ITT: Worst ideas in video game history

ITT: Worst ideas in video game history

>Konami fires Hideo Kojima

Attached: wtf arbys.png (618x1551, 460K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based Arbys

Your image is a pretty good idea, OP.

god I love lolis

lmao pedo

Waiting for


>arby's made a loli for their waifu
what was their end game

Waiting for that 54 year old milf art of her looking at young boys saying I love fresh meat.

> Worst gaming decisions ever
> 1. Nintendo not switching to disc drives
> 2. Square making Spirits Within
> 3. Nintendo not buying SquareSoft & Rare in 1999
> 4. Sega making Shenmue
> 5. Square letting Sakaguchi & Masuno leave
> 6. Namco marketing Xenosaga as the Final Fantasy X killer
> 7. Nintendo releasing WW unfinished
> 8. Sony not buying the rights to Silent Hill & MGS
> 9. Nintendo not buying Game Freak
> 10. Game Freak having Ash Ketchum lose to Mega Charizard

>Not firing Kojima before he slups your money for mediocre games per 5-6 years for Kojimadrones.

Atari almost became the North American distributor for the NES and then they pulled out at the last second because an executive saw Donkey Kong being played on Coleco's system.

They have the meats

>>Konami fires Hideo Kojima

I'm pretty sure Konami is happy about that decision.

"He's spent half a decade and an ungodly amount of money on a single player game with close to zero monetisation and hasn't even released it yet. Thank GOD we cut that cord."

There's absolutely no way that Death Stranding is a profitable venture.

modern toy companies: let's target children who want hyper realistic action figures of the latest female minority star wars characters!

modern fast food resturants: let's throw professionalism to the wayside and target edgy internet teens and hipsters!

modern music: let's make the most unfun music possible for our party loving demographics!

modern cartoon companies: hmmm more and more teens and manchildren are watching cartoons... let's make sure to make them more for toddlers!

>guess they are prepared for the fun stuff

Attached: 9yPHHKe.png (296x290, 141K)

>those replies to the arby's tweet

normies really can't handle a cute chibi drawing?

Attached: 1549248160306.png (800x450, 616K)


Attached: i wanna.jpg (542x616, 35K)

is funny how trannies are losing it over some drawing everyone join in for fun. is ironic they are the one calling the artist pedos when they are forcing kids to take hormone pills

lmao tranny

got any twitter screencaps of their comments?

trannies hate lolis and anime

you forgot Atari buying the rights to make a game based off of the movie ET

Trannies and pedos are the same people

Chibi cute small

Attached: 16F641E1-2874-42B7-ADA9-83DF78ED1408.png (675x771, 284K)

first one has "they/them" in their profile lol

Attached: Capture9.png (1274x1448, 294K)

>trannies hate lolis and anime
lmao retard

not an argument

that's true, good thing liking loli is a different thing

Attached: shinobu.png (500x700, 154K)

By WW you mean Wario World?

What about all the Genesis accessories right before the Saturn?

>People keep saying "FELLOW KIDS" because they legit don't think millenials in their late 20's and 30's with intricate knowledge of internet culture would ever be given jobs managing these twitters and it must be a 75 year old boomer

can trannis fuck off and leave our hobbies alone? first we had to deal with women in videogames, then minorities in comics and now trannies in anime

There is literally nothing trannies won't cry about now. It's like a cult.

>WTF generations change and advertising has to change with it?!

Imagine thinking it's pedo

Attached: image-24.png (712x217, 39K)

It's impossible for a boogeyman to go because it's part of your mind.

>big yikes

Attached: Screenshot (185).png (418x158, 18K)

>when you pretend to confuse chibi with loli and loli with child
>when you pretend you find young women to be offensive because you are really just jealous of their youthfulness

legbeards and landwhales are disgusting

>it's a drawing doesn't count!
Remember to dilate

Actual legitimate pedophiles will generally be overly loud and "outraged" at anime to hide the truth about themselves as much as possible.

Attached: amir0x.jpg (662x677, 73K)

Dude is terrified to draw loli anymore. Poser.

seething at lolis is NPC-tier


I would've went along with it if they said cute and funny instead of small and cute.

