In the end, was he right Yea Forums? Are all reploids just mavericks?
In the end, was he right Yea Forums? Are all reploids just mavericks?
Deactivate them all, Let Dr. Light sort them out.
What is this thread even fighting for?
Giving robots free will was a mistake from the beginning. Light should never have created X. Everything went to shit ever since then.
I think the real problem was Cain trying to replicate everything about X without attempting to understand any of it.
literally what was he fighting for? just give repliforce their own independent nation and move on
The degeneration of the term maverick to eventually just mean anyone the government didn't like would have been really interesting worldbuilding by Capcom had it been intentional.
But yeah when maverick stops meaning batshit and starts meaning whatever is a threat to those in power everyone starts looking like a mav.
>let repliforce claim an orbital superweapon as a base and do what they please while an everpresent mindhacking viral madman who can turn any of them into his slaves exists.
Sure thing chief there's no way that could go wrong.
Where would you put them though? Humanity didn't want them on Earth and they sure as hell didn't want them on a giant space laser.
why couldn't zero just fix iris? she's only a robot
literally why did it even get that far in the first place? X and Zero are fucking retards for not defusing the situation at the beginning. "durr put down you weapons or you'll be mavericks", shut the fuck up. Even if they had ill will, it's not like it would've been hard to stop them right then and there.
wtf happened to sigma's face
Her core got fried when she fused it with Colonel's, then whatever was left blew up with the rest of the space station. Given that she and her brother were the result of a failed military experiment, I doubt backups were made. Sure, you could probably remake her body, but it wouldn't be the same and Zero knows it.
Considering how stupid everyone in X4 is I imagine X or Signas would assume Iris' dead body had a bomb planted in it or something and would launch it into space where it would just so happen to fuse with the Sigma virus
Fug-give meh Zero!
what is the point of robot breasts? literally just hard and cold chunks of metal
No. Because just like humans, free will allows people to go against the rules set in place by those of higher authority.
If you wanted you could argue the mavericks are closer to actual humans then even most reploids since they (some of them) willing chose to join sigma with their own free will, which wouldn't happen if they were programmed to be good unless given a virus.
lol what a gay
Aile's human though.
If reploids were made to feel romantic affection then female reploids' boingy bits are obviously made to mimic the real thing as accurately as possible. The only thing hard here is me when I look at them
According to X6 reurrecting reploids if forbidden by law. I guess Zero in X2 was a special case
It may not have even been a law until after X3. In that case, it might have been a response to Doppler bringing Vile back from the dead, or Sigma constantly returning, since normies probably don't know he's a virus.
I wonder how that works since we've seen both X and Zero both be reconstructed by Light/Wily (The japanese script for x6 for bad ending for x5)
It's possible that it might not have been a law if they hadn't considered reploid resurrection as something that was even possible. Or maybe Zero was just so important that the goverment agreed to let it go.
I swear to god if X doesn't nova strike her hard enough to create the guardians he is officially a gigantic faggot and dead to me
I want to lick that robo cunny
Well it not like the gob could prosecute a couple of ghost. If asked why are they alive X and Zero would just say 'dunno, i thought i was dead but something brought me back'
Is ok, it all ended in a comfy world flooded by water and treasures, MML world is a good world.
Basically. You can't trust an independent lifeform to not make their own opinions regarding things they encounter in their day to day life, and that includes Humans.
The reploid situation in X1 to X4 was essentially humanity creating a child and expecting that child to never hate them or think badly of them, otherwise they would punish it severely for being a 'Maverick'.
Now, all of those philosophical questions were taken out back and shot with the advent of the Maverick virus being this strange meta-substance that can physically corrupt reality in X5 onward, but that was the general idea of Mavericks in the early X games. They were radicals and revolutionaries sprinkled among people who had a dosage of mind altering subroutines. You couldn't ever actually fix the Maverick problem because you can't force Reploids and Humans to live together with zero strife occurring, especially when humanity wanted to treat Reploids as little more than larger industrial robots that can talk.
Technically they can tell the law to go fuck itself since they aren't reploids.
What reploids can and can't heal from is probably kept vague on purpose.
Zero had his whole body destroyed two or three times and he turned out fine. Sigma has to be destroyed on the subatomic level by X6, and he still manages to come back because some guy found a single chip of his.
