What happened?

What happened?

Attached: ohnonononononono.png (740x316, 368K)

Nothing, apex legends is still the game with the best gameplay of those 4.


money ran dry

apekeks btfo

Fortnite had to bribe people with a free season pass to get them back

Expect another surge towards Apex when the battle pass is released

Why is PUBG below Sea of Nothing?


Beacuse the dev is a retard that didn't ban chinks in time before they ruined the game.

no content in apex since release

overwatch got a new character, league deleted an old character and replaced them with a new one, and fortnut gave away their battle pass for free, added pinging, and respawning

apex literally jumped to the top and then let the opportunity go to waste by getting cocky and thinking that they could get away with no updates for 4 fucking weeks, letting cheaters, wingkeeper, and crashes spoil the game going unchecked

based and truepilled

No season pass and massive amounts of bugs and glitches. Once the initial thrill of the ADHD hero shooter gameplay wears off Cuckpex is as deep as a puddle.

Fuck off, Andrew.

So with added respawn it is just free for all on a large map?

Fortnite is shilling with free battle passes.
League is in the middle of LCS.
Overwatch got a huge update.
It's been over a month and Apex still have no update.

if they had banned chinks from the NA servers I would still play it.

>no content in apex since release

The game's only just come out. Are gamers that short attention spanned that they can't play a game without constant content updates? Most players won't even fully know the whole of the map and weapons/items yet.

Their shill budget ran out

here's what the average day looks like when there are no major events happening in any game

Attached: normal day.png (758x316, 403K)

>watching video games instead of playing them

>an entire month without content, extremely requested balance changes, or intensives to play after the level cap is reached
>meanwhile you can play similar games with GOOD optimization, constant new content, responsive devs, and tons of freebies that keep even f2p players hooked

and yet you wonder why everyones already fucking dropped the game? it isnt some single player title thats been worked on for months and can be played at its own pace this is a fucking multiplayer title with many competitors and its fucking slacking hoping to god a little "soon tm" is enough to keep anyone playing while every game ends in either some cheating fucker killing your entire squad with a p2020 or a crash

content is the ONLY thing that can save this fucking game and its absense is the reason its falling behind a 10 year old game like league which puts out content at least every 2 weeks

>League is de-

Seriously, a fucking month. That's not even long enough to get good at it. Fucking zoomers man, they all had ADD.


>thats not even long enough to get good at it
maybe if youre fucking trash who cant even get the 20 kills on a legend badge
everyone worth a damn is already good at the game and moving on because the game doesnt offer anything to the best players

you dont get rewards after lvl 100, you dont get rewards for wins, you dont get rewards for legend mastery
you get nothing and because you get nothing the game cant hook you like other games that DO reward you for skill and constant play

Why do you need rewards for playing a game? Oh right, zoomers.

They are probably the same people who complain about smash online not having rewards or levels

I guess the point of online isnt about playing against others any more.

because if im not rewarded I can just play another game that does

the standard is if youre playing a multiplayer game it rewards you for choosing it over the competition
if a game doesnt you can just NOT play it and most of apexs playerbase is doing just that
look at shroud playing wizards royale instead

apex did well because it jumped on all the weaknesses of its competitors and then it decided to make a weakness of its own that its competitors are now taking advantage of
and now its falling behind

The game is fucking barebones as it was released, people obviously wanted more shit added.

Anthem happened, it has changed EVERYTHING

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Fun fact: youtube videos with black people in the thumbnail get significantly less views than those with anyone else. I wonder how the new fortnite thumbnail will affect this...

>expecting a f2p game to have constant new content and events
This is why sub-13 year olds are spending all of their parents money on fortnite

This is what I saw looking right now. These numbers are all over the place. LoL is over 100k but not in top 4 for some reason. Idk how that works at all.

Attached: SmartSelect_20190308-214134_Twitch.jpg (1080x1726, 422K)

and this is why league of fucking 10 year old legends is beating apex
same f2p model, much higher standards and quality
thats why fortnite was able to comeback after apex release
and thats why apex is in the gutter falling behind fucking overwatch of all games

call it zoomers all you want, within the thousands of players making the game theres bound to be a few 26+ year olds who feel the same way

there is no reason to play one game when similar ones offer you more

Because people don't want to see a sub 70 IQ monkey talking, but the game is not about the characters but rather in this case about gunplay mechanics, they could put a humanoid lizard from skyrim and the difference in views would be around 0%

>you dont get rewards after lvl 100, you dont get rewards for wins, you dont get rewards for legend mastery
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Don't you play a game because, you know, you enjoy playing it?

