>SMT IV Apocalypse
>Strange Journey Redux
>Soul Hackers
>Devil Survivor Overclocked
>Devil Survivor 2
Whats the best SMT game for the 3ds?
>SMT IV Apocalypse
>Strange Journey Redux
>Soul Hackers
>Devil Survivor Overclocked
>Devil Survivor 2
Whats the best SMT game for the 3ds?
Other urls found in this thread:
Devil Survivor 1/2 or SJ.
Unironically Apocalypse.
It got the best gameplay and I don't care about the game not being a philosophy essay.
You must be braindead because it has shit gameplay as well.
Don't know, but I like SJ and PQ the most by far.
Not counting Soul Hackers anyway, since I've yet to play it.
Actual cringe. Keep begging for PS4 port.
Kuzunoha Raidou. What the fuck is Raidou anyways? Rider?
Sounds like you like EO the most
I played IV, IV Apo and Soul Hackers and I would recommend all 3.
Soul Hackers is one of my favorite SMT games.
For IV? nah, that shit can stay on the 3ds. I will never touch it again.
If you dont like apoc's gameplay then you dont like smt since its just improved on the other titles in every way, in which case why are you in this thread shitting it up
Apocalypse by a long shot
1. SJ
2. Devil 1
3. SMT4
5. Devil 2
6. Poopoo
7. IVA
this is non-negotiable
Soul Hackers unironically
>still has stupid smirk shit
>absolutely piss easy
>Still wants to be 3d so we get bland and linear dungeons
Raidou is wearing a normal high school uniform from that time.
Like you can see there , that guy is just yet another Nocturnebabby who is still seething that series went to Nintendo.
I just like crab walking through dungeons, fusing demons and filling out squares to good music. I have actually only played EO3 so far, to be honest.
I have been meaning to play the rest of the Etrian Odyssey series and Soul Hackers too, but my 3DS died a while ago and I have too many dungeon crawlers to play as it is anyway.
>absolutely piss easy
What SMT isn't piss easy?
And it has just the right difficulty on War/Apocalypse without being retarded spongefest.
lol, SJ is my favorite SMT. IVA is just fucking garbage and IV is weak for a mainline.
Even nu-Persona was harder than IVA.
Literally nothing wrong with it, stop wanting everything to be press turn, it gets repetitive
>Snooze Journey
Now this is bait.
IV by far
IV:A was a dumbed down version of IV desu
It was made before Press Turn was even a thing though?
SJ is the hardest on that list by miles and you know it you faggot.
It isn't bait if it is true.
its horrible man
and the fucking menus, jesus, they're straight out of the 80s
if atlus was remastering the game for the 3ds why not update to the modern standards, fucking lazy jap niggers
It's god tier, the only thing missing was more difficulty throughout the game but the postgame and extra dungeon had the perfect amount
"modern standards" are fucking shit
>pretending IV:A was easier than IV
shiggy diggy
SJ absolutely isn't hard at all. Or do you think teleporting floors count as "hardcore"?
>implying any of these faggots actually played IVA and isn't just shitting on it for brownie points
You are delusional. Any of the Mothers are harder than anything in IVA besides YHVH.
Devil Survivor is less SMT than Persona, it's bizarre to me that people consider it a good entry point. No dungeon crawling, no demon conversations, barebones fusion, barebones combat (wrapped in a barebones SRPG), etc. There's nothing wrong with liking it on its own merits but it's not emblematic of SMT.
It is a good entry point because it introduces you to the concepts and has some decent fights that require you to use your entire arsenal instead of just spamming attacks.
It isn't emblematic, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good entry point.
>anyone except Ouroboros and Mem Aleph being even remotely hard
And even then they're easier than Vishnu-Flynn and YHVH, unless you're playing on baby mode.
Oh come off it.
Strange Journey Redux, because the MC is basically doomguy but if doomguy had demonic powers.
Vishnu Flynn or the non DLC hardest difficulty is a pain in the ass.
All of the mothers except Oroboros and Mem Aleph were just gimmick bosses.
soul hackers has the most soul, also if you grew up in the 90s it will be pure kino
I don't know about best, but my favourite would be either Overclocked or Soul Hackers.
>demonic powers
kys chaosfag
haven't played the rest
Make me tuxedo nignog.