Meanwhile Iris takes a sword to the chest and she's wrecked. It may have to do with Iris not really being made for combat and was just wearing a suit of armor at that point.
The law doesn't give a fuck what they are though. If they're a talking robot, they're a reploid.
Isn't there a fanfic about Mega Man crossing over Blade Runner?
Does anybody besides X and Zero's close friend know they are robots?. Hell, probbly only Cain and maybe Signas know.
That's racist.
from the thumbnail I thought sigma's face was a woman's torso in a bikini
I don't think many people even know Zero used to be the Red Maverick, do they?
THIS. Cain was an asshole who took one look at X and said "I can make a fuckton of money by selling this design that is miles ahead of anything we have and thus do not properly understand".
Gate and Isoc probably figured it out. Lifesaver also figured something was up with Zero, and Alia knows that X was found in an ancient lab that is supposedly a well kept secret. Other than that, I'm pretty sure the public at large only see them as reploids.
It is just so strange that he decided to mass produce a robot that could just ignore the laws of robotics and thought that would be a-okay without any form of testing.
What I want to know is who is building all the reploids, who decides their designs and how do you decide which ones get to be rando mc jerkbot and who gets to be cool animal Duff Mcwhaling.
Also, How one goes about integrating them into society. You can't very well just turn a bunch loose and say have fun.
Wow if only there was the technology to build a giant space colony in the X series
I thought this only became law after X5 and things just couldn't die past that point.
He literally said they had no idea half the shit that was in X.
And this fuckhead goes "MASS PRODUCE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS".
He's not even a computer scientist. He's a fucking archeologist. Jackass!
And when the robots show high levels of AI and act human-like... people go "oh no we can't control them so we must dESTROY THE ONES THAT DISOBEY" while STILL spamming the fuck out of the hyperadvanced robot design instead of taking what little they do understand and advancing the robots they had before X was found.
Yes, well they didn't run off to a giant space colony now did they? They ran off to a giant laser and pointed it at earth.
Are the boss mavericks the reploid version of furries?
Well the whole point of a "Maverick" was a Reploid that was a threat to humans, you could be a perfectly sane Reploid separatist and still be a Maverick if you were willing to enact violence on humans to achieve your goals.
wow its almost as if someone was manipulating both sides
funny how not only repliforce was villianized but after X4 the Maverick Hunters were as well
If only cooler heads prevailed
None of this would have happened if they had just gotten along with one another.
>wow its almost as if someone was manipulating both sides
Why does that matter?
>"Oh gee sorry guys, we only ran off and committed war crimes because someone tricked us"
Even if you look past the sky lagoon they're still culpable of
>resisting arresting
>Enacting a violent revolution
>destroying cities
>gathering a huge armada in human air space
>Pointing a giant death laser at earth
The colonel and the force had every chance to surrender and cooperate. They didn't. They don't get to be forgiven by saying LOL WE WERE DUMB.
Maybe? By the time the Zero series rolls around, around, animal or Mutos Reploids are officially considered a sub-species of Reploid
Just look at what happened to Gate's reploids. Repliforce has every right to fear going in and surrendering. People really don't give a shit about reploid rights.
>sky lagoon
Done by a Maverick Hunter
>The colonel and the force had every chance to surrender and cooperate
How do we know that surrendering won't lead to retirement? For all we know Colonel did the best for the situation
>Reploids, more importantly Mavericks, with an upgraded Double Gear System
Yeah that's gonna be a pass from me
What the fuck was his problem?
He was a disappointment
Too big an ego. He just couldn't dare to put down the fucking saber when x asked him to
Except there'd be even less Mavericks because Wily wouldn't have created the Maverick virus in the first place. Hell, if they'd worked together, they might have been able to create X and Zero sooner, still be around after the testing period, and leave notes on how to accurately replicate their designs.
>Done by a Maverick Hunter
Which they didn't know at the time and if the force had gone alongside the investigation, they would have been cleared IMMEDIATELY. So once again, Repliforce are idiots for flying off the handle at the first suggestion they may have to play ball.
It was running from the scene of the crime and then crying because it looks like you were guilty.
Why did they drop the political maverick idea so quickly? The concept of someone being labeled maverick because they rebel of their own will is a million times more interesting than le evil virus make them go bad
It's fucking baffling.
