc

Most of the quests in ARR are a slog. It gets a lot more tolerable around the end of ARR though. Good luck m8.

It's hard to make friends in this game. All the people I meet seem so clique based.

>talked up the entire questline as being supremely dangerous if allowed to be released
>ends up as Diabolos' used cum rag to be discarded just so we could stomp him again
Scathatch deserved better.

what server are you on


what data center is that on?

They're both in aether


sorry bud im on primal

they are unfortunately, you're going to end up linked to a discord eventually

Smash leaks are the biggest cancer by far. We still get daily "leak" threads months after release.

I'm on that server

>Weapon on the market is 50 ilvls higher
>does 4 less magic damage
How does that even make sense?

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Yeah.. and no offense I don't want to get "that" personal with people online. But it seems unless you start in a new FC you're kinda fucked as even if you'll join their discord they'll ignore you.

To be fair she was extremely dangerous in the first couple weeks. She was the TG Cid of Heavensward, where entire alliances ragequit on her or ran out the timer until everyone eventually got gud.

>Nigger just buy crafted gear
One fucking piece of armor costs half my total fucking money

i'm trying to find a new FC after the last two were filled with highschool anime-club level weeaboos

guess thats what i get for playing a game with cat girls but damn son, is it so hard to ask for a group that isn't pure autism?

I almost found one, until THE TOKEN GAY FURRY WITH ADHD would come in and everyone treated it like their pet instead of disgust like they should have, fucking degenerates

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Is it HQ?

My issue is either that or the whole FC is filled with boomers. Which wouldn't be bad if they didn't act like manchildren.

I only.ever had one group.unable to finish Scathatch, TG Cid was busting balls for like a month before people finally started to pull their heads out of their collectivr asses.

Arent gooks koreans?

I remember groups ragequitting Diabolos but never Scathach

>TG Cid was busting balls for like a month
Monastery was faceroll in the second week

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Eureka is super quick for 330 gear. Go to Anemos, do challenge log, then join the NM train. After an hour or so you should have enough crystals to get the first level of gear.

Mostly but there are still groups out there where it's a nightmare. To this day people still fuck up the meteors. I don't get it, it's a simple mechanic.

AST or SCH lads?

SCH is the patrician's choice but AST is good as well.
>tfw White Mage and boring

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>tfw you didnt get to attend fanfest this year
I love the hype... I wish I could see it live...

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SCH if you're a chad, AST if you're a trannylogger

FFXIV healing is really fun so it's hard to choose.
Trying to think of what Tank/Healer/DPS I should play for now until ShB.
I can never fucking decide.

imagine the smell

>Only good hakama, haori in the game is going to be a mogstation item


Will they ever actually nerf WAR in any meaningful way?

Yes in 5.0 but WAR babies will scream to the heavens and it'll be quickly "fixed" again.

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Not a permanent way.
It was perfect at SB launch.
Inner release SHOULD share a CD with unchained.
WARs should have to choose between DPSing and tanking.

Reminder to mod your game
Take by force what yoshifag won't give us

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>destroying your own immersion

Yoshi says he thinks tanks in general do too much damage currently. How much of an actual nerf this is going to translate to remains to be seen.

They just need to nerf MT damage, OT damage is fine.

SMN would be a lot more fun if Aetheflow was proc based as well as the gain 3 on a 1 minute cooldown.

WAR mass suicide soon.

Do something to make tank stance something the MT actually wants to use. Making autos actually chunk DPS stance tanks would be a good start.

The Fuga set? It's been one for quite a while already.

>i main SAM
Damn straight I do

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>embracing the ronin faggotry

>he's still mad SAM isn't a tank

Elezen females with 100% bust are the most attractive women in the game

What card is that? I don't play AST

The Spire, grants TP regen.

Brown hair with bangs
Height: 100
Bust Size: 0

name a more kino combination

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S p i r e

It is hard to say. They tried toning down Tank damage at the start of Stormblood by not putting Strength on Fending accs and having stance dancing halve your gauge.

Turns out when you piss off the entire tank playerbase and make their classes less fun because they enjoy maximizing their damage while still tanking you end up killing your queues and tank playerbase. Queue times were HORRIBLE for people back at launch because many tanks just played other jobs because the aspects that were fun about tanking got ruined.

>100% bust
My nigger

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I'll be perfectly.honest, I don't really find the female characters in this game all that attractive. It's why I play a female potato because I didn't try to make my character fuckable anyway.

Link to this mod?

I didnt want it to be a tank I wanted it to share with drg

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>Inner release SHOULD share a CD with unchained
I frequent /gif/, yet this is the gayest thing I've seen this month

>things toddler fuckers say

>tfw stuck with dumb asymmetric fuckboy armor
It hurts.

What do you expect from a game that has nothing to offer other that dress-up at this point? Hell we got reveals about the 24-Man Raid and the discussion automatically went into Races. We're no better than WoW at this point.

I honestly hate just how much the tank and healer meta are defined by their damage numbers. I main DRK so I understand the appeal of trying to maximize damage but at the same time I wish there was more recognition and focus on soaking huge damage instead of constantly trying to cut tanking corners for DPS uptime.

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>Hell we got reveals about the 24-Man Raid and the discussion automatically went into Races
The only reveal we got is that it's Nier-themed. Even Taro claimed he didn't know what the fuck he was going to do with it yet and Yoshi confirmed that in an interview just after when he said he was hoping to sit down with him soon and sort it out. What else is there to talk about except that everyone with good taste wants a Caim fight?

It is fun to both mitigate incoming damage and maximize your outgoing damage.

Honestly, tanking in FFXIV is some of the most fun tanking in any MMO I have played.

can't wait until every faggot in the game is dressed up like 2B hahaha

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>I didn't want to fuck my character
>that's what someone who wants to fuck their character would say!

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Any time I see PLDs and DRKs being bitches about main tanking in 24 mans, I tell them that a WAR would have asserted dominance and pulled by now. Then they start fighting over MT

>every tranny is going to be defiling Kaine's outfit

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I don't get it

The dumbass au ra is putting on his tank stance despite not actually wanting to be the pulling tank

Yeah but like you're never gonna get recognition for that sick Divine Veil you popped during a big roomwide or whatever. Nobody gives a fuck about anything except your damage numbers.