>small & cute
And funny

Attached: 6.jpg (1920x1080, 89K)

>> 10. Game Freak having Ash Ketchum lose to Mega Charizard
>still mad

So, is that why alt-sjws are so obsessed with trannies? They are secretly trannies

>drawings are actual kids
what a silly negro

how is it part of my mind when im literally seeing people doing that?

Wind Waker
Actually slit your throat Tranny

oy vey how antisemitic

>loli is CP
>no, furry is not zoophilia, get your facts right

This is literally the perfect woman

Attached: kissshot.jpg (1517x1019, 1.01M)

I'll try to understand what the fuck an "alt-sjw" is supposed to be if you look up what a false equivalence fallacy is for me.

brb ordering at Arby's

Yeah, I'm actually just a trans-male (pre-Op).

>starts wearing shoes at 18
we hit the peak at 17 with the stockings

why did she shorten her hair at 10?

>Arby's doesn't back down when others would
Fucking based as fuck. I'm going to get me some Arby's soon.

>no, furry is not zoophilia, get your facts right
Never said this retard
Furniggers need to be shot


Attached: file.png (584x172, 20K)


Attached: shadman.gif (450x251, 2.02M)

Good taste

>seething at lolis is NPC-tier
Kikes unironically believe this

Their social media team actually has their finger on the pulse of the Internet rather than companies pretending like they do.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-01-07 17-24-14-79.webm (589x604, 980K)

wtf I love Arby's Now!

Attached: they be hatin & shit.gif (270x220, 24K)

>Nintendo not switching to disc drives
It's the sole reason Nintendo is able to still put out games without massive day one patches for the rest of the game.

Looks like Yea Forums.

t. how do you do fellow kids tranny
fuck off, near future gravedigger paycheck

Wouldn't surprise me if one or both of these people aren't secretly horrific child molesting monsters. "Methinks she doth protest too much".


Attached: 1514340168674.jpg (640x480, 33K)

small, and cute!!!

Attached: wew.jpg (606x1011, 84K)

>oy vey how dare they not encourage preteen male strippers and like cute girls instead

That was only the 32X, the Sega CD came out pretty early in the Genesis's lifespan. Regardless, the 32X was the result of in-fighting between Sega of Japan and Sega of America. Sega of America wanted to release the 32X to compete with the Atari Jaguar (lol), but Sega of Japan rushed out the Saturn to compete with the PlayStation. The 32X and Saturn operate on similar hardware, so the 32X alone could've carried Sega for a couple years and given them time to beef up the Saturn and compete with the N64. Unfortunately, due to the similarities of the platforms, there was a chip shortage, and both consoles had production issues. Additionally, game studios flocked to the Saturn over the 32X, so the 32X was left with zero third-party support. What ultimately fucked over Sega was having warehouses full of 32Xs containing the chips they needed to make more Saturns, which led to a lack of demand and third parties shifting over to Sony's hardware that was both much cheaper to produce and easier to program for because it mostly used off-the-shelf Sony chipsets.


Attached: 1505061392228.webm (960x540, 1.79M)

jews have nothing to do with anime. The jew fears the samurai.

Good Goy!
Have another shekel!

Based fucking Arby's

>NPCs seething THIS hard about loli

thats not a woman, its a drawing

To be fair she's 8 90% of the time, 27 5% of the time, and the rest only show up once.

Attached: shinobu.webm (480x270, 1.5M)

>he actually thinks jews have influence over japan or anime
lol retard


>preteen male strippers
Again trying to put words in my mouth tranny shit is degenerate
>like cute girls
We all know thats not whats going on here

Attached: A47EF735-9375-4AB6-AD3F-E44DA22CC691.jpg (750x209, 64K)

>tfw i still see shotacon and lolicon from the japs i follow
yeah nice policies fags

Attached: 1471462774480.jpg (453x500, 54K)

Attached: 1551749776376.webm (482x584, 109K)

I hate how social media has merged the real world with the internet, normies aren't prepared for this shit and now everyone is forced to get outraged at this shit to virtue signal about how much they hate pedophiles.
We get it, you hate pedophiles but this shit aint real children, nothing about that character is like a real child.


