What are some video games like BR2049?

This is not a stealth Yea Forums thread, I just saw the movie recently and thought the sort of world it portrays would work excellently in a video game. Cyberpunk looks somewhat cool but I'm not sure it'll have any of the same themes as BR.

Attached: blade-runner-2049_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqNJjoeBT78QIaYdkJdEY4CnGTJFJS74MYhNY6w3GNbO8.jpg (480x300, 40K)

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Deus Ex

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battle royale 2049 now thats a good game

This and every bit this, I love BR2049 and need my fix. Bump also, Deus Ex series is the closest but not really as vibrant

Deus ex

Fallout 4

Cyberpunk 2077

>blade reddit 2049

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Blade Runner

I suppose Human Revolution, for the whole 'yearning for the chick who he'll never get' vibes.

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The one im making, desu. Exploration, pixel art and feels.

>pixel art
into the trash

Glitch Dream?

Im a solo dev my dude. I cant afford a big budget. Also i always wanted to make a game boy color style game.

>pixel art
Take my fucking money

Cyberpunk 2077

No my dude, it doesn't even have a name yet and i haven't posted any screenshoots yet. But thank you for the recommendation anyway, that game looks cool.

It would make a lot of sense, since it's the only pixel art cyberpunk game in development that i know
But if you'd be kind enough to give us screenshots i'd love to see it

fuck off. Yea Forums loves 2049

yes and as the picture points out it's obvious why

Thanks for your interest. I just cant show anything right now because the whole thing is half baked. Its super early and its more placeholder art from free assets than original sprites at the moment. But rest assured i will show it off when its ready to show. Again thanks for your interest kind user.

i have unironically watched the first 1.5 hours of this movie around 10 times but i have never once finished it.

Satellite Reign. Check it out if you haven't looked it up. It's not very well known, but the aesthetic is fucking top-tier.


Attached: satellite reign.jpg (1024x640, 57K)

No problem
I'm really interested in any kind of indie games so if you post your progress on Yea Forums someday and publish the game i'll love to play and review it myself

is it worth playing though?

I really enjoyed it. Reminded me a lot of the oldschool shadowrun games. It's an iso-crpg.

Huh, I actually own this game. Must've been given out for free a while back.

>r*dditors pretending to not be r*dditors
I see through your tricks.


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I want to...... fuck Anime girl.....

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Real Life

Attached: BladeRunner2049-TA.jpg (1720x1290, 428K)

If you subscribe to the monthly humble bundle for 1 month you can get it for free in the humble trove.

a completely unnecessary sequel by a completely different team? really just pick any AAA trash game you want

>not posting the best version

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t. never seen it


as unnecessary as it was, I still really loved it. you'll probably never get another movie like it ever again.

vagina detected

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>omg my dood its liek gbc gaems!111!
give up and kill yourself already, no one wants more pixelshit