I should do this

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Reminder that XIV is no better than WoW and that the genre as a whole will die if neither of the 2 do anything to shake up the same old formula. XIV-Fags and WoW-Fags are just like /d/ and /aco/, fighting over what aesthetic is better in the same topic matter.

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Raid night didn't go so well tonight. Subbing missing members really sucks.

>war being in defiance for any reason, at any time
good joke

This Eureka shit seems complicated

What else are you going to spend it on

XIV literally does shake up the MMO formula with all the weird content they put in like Eureka and shit.

Sure people dont like it but they do introduce massive pieces of content that are relatively non-traditional in addition to the standard patch stuff like raids and dungeons.

People always go on and on about how these games need to change things up then never offer any actual ideas.

more like /trash/ since they want to fuck animals

>Weird Content and totally not an attempt to recreate the feeling of older games with a battle system that doesnt compliment it
Was FFXIV your first MMO?

>t. underaged b& whose first and only MMO was WoW post-Cataclysm

It's really not. It's a FATE train with a simple elemental wheel added on. The only zones that require you to do anything aside from killing FATE bosses are Pagos and Pyros.

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Dont you even get a dialogue option when Krile is explaining Eureka to you that is basically "All of this seems needlessly complicated."

What are you talking about? Did they announce new items? Can you show me?

>weird content they put in like Eureka and shit
Holy shit is this your first MMO? I know that FFXIV is technically the new "Baby's First MMO" given how streamlined it is but you can't honestly think that was shaking up the MMO formula.
To be fair in multiple forums you have had people giving feedback and ideas on how to improve on current content and systems. Be it bad or good there have been loads given but just like Blizzard the Dev Team once again repeats their 1.0 mistakes of thinking they know better than the players.
Split his roles up to another person and let someone challenge him.


WoW tries to reinvent the wheel every expansion.
FFXIV just keeps doing the same thing.
Both of these strategies have their strengths and weaknesses.

When XIV fucks up a piece of content generally it will get phased out and replaced fairly quickly. When WoW fucks up a piece of content you're stuck waiting like two years for a new expansion to try and fix thingd.

>WoW tries to reinvent the wheel
Which would be nice if the Devs weren't like the 1.0 Dev team who think they know better because they had a success before. They do try and shake things up but generally do it by ignoring their players and thinking they know way more than them.
>Same thing
Nothing bad in consistency but when the consistency gets to a point where people just start calling everything reskins you got to wonder why they can't make more given they put little effort into certain systems. They went from 1.0's "I know better than you" extreme attitude to the "We have something that works, let's not touch it anymore." extreme.


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>fucks up a piece of content
>phased out
Diadem and its child Eureka say "Hi" to you user. Everyone knows that without the Relic being shoved into Eureka it would have failed horrendously. It's more like if it fails spectacularly then try and shove enough carrots to bring back into the fray.

soaking extra damage just doesn't seem like it would work in this game, since it translates into "press one more cd" or "lel holmgang" realistically
i guess it would encourage more tankswapping but that doesn't really change how the game is played all that much since shirk exists

Pretty sure user was referring to LoV.

>Everyone knows that without the Relic being shoved into Eureka it would have failed horrendously.
What the fuck else would it have been for?

Again, thank god that Yoshi P doesn't listen to the idiotic western fan base.
If you people were in charge of the game, you'd run it into the ground within a year.

>shake up the same old formula

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Diadem got one try at fixing it and has pretty much been put in the trash can where it belongs. Eureka only genuinely fucked up in Pagos, Eureka as a whole, while not terribly engaging, wasn't offensively bad outside that one zone.

This is why I love TBN so much, you're rewarded for actually soaking damage with more resource to spend. More tanks should have tools like this.

Dont be dragging Fray into this, he has it hard enough as it is.

How the hell do I find a party for Eureka?

Kill yourself weebcuck trash

you go into eureka and type /sh LFG

>be rdm
>doing ala mhigo dungeon
>our astrologian dies to the second boss
>swiftcast + verraise him
>he immediately starts bitching me out for healing and thus wasting mana instead of doing bigger deeps

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>than god Yoshi doesnt listen
>forgetting that 1.0's failure was due to the Dev Team thinking it knew better than the modern market
>forgetting that they rode the high from XI's success
>not noticing Yoshi's current high from Stormblood and the Heavensward formula bringing him a massive increase on the SB launch

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>selective reading
They listen to the JP feedback, which is always better than westerners who want to push this game to be even more and more like WoW.

I miss XI

>check the forum
>baww nerf this easy trial
>baww why can't I play as a furry that wouldn't fit the game in any way and the would the gear design even worse than it already is

>They listen to the JP feedback
Then they would have listened to the BLU feedback which was mostly negative or the Eureka Feedback given JP was worst off in Eureka with more AFK-ing compared the NA NM Train.
>which is always better than westerners
You're gonna have to post some objective truth here user or else you're just one of those run of the mills weebs who take their love for JP too far and start idolizing the whole country.
>to be even more and more like WoW
It's like you forget that Yoshida took WoW as a basis for the reboot and is a big fan of Blizzard, Diablo and WoW itself. The man himself has stated that he attends almost every Blizzcon.

I thought this was a meme until I experienced it myself.
>post housing ideas in English OF, nothing happens
>post same housing ideas on jap OF in jap
>get items implemented in the game multiple times

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>he doesn't memeheaval

To be fair the Dev Team seems to be more ready to respond to smaller things like Housing though the JP bias is there. Rarely do they respond to anything thats not as simple as cosmetic changes or additions, which can net them more gains thru the cash shop.

>he doesn't stance dance

Does this actually happen that often? I'm on a JP data center and the tank in alliance B is ALWAYS the main tank.