I'm disappointed on him.
when you think about it, repliforce is a lot like niggers and the reploids are a lot like police....
yeah epic fucking analogy, grow up already.
>they would have been cleared IMMEDIATELY
>implying they wouldn't scrap them and hide all evidence that it was done by a maverick hunter
Nice try, humans. Sigma told me all about your tricks.
>Call me a Maverick, Ill show you who's a maverick.
>everything could have been avoided if he just asked X and Zero if they wanted afriendly spar
Yeah right because apparently X6 didn't give us a peek into the justice system put into place for reploids
Everything would've been sunshine and farts, ask Alia
Repliforce did nothing wrong, the Zero series proves this
Not even wrong though. The Maverick Hunters come in and just say "hey we just wanna talk and figure out what's going on but can you put the guns away? we aren't completely sure of who's dangerous right now, sorry." and the colonel just screams about how he dindu nuffin then runs away and cries so hard about the mean policemen bullying him that he gets an entire army to go against them, actually a lot like BLM...
I realize that there would be no (or very different) games if people actually acted with even half a brain but this is basic logic. Even assuming a lot of history or records got warped there's still oral tradition of the dangers of a madman who used robots to do evil things. You'd think the second the new and strange robots started acting weird they'd kill the factories. Or because they had no idea half the shit in the new robots' design they'd implant killswitches, bombs, or mini EMPs as a safety precaution.
i've seen this shit in so many animes and it drives me crazy. a character nearly killing himself or others just to fight someone he deemed strong is the stupidest fucking thing in the world. gooks are mentally retarded for shilling it so much
iirc the Repliforce was on the verge of being retired anyhow as they weren't exactly effective as the Maverick Hunter back up they were intended to be. That's part of why Colnel and General had such a problem with what was going on, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right.
Honestly Yea Forums if you were the colonel would you have disarmed?
Nah, fuck humans. Sigma was right.
Yes. Colonel is a fucking retard. He's told that he'll be labeled maverick and still refuses to disarm because "durr my pride as a soldier". If it were me i'd have disarmed at first mention of maverick, no need to make such a big deal over nothing. It's not like i'm the one that did this to the lagoon, i don't even know who did.
can you link the full image sir
>Settling for a friendly spar and not living for the thrill off a full on, no holds barred death match.
You rack the wirr of the warrior.
The moment the maverick hunters find out dragoon did it, all of repliforce will be taken down out of fear. Colonel did the right thing. FUCK the maverick hunters and FUCK humans
>How should we show humans we're nothing to be afraid of
Like X-men up in this shit.
The repliforce was utterly fucked by X4, they were already in deep shit for general incompetency and the reploid-humans relations were in a all time low after Sigma's third strike.
The Lagoon incident was the straw that broke the camel's back, false flag or not the repliforce would be scrapped if anything to calm the humans. At that point it was a miserable execution or try a shot at indepedence and at least die fighting.
A shame we never saw humans after X3 or got a hint of how the goberment worked
the lewd one please. just link it
That's all there is
give me one legitimate reason as to why repliforce couldn't have just been given some remote island to live on independently
>not reploids
X and Zero aren't classifiable as Reploids since they precede the entire concept, but they're considered first-generation Reploids for the sake of convenience and that it's apparently a secret X is the father of all Reploids since it just never comes up. By Mega Man standards X and Zero would be considered hyper-advanced Robot Masters
we don't negotiate with terrorists
They want world domination not some shitty containment island.
i think they'd settle for the island and an apology
Reploids are by definition replicas of X. Dr. Cain was never able to fully replicate X's designs so all reploids are basically inferior copies of him. Zero is a robot completely unrelated to X design wise as he was built by Dr. Wily at the same time as X.
he figures that at the end of zero 4.
yeah and while we're at it we might as well give them our supplies, our food, our money, fucking hell why don't we just bend over backwards and let them each have a turn fucking our asses silly?
I'm sure plenty of humans would enjoy having their asses fucked by robots and reploids.
Isn't this missing ZX?
x9 announcement when bros...
ZX is after Zero.
hopefully never. 11 was shit and the x series hasn't even been good since the snes
Save the shitposting for console-wars Canuck
>laws of robotics
Asimov can go fuck himself
But Wiley's waifu was a shit
Yeah but it feels like it could use that too
He's not wrong. X4 was the start of the end. Level design was dogshit and difficulty was baby-tier. Focus shifted to storytelling and Zero began sitting in the front. X5 onward was just awful. X1 and X2 are really the only good X games.