Attached: 1552026876822.png (700x700, 432K)

It's just a drawing why get so upset about it.

t. homosexual


>are you an Italian
what did she mean by this


they're legit NPCs. They see "bad thing" and they have to spit out a canned response

If don't like this new trend of companies trying to be cool on the internet. I blame the sonic twitter for starting this shit.

>wanting to fuck animals GOOD
>drawing cute girls and saying "waifu" BAAAD

So does Yea Forums just enjoy deliberately going out and finding things to be angry about in lieu of actually playing video games?

>literally grabs normalfag shit like lolis & le anime XD
>come on goi I'm just like you gib me some money
>yes mr. Goldberg you're not like those normie companies, I'll waste money on your burgers
Cringe fuck normalfags and their numale shit

Attached: 1527791237058.png (130x80, 6K)

Hell man, this goes all the way up to the UN. They've been trying to censor Japan while the same people attempting to make these sanctions get arrested for kiddy diddling, for years.

Literally the best idea.

>The people who are trying to normalise pedoshit are definetly going to try and defend it on some chinese gutter harvesting forum!
It's like pedoniggers have mental issues or something
Oh... wait....

Attached: 1551569919142.jpg (585x542, 65K)

lolicons always forget its the adolescent/prepubescent qualities of the characters that attract them. you cant defend liking lolis without already being at the bottom of the pit just by defending yourself.

You aren't aware of what they've done before this. Looks to me like you are the one touring the Internet like it's your first time.

The artstyle and details are actually far more calculated than they look, you can see the design was made to be a sort of middleground to attract both tumblrites and lolicon neckbeards.

Microsoft buying Minecraft and then not making it an Xbox exclusive

>Check the tag
>This is the most explicit thing on there

>normalize pedoshit
it's just a drawing user

What the fuck happened to the other half of my spoiler? Hiro you fucking hack

>animefags calling it disgusting
>a shit ton of them have an avatar from a series with a loli
I can't even tell if this shit is serious or not anymore.

Are anime twitterfags always this cancerous? I don't fuck around on there so I wouldn't know.

Attached: 1505392639310.gif (600x600, 899K)

>I guess they are prepared for the fun stuff.
You bet i am!

Attached: 1529558838826.jpg (548x708, 243K)

>normalise pedoshit
You are aware these are lines of ink on paper, sir?

You are falling for marketing hard, this is the reverse of SJW pandering that you fags hate so much yet you're eating it up. Literally, since the only companies that are doing thus for some reason are fast food companies.

I haven't eaten Arby's in like 15 years. Pull the dick out of your mouth.

>lolicons always forget its the adolescent/prepubescent qualities of the characters that attract them.
Nice projection.

In some European countries like Italy, Spain, and France, close friends will kiss each other (usually on the cheeks) as a greeting.

>DUDE they make art out of MY BIDEOGAMES! WOW, this Is totally relatable for me, this company really cares about me and my money
Jesus, you probably spent your whole life on reddit/YouTube/anime to have such a small brain

gonna need source

>all these “haha based” comments
One day when I become a mod I will filter this cursed based word into “upvoted” so that nobody ever posts here.

>reverse of SJW pandering
so actually fun?

Attached: 1529950986728.gif (425x314, 3.5M)


It's entertaining to watch. Nobody falls for advertising.

"yikes" has to be one of the worst things to come out of these soichugging faggots

Right yeah the "normalization" meme
I forgot murder was legal and you can just attack people in the streets violently because violence has been normalized by our society's media.

Who cares. If I ever go to a fast food shit place I'd rather go to one that bothered catering to me instead of some starcucks, you double nigger.

>making a multi player fallout

>Sega making Shenmue

Not baiting but what how did was that a bad decision? Wasn't it a masterpiece?

What's wrong with Americans? You can have hundreds of games where you murder thousand of virtual humans with millions of different weapons and no one cares.
But you draw a little girl and everyone loses their goddamn mind.
What's up with you all?

Attached: 2db9b7b54bbddd279ab2b1acbe146466.jpg (1280x720, 64K)


Loli is not for lewd
delet this

Don't even bother, they always find another word to run into the ground.