>added pinging, and respawning
Fucking chinks always stealing shit

>league deleted an old character

when other games offer you the same gameplay type AND rewards you for it theres a clear choice and most players make it then and there
hell titanfall 2 is regaining traction because apex is being handled so poorly

on top of that you never addressed the "oops I crashed for the 23rd time today" shit but you know its hard to defend a game like apex because it IS behind handled poorly and just saying "zoomers lol" wont fucking cut it

old kayle is gone and replaced with a bastardization of her character

>League of Legends
>soon to be 10 fucking years old
>still fighting for the top

is this loyalty or autism?

Apex was the flavour of the month
Ironic, considering that's what Yea Forums thought of Fortnite

>no updates for 4 fucking weeks
theres been like 3 updates at least though. why did you think you could just make stuff up and think you could get away with it?

You got old and games have changed. I’m guessing you grew up with a new/genesis, maybe played some online with Halo or something? These
Sort of games are the new COD so I imagine they’ll be dead in

Fortnite got desperate and released a bsttle pass

OVERWATCH is releasing a new character.

Once Apex releases their battle pass all the other 3 are screwed.

>one gun
>weapon "balance" changes that havent effected the wingkeeper meta AT ALL

>when other games offer you the same gameplay type AND rewards
There are pretty clear and significant gameplay differences between them though. Are you honestly saying you have no preference for how the games play at all and are merely going for those which give you "rewards" which are in fact worthless and pointless digital garbage? Otherwise why don't you just play the one you actually like the most?

>People complaining about lack of season pass
Remember when people kept playing a game because it fun and not because it flashed shiny new bullshit in your face every month?

consider dying

a couple of weeks ago:
>"i-it's just twitch who cares haha"
>"j-just wait till apex get their update"

you're right, but it's still a shitty Battle Royale game with way too much RNG.


what as a surprise, as it turns out the content of this message board is pretty much meaningless fluff led by reactionary teenagers and sheep.

its been out for a month and they have content coming though. why are you so mad this game is good?

because not all the viewers are in the US

>best gameplay if those four
Such a high standard to beat, right? Your original statement is dumb and you’re stupid.

sure thing
>playerbase still dropping

Smash Bros > Path of Exile > APEX Legends > LoL > Fortnite > Overwatch

this is honestly worse then console war shit. these zoomers freaking the fuck out over BR wars and shit. I'm literally lmao'ing at your life kiddo.

>playerbase still dropping

>Are gamers that short attention spanned that they can't play a game without constant content updates
if gamers had any attention span none of this garbage would even be in the top charts.

Why do people even care about this shit
In the time you spend obsessed about twitch views of all fucking things and arguing about it you could have fun playing videogames. All this shit is just a show of how many zoomers are watching shit instead of actually playing things

it took them this long to fix the fucking peacekeeper and wingman, and they're both still incredibly OP. Everyone went back to fortnite. Shit in every other way like building spamming, but at least you don't get one tapped by shotguns anymore.

Multiple things.

Free Fortnite pass, maybe an Overwatch event, no massive Apex streamers on, and LoLfags do nothing besides play and watch streams so viewership is usually super high.

Why did Valve drones lie and say Ape Legend would beat Fortnite/Epic Store?

Attached: fortnite on top.jpg (1236x504, 223K)

you're basing this on twitch views and theres some gigantic overwatch tournament going on. Why are you so distraught over apex user? im trying to understand.

Cause it did, and it was for quite a while. Not unlike PUBG. Just like PUBG, they didn't update apex/fix the critical crashes and bugs, so everyone went back to the game that runs super well and gets updates every 2 weeks on the dot.

the peacekeeper isnt even bad. you're just too stupid to not run directly into one. its not even a top tier gun.

they didnt expect respawn to be so fucking stupid about updates
if the devs werent "wait and see;)" faggots the hype would still be there and people would be excited for season 1 rather than giving up on it because developer patterns dont change

you ALREADY know that if a new legend or weapon causes a harsh balance nightmare itll take more than a month to even touch on and it WONT even fix the problem
see wraith/lifeline hitboxes and wingkeeper

Fortnite and LoL are the most casual so they're the most popular with zoomers
not hard to understand

B-but the twitch numbers, though...

got updated and balanced yesterday, and the devs are intentionally rolling out changes slowly so things aren't nerfed because of a knee jerk reaction and to avoid fiascos like fortnite adding planes and the OP sword
smart decision long-term game health wise but they really need to roll out the hitbox adjustments asap because I'm tired of seeing wraith/lifeline in my squad every game, especially when the lifeline player never drops their healing drone

>Cause it did

Uh, no, you crazy Valve drone cuckboy.