>na ask for a good thing
>ex: racial hempen
>jp ask for housing items

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Tanks fighting for hate isn't that odd in Alliance Raids but I've noticed that in NA Alliance A tanks tend to take lead

>na ask for a good thing
>ex: racial hempen
>further homogenizing races for the sake of ERP is a good thing

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Can't monetize something that requires changing something already in-game for free since they did the Male Bunny Suits. You need to realize JP really is into housing to the point the JP region has a magazine dedicated solely to FFXIV Housing.

He's right though, what the fuck are you doing playing rez duty as a DPS?

What, do you want to just wipe when the lone healer dies?

let me use the midlander camise!
>hurdrhur erp
the racial clothes make no sense anyway
>starting au ra clothes is clearly designed for xaela
>hempen is an european pajama

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>tfw your friend sends you hot elezen pics all the time

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Show us NOW

Because the fucking healer died?

They could at least put another sleeveless top in the game. Why the FUCK do cat bitches get the only good one? Y'all can have my barely there highlander top

>tanks taking the lead
When does this happen, I have to volunteer a tank with shade walk otherwise groups would just stand there with 3 idiots in dps stance staying completely silent waiting for someone else to nut up
Like just play a fucking dps for 24 man's if you don't want to tank them, the queues are faster too

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>ignoring the fact that the JP was housing which is no different in regards to asking for cosmetic
>not noticing that neither region gets their gameplay requests answered

i can only show the ones that wont get me banned

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reminder that dnc will be gendetlockef

Man, I wish I wasn't too fucking lazy to grind for that top. The side boob is fantastic.

>being a boob guy

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Make an album now.

>Queue says less than 5 minutes
>20 minutes later

I just wanted to blow stuff up for once

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it's stupid easy to get in anemos since fates spawn all the time i end up having to throw about 10 of them away each time i go in

nah man

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fuck off to /vg/

I prefer bunny butts.

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Take your character posting faggotry to /vg/

Is your friend a girl?

fuck off catslut i want to see more elezen

avatarfaggotry of any kind belongs in /vg/, if you want to jerk off to characters that badly go to that shithole 4x2chan board.

>it's stupid easy to get in anemos
And there's the problem. I should just fuck around in there, not like I have anything better to do now.

>go to sprite island
>naked elezens, cats and lizards
>take ss of them

Attached: [Mori] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - 11 OVA [1080p BD][E2F7ECD9].mkv_snapshot_12.58_[2016 (1920x1080, 181K)

i dont want to look at cat and lizard futa shit,now fuck off and leave me be cunt

>leveling BLM
>Doma Castle
>reading tooltips during downtime
>flare doesn't consume all MP
>2 flares in a row
>"hey I wonder if..."
>"holy shit. I wonder if..."
>MP potion
>pic related
It's a fucking crime that raids don't have adds in them more often this is the best shit

Attached: boom.png (937x528, 753K)

It took you until level 67 to figure out triple/quadruple flare? You have a double digit IQ at best

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It's pretty grand, yes.

Fuck off faggot, there's tons of elf porn out there, go find it

its literally the first tier of eureka though you fucking idiot

I just do nothing but heal in every dungeon, I don't think I do enough high level content for it to matter though considering I'm still going through stormblood from having lapsed on my sub since its release
only one complaint in 200 hours so far about not doing damage

I've done absolutely nothing in eureka so I had no idea what tier each area is. I unlocked it back when it was first added and never went back after being in there for like 20 minutes.

Why do you pay $13 a month to basically not play the game? I genuinely don't understand healers like you, you just make the dungeon longer for everyone.

you don't need a healer in most dungeon boss fights
hell as warrior I can easily solo the last boss of skala, probably a lot more but I just know I can do that because i've done it. Just takes a bit longer than usual

he's dying

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>just do nothing but heal in every dungeon
Quit the game

Aren't we all?

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None of the bosses in hells lid need a healer either, my first run through there the healer kept instantly dying and the warrior self healed each boss

I'm talking about high end raid content user, not 4 man dungeons.

The Rathalos event makes it impossible to heal via spells, so you best learn to DPS if you're gonna do those.

mostly just to hang out with friends, since it's the little time that they spend away from fucking ARK. that and the music is pretty fantastic imo

that's fair, I would expect that in that kinda content, tried to mention that


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Honestly surprised he doesn't look worse considering the pressure the Squeenix board puts on him plus dealing with this game's caravan of retarded fans.

He seems to have barely aged desu

>considering the pressure the Squeenix board puts on him
He's on the board now
>dealing with this game's caravan of retarded fans
He only has to deal with that during NA and EU fanfest when he can't avoid ERP questions

How does it feel knowing Mr. Happy is getting flown out to JP Fanfest and getting to personally interview Yoshi? Yoshi sees him as the face of the NA playerbase.

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>Yoshi sees him as the face of the NA playerbase
Unfortunately he's not wrong

>It'sa lore!

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Only recently, and I doubt they aren't still piling tons of shit on him.


>we know for a fact that Miqo'te don't go into heat because at the very first fanfest lore panel Balmung fucking asked Koji about it
>he also clarified they're biologically identical to humans so they didn't take the next step and ask about spiny dicks

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pretty sweet guns here

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>talking about WoW on a FFXIV thread

Crossover event when?

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I need to go back and get blue steel I have not found a better MCH glamour since.


Just call it a fucking Handgun Koji you fucking fuck

>flintlock isnt a mch gun

Explain. I'm only level 50 as a BLM, and already use convert to double flare for big mob pulls, but how can I triple/quadruple my flares?

all the guns in this game look dumb except for the comically tiny garo pistol
do NOT argue with me, or even look at this post, just forget it exists and go about your lives

the garo pistol looks fucking stupid though

>Using an ogcd is a dps loss

why is lolorito so awful


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He's not. He literally did nothing wrong and is one of the most complex characters in the game.

Is the XIV account really shilling 1.0 when this encounter probably took place late in Heavensward?

>He only has to deal with that during NA and EU fanfest when he can't avoid ERP questions
Fair enough but the man has fed that culture very well. He has no one to blame but himself
>conveniently ignoring that JP also loves anything Housing and focuses generally on that
JP is no better, just their cosmetic focus is different than NA/EUs

You'll need to hit level 60 before you're able to pull that off.