Those were a result of Alia and Gate's other reploid colleagues conspiring to get them killed out of jealousy. Not the same situation.
Cain was a fuckhead.
Alternate playthroughs for both X and Zero was the best addition to the series since the first game. Fight me.
durr durr durre rndafieaufheuinga fjjgjgjn
that's you
Anyone else want to fuck this useless robot?
i'd rather have chocolate
Only if she put her hair back up
Mega Man threads are nothing but porn dumps eh? Hm, I guess I shoud've expected that from a series that prioritizes cinematic bullshit over gameplay. You're no different from MLPfags.
>and an apology
Which they would have gotten if they played ball and didn't start a war.
what? you want something to bitch about, i'll give you something to bitch about
The differing gameplay styles are really cool but X3 marked where they started catering more to Zero for enemy placement, enemy power and overall level-design desu
Why did they can the original theme song they wrote for this guy and replace it with a remix of Bubble Crab's theme?
X5 had lots of bad decisions
Have you ever even played a Megaman game? What kind of cinematic bullshit is here?
please do not respond to retards, it encourages them
Dude that happened in MMZ
Inafune's Zero inch Boner was what killed it.
It's bait
Not sure why people think this. X4 is the only game where Zero has more focus than X. Zero appears a total of three times in X1. He's dead until the last five minutes if X2. X3's plot is so minimal that it's not worth mentioning, and even though Zero starts off stronger, a fully powered X at endgame is more potent. X5 gives them equal development with X coming to terms with his best friend's origin's and Zero himself dealing with them. Anything onward can't be pinned on Inafune since he jumped ship by then, but even so Zero has pretty much no impact on X6-8.
>In 1 Zero saves X twice from an invincible enemy, and the majority of dialog is either from or about him. The most iconic part of the game can involve Zero giving his superior weapon to X.
>Zero is the penultimate boss unless you fight three minibosses that have Zero's parts and rebuild Zero, so Zero defeats Zero instead.
>Zero saves X from becoming a maverick in the intro, and destroys Sigma's final base, then pops in and gives exposition saying he's deleting Sigma. Or he again gives X a more powerful weapon to use.
>X4 is Zero: The Game
>Further games definitely can't be pinned on him because Inafune gave Zero his own series.
To be fair to that point, a crapton of others at Capcom clearly share the preference for Zero over X.
It is just that most of the plot points and plot twists are more related to Zero than to X.
Threadly reminder that no one hated Zero before Mighty Number 9. Fucking underage bandwagoner.
I really wish they could've made his buster better in X5, X6 fixed it but it was still useless because the primary enemy type hovered just out of its reach, still raped bosses in that game though.
>without any form of testing
I'm so sick of navel-gazers falling over themselves trying to argue like Wily isn't clearly responsible for all of the ongoing problems in the X timeline. He's the one that invented a robot powered by rage and viruses and designed him to destroy shit.
Dr Cain found what he understood to be a useful tool and tried to ensure it could be put to better use than opining about its own nature in a tube forever. If this was not Dr Light's intent, as the forward seems to describe, then he seemed to understand it was an inevitability.
He clearly failed to understand the methods of Dr Light, at least initially. But there's no report of reploids going berserk without external stimuli later on, and Sigma is the root cause of every maverick outbreak we see in the games. That means the ingame problems are 100% because of Wily's shit. Not because Cain hadn't finished any debuging.
But that's wrong.
The Maverick Hunters wouldn't exist if there weren't Reploids going berserk. Sigma was built some time after the Maverick Hunters became a thing, and Zero (and the virus he was sealed with) wasn't uncovered until even later.
Except for the fact that Maverick outbreaks were a thing long before Zero was discovered. It's explicitly stated that the first Mavericks were the result of buggy programming.
He's a maverick. You can't expect them to be sane.
>some time after
>>>ongoing problems
>>>later on
Yes: as part of the historical out-game information: The Maverick Hunters were around before we saw The Maverick Hunters encountered Zero. And it was because Reploids would break in ways that caused them to become a threat to humans and others.