Because numale anime fags are these insufferable unintelligent cunts who do it for "le memes" or "it's just a joke" or "its ironic"

They've been told that little girls are bad, especially if they're anime ones.
That, or they're just projecting their own pedo tendencies.

american millenials are extreme normalfags

they probably watch anime dubbed

I thought Yea Forumss yikes posting was just nonsense but it turns out they really do just say yikes all the time now.

Youd be surprised, ever since anime became mainstream, people have turned this retarded

Oficially adding Arby's to my support list. Only other chain in there is Wendy's btw.

fucking gross

Literal NPC.

>it's just a drawing user
>it's just a photo user
>it's just a anatomically correct doll user
>it's just a child user

We just got out of the tail end of puritanism only to be swallowed by cultural marxists. Horseshoe theory is a bitch.

Attached: Vert.gif (1280x720, 719K)

How would buying GF help? They literally already own Pokémon and most of their side games end up on Nintendo systems anyway.

>implying he won't be the little girl by 2050

uh actually it's a trans-child user, perfectly fine in today's gender accepting society

>they actually use yikes unironically
>the NPC meme is actually 100% real

Attached: haha.jpg (674x674, 102K)

Reminder that Americas music and film industry is absolutely chock full of sexual exploitation of minors and they literally invented child beauty pageants.
America may not have loli but they sure made up for it with the real deal.
I honestly think it's one of the few cases of real legit "the lady doth protest too much"

You know those dolls already exist, right?

Attached: motivation.jpg (492x273, 43K)

is this post supposed to be ironic

you sound like a fear-mongering soccer mom

Get roped pedo

sorry it took me a few minutes since theres several artists that draw lolis exactly the same
[Rico] Chicchaku tatte ii janai!

Attached: 1533211352340.jpg (720x729, 80K)

Tell me what country you're from so I can look up your laws regarding loli.

Arby's was always pretty awesome with the woodcraft stuff they did from various video games and mascots, it really was about time that they made a waifu mascot. I'm happy for them.

Attached: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLE-Us1zpraAFbdPuBcF4j-S5dVKfAV2qsa69ogUblOumjfdSQ.jpg (258x195, 10K)

I'd rather pedos fap to loli than watch real damaging cp desu, being anti-loli is basically being pro-CP since pedos will literally have nowhere else to turn to get their fix.

Attached: bugs_bunny_power_stance.png (635x478, 434K)

I love fapping to cute lolis!

>companies are finally using cute girls as marketing
sons of bitches, how fucking dare they

Attached: 1515609981222.jpg (1000x700, 96K)

Why do SJW now slander the "yikes" so bad... everything gets shit because of these faggots.

>several artists that draw lolis exactly the same
Like who? Rico's art is pretty unique.

Attached: P000A.jpg (1206x3000, 728K)

Attached: Smug.png (1144x712, 50K)

>tfw you can go online and literally buy a full-hip sized child-style onahole and destroy it like a Typehatena doujin
>yet twitter ironic weebs are too busy complaining about a sandwich shop making a kiddie mascot

Attached: the UN.png (558x840, 43K)

I think the idea is allowing loli normalizes pedophilia.

[citation needed]

Not everyone that laughs at you is doing ironically. In fact, none of them are. Sorry to ruin your defense mechanism, basedboy.
Go ahead and yikes me, cuck.


its so uncommon to see companies pandering to the other side of the coin that I'm willing to encourage it to be honest, as much as I'm a left, shits getting out of fucking hand, we're reaching genuine real thought crimes and censoring of expression and speech.
If companies pander to the other side a bit, at least it might serve to slow that down and make people think more objectively about this stuff.
It starts with companies but eventually turns into voter bases and then becomes government.
We need balance.

Nice free advertising for a multi million dollar company user! Saved!

>tranny slippery slope exists
>but pedoshit slope doesn't
trannigger and pedoshit always say the same things
What a coincidence

oh yeah the slippery slope argument
worked for homo didn't it

You are welcome, tranny cuck.

>EA being allowed to buy any company. Period.