That's the correct term for it

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Yoshi already stated he rather have a Diablo crossover if he had a chance to do something with Blizzard since he loves it more than WoW

Would you prefer Mizzteq or Larryzaur? Because I believe they are next most popular.

>shilling 1.0
Nigga what? The End of an Era cutscene was used as the opening of ARR.

yeah right

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>schemed to stop the traitor Teledji and save his country and the Sultana because he loves Ul'dah
>has a history of stopping Syndicate fuckery with Eolande Quiveron
>is WoL's biggest fan and went so far as creating shell companies so he could donate to the Scions
>financed WoL's entire venture in Othard and helped liberate Doma
Pretty based actually

The only thing I have done in Pagos besides the train was one week of the challenge log and I'm level 31 now.

Yeah but he's still a lala

who the fuck is eolande quiveron

Ask where the train is in /shout and just follow asking for an invite until a boss fate spawns. Rinse and repeat for a few dozen hours and you are done.

A Syndicate member from 1.0. Godbert is currently sitting in her seat.

Teledji and Fyrgeiss wanted her gone, so they began poisoning her son and putting him into comas. Lolorito decided to personally intervene and finance a drug to cure the poison. He later used the same poison and the same cure for the Nanamo scheme. Under the cover of the Calamity, they assassinated her anyway, and Lolorito has since felt like he failed her. Which is why during the Christmas event a few years ago where we met her son, he bent over backwards to help the guy for a simple favor and saved Christmas.

>a giant dumb stick that shoots a bullet once every five minutes
i would be fucking embarrassed to be an early renaissance soldier and get domed by one of those, it's shameful

why would poisoning her son get rid of her

They were trying to scare her into giving up her seat

I mean, if what I watched about early firearms are true, people in that period did think handgonnes were shameful and cowardly. That a barely trained thug with a gun could kill a fully armored knight so easily was unheard of, at least archers spent their entire lives training so they were more "honorable".

how do you play drg at 70 again i haven't played in forever

pokey butt

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What's the absolute fastest method of gaining light in Pagos these days? Is it still abusing level sync around the bunny fates?

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please stop it hurtst enough as it is

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God I hate everyone in this game who gave their character a stupid name

at least he used a (really shitty) cooldown

RDM is worse, especially in early game content. In early stuff it's impossible not to pull aggro off Tanks unless you just fire a Jolt off now and then as a single Verthunder/Aero is enough to do it.

>have access to a 440 potency move as low as level 30
>"woah wtf howEVER am i taking all this aggro? Is SAM op? Or.. am i just godlike!?

It's literally like a broken record with you people

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>post somewhat different macro
>someone has a meltdown
There's nothing worse than not having a full static and needing to pf.

pugging is fucking hell. i need one(1) more book to get my pants, but these pugs are drooling morons

1-2-3 and some ogcds between. Also, you sometimes need to make sure your buffs line up with nastrond, so delay 1st nastrond so you could use it later together with bfb.

>haven't raided in 3months
>want/need tank and sam set
I don't even have the energy to pug chaos and mid

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Later you get an "Umbral Hearts" mechanic that will let you cast 2 flares before running out of mana

If you use convert, you can cast a 3rd, if you then drink an on-level mana potion, you can cast a 4th flare

I like Ethys, but whys he so triggered by Yoko Taro and Nier?

>Decide to get back into it after a couple months, Chaos goes great, feeling good
>Same group for Middy has some deranged shield passing spots that maybe work half the time, party just scatters if we make it to hot tail

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Ethys is a stupid faggot who only ever reiterated lore that Sounsyy and Anony Moose collected for him, then peddled his shitty """"""theories"""""" like how Yda is an Ala Mhigan princess. Of course he's fucking triggered probably because he has to go read the convoluted lore of a whole different series if he wants people to keep sucking his dick.

I don't know any pug strat it's annoying
we did chaos differently than everyone else apparently
dps in, tanks/healers out for orb
line for earthsquake

Two weeks until fanfest. A storm of shitposts approaches fast. Hells open, Heavens weep.

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I just want to part 2 story so I can see just how hard shit is hitting the fan.

>I like Ethys
If you want to know about XIV's lore, don't give that faggot attention. I am the XIV lore sage and I'm in almost every one of these threads just waiting for the chance to talk about lore. I'll tell you anything you want to know and talk about fucking anything without attention whoring or monetization.

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i'm legit excited to see the "please make sure you have enough time to watch these cutscenes" message again

Mr. Koji are we getting male viera

Dps in is probably the worst strat you can do in chaos. Line strat is probably the best way to do it because you can have healers and tanks keep dpsing the orb and not needing to kill dps.

>cat face
>cat body
>cat hairstyle
>only "viera" thing are the ears

And the worst part is that everyone is going to make their viera exactly the same as their current cats.

Lore books so you don't have to follow some faggot eceleb.!BwkBkCKa!aOOP57ghNUpipf2e6woMCDj4_Dr_7Wd0bdwxCo2bsz0

Having a lightskin short Viera should blacklist you from duty finder until you fantasia.

I have both lore books. Why are people so triggered BY Ethys? He's a nice guy, I just think it's weird how angry he gets about Yoko taro.

>Why are people so triggered BY Ethys?
Because he's an attention whoring faggot who just repeats what the game already says without diving any deeper and shills his shitty bullshit theories

Tell me about Nym. I'm doing the Scholar questline, and they seem interesting.

line strat for orb?

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I just want to fuck an au ra

He hasn't made a theory video in forever. He's fine when he talks about lore, he doesn't even say anything super outlandish.

I want to fuck Yugiri.

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The wolf's are called Lupin you mongaloid.

What's good you Facebook-using twat?

Yes they would add another lupine race next to lupin and another feline race next to miqote i believe both things

A bunch of lalas got fucked by a plague that turned them into tonberrys

>I just do nothing but heal in every dungeon
>healers should only heal!!1!
Whenever I see faggots like you I grab my phone, use a cd and spam Flash, then afk.
Chances are high you are already on my blacklist, have fun with your 30min+ dungeon little shit.

