Happy International Women's Day Yea Forums! Let's celebrate by posting our favorite female characters, developers and just any female you appreciate in this industry!
Happy International Women's Day Yea Forums! Let's celebrate by posting our favorite female characters...
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I love Felicia
here's to women of gaming.
i see you are a man of taste.jpg
The world would be a better place if all women expired and died the very same second they turned 20. Absolutely all problems in the world would be solved by this happening.
Who are the fifth one and the last one?
Ironic since you’re obviously the one that should end themselves to improve the world.
Also, posting my wife
I don't cause any suffering what so ever by existing, so I intend to keep doing so until I can in fact cause suffering by existing. Maybe by eventually being old and bitter and having pretty little girls wipe my ass in a nursing home while I laugh at them.
Yuki (last blade) and Nina IV
I'm a sucker for overcoming childhood trauma [\spoiler] along with other things
My wife!
Er, sorry, I meant the seventh one.
legit question
how does Yea Forums women feel about women's day?
no trannies please
FUCK Women literally
Women are literally ruining the gaming industry or at least trying.
That being said I still have plenty of fond memories of female characters and female centered games. I just wish they'd cut their shit out now.
He said no trannies.
I am impartial because I love being a white male that doesn't need a day or month for my identity, but rather our accomplishments
I'm a regular ass straight man tho.
>appreciating roasties
>how does Yea Forums women feel about women's day?
Can you not read then?
Cute and funny.
Just Monika
Ah, didn't see the women part, my bad.
>8-3 is women's day
>date looks like an ass and boobs
Whoever made this day IWD was a man and he's laughing his sexist ass off.
dum dums
cutest and funniest
Your wife is a slut and a whore.
Now Mahiru, that's a real girl
I think most actual girls on Yea Forums would be avoiding this thread like the plague because experience has taught them that the only way to have a normal conversation here is to pretend not to be a woman, since by and large almost all men on Yea Forums are here because women ruined our lives in some capacity
You know it
best girl
Aren't we here because we like video games but also swearing?
I'll be honest I forgot it was international women's day. Which is ironic since I just beat Child of Light several hours ago.
So I guess shout out to Aurora.
>Let's celebrate by posting our favorite female characters
Its literally a socialist holiday, go figure. Women and libcucks, hand in hand
Reading your posts is suffering enough
I know you meant this as some smartass incel woman hating thing but I do appreciate women that built this industry and gave us wonderful stories and characters. Roberta Williams, Jane Jensen, and Christy Marx are awesome. Gabriel Knight is still probably the best adventure game story that aims at being mature without relying on gore or nudity. Rosella is the absolute epitome of everything people say is missing in female characters and she starred in her first game in the 80s.
I wish both sides today could shut up a little and appreciate history. But no, boys whine about not being the only audience and SJW types cry when a single minute is devoted to anything but ugly lesbian biracial characters designed by blue haired pasty autistic dykes. Fuck you both.
>I think most actual girls on Yea Forums would be avoiding this thread like the plague
that's what I thought but I've never met a woman on Yea Forums so I don't know
I enter in threads I'm probably going to hate
>almost all men on Yea Forums are here because women ruined our lives in some capacity
can relate
I came here for videogames 10 years ago.
I stayed here because when I got severely fucked in the heart because of a woman, talking about videogames helped a lot
Who gives a shit what gender people are holy shit
>implying anyone here actually hates women
you wouldn't be on Yea Forums if your life didn't go terribly wrong at some point, there's plenty of other more civilized and nice places on the internet to discuss vidya. I don't go to those places because I don't want to hide how unreasonably much I want to murder and hatefuck people I disagree with. Just like how I don't want in any at all way hide that I absolutely do not see women as anything but inhuman sexual objects set upon this world to cause torment and destroy lives, like my mother for example.
Speak for yourself, I'm just here for the bantz.
Video game characters aren't real people retard.
Ehh, I actually migrated from Funnyjunk to Yea Forums many years ago, then moved to Yea Forums, and stayed because I like videogames but also shitpost.
If anime can be real why can't vidya gaem grills!?
I'm aware, which is why I still like fictional girls.
im just here because i dont want to have an identity and reputation on social media
im on lenten nofap
Look, you can downplay being weirdos all you want but you're here rather than on facebook or reddit for a reason.