Attached: cringe valve fanboys.jpg (1608x1029, 348K)

LoL is the least casual of those 4 though

>160 damage with 100% accuracy up to 80m
no it's just plain busted, my man. It's not as broken in close range combat now because of the barrel nerfs, but that doesn't change the issue with the gun being god tier in mid range, much like the wingman, while having such high damage per shot that you can get away with carrying one stack of ammo and being able to win an entire match.

don't even try arguing with them. they are zoomers and the human brain isnt fully developed until you're 25. So they're just not capable of comprehending anything you say.

it's also a completely different genre and it's the most casual within it's genre

>got updated and balanced yesterday
>not a single change to the meta except shit tier energy weapons now replace every other wingman and peacekeeper
>STILL no hitbox changes

they couldve just NOT changed anything but said they did and you would defend it
they ARENT handling the game well

It was shitting all over it for the better part of february, fortnite's sales slumped massively, it's MAU/ARPPU were down nearly 30% each.

The fucking r-99 is better then the peacekeeper. you're seriously just bad. Casuals think wingman peacekeeper is the hot shit when its actually wingman + r99.

PK barely got nerfed, it is still meta, and Wingman is still very viable but people won't touch it for awhile because of how stark the difference is


lol the dev banned me perma for "tking" with a fucking dev vac ban, I bullied him on twitter about it and he blocked me the ginger wanker.


>45 body damage + 90+ headshot damage
>12 bullets to do it
>faster TTK than any other weapon in the game besides the peacekeeper/mastiff/kraber

wingkeeper meta is going nowhere unless they make meaningful nerfs to them
I legit thought they would make a fair cut on their attachments cutting the wingmans extended mag and peacekeepers bolt, instead they did nothing and the meta is the same except now I cant get 2 peacekeepers every drop

>people watching other people play vidya
It's autism

This just put a huge fucking smile on my face. I'm so glad apex is dying fucking trash ass garbage ass shit ass cracker ass fag ass nigger ass causal bait. Fuck that game I'm so happy.

>some faggot tries to show off his glowing knife
>user anon check out my knife its so rare and cool
>look at him, look at his knife, flick mouse left and right to say no
>he gets salty and quits
the knife doesn't even look that good, I don't get why people are so crazy about it other than its drop chance

The gameplay and fun times is the reward itself

Apex is only getting carried by shroud. Also epic can just release goofy ass shit in their game and everyone will flock to it.


Unironically yes. You can't get away with content droughts like this when you're surrounded by all this competition. 1 month in and all they have to show for it is 1 weapon and insignificant weapon nerfs.

shroud dropped apex

Shut the fuck up and chill.

I'd like to see you launch a F2P game, gather 50 Million players and have everything on demand within 4 weeks. None of you worked in or for a gaming company, well some did, but it's absurd what you're asking. If you already want a battlepass and can't wait a week or two more, it is your fault that you got burned out and grinded to Level 100 in a week. Not the dev's fault. Not all 50 Million people are at Level 100. Chill the fuck out, please. Stop being entitled, for some of you as I read the posts it is the game of your life and you got it for free.

I think this pretty sums up what I wanted to say, please stop behaving like Respawn is shitting over your face, they're not, just because a new hero comes out that doesn't mean map development has stopped, should a new map come out it doesn't mean they stopped working on better anti-cheat solutions.

There are different departements working on different things

Just because "x" Hero will be released, doesn't mean that everybody from the security team stopped working on their stuff and went to look over the shoulder of their asset designers and pat on their shoulders saying "good job" and not contributing at all.

Most of you have never played Titanfall and neither have I, but everytime that topic came up, it was filled with joy, love and respect for Respawn. They're great devs, they know what they're doing and both EA & Respawn would be stupid to let this game fall at cheaters hands, we both know it.

Please, just take a moment to relax, if you get killed by a cheater, spectate him, record it, send in a manual report with the video attached, DO YOUR DUTY AND DON'T EXPECT THEM DO BAN EVERYONE WHILE CONTRIBUTING NOTHING, sit back, re-queue and "go agane".

You lost nothing. You lost a match where you competed against 57 other people and you would've gotten a nice "You're the Champion" screen. You didn't lose potential money.

Chill! :)

tl;dr release the battle pass, Vince.

Well, shroud isn't playing it at the moment. If he was, it'd be on top.

People should never look at the INITIAL numbers on a release and think about the long-term.

This is why I said to give Apex a month and see where it is. I mean, it's still doing very well, but people went overboard on the release.


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It's certainly the best fps on the list.

Announcing that they're not going to update often or make regular balance changes is gonna hurt them. For all that they learned from Fortnite, they apparently forgot the entire part about retention. Though, Epic probably has triple the number of employees working on the game, so maybe they just don't have the resources to do it.