Vishnu Flynn isn't very hard, user. And YHVH was a pretty terrible fight.
SH for deep good combat without all the win in one turn press turn nonsense
Extra bosses are actually hard
Unfortunately, the story is so fucking awful
Ahh SMT...
What a great series
Lmao, green ass, the demonfus are nice.
>weak to gun in apocalypse
>repels gun in 4
I never thought the story was awful, just alright. What annoyed me more is the MC being stuck with molotovs and guns because melee does shit all until endgame.
But it IS a philosophy essay if you look into it
Not any of the Devil Survivors, that's for sure.
My first play through of smt 4 right now.
Im dragging my demonfu to the end game.
>he doesn’t want to become king of the demons
Depends on what you value the most.
SMTIV:A has probably the best combat and fusion, but fucking awful: world, characters, side quests, and story. Plus the game is easy as shit until the end.
Whereas Strange Journey has a great atmosphere, good story and characters, but the gameplay is kinda meh compared to the rest of the series.
Honestly if your a story/atmoshpehere fag, then it's a toss up between Strange Journey, or Devil Survivor Overclocked
If your a pure combat fag, then SMTIV apocalypse easily
If your a world building fag, then SMT IV, or Soul Hackers
Early game demons get heavily outclassed user, time to fuse her into a stronger waifu.
That is the bad thing about SMT, you can't really get attached to your demons because you will need to replace them at some point.
IV had a fantastic atmosphere.
I know she is unusable but i just have not found a better piece of ass in the game yet.
Are there any other bare ass qt demons?
Not saying DS and DS2 are bad games tho, they're just not for me.
I know SMT is anime and all that but DS is "too anime" for me, I know I'm sounding like I'm talking crazy.
I'm glad for the people who enjoy them tho.
I don't really like smirk, but every single other aspect is a straight up improvement.
There are lots of qt demons worth fusing, but I prefer top tier bros
Pirate the Exp DLC, it's pretty much a necessity for making low level demons into end-game powerhouses, don't forget to buy all the apps that add and extra 1 point on all stats with every level up.
Objectively Strange Journey.
But the other games are cool too.
Kaneko's design sense is out of this world, it baffles me that he ignores just how vital he is to the series.
I've beaten DS1 fairly recently and plan on 100% the NG+ at some point, but in the meantime I'm lurking this thread to figure out if SMT4 and then Apoc is worth picking up.
If I liked some 1st person dungeon crawlers from late 90s (World of Xeen), will I like Soul Hackers?
Yeah i guess at some point ill need the space
Hmm yeah i shall check thx anonkun
The dungeons are far worse though, which is a massive negative to consider.
Uzubae best demon
Oh leave him alone. He's in the flowers now.
Story is honestly nothing special in SJ, and atmosphere is only there for the first few dungeons. After Eridanus, it disappears completely.
Also DeSu memes because I loved it so I scoured the internet for all four of them (five, if you count the one posted here).
Soul Hackers is great, but it's a little odd. The protagonist takes a back seat in battle and is more like a vending machine as he has no access to magic, so you instead have Nemissa for big dick damage and a customisable demon with various forms depending on what you fuse into it.
The idea is you'll explore dungeons with just Nemissa and your Kadmon summoned (as every step costs macca depending on the strength of your summoned demons) then summon your demons before a boss battle.
But #FE is good.
I love Isabeau. Would she be okay?
I can't brain today.
I just started my first smt game (IV) and I've been cheesing it by saving after every battle and reloading when I get jewed by demons or killed. Do all the games let you do that? Not very fun really.
Here you go, user.
>love the tension of having to manage resources
>IV throws all that away by building the game around the MP refill apps
>also removes the risk of dungeon-crawling by letting you save anywhere
I did enjoy IV and IVA, but I do hope Atlus does away with these. The games are stronger without them.
He worked on this series for the most of his life. He just wants to sit back and enjoy the life.
Doi isn't bad, when he has full freedom, his demons are great. And his humans are all good, though I wish he made more old men, since it was clearly his specialization in Trauma Center.
Kozuka is god-tier and honestly better than Meguro.
Yamai has his flaws, but I respect his passion and he has good sense of fast-paced gameplay.
Shame that we never got to see original Apocalypse, which was supposed to have cast even older than IV.