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You're him aren't you

Nym was established by Lalafells who arrived in La Noscea from the South Seas Isles. They had a nice little trading port and refined a powerful form of arcanima. Their version of carbuncles were faeries, which they used to pass messages between ships at sea. They eventually realized that if they could keep these faeries summoned indefinitely, then the faeries would learn and evolve sapience. So they began storing them in soul crystals.

The War of the Magi between the Amdapori and Mhachi eventually came to Nym, with both countries trying to claim the country for resources and for their mages. Nym withstood both of the powerhouses with a tiny army consisting of small units of marauders each led by a single tactician, who were later named Scholars.

Mhach came up with a plan to infect them with a virus originating from the Void. The virus turned the infected green and melted off their facial features, turning them into what are now known as tonberries. Nym sealed the tonberries in the Wanderer's Palace, then magically sealed it away.

Eventually, the War of the Magi came to a standstill when the sages of all three nations could no longer read any kind of future. They all came up with different plans for forestalling whatever was coming. When the floods began, Nym sailed every ship on the continent out into the sea and used them to draw a giant arcanima circle. They used that to conjure a storm that would draw the floodwaters away from the mainland. This operation is where Limsa's Maelstrom gets their name.

Hrothgar are going to be the most retarded shit ever if they show up because they'll come out of nowhere.

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I don't know I want to know what pug do so I can pf

I fucking love Upheavel but I know for a fact that it's one of the most potential skills to get pruned in 5.0

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I wish I was Ethys, at least he has a cute gf.

>pruning a skill they just put in
why tho

>"Ultimate Legend" dies to trash mob aoe in BA
>Gets absolutely roasted on voice comms
I wish BA wasn't such a chore to get going, I actually like running it. I've got my mount, but I do want some more fragments and shit to sell.

>There is a world where the Lionhead Rabbit was the clue Blufever was giving us
>Lionhead Rabbits are dwarf rabbits with little manes
Either way, if you think Bara and Shota fags are bad now just wait till the reveal is given because its just going to start ramping up depending on who wins, losses and /xivg/ tier posting.

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I'm on 7 clears. Shits gonna sell for so much when people stop running it and people want ffxi glam

Have melee stand in one side and tanks, healers on the opposite side. Melee kill each other with blaze while using anti-knockback and tanks, healers get pushed into the stack of melee by ranged which also kill each other, usually 1 ranged stands a bit further, so he wouldn't clip healers or tanks, but would still kill the ranged that is pushing tanks/healers.

ultimate legends are just mentor crowns, laughing at legends is more amusing

>want a rod with crit and ss
>keep getting det and no ss

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Name one quest worst than the "Gather 99 X" quests.

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Stop trying to break into those groups they are always faggots who suck at the game but are the most try hard.

It’s fucking weird cause Yugiri showed up pretty damn early and while she was disguised it was obvious she was a new race. Fran came later but still early enough to establish a reason for Viera to be here. Whom the fuck are Hrothgar? There’s only one patch left for them to show up in if they even do.

Just buy them for like 4gil lol

Pagos Light Step

There's been some speculation that, because of the Nordic name, they might be one of the tribes that persecuted the Garleans in Ilsabard.

i thought they got rid of carbonized matter when they changed how materia works

ARR light step on release was 1000x worse than pagos.

They kept the quest. Basically it's handwaved as "well even though nobody uses it anymore we still want to test your gathering abilities!"

They did with grade 2-5 carbonized matter, you can still get grade 1. It is only used in the gatherer quests.

They did, but the BTN and MIN quests to gather grade 1 are still implemented, they just changed the quest text on both to say it's useless now.

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>Just buy them for like 4gil lol
The only way to get them is by gathering them.

Didn't the eye just absorb Lahabrea? It didn't kill him like that other Ascian I can't remember his name it was the one with moebredya or whatever her name was.

They already released ears, hands, feet and tail lupin glamours, why the fuck would they make it a race at this point

That last paragraph is really fucking neato.

No, Thordan ate him. Primals consume aether and Ascians are just souls (aether). It's confirmed he's dead in Stormblood when Solus said he was forced out of retirement to take Lahabrea's place.

The Nymians were the true chads of the War of the Magi. Reminder that:
The Amdapori had
>Holy, a burst of aether so powerful that it burns away voidsent
>the power to cure almost anything, with Benediction literally curing any injury
>angelic golems like Kuribu and the Winged Lion
The Mhachi had
>voidsent slaves
And Nym held out against them for several hundred years with just a few Scholars.

So then what was the method used by Moybreda? The same thing only the white stone was the thing that ate the Ascian?

Moenbryda's method was to condense a shitload of aether into a single powerful beam and essentially burn away the Ascian soul. SMN's Deathflare works the same way on lower tier Ascians.

Why does this game has so much sexual subtext, and even Mithra NPCs sexy posing at you when you walk past, while giving the PC literally nothing to work with in the storyline? My guy has blueballs that could be used to crush a primal.

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>while giving the PC literally nothing to work with in the storyline
>he doesn't know about Haurchefant

>was obvious she was a new race.
She literally had a miqo model until it was updated after au ra were revealed

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No shit but she obviously wasn’t a Miqo’te.

She had rat tail from the start though

Of course I do. Sadly my Hyur is neither gay nor spoiler]a necrophiliac.[/spoiler] I was sort of looking forwards to all the interactions with Lyse but fuck if she doesn't lose all personality after spoiler]dropping the Yda identity.[/spoiler] They took Minfilia's tits away, first in death, now literally. They will never let Alisaie have anything more than a crush on us.

any quest that's time locked. I'd rather take 20 mins to gather a stack then miss a window because you got you quest too late.

it was all in ARR, and a little in HW
As of SB they've even cracked down on "naughty words" said by npcs. "thall's balls" got changed to "thall's beard" and so on. I imagine if they ever overhaul ARR dungeons and areas, you can say goodbye to almost every raunchy piece of dialogue and context, like the kidnapped, raped women in the first dungeon.
Shame, I really want that sexy propositioning emote that the whore npc's do, but I don't think we'll ever get it at this rate

Ah, fuck, my bad. I'm playing XI at the moment until Shadowbringers

It's fine. I k

>time locked quests
what I've done every quest in the game and I don't remember a single one being time locked.