Such a shame they make shitty food. Almost got me arbys

They won't need to turn anywhere because they will be dead

>anatomically correct lolis

Attached: 1500664322177.png (268x325, 87K)

>mfw faggotry is out of control now because opposing it is a social crime

Attached: 1377660675607.png (427x459, 314K)

how mad does it make you that loli will never go away?

There's literally nothing wrong with trying to market your brand. Prove me wrong you retarded teenager.

allowing fictional characters to be brutally murdered also normalizes violence and killing.

Attached: oldjack.jpg (815x549, 76K)


Attached: D1LUB1KX4AIabFP.jpg (973x1199, 93K)

>Chibi is just an art style representing everything tiny as fuck
>All these normalfag newfag fucks show up and scream pedophile
Can they kill themselves already?


Attached: 9.png (267x339, 223K)


That is a cute waifu. Based Arby's.

"normalization" is a meme made to thought police people into not doing things they don't like
It's been a long going battle with violence in media and violence IRL is only becoming less tolerated over the years not more tolerated.

Red and basedpilled
And I fuckin hate anime but I hate sjw trannies more

Slow down cowboy. If you take a moment to read my post again I think you'll be finding i didn't make no factual statements that would need to be backed by any sources.
I was just sayin' the people who wanna ban loli often seem to claim such things.

Jesus yes

>faggotry becomes popular
>now pedoshit is being popularised
Again what a coincidence

Wow I sure am hungry for Arby's now!

Attached: propaganda.jpg (640x466, 29K)



>its real
fucking based
also literal roast beef triggering roasties lmao

Attached: 1520506172861.jpg (377x567, 19K)

But I don't eat fast food, user.

Attached: 1548558188280.png (384x384, 131K)

I'm pretty immune to this particular instance of propaganda, garfield. Arbys is a trainwreck.

yikes started because of them and then Yea Forums adopted it to shitpost just like "umm sweetie."

>now trannyshit is being popularised
Also, it's popularized you absolute illiterate cunt
Normalized is spelled the same way


Literal seething tranny retard.
Imagine spending your (short) lifespan shilling on a chinese cartoon internet forum that you hate for free while being called constantly a disgusting ugly retard.

Attached: 1545952163563.png (494x474, 172K)

Imagine being mad at cartoons

Attached: 1482641646674.png (697x768, 174K)

>> Releasing Pokemon Go before there was anything to do in it.

Video games cause violence

>buying gf

It’s also the sole reason their third party support was a meme for the vast 20 years.

>buying GF

Attached: gnome child.jpg (630x630, 28K)

>Literally everyone screaming pedophile has some pronoun bio
>others are just posting the blown to hell FBI meme

What's wrong with these people

Attached: sminem.jpg (400x400, 21K)

What is Canada doing exactly?

>Like from Arbys
Woo man, the PR is going wild


I wonder what the sauce tastes like haha
I haven't been to Arbys so I don't know

Blow on in with the reddit trump 2016 election crowd huh?
Since you're so new I'll let you in on a little secret.
Lolicon has been a thing on the internet for decades and has nothing to do with gay acceptance, channers are historically lolicons

>Make a loli
>The political war in the comments gives you attention
>The fact that its a loli gives you even more attention

What a simple 1,2 punch of free advertising.
God I hate you trendchasing faggots but I have respect for the marketers that pulled your strings

So they made Arby's as a prepubescent girl (ages from 7-10) with thick thighs, which has her small mouth water over fat loads of juicy meat?

Really Arby's?

Attached: 1495339079087.jpg (393x296, 55K)

Good drawing, I wouldn't mind seeing more

I think it has more to do with its budget vs how many people bought it.
Apparently shenmue 2 cost so much that literally every single dreamcast owner would have had to buy two copies of the game for it to have broke even.

And that's a good thing!

excuse me you're mixing the arby and horsey sauce

I wish I could draw.

You forgot the part where actual UN workers are raping children and responsible for 60,000 doccumented abuses.

I once had a small girlfriend. My dick was always hitting her cervix. The sex sucked.


Attached: superannoyed.jpg (546x720, 89K)

>P Chan post of Arby's got me to want to go there
Now I just need to find the one the next state over.

sounds pretty based

Yes, they're the best.
I'm glad he saw the light, his old lolis were ugly as fuck.