BASED taste
This is a bad day for Yea Forums to be a blue board.
Yeah, because I like swearing, I can't be a dick and get away with it in other social media because I have a reputation to take care of, that is the magic of being Anonymous.
that's a boy
Im glad you are happy with your plain dyke magnet waifu. I will keep my busty angel for myself
All of those are 1000+ year old, they could be your ancestors.
absolutely and I don't disagree, but wanting to be allowed to be a total dick online isn't a trait you develop as a normalfag
he's old now, do not want
it's not a boy while wearing a skirt
>in a world full of dicks
>normalfags can't be dicks
No one is truly normal, it all depends how well you hide your weirdness.
you are trying way too hard to fit in.
Would Gracie count since there a male in Japan but female elsewhere?
hope you're doing alright user
thanks user
I went through a personal hell but learned a lot too
now doing better
That's a she-goat, not a lady
I love my gorgeous wife!
So no place for MILFs in your ideal world?
Too much anime in this thread
>Too much anime in this anime site
i'm a pretty big fan of natsuki.
god I love arms h-how do you think her pits taste/smell like
Underrated post.
is this better?
>Women's day
>Yea Forums celebrates by posting eye candies and soft core models
Based and , would I dare to say it, redpilled
But you technically do hide because you are posting anonymously. If you truly wanted to no longer hide how you feel, you'd be stating these sentiments publicly.
Also, for me, it's Maxine.
What should we post?
Tfw her only good quality is being good fuckmeat, everything else except her pussy is as shallow as a puddle.
Happy IWD, to big sister Maya and Minako!
ugly "progressive" """women"""
>row 4, column 1
Ugly realistic over 80 kg land whales of course.
You are not wrong. Max is enough of a blank slate that it is very easy to project perfection onto her. As she stands in her game, she isn't the best character, but she is a great template for a dream girl.
I did act the way I do here on Facepunch maybe around 5 years ago, and I got permanently banned about 4 or 5 times
>favorite female characters
I love my wife
I can barely even think of any male developers I like dude
>any female you appreciate in this industry
OSTER project, Yoko Shimomura, and Michiko Naruke are all based
>how can any other woman in the industry even compete?
Anything not with a tripcode you fucking stupid piece of shit tripfag. Kill yourself
let's switch it up
post vidya mommies
Say no more, boys.
Show the women in your life how much you love them by giving them a cheat pass! Encourage them to cheat on you, and preferably with a POC!
based, redpilled, subscribed and made a reaction video
I dunno, looks like a dick to me, bruh.
fuck off, jew
If the POC gives me an N-word pass we have a deal!
Seriously, whats the deal with them? They fucking or what?
Rocks provide extra friction
Mai farming waifu
>needing a pass to say the n word
Fake gamer detected. What makes us gamers stand out in society (keep in mind we live in one) is that we don't pull punches. We game hard. We get shit done. And we don't let anybody tell us we can't say the n word.
My favorite female yokai
>easy to get
>strong attack
>huge boobs
>SPR boost and faster soultimate recharge
Marona Phantom brave
She probably poses lewdly for him and makes him jack off.
feed and seed
But...its Pit. Does he even know what sex is? Or have any kind of sex drive? Kid's an idiot.
Maybe Palutena gave him a sex drive so she can control him.
>Let's celebrate by posting our favorite female characters
Like we do every other day?
merveille million
Why couldn't she have been in a better game?
I love Nyotengu
>merveille instead of Stare or Chocolat
what a nigger
She was possessed user, in reality she don't wants your dick, at least not this bad.
I fail to see the problem here.
In a better game they wouldn't flush 90% of her character development down the drain like that.
includes favorite male characters, but I already made this beforehand
How come western journalism never mentions the vast array of women in the Japanese game industry? Especially composers, tons of the most classic game soundtracks (mega man 2, street fighter, all the mario RPGs etc) were composed by women
Uff da
> couldn't just take two seconds to crop the right
why are you so fucking lazy
Someone post thicc KINUKO please
Asian developers don't push their feminist agenda.
those two seconds were valuable time saved
Fuck off nigger tranny
When feminists tried to ban adult doujin in japan, female mangakas came out and shut them down.