But there's no mentions of Reploids turning Maverick because of faulty programming in any of the games in the X series. With 11 entries and it never being mentioned as an ongoing problem? Well that isn't ongoing. And a resolution is perfectly expected just with the iterative process of software production: where the causes were eventually identified and either safeguarded against or patched out of later developed Reploids.
Or maybe Light's designs are so advanced it takes more than a century and an actual fucking test tube baby to perfectly replicate it and it still goes horribly wrong. Cain was rolling the dice when he decided to make the reploids and he fucking lost that gamble.
Didn't X also help Cain make the first reploids?
Meaning the self-aware machine wasn't aware how itself worked?
They'd snap your dick off in a heartbeat.
Apparently. Might have been a failsafe in case X turned out evil. Wouldn't want him to be capable of reproducing.
Do you how all your organs work?
Why did Dr. Cain, an archaeologist, think he could just build robots after finding one? Always seemed like a weird leap in logic for a guy who essentially digs through dirt to suddenly try and build an advanced machine.
My body doesn't constantly analyze my surroundings, activities, and actions and rebuild itself based on material data to better suit to all of them as a listed feature of my anatomy.
I'm partial to robot masters myself.
Oh piss off, Zero was always the edgy faggot kid favorite.
Apparently, the threshold for roboticists dropped immensely after Light, Wily, Cossack, and every other robot master maker died.
I really doubt he did it all alone.
He either got help and funding from other scientists or X is somewhat good at building robots and analyzing himself
I don't know. Why didn't Dr Light solve the world's entire suite of resource problems with his site to site teleporting technology that can target and move a boy-sized mass all the way from Pluto to Earth and vice versa?
It's science fiction. Everyone who's a scientists knows every science. That's just how it is.
Dr. cain was an archeologist with some skill in robotics. It took until megaman zero to actually replicate x. X himself, despite constant exposure ever contracted the virus went it seemed like a pretty easy thing to pick up. It's really due to faulty programming and that's why mother elf was successful.
Maybe he just didn't have his own source code. Hacker robots, super genetically advanced 9 year olds, the same 9 year old but hundreds of years later, pseudo-scientist robots, actual scientist robots, and super-mad scientists all pretty much failed to recreate either Zero or X to a degree of fidelity. Whether they were going off of plans, or parts, or DNA, or by feel.
If it was a simple mistake holding them back: someone would've found out earlier than XXX years later.
The virus resistance isn't the key since the viruss wasn't involved in the earliest outbreaks. See . As for his firewall or whatever? No one ever set out to duplicate X and all his features. They just made a race of derivatives. For some reason everyone was just all on Zero's junk with that crap.
Well unless the fucking trading card game counts.
Eregion (the dragon mechaniloid) is a repliforce robot, and the berets used are all repliforce models. There was no way repliforce would leave the conflict as "not mavericks," even if they complied with a surrender. I also assume that Cyber Peacock was running information sabotage to egg the conflict further.
>There was no way repliforce would leave the conflict as "not mavericks," even if they complied with a surrender
I know there's no official definition in the X series, and the entire relationship between reploids and humans are fucked up because of that... but nah. Peacefully complying with the orders of an authorized official doesn't meet the definition of "maverick" as it exists in the English language today.
Go away ACfag. We don't need two named shitposters in mega man threads you fuck.
The fact that there isn't an official definition for the "Maverick" is precisely the point. It has become a meaningless term that is thrown around as a political tool to get rid of troublesome reploids.
I don't deny X is the superior choice. But all this "BOO HOO ZERO IS STEALING THE SHOW" BS is pure latecomers trying to ride the Inafune hate wave.
The court of public opinion would probably say otherwise, and "dismantling" repliforce as "a cautionary measure" would probably have happened. I'd imagine that the Hunters are on the humans' leash, so whether or not the hunters can actually weigh in on who is deemed maverick is up for debate.
What the fuck was his problem?
inferiority complex.
is part of it too. He didn't have the same respect for human life as his predecessor. and instead resented their position.
Anger from being forced to wear a shitty body stocking and belly shirt.
And yet he seems all too willing to condemn his fellow reploids to extermination for the sake of the humans. If anything, he seems to respect human life too highly, to the detriment of the equally worthy reploidkind.
So who would actually win in a battle to the death?
It'd be a perfect draw.