Ascians are really easy to deal with if they're getting BTFO this easily. Don't know why they're such a threat again?

Give me the rundown on the 1.0 plotline. I don't really wanna watch like 50 hours of youtube vids, not that that's a bad thing but I like having more context on all the binding coil stuff

It's fine. I know status removal magic. C'mon girls, these thrusts have felled primals.

Four of the Overlords have even died offscreen at this point. Mitron, Emerollolth, and the two on Gaius's belt. They're a joke now.

What the fuck are you talking about
In one of sb quests imperial guards literally talk about how one of them found mhigger prostitute who really good at sucking dick

How do I find a good FC?

Really? Fuck. But I could have sworn there was still some content/fluff like that, such as the black haired villainess and her backstory (haven't got that far yet) and women selling themselves to survive? Hell, the early SAM quests have the girl who has been having to whore herself out for her fathers medicine.

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1) avoid any FC that randomly sends invites out
2) know what you are playing the game for. If it's to e fuck, then there's usually a party finder listing every now and then that will lead you in that direction. If it's casual play then be social when doing hunts/dungeons/random shit and apply to the FC with the people you like the most. If it's hardcore content only, just find a static, again there are recruiting listings all the time in party finder
3) If you aren't gay, do not join any FC that mentions it is lgbt+ friendly

I'll try to condense what I can.

15 years ago, a man named Warburton and his daughter Ascilia escaped from Ala Mhigo carrying classified documents on primals. He intended to hand them over to the Eorzeans, but he and his daughter stopped at a parade in Ul'dah. Famed songtress F'lhaminn, and her friends, were planning to use this parade to stage a false flag to give themselves influence to oppose the Syndicate. Warburton was killed in the chaos, and F'lhaminn adopted Ascilia, naming her Minfilia in case Garlean spies came looking for her double agent father. F'lhaminn began researching necromancy, seeking to revive Minfilia's father to learn his secrets and to give the girl her father back. F'lhaminn's fiancee Niellefresne learned of a magical dagger in Lolorito's vaults that was stated to bring the dead to life and stole it. He then ended up murdered.

At the same time, Commodore Sthalmann of Limsa was approached by a man named Travanchet warning him of the coming primals and offering him the chance to fight against them and the corruption destroying Limsa. Sthalmann accepted, leading all of Limsa on a crazy chase for a relic from Seal Rock. Of course after obtaining it, the relic was stolen from Sthalmann by Travanchet who was revealed to be an Ascian. Sthalmann was relieved of his position, and became a drunkard calling himself Rostnsthal.

Both of these stories came to a head on the day of the Battle of Silvertear Skies. Garlemald moved on Mor Dhona and Midgardsormr rose from the lake to oppose them. Midgardsormr kamikaze'd their flagship into the lake, turning Mor Dhona into a wasteland and unleashing a massive surge of aether across Eorzea. From that moment on, primals were able to be summoned in Eorzea because of the weakened boundaries of reality.

>3) If you aren't gay, do not join any FC that mentions it is lgbt+ friendly
I'm bi but I've been treating this as a red flag. Am I being overzealous?

convince me that resubbing is a bad idea. i haven't played since HW launch, didn't even clear the MSQ, and would probably just roll a new character on a new server.

No, that's perfectly reasonable. There are plenty of people that are accepting of gays etc. without having to advertise themselves as lgbt friendly. Most of the ones that do the latter tend to have their priorities out of order.

The PC learns all this through Echo visions in the present, experiencing them as if they were happening in the modern day. Their symptoms eventually drew the attention of Minfilia, who was an adult by this point, and invites the PC to join her guild of Echo users. At that time, they were just a small, normal guild. They took simple odd-jobs, nothing crazy. Minfilia turned away people like the Ala Mhigan resistance because she didn't want her people getting involved in dangerous bullshit.

The PC's ability to use the Echo to understand any language eventually led them to playing ambassador to the beastmen and meeting Ifrit. At that time, Ifrit was actually very reasonable and discussed how his people summoned him because they feared the weakness of Eorzean leaders against Garlemald. Soon after, Gaius dropped linkpearls demanding the surrender of the Eorzeans and threatening all beastmen and Echo-users with genocide. Minfilia's response was her decision to ally with the beastmen and use the primals as weapons.

Nael van Darnus was then transferred to Ala Mhigo and given viceroy powers. She transitioned all native Ala Mhigans into slave labor to build fortifications. And soon after, the lesser moon Dalamud turned red. Nael had been sent with approval by the emperor to initiate the Meteor Project.

After some dealing with Cid, Gaius, and various primals, it was revealed that Dalamud was using a device called the Lunar Transmitter as a homing beacon. While Gaius fed information to the PC and attempted to stop Nael on his own, the PC and other Eorzeans moved on Castrum Novum in Mor Dhona to try and shut down the Lunar Transmitter. The device was destroyed, but Nael was waiting there to reveal that it was too late. Dalamud was alive and didn't need the Transmitter anymore.

Nael then raised up an Allagan platform from Coerthas, called Rivenroad, and went to meet her master Dalamud. The PC had a final showdown with Nael atop Rivenroad, but it was all too late to stop anything.

Louisoix, as a final measure, asked all of Eorzea to go on pilgrimages around the land and increase their faith toward the Twelve. His plan was to summon primals of the Twelve to stop Dalamud. Knowing he was going to die, he visited Minfilia and passed on his mission of saving the world to her.

You can see the results of that plan in the opening of ARR. Louisoix ultimately didn't summon any primals, but used that coalescing aether and the power of faith to fuel his binding spell and the time travel spell.

Afterwards, Minfilia fell apart. She didn't believe she could handle his mission and fell into a practice of simply believing in a higher power, Hydaelyn, much like the beastmen did. This brings us to the beginning of ARR, where the once-competent Minfilia is simply hiding behind a desk waiting for her savior to come.

I'm also drinking and forgot to mention that the whole story of Travanchet here leads to Alexander. The relic stolen from Seal Rock was given to Mide.