I want to marry Pecan!
i want to marry both
To be fair, that shit was found in excess amounts and there's no fucking point in saving 1000 viking coins and restoring them to mint condition when just 50 will do well enough for an exhibition.
anyone have the response Japan sent to the UN? utterly fucking BTFO
This I gotta see.
This is one of the most disgusting news stories I've ever read.
Then dont? No ones forcing you to do anything with them. Destroying them gains you even less than letting them sit at the bottom of a lake. Hell, give them to your damn populace. SOMEONE out there is going to want it.
but muh coin collection
fucking newfag
She makes me laugh
I've been here happily engaged and miserably dumped and everything inbetween
Hang in there user. Theres someone out there for everyone.
not me, I'm nearly 30 and I've had a 4 month relationship ONCE in that time. Meanwhile I'm depressed, poor, and increasingly overweight
Eh, I'm 33 and never held hands.
You'll be fine.
>our accomplishments
I bet you haven't accomplished jack shit
She's had a really bad 10 years.
>because women ruined our lives in some capacity
I wish I was in a position to claim that.
Gaming's greatest mother.
Tori from Alicesoft. Lead writer for Rance, all the other members of the staff tried to talk her out of the lolirape in Rance VII and she didn't give in. she knew that slut Kou deserved it
I appreciate Magic Knight and all the joy she has brought me from all of our adventures together.
Posting best girls, Xion and Olette from Kingdom Hearts
Don't lie. You recognize her.
God I love this franchise
I appreciate her work a great deal, she's one of the few female vidya devs/writers that is genuinely good.
Flatcat is best
My lovely wife, Princess Peach.
How about some sadpanda femdom links?
for a second before opening, I thought that was peach having autism on a wheelchair.
Hasn't the past week been Women's Day? Every day I wake up and some stupid fucker is talking about Women's Day.
Me too, actually.
Also world's best surrogate mom.
Why do Yea Forumsirgins like to present this narrative as fact when it's been well established that Druckmann and Straley didn't even want to do Uncharted 4 but had to after she left? Oh I know why
Yoko Shimomura
her name is sue, and she’s my favorite content creator :3
Feels pretty good to my dick and to my heart. Loving, monogamous relationships founded on mutual respect are real nice desu
Someone post a gosling pic for me bros
God fucking damnit i was just about to go to sleep you disgusting tranny chaser
Looks like that twitch slut who went into porn for a bit.
more like this please
Say no more.
I really hate political activists, such as feminists now. I have a deep seeded hatred for them because now everyone is restricted from creating things I like in the entertainment industry because of them. I wish they all catch breast cancer and die.
Mixed opinions. Good for activism for women in countries where they have problems and good for raising money for things such as breast cancer initiatives but also a day where third wave feminist issues are amplified; radfems complaining about first world problems like manspreading or talking about sexual assault and other things that happen to both genders as if it only happens to women. It's a day that focuses on the achievements of women inventors/thinkers with the intention of giving confidence to girls, but has the consequence of downplaying/excluding the help that many of those women had from their male colleagues. I also think it's tacky because I hold the opinion that the inventor's/thinker's gender isn't what's important, their contribution is. The double standard of International Men's Day not being treated as well or with as much attention or respect is also not lost on me.
I love Fuuka!
God I wish Futaba would bear my child
>pregnancy fetish
thanks user, that's exactly what I think too
as a man I'm okay with the international men's day as long as they try to promote positive men models and such
>because women ruined our lives in some capacity
You almost had me, discord.
I love the sierra games, but it's a bit of a shame certain people try to erase her from history, as it don't fit their narrative.
I don't want either. Idpol needs to die.
>women are so starved for attention after fifth wave feminism that they have to remind Yea Forums that they have a day specifically made by fifth wave feminists to get undeserved attention
It's hardly a big deal user, it would be like complaining about mother's day. It's not like you can avoid it, even if you make the perfect multicultural or homogeneous society with no race conflict, there will still be men and women in it and some people will bitch about gender shit.
I remember liking Trophy Bass 2 when I was a kid.
Fuck international women's day. A day made up by women so you can pay more attention to women. It makes sense, but it's still retarded.
>not Lori Cole
>Didn't make Quest For Glory 4
and nothing of value was lost
>wanting to raise all the kids yourself
Mother's and father's day are inherently good things. Women's day and black history month aren't.
Parallel paradise?