Attached: 007.jpg (1108x1600, 479K)

absolutely BASED

Twitter addiction is probably one of the symptoms of their many mental illnesses

trying real hard to fit in lad

Me too man.

Attached: 1544169330147.png (401x537, 409K)


me too man

Attached: 1512501771479.jpg (251x234, 7K)

I love thick thigh lolis

Attached: 1505589525525.jpg (1024x1011, 173K)

Is Arby's /arguy/?


based buttfangs

Someone user claimed Arby's is releasing kits of the cardboard they make. WHERE ARE THEY.

We don't have to on 4channel with the global rule 15 in place


i hope social media guy doesn't get fired over this "controversy"

>weebs keep falling for the "this company is jsut like meeeee :3" meme and advertise their shit for free

Attached: 1551296622371.jpg (480x550, 32K)

I love lolis.
The feel when they give you paper cuts on your dick is the best.

Attached: 1468942471678.gif (600x338, 1.62M)

Nobody says "channers" you retard, I've only ever seen people refer to user's like that on normalfag websites.

It is possible to learn.

>numale anime poster Is this buttblasted
Imagine getting mad at posts LOL

there's nothing stopping you from practicing

>company tries to actually be creative and friendly in their advertising
How horrifying, they should be calling everyone incels and calling for the death of all men instead.


>pro loli
>pro life
yeah, i'm thinking he's /arguy/

Attached: 1535230751647.png (506x507, 120K)

Never been into normal loli's, oppai loli's give me a boner that could cut steel though.
Maybe I just really want to fuck a midget with big tits.

you's a banned nigga

I hae been saying it since 2009 tho, zoomer.

Attached: polite.jpg (750x738, 54K)

Imagine her cute little mouth wrapped around a juicy fat piece of "meat"

Attached: 1549747625507.jpg (780x720, 280K)

Why are trannies always seething?


I'm legit unable to learn, it's like my hands are made to just fuck things up

Attached: 1511049613966.png (500x358, 179K)

3 years trying. I already gave up.

>pedoshit being popularized by faggot-

Actually if you kept up with religious studies you'd know that Pedophelia was popularized by Mohammed and Aisha, making slavery and marriage at ages 9-12 extremely common in the middle east.
Blame the right people, or nothing gets done.

mental illness

Arby's fucking sucks and their mascot is a roastie

Attached: 1522530353252.jpg (186x246, 45K)

No you have it, anyone saying "us channers" would have been laughed off the board.

Seeing this makes me actually think shit is being put in our water because I swear droves of trannies didn't exist like this a few years ago.

Unironically based
Dooooood! they made a thingy me likey XD super epic

>trannies always seething

Projection: the post. Just learn to love yourself bro, maybe one day your parents will do it too :)
I wouldn't expect much else though.

you DO have a waifu, right?

Attached: 1548138831813.jpg (1400x1200, 249K)

oh ok, carry on.

Attached: e2f.png (148x200, 42K)


you and me brother

Attached: 1453681141534.jpg (449x468, 16K)

>Killed raymans franchise
>went on to be the most annoying fuckers in vidya

Attached: 99f.png (632x898, 861K)

Why does she look like a mascot for menstrual blood

Is it wrong that I find this cute and funny?

> :)
>Absolutely seething
Oh no no no no

I've been trying but goddamn it's a very tedious thing but that's the only thing i care about anymore, i just don't have the talent for it.

Attached: 1537345916553.png (651x560, 150K)

link the tweet you useless fuck

Counterpoint: I can support this action simply because it creates more art, not necessarily going outside and buying their product.

>No argument

I can't even do 2013. I struggle with drawing stick figures.

Haha has anyone else noticed that the Arby's hat looks kind of like a penis

We're staring through the looking glass.

Attached: D1Ior6CU0AALGKX.jpg (2048x1386, 257K)

He meant Wind Waker
which is unfortunately more finished than Wario World

>still seething over lolis
I don't even eat Arbys you sissy cunt

Mods are asleep.