So yoshi P is really to blame for minfillia being a pos character?

Minfilia is a well-written character, but the devs mistakenly assumed anyone played 1.0. ARR is the story of her downfall. She's a human analogue to the beastmen, who are destroyed by over reliance on their gods.

Not really, Tanaka forgot about her pretty soon and she didn't played any big role in the meteor going down patches. Generally her cool guys with echo club was put in the corner the second elf and his friends arrived in 1,0

She also had great tits and almost openly wanted my hero dick. I still remember Thancred having to 'ahem' as she stared lovingly into the WoLs eyes in that one cutscene late on.

I love Yugiri.

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And she loves Hein. Sorry user. And she might be dead next story update, as someone has to actually die, and all the important people got put into comas while she has been steadily been declining in narrative importance since SB.

Who else resubbing to Shadowbringers only for the Nier patches?

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You have to let her go user, she's dead in two weeks...

>She also had great tits

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I still need to get around to playing Nier in prep.

You're right about her dying, but the only Au Ra that made any indication that she was into Hien was Cirina.

>1.0 had stone cold bitch Minfilia
>2.0 had fat tit waifu Minfilia
>5.0 is getting loli Minfilia

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>Be me
>Brand new
>Just reached level 30 white mage for the first time
>Everyone is simply lovely

I almost don't want to level up, because that's where I know all the sadsacks and tryhard are. It's kind of depressing

wait what's wrong with lalas? i just started the game and once i saw the onion hairstyle i had to make one, the little guy is super cute i even got a big floppy wizard hat for him

Automata or the original?
Either way you should get on that.

You don't know how right you are.
As soon as you hit Level 70 everyone turns into an asshole. And that'd be fine if they were at least competent and knew how to play their Jobs, but they aren't; XIV players epitomise the Dunning Kruger effect.

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In her defense, we fought an extremely underpowered version of her. The Mhachi trapped her in the weakest body they could find to limit her power, and slapped all of their best seals on her. So since she's not hard-confirmed dead, you can always hope to encounter the real (non-loli) Scathach one day.

Secondaries don't realize that Lalafells are supposed to be an incarnation of classic FF chibi sprites. Don't worry about it user

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lalafells are evil jews

Lalafells cause a lot of problems in the world due to their greed and lust for power. There is a lot of evil contained in those tiny bodies.

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I wonder what non-loli Scat would look like.

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You can't possibly think Tataru means any harm.

>non-loli Scathach

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Downgrade user. Hope they grow her up using magic. I want tit waifu back.

Sorry you don't have a family that Cares about you.

How much of that gold did Tataru give you after all the work you did for the Four Lords?

Why the fuck is Fyrgeiss not dead yet? We know he's in a fucking hidey-hole somewhere scared out of mind because his partner in crime is dead, and he's not retarded enough to be blind to Lolorito hanging his plans out to dry too. Or did I miss something? Bah i'll recheck my lore books.

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He's still there running the MIN guild. He just wasn't involved in the Nanamo stuff and keeps his head down.

Talk me out of using my fantasia to go to Fem Elvaan from Aura. Was saving it for Viera but they'll probably give us a free one again right?

Joke's on you assclown, I modded the text strings in my install to change all the applicable race names to the XI versions.

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>from Aura
No need. You are doing a good thing.

Honestly, she is /almost/ certainly dead. We just don't have a hard confirmation that she actually died with Diabolos, and as long as any explanation can be written for why she didn't die that also means as soon as any writer decides they want to use her again, they can.

I don't know what else to tell you user, but the cute little girl you see has been dead for thousands of years and is just a flesh-prison for Scathach. We have no idea what she actually looks like.

Cirina deserves to get with Hien too but her gods are like "lol no hyur cock for you in the near future, ask again later".

To be fair that gold was to make up for Alphi being retarded, but she probably spent the rest before getting railed by her Hingan lovers. Momodi would be proud.

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>they'll probably give us a free one again right?
My local carwash renovated and to promote that anyone could wash their car for free for the 1st week. Am I expecting too much of SE to give us all 1 free fantasia when 5.0 hits?


Dead on the 26th.

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His trap card

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I unninstalled XIV from my SSD because I needed more space. Say something to cheer me up.

Why not buy another SSD?

>betrays his own people
>betrays the enemy
>betrays the mc
>has fucking Ornstein kill the only elezen who's a total bro
around elves watch yourselves. he did things right but he's also a complete faggot.

>make my relic worse
>can't sleep until I fix it

Attached: 1545540465671.png (843x1034, 196K)

You know that you can just cancel stat roll in case it's shit?

I think my favorite of those i have seen myself was "nazgul darkheart"

By cancelling you also still add to the "streak" so no reason to accept if that's are literally worse.

Just join the imperial army and make sure to get assigned in novice barrack C it's her favorite

Attached: 62934402_p0.jpg (2048x2732, 880K)

>not Kirito Kun'
>or Kirito' Asuna'
>or Kirito Blackswordsman
>or Erza'''' Scarlett''''

>even more secondaries that think Kaine is a tranny
no please I can't handle it.

Attached: kainemod.jpg (1920x1080, 1.62M)

I quite enjoy gathering from time to time, just listen to a podcast while doing it

>want to use first ARR relic as glamour for my UWU gearset
>quest isn't available for no reason
guess I'll die

>try eureka for the first time
>quit within 10 minutes
who the fuck thought doing literally nothing but grind mobs was fuck knows how long a good idea starting you at level 1
even POTD is better then that shit

Putting apostrophes on the end of names so they can use a name that's taken should be a bannable offense.

All the gatherer quest from level 50 on require timed nodes

type B catgirl, RPers are fucking cancer in all forms

Have you done the postmoogle quest "Stroking the Haft"?

>Hyu Ra

Attached: 1497895868323.png (1068x1080, 657K)

Hold the fuck up what armor is this and can I easily farm for it?