All of them are god tier except for Soul Hackers which still has some very strong aspects.
>not having the discipline to save only when you are out of dungeons
Bro thats just like your problem you know?
SMT has premium memes, unfortunately devil survivor makes up less than 1% of them
SMTIV personally, even though I know the others are better in some aspects. Something about SMTIV's atmosphere is so fucking outstanding to me that it just wins out easily. Exploring the various parts of the desolate city, taking jobs to hunt down vicious demons, and coming back to the chill hub to restock is such a good loop. SMTIV Apocalypse had the same loop in a lot of aspects, but with the added team members and companions, it didn't have the same lonely feeling the original had at times. There are many points in the game where it's just you and your demons combing through the wasted city, discovering new blocks with various environmental hazards or risks, but treasure and bosses around every corner.
They're all great, but SMTIV wins out just for the sense of lonely wandering through a demon-infested city it provided. The 3DS had a great line-up for SMT overall.
A shame, honestly.
Why would you hamstring yourself? If the game lets you do it, why the fuck wouldn't you.
What if the artist for the Devil Survivor games did a Mainline SMT game?
Only SMTIV and Apocalypse. Strange Journey Vanilla had save points iirc, no idea if Redux changed it. SMTIV was the first game with the ability to save anywhere.
No, but he did made art for cybersluts.
The fanbase would throw a complete shitstorm.
>wasting points on the mp apps when the game showers you with stat boosters that completely refill your mp
Cute doggo
Reading Comprehension.
>complain for something you can do
>why would i not do it when the game allows me to
Bro chill like really. Also you dont do it if its unenjoyable bro.
Its that simple bro.
>Love SMT games to death
>Adore the atmosphere, gameplay loops, and themes in each game
>Only beaten Nocturne, original Strange Journey, SMTIV and SMTIV Apocalypse
>Feel exhausted after beating each one for some reason
>Have Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, Devil Survivor Overclocked, and Strange Journey Redux literally sitting, still sealed despite picking them up a long time ago, some 2 years ago
>Figured out how to emulate Raidou and been meaning to go through original Persona 1 and 2 one day as well
>Never start them, feel intimidated by even thinking about beginning one
I have no idea what's with me. I fucking love the series but starting one of them seems to take me so much effort just to sit down and do it. Part of it is that it seems most SMT games have a bit of a tough start till you get shit like Media or proper resistances on demons. But still.
Any recommendations on which one to dive into first if I do finally get around to them?
All the girls would have perfectly spherical tits that gravitate upwards.
Thats why I didn't say YHVH was hard.
Vishnu Flynn kept shitting on me because lmao Dekaja Dekuna then Antichlothn or whatever the fuck it was.
I suggest Overclocked simply because it's self contained and relatively short if you're not going to go for all the titles in the game.
DDS is definitely intended to be played back to back, and SJR is more traditional SMT.
I've only played through SMTIV, SMTIVA and DeSu2. Out of those I liked SMTIV the most followed by DeSu2.
Play Overclocked you nerds
A copy of SMT IV, please
user you're responding to: Oh hey, this is actually my OC! Someone saved it! I absolutely fell in love with Atsuro as I progressed, his burst damage has been ridiculous and he's such a good Kishin carrier. I took his ending because he deserved a Malibu retirement as the King of Internet.
Best route
Aight, sounds good. Still gotta get past the intimidation factor of relearning another game's little details, but I'll keep Overclocked in mind when I get that craving again.
Based. Atsubro is the best.
Sorry, we're all out. Is Nocturne okay?
The DeSu games are quite basic. Every unit gets three attack slots, three passive slots, and an autospell slot that triggers when battle begins.
The only thing you'll really have to figure out is which demon races you like, as they have their own special abilities. The MC also becomes overpowered very quickly.
Magic is fucking busted, I swear.
>mfw I built up my MC to be a walking magical nuke while having Atsubro be my Hackerman Doomguy
Also make the MC a mage because although Overclocked gives you many more physical skills than the original (where there simply weren't enough skills to make more than one good Phys character), the Almighty magic becomes insane; Atsubro is all the Phys you ever need.
Truth be told, I haven't played DeSu 2 yet, so I don't know how this advice holds up there.
