So THIS is why Yea Forums hates DmC...
So THIS is why Yea Forums hates DmC
>The Bottom Test, Yea Forums
Do people get paid to stretch the shit out of something just to make it look like it might be offensive to someone?
How does one become like this? I feel like you have to live a very specific line to one day be spouting this shit on Twitter daily
sigh one of these political threads huh
nice thread
damn i love dmc now
Aren't most DMC fans faggots anyways? I mean
>shit and gay music
>shit and gay character design
It's pretty hard gay.
I always liked DmC more than DMC3, fuck you all. Its actually a fun game.
I get the vibe that most the people who complain about DmC being misogynistic give other games a pass for similar shit but go full femfreq when it comes to DmC
>mainly is gay
WTF i love DmC now
>game one million dollars to the homestuck kickstarter game
i just think it's a shit game
Did you mean to say "manly" there tranny?
shit, sorry
but yea
Soi and anime has really fucked you up if you think that is manly.
To be honest, DmC is basically the game journos talk about when they say games are misogynistic/toxic/problematic/etc. and yet they defend the fuck out of it
>Dante is a manchild who lives the 13 year old fantasy of being edgy and fucking prostitutes while living in a trailer on an amusement pier
>Virgil murders a woman, not only by shooting her in the head but by shooting her womb and making her realize her child is dead
>Kat is a rape victim who gets her ass grabbed by Dante in the end
Why the fuck are you clowns constantly talking about Devil May Cry? It's not even a popular franchise. It's just a fucking meme weeb game with semi-fun gameplay and a dumb story.
Well there was the fucking sniper abortion so I can't really say he's wrong.
Just compare Lady/Trish to Kat, the only really prominent girl in the game that isn't a villain like Mundus' whore.
>But go off, I guess.
Script reading non-human detected. Post completely discarded.
>muh popularity
because talking about garbage like fifa and call of duty is so much better.