I saw "Eraqus Xehanort" in Pagos today

yea but i was so exited of finally getting ss instead of det I accepted it, but it went from 700 to 400

Attached: uchiha.jpg (901x708, 170K)

>that au ra that mods elf ears onto themselves and trys to act like an elezen

Attached: 1548511077383.png (1027x392, 269K)

Each time I play with some fc members they always point out some silly character names which I was at first completely oblivious about.
I literally have no clue who this "Eraqus" dude might be.
Ignorance can be bliss at times.

For some reason I find the edgy ones more amusing than the weeaboo ones (they just make me cringe)

raen were a mistake

Attached: the absolute state of female raen.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

>Viewing Cutscene waves at you.

Holy fuck spoiler that shit.

That.. doesn’t even look good it looks like an edgy butch lesbian from Sims 3

mods delete this please

Attached: 1548405636020.png (626x718, 278K)

But mods created it in the first place.

Attached: 559BA4DF-C4B0-4E84-A9A3-376D901C80AD.jpg (600x600, 35K)

you motherfucking dipshit

...No, please educate me, user-senpai!

>we're stuck with shitty wannabe e-celebs for video guides instead of cute Miqo'te Vtubers

Attached: D1MJepyVsAAURS2.jpg (2000x1123, 333K)

delete this shit right now

Attached: 1550866278102.png (600x638, 497K)

I kinda wanna fuck it in the same was I did Jack in Mass Effect.

FFXI players.
This is what they wanted this game to be.

>Will have to deal with nierfags in my lobbies

Attached: 1536025482518.png (620x500, 291K)

I need those gunblades now.

Attached: squall.png (478x444, 110K)

Making Squall's gunblade a special edition pre-order item would have pissed me off, if I had any interest is cosplaying as him.

I wanted the edgy horse

There isn't even the slimmest chance that they won't reuse at least one of his other gunblade designs for XIV gunblades

type c roe
fucking hit the nail on the head

Attached: _cirno_daiyousei_and_tanned_cirno_touhou_drawn_by_space_jin_samplea65b3fcab53668e1da8f365632ca82ef.j (850x1153, 266K)

>hyu ra
why not just play midlander at that point

kill yourself you people are the fucking worst

Type B Hyur.
Just wish I'd made a male instead.

Attached: 1546312915427.jpg (1440x1440, 213K)

type c au ra
formerly type a lala

>tfw type A and B elezen

its a curse brother but one im willing to live with

Attached: 1523980285934.jpg (500x500, 31K)

I'm getting the CE anyway for the the mount, so the gunblade is a happy bonus.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-Collectors-Edition-4.jpg (1500x1500, 111K)

Say hello to your male viera, I mean male hrothgar, the LIONHEAD RABBIT with a MANE

Attached: lionhead.jpg (478x478, 19K)

I just want Hyperion.

Attached: dff-squall-hyperion.jpg (750x1000, 62K)

Genji-Gear from O1-4. Savage version looks the same but with better stats, iirc

Please user your family is worried about you

so what race isn't shit

elezen and hyur are the only one that dont have some massively annoying trait

It's up.

Attached: 1551541834693.png (653x841, 1.42M)

Savage version is also dyeable.

How can people stand playing Pal?
The animations and gameplay on it are so subpar compared to DrK and War. Its also gonna look way worse than GUN

Because they're paying 10 bucks a months and want to experience the content.
That's the only logical conclusion I can get

The world in FF14 seems really anti racist, even the bad guys are more imperialist than racists.
Why arent there more halfbreeds?

i just started the game what should i do?

>male viera are a separate race with a different name

Attached: this guy really thinks there'll be more egis.jpg (1280x1201, 237K)

The real joke here is that this guy has triggers for when somebody misses their combos in DF

Attached: 1533095108660.png (242x264, 88K)

Same advice as the comment you replied to, but ignore points 3 onwards. That's all max level/endgame stuff.

the one in Ul'dah which was a sexual innuendo?

I just really love this game, guys

>Type B Lala
Sounds about right.

So what the fuck was the gear was talking about?

>caring about weeb shit
That was your first mistake

>Not using mods to fix idiotic design decisions like the belly gap on Dragoon's AF1

>type C aura
>Well aware of how stupid edgy shit is, adore it anyways while having a chuckle
things are nice

>Male cat
>I'm none of this
Imagine my shock

I would decimate this faggot at this shallow ass pvp but unfortunately i'll never meet him

>Gunbreaker comes out
>Everyone gonna be "maining" it
>99% will be dropping it when the pressure of having responsibility cracks them like the soi-skinned egg they are

At least DPS will have nice queues for the first 2 days, good for them, after that i can tank in peace

people forget to turn off act all the time just copy paste the nael quotes in eureka sometime to set off peoples ultimate triggers

Attached: 1523289377772.png (1500x1500, 1.09M)

I never did UCoB, what are the quotes?

>1.0: Traveled alone, but fucked with Scions from time to time.
>2.0: Full time with Scions and Granpa Neck's Grandkids
>3.0: Traveling with Alphie, Ysale, Estinien, & Haurchefaunt
>4.0: Liberating with Alisaie & Lyse
>5.0: ???

>Shard hopping with Thancred and Zenos after he gets his body back and becomes our friend


>5.0 sex with Alisaie?

Attached: Alisaie 32342543.jpg (1408x2000, 351K)

I really want to get into xiv but the ui looks very intimidating.

So change it to your liking.

>From on high I descend, a hail of stars to bring!
>From red moon I descend, a hail of stars to bring!
are a couple of them theres a lot more but these should be enough to trigger some act nerds

It might look complex, but the game leans you into things slowly. FFXIV was my first MMO and it was a smooth transition.

The only thing you probably want to do is set unused hotbar slots to be transparent, and realise that you can move hotbars in the edit mode pixel-by-pixel with your numberpad 2468 keys, or snap them to the grind by holding shift and dragging them. Also you can resize them with I think ctrl+Home.

Will do so, next time I see people are in BA.

Read somewhere that Ivalice raid is a massive foreshadowing of future plot elements. While I can see how Ultima is maybe what inspires Amdapori to create their angel-like beings, I can't see the raid as 'massive' foreshadowing. That and Goug as Garleans' inspiration or something as seen in the end of the raid story.