>MC getting +1 movement for claiming his first Bel soul
>Pair this with an Avian
Going magic in 2 is painful. The best physical party member can die early if you don't know what to do on your first run, and everybody else early on has a bad stat spread.
Couple this with most of the party members you have to use before you can really roll with your own team tend to be magic oriented.
>shit plot
>turns smt into persona with "your mind makes it real" bullshit
>phys attacks cost mp
>apocalypse mode is just missing every other turn
The game has only 1 redeeming feature, and they threw it away 99% of the way into the main plot.
>turns smt into persona with "your mind makes it real" bullshit
Nigga it's been that since fucking Megami Tensei, they just rarely directly addressed it.
>turns smt into persona with "your mind makes it real" bullshit
That's how it's always been.
>And tbe best plot award goes to...
>turns smt into persona with "your mind makes it real" bullshit
It's how SMT works. It's the collective unconscious or something like that. If humanity believes in it, it becomes real, and the stronger the belief, the stronger the demon. Apocalypse had shit writing though, that's for sure.
>YHVH's power comes from being the most worshiped god. Decides to hang out and fight in an isolated dimension, where he can't gain that power for some reason.
SMT memes are one of the best memes in vidya.
Speaking of DeSu2, does anybody actually like Ronaldo? Constantly mouthing off about equality and peace and shit, then he somehow has a gun and straight up executes Makoto if you don't intervene.
>anybody actually like Ronaldo?
At best people admire him for his triangulum route/plan being so fucking retarded that it loops back to being kind of amazing.
Nobody likes Ronaldo, tho I will admit that his Triangulum ending is both the raddest and most retarded thing ever.
Leave my dog alone, asshole. She might've added nothing substantial to the plot and all round been unnecessary, but fuck you she's super cute and a worthier thing to fight for than these stupid alignments.
>"God's kind of a dick, human's are all assholes and the past was so much better, wanna murder everyone you've ever known nd warp reality to my whims to help make my (the guy you met like a week ago tops who has been shitting on you the whole time you've been together) dream a reality?"
>"Hey so, we're the minorities and we're basically better than God. Wanna suck our dick for eternity because I can beat Through the Fire and the Flames on this flute?"
>"Sup my dude, praise god yeah? Let's fuck up free will to become his bitches, since he's like super hot."
Fuck outta here.
>>>YHVH's power comes from being the most worshiped god. Decides to hang out and fight in an isolated dimension, where he can't gain that power for some reason.
He was afraid he would grow weaker, since most people nowadays are fedora tippers.
>I'll follow you no matter what choice you make
Ok I'm gonna kill everyone then
>wtf I can't let you do that
SMT fatigue is real. I haven't finished Strange Journey and Devil Survivor myself, both sitting at the final dungeon.
Digital Devil Saga is very fun though, currently playing through it, try to get through prologue (which is admittedly kinda slow) and maybe you'll feel it too.
You bring them back to life in a better world, that's the whole point.
>tfw traumatised by DDS
>every time I think about it I hear Muladhara in my head
I spent so long trying to get those emulator settings to work on hardware mode before realising SMT had to be played in software
Demifiend had it rough
Dagda was fundamentally right though, even if he was edgy about it.
Demifiend is for bullying
How is redux compared to the original SJ?
Papa Dagda brought you back to life, gave you a glowing scar makeover, and a leg up over demons. The least you could do is fulfill his edgy teengod fantasies.
Redux followed by Apocalypse then Soul Hackers/thread
Basically the same, now with a loli of fertility and the token generic fatlus waifu, except now she donut steels her way into view and carves you into meat chunks.
From those you mentioned its Apocalypse, but I consider Devil Survivor 1 the best SMT spin off.
Same but different art and a huge new side dungeon, there is also some slut that wants to kill you because of reasons.
Fuck I need to finish watching this. It was so fun but somehow I stopped watching after episode 8.
>Plot is literally every single other SMT ever
>You've always had interactions like this and waifus before Persona you'd know that if you played anything other than 3
>Phys attacks have cost MP in multiple games before
>Apocalypse mode is easy af so redistribute your shit better when you level up user
>Nozomi looked hotter before but it doesn't matter you can kill her and your whole team then revive them to be your onaholes.