If X doesn't overcome his senpai with all that mythical "potential" we keep hearing about, that would be one hell of a letdown.
He didn't stop the Cewp
Protoman could take em both on
He was a victim of the circumstances.
Humans made him to be their savor, so that was what he did.
Protojobber can't beat anything
Yes, because he's clearly capable of it.
imagine being this gay and retarded
>dude the humans lol
Why the fuck do people go on and on about this when the only one we ever see is Dr. Cain?
Because the games themselves make a big deal about the conflict between humans and robot. From Classic to Zero, and even in parts of ZX and Legends the conflict between the two plays a key part in the story.
No they don't.
Why didn't they just install kill switches in all the robots in case they started chimping out? If my toaster decided to stop toasting shit and violate the NAP by declaring itself a sovereign entity and annexing my kitchen, I'm unplugging the cunt.
While admittedly less of an issue given the general lack of story, Megaman 9 delves briefly into the topic by talking about robots being decommissioned as a result of growing distrust about the reliability of the robot masters. Supplemental materials, including Light's research journal, also talk about humanity's distrust of advancements in robotics
The whole purpose for X's creation was to bridge the gap between robots and humanity, and Light even mentions the dangers that could arise as a result of the unforeseen consequences of doing so in the opening to X1. X4 is entirely centered around the idea of the term Maverick being used to discriminate against reploids attempting to act in their own interest, while in X6, Gate questions why reploids should be listening to humans in the first place while their the ones actually trying to rebuild the Earth. Hell. Sigma's whole deal is about the superiority of reploidkind and how he feels humans are holding them back from reaching their full potential.
The Elf Wars that lead up to the Zero series was the result of Dr. Weil being absolutely convinced that reploids needed to be punished for their role in the Maverick Wars, and he was able to convince the people to go along with his plan to use the Mother Elf and Omega to try and put all of reploid kind in their place as a subservient species. It was only after made his intentions for total world domination apparent that people turned against him.
In the games proper, reploids are being arbitrarily declared Maverick as a means to justify their executions in order to lessen the drain the drain on resources needed to keep humans happy and complacent. Few if any humans in Neo Arcadia care about what is going and are all too willing to ignore their suffering. The refugees in Zero 4 are also distrusting of reploids in general as a result of all the fighting, and it is only the destruction of Neo Arcadia, along with the deaths of Zero and Weil, and the saving of Area Zero that peace between the two species can finally become a reality.
Apparently, because the Mavericks were able to hack whatever killswitches they had installed in them.
Wily was a dickhead to be sure, but Cain basically facilitated the extinction of the human race multiple times over. He was incompetent in reproducing Light's work, jury rigging what he couldn't understand as a stopgap. The Sigma virus wouldn't have even become an issue if Cain took a step back and decided not to imperfectly create a disposable workforce.
It's amazing how much the better the future would have been if Light and Wily had just gotten laid.
Wily was gay for Light. That's the only explanation for all his frustration.
Advanced robots require the ability to make decisions of ethically complex natures independently as failing to do so would put more lives at risk then if you were to not give them any independent thought at all.
Zero could have saved Iris, there three possible solutions: 1) Let X fight Colonel, then follow and incapacitate her before she attack X. 2) Put someone to check on her, preventing her to go the final weapon. 3) Zero thinks that a maverick will try to attack her, so he knocks and hides her somewhere. Through in 1, she will hate X and it will be hard for Zero to gain her trust even after he told her the whole situation for 2 and 3.
Could she have survived without Colonel though? They are quite literally two separate halves of what was once a whole robot. Maybe her time was already running out after Colonel died and she wanted to do her best to avenge him.
It's not stated, but its possible.
But if so, she could have told Zero about it.
With no upgrades = Zero
With upgrades = tough match, X's armors give him enough power to rival Zero, maybe even surpass him, not to mention the armors have a lot of unique abilites, But Zero has his powerful Z-saber and is more aggressive, he wouldn't hesitate in a fight.
She’s human
Assuming she, or anybody else for that matter, knew that was a possiblity. Girl was doomed the minute Colonel refused to disarm.
She probably already has some cybernetic implants though. By the time ZX happens, human and reploid breasts probaby feel the same.
Fucker couldn't even take out King with his best attack. What he going to do, bleed all over them?