They paid the top Fortnite streamers to play Apex Legends, that's why it was on top for a while.

is this really a twitch viewers comparison thread
nuke Yea Forums

EA is going to make sure that the game is minimum effort maximum profit so it will never get the support it needs to compete with fortnite doing major patches every 2 weeks. They will also ruin the battlepass by making sure it's overpriced and filled with garbage. while anything good is locked away in lootboxes.

This is why retards can't be trusted
It's been over a month and your biggest competitor absolutely changed the game and added a fuckton of things in one month. The BR market is brutal and getting your shit stagnant is going to harm it very quickly

I heard they nerfed the Wingman and Peacemaker. So, they at least did one thing.

>Nothing, apex legends is still the game with the best gameplay of those 4.

Attached: apex legendas netcode.png (1855x1032, 600K)

Even at Apex's peak, it was never ahead of Fortnite. The single place on the Internet where it was ahead was Twitch, whose demographics match exactly with the primary target audience of Apex. The problem is, Apex doesn't appeal to anyone outside of that exact demographic.

FN peaked its highest numbers AFTER Apex came out. When Apex was released, people didn't stop playing FN - they just played both for a little while.

Attached: trends.jpg (981x288, 39K)

Respawn is so bad at balancing they nerfed the weapons in a way that doesn't actually weaken them. You will still take wing+peace over any other weapons. The only meaningful change was making it so the weapons are slightly harder to find so now only some people find the best combo instead of everyone.

I follow some streamers (never subscribed or donated anything though) and it's just sad to see them streaming Anthem and pretending to have "fun" there. It's such a blatant shilling they could as well simply admit that they are working for EA to promote the game.

That's dumb.

This. They will cannibalize it in favor of BF without doubt. That what they tried with TF2 just to buy out respawn and gain control over the studio.

Increase max stack size of ammo by like 2-3x so high efficiency weapons like the Wingman / Peacekeeper have less of a space advantage (also reduce backpack upgrade size to account for this)
Reduce wingman damage to 40
Remove a couple of peacekeeper pellets
Make locations where weapons spawn more reliable so there's less randomness on landing where you might get nothing after exploring a bunch of rooms
Increase the hitbox sizes for the smaller characters. The hitbox issue is so fucking retarded it actually blows my mind
Make the ring more dangerous and rounds shorter

That's pretty much what I'd do.

>I heard they nerfed the Wingman and Peacemaker. So, they at least did one thing.
That's not a nerf at all. Nobody even noticed it.
It's so insignificant and tiny that it doesn't affect Wingman and PK at all, Wingman is still the most OP weapon in the game.

Firerate was not nerfed
Mag was not nerfed
Faster strafing was not nerfed
Sniping with it better than with sniper rifles was not nerfed

It's honestly fucking stupid, you will never win a gun fight against a good Wingman user (or a fucking hacker, there are tons of them, already recorded a couple - blatant aimbot with all headshots) with an assault rifle because you need to hit so much more compared to just a couple of bullets (45 body, higher than 30 G7 Scout, higher headshot dmg as well) from Wingman.
And you always need to have your target in your line of sight with AR but a Wingman user can just hide behind a cover and poke you without taking damage.

Wingman also allows you to strafe much faster even with ADS compared to any other guns (except the other pistols obviously) while AR / Sniper rifles / Heavy machine guns slow you for 50% and more.

Attached: 1387550455575.jpg (1280x720, 217K)

>firerate was not nerfed
yes it was

>ded server

>Rate of fire reduced from 3.1 -> 2.6 shots per second.

Oh right, it's so insignificant that nobody even noticed.
You can still spam it all the same.

TF2 died because respawn can't balance for shit.

asian servers are literally unplayable atm

BR is a genre for people with no attention spans
Unfortunately for apex that means if they don't shit out some circus shit every 2 weeks the game is just gonna die

Why are people still playing SoT? Only appeal I can think is from roleplayers

>thinking that they could get away with no updates for 4 fucking weeks

And what exactly is wrong with that?
Legit question, are you zoomers so inpatient to get some new "updates" like a battle pass with skins and cosmetics?

It's just a MONTH after the release of the game, they've released a couple of hotfixes already.

Attached: DeGtyFBU8AAPKwl.jpg orig.jpg (2892x4096, 1.26M)

sure just dont ask why everyone would rather play other games that are updated constantly

>sure just dont ask why everyone would rather play other games that are updated constantly
I play games because of the gameplay, not because I'm an underage zoomer faggot like you who needs to be on a life support all the time with some shitty updates.

Major updates should only happen once in ~6 months.