I'm lazy so I just > your points
devil survivor overclocked
You can't do shit to her outside of killing her or telling her she is stupid. Game also added more endings that make sense, GOD in female form and 4 hard extra bosses.
Basically SJ Maniax. It even has Amala Labyrinth and Dante.
Soul hackers has the best aesthetic
1 is better than 2 for the characters and plot alone. Fucking Evangelion.
Why was IV’s soundtrack so fucking good?
I don't think I've been disappointed with an SMT soundtrack so far. I may not be able to play 5, but I can at least expect to enjoy the music.
You can proceed to kill them. Revive one as a sex slave and have zombie Flynn killing off "god" killers for you.
I wanted to fuck Gab so much. Then it turned into...that.
Should have killed your fucking friends boyo
But being a better alternative than Papa Fuck I'm So Cool being the sole pinnacle isn't exactly a challenge. You could literally whip out something like " I will rule over all of you as the one true god who stands above all that exists, you will suffer for all eternity under my rule, bent to my whims in order to fulfil my every desire. An unending life of constant torture awaits even the faithful, to speak nothing of those who oppose my reign Also, cheese and crackers are free on wednesdays in the cafeteria" and you've already beaten his endings.
For what it's worth Nozomi (+ your friends) are the only people in the game with your best interests at heart, everyone else is just as dumb as they are with a side of "fuck you" to top it off.
Seriously, would it kill a high ranking demon not to be a sack of shit? Why don't the bro demons or chill demon chicks ever get praised to high heaven?
When are we gonna get to impregnate demon girls? Serious just look at them they are asking for it. It is totally canon to FUCK them after Apocalypse so why can't we?
Strange Journey, IMO.
But I'm playing DDS on hardware mode as we speak.
>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series
Never gets old, to be honest.
Anthony, pls
It was some years ago, so maybe the renderer updates have fixed the issues
Let’s be real here. All 3DS SMT games are pretty above average as far as RPGs on the system go. But anyone who thinks Soul Hackers isn’t the best by far has shit taste.
>you will never be able to lawfully wed your Pixie waifu
Why live
"What? Are you looking at other demons user? I'll fucking kill those bitches! You only belong to me ok? Ahahahahahaha!"
To be fair, the plot builds dagda's plan up as something that makes all humans equally powerful, up until after you join him and he goes full edgelord.
Soul Hackers had a terrible mechanic. Mag. Also demons not being able to level up was shit.
user, I loved SH but I can totally see why people wouldn't like it.
I told you already user Pixies die from normal sized dicks.
>Apocalypse mode is easy af so redistribute your shit better when you level up user
Not arguing that it's hard, just that it's cheap and not a good way to improve difficulty.
>Nozomi looked hotter before but it doesn't matter you can kill her and your whole team then revive them to be your onaholes.
She's the single most annoying character in the game and you can't ditch her until the very end. Killing her alone made dagdas end worth it.
>Nozomi has your best interests at heart
Yea Forums has speedreader as an insult but what does Yea Forums have for retards like you? Speedplayer?
I thought 3DS was pretty damn golden for RPGs to be honest. Between DQ8, EO, SMT and FE and all those titles like The Alliance Alive and Bravely Default it's like hours upon hours of content.
>not punching god hard enough in the face that you can personally remake reality to have a human-sized Pixie
It's like you don't even love your waifu
Nozomi was kind to you the entire time though. Did you play it with dubs? Cause I have no idea how oneesan was annoying (or most annoying) to you.
>Nozomi was based and a qt in IV
>becomes a hypocritical bitch in IVA
What happened to her
My waifu isn't onahole sized.
Did you play her quest in IV? It was all about her becoming what she is in A. Best girl in IV gets fucking eaten either way though.
Isabeau won the Flynnbowl
>I'm going to rat you out for being possessed by an old god even though I am too like a fucking hypocrite
Mag is pretty annoying but if you grind it every once in a while and limit your demon usage it becomes a non issue. Demons not leveling up isn’t an issue either since the game’s built around constantly recruiting and fusing them instead of keeping them for later.
I apologise if this is wrong, since honestly I am very drunk and am not thinking straight at all, but wasn't his plan to separate the two existences? As in, he wanted gods/demons/angels/whatever they're the same thing to be free of the Great Will/Collective Unconscious' influence, so that humans couldn't warp them into their own twisted images and they could live out their lives as their pure state ("wind" or whatever in Dagda's case), while the humns could live free of the existences of gods/demons/angels/whatever they're the same thing I don't know what to call them collectively dammit?
Not really such a bad idea in concept, but by godd he's such an unlikeable cunt who does not get the point across in game.
>Needing anything more than Nemissa and Kadmon
Yeah I did play her quest but all I remember is her becoming fairy queen not her getting a personality 180
She didn't rat you out because of Dagda but because you unleashed dicks that killed shitloads of people. She doesn't say bananacakes or homeslice either it was just bad localization. Hell half of her in battle audio in JPN aren't anything like the dub.
The fuck is Kadmon?
Its still annoying and I like to play with my favorite demons in most games so that bummed me out.
MC is useless but Nemissa saves you.
The doll Victor gives you
Her route a shit, but she cute and redeems herself in Naoya's route
Oh man I forgot all about the doll and dropped the game because it started pushing my shit in. How should I use kadmon?
Hold up, I made a mistake. I am terribly sorry. I want to be clear that I think the Fairy Queen is also stupid.
I meant Asahi, sorry again. I probably should not still be drinking at all, since I feel like falling over even though I am sitting down.
You can't impregnate her so yes
His plan was to make all humans into god-human type beings in a new universe without yhvh. This would serve two purposes, the new humanity would lose the power to change reality by belief and they would be free of dependence on external forces to survive. The lack of "observation" would prevent another yhvh from appearing as well, and the lack of both this and yhvh would allow the old gods to return to nature. The old universe is destroyed regardless though since it grew out of the old one and overwrote it, meaning dagda and presumably your demons are the only things that revert. At least that's my take on it.
Just decide if you want it to be Phys or Mag oriented. The caveat is the doll's power is HEFTILY influenced by the moon phase.
Not if you start to kill your would be murderers and metatron's bitches like they deserve.
Good night SMT frens. These threads are always so comfy.
No they stop existing since they are just living nature. He was angry he was given shape by humans rather than just being nature. (Sentient immortal beings want to not be sentient)
Man, You couldn't catch a break on Nocturne, one was a self-righteous asshole that went full Hitler and the other was a NEET.
His ending dialogue says he'll be watching over you though, can't do that if you're dead. Either way though humanity is still better off.
SMT4A imo is the best overall. SJ has the best atmosphere and probably challenge but its gameplay isn't so great so sometimes that challenge feels fucking gay as fuck.
Metaphorically. Cause he is just the fucking wind by then.
At least he has Pixie.
Haven't played Q2 yet since it hasn't been localized.
I'm playng it right now I already played the original years ago and I have very mixed feelings about Womb of Grief, I mean plot and design wise is supossed to be done in parallel with the plot but if you do that the main plot becomes a picnic, right now I'm at eridanus and once I fihish I will go to the "4th Kalpa".
Q isn't SMT
My money is on Q2 being a huge disappointment.
I want the new demons to be in 5
He flat out says he has memories of being nature when he argues with danu, can't have memories of a time when you're dead.
I only have Anahita and Ishtar and both are beasts, I'm still "grinding" for White rider at Delphinus.
He was happy being nature not having a body.
Ishtar has been around for a while though. New demon is literally the fucking Virgin Mary user. :D
Ok, now that we're at topic there's something that has been bothering me, what was the sin that he committed? the one that Lucifer was speaking at the 5th Kalpa?
Played both IV:A is easier the beginning in smt 4 feels brutal even when comparing it to nocturne
he killed the big yellow head
Wait , what? IS he Aleph?
That's the theory.
While IV’s beginning certainly is brutal the game mellows out a lot after you beat Medusa
In comparison IVA’s difficulty is a lot more consistent and it has some genuine “fuck you” bosses at points.
Agreed YHVH still gives me nightmares to this day
He isn't Aleph.
How do I beat Vishnu-Flynn
Don't be an edgelord and fall for the "kill your friends" meme and use Isabeu.
He's easy with or without em.
He gains a weakness to hama/mudo spells during his later phases so have demons with those. Beside that it's just a case of git gud by that point in the game.
get immunity to light/dark
concentrate+debilitate+candy+skip+highest almighty spell
what do you think her feet smell like?
Is he /our/ guy?