Attached: 020.jpg (1057x1500, 842K)

It requires dedication and patience.
Of which I have neither so I replace it with commissions

>uhhh corporation bad, me intelligent

Attached: 1417827771790.jpg (461x461, 25K)

god damn i love huge drawn titties

>it's just a anatomically correct doll

Kinda temped to draw arbys loli guro but im afraid it would make it seem like i dont like the idea of a loli waifu

Attached: dcx1us21097698d997849a29607e0aa336abb80.jpg (700x367, 75K)

do you have brain damage? honest question

I wish trying to learn didn't stress me out so fucking much. Waiting to hear if i was going to die or not from the doctor was less stressful than that shit.

Yes. And I feel bad for her for all I did until now.
I'm so sorry, please forgive me...

Absolutely based! I love when companies try to reach out to the community!
I eat Arby's every week already though

Attached: 1509940786908.jpg (300x225, 20K)

Always love to see artists improvement, goddamn the lad came from nothing in just 3 years of dedication, just compare to some western fucks who have stayed the same for 10 years.

>no where did I complain about lolis
Truly the intelligent mind of an anime watching epic gamer


As opposed to anatomically incorrect lolis?

wtf happened to Yea Forums

>Love lolis
>Never ate at arbys

Is it worth getting tonight?

Attached: style.png (1200x1200, 769K)

draw her exploding into roast beef

Why are literal arby's shilling threads allowed?

These strawman comics are fucking stupid, you pretend as if the people against pedos and actual pedos are the same population.

What, you think 1 or 2 bad eggs makes that true? Is everyone who is against pedophilia now a pedophile?
Fucking dumbass.

"Ironic weebs" aren't just an invention of people on Yea Forums.

just try drawing her again! and again and again and again and again and again !

Attached: 1547243570381.png (1000x1100, 1.42M)

as soon as you teach yourself to stop caring is when you can start making huge strides in improving, because then you'll actually draw a lot.

It's an exaggeration, but I have crippling insecurities which stops me from being good at anything.

its not guro is it's sauce instead of blood user!

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I want Kanna's fat loli ass planted directly on my face!

Dude just cry already.
And since it obviously triggers you so much that you need to bitch and moan about it:
:) ;^) xDDD lol imagine being triggered by fucking emoticons

This is a loli thread you dumb larping commie.

I said channers because I was also referring to other chans, what the fuck else am I supposed to call them?
I'm still right about everything else so stop picking at one word it's pedantic.

>would somebody think of the IMAGINARY CHILDREN

wtf I love Arby's now.

He surpassed ZUN after one year of practice.

This comes with their menus
Freshly squeezed

Attached: loli_juice.png (437x439, 124K)

Are you a little girl too?

You mean "everyone who spends more than an hour a day on the internet"

I wish I could get a job as a web journalist or social media manager. They literally get paid to shitpost all day for page clicks. Meanwhile we just do it for free.

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The UN has real pedophiles running known pedophile rings. So yes.

not that user but I think I do

Generating porn.

Same. They have one across from the place I do board game nights.

What have trannies done to stop the child trafficking operations funded by the Clintons?

Well that only makes sense. A pedophile ring being run by someone who isn't a pedophile would be really weird.

> :)
that guy hit a nerve, huh

Draw her sleeping comfy in a sandwich

Someone make it in Koikatsu and send that to them.

The more fervent ones? Definitely.

>reality is now "pretend"
Well hello there, fellow newspeak advocate.

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you euros are 10 times worse

have her saying something about her blood being ketchup/sauce and then it's more intentionally part of the art rather than just you being anti-arbywaifu
I duno the style of guro you like user but if you make her seemingly into it/accepting then its more obviously guro rather than just "I dont like thing"


Loli is is just 2D porn. Why do you people act like it's some evil harmful thing?

if someone's comment has "waifu" or "ravioli" in it there's a 99% chance they deserve a gut punch

Absolutely. You can only support lolis by buying on Arby's™.
You're totally not falling for some marketing 101 viral campaign :)

>Girls Und Panzer should be banned
What??? It's literally girls in tanks and occasionally they have tea.
>B-but that one scene where they're in the bath
You mean a normal cultural thing for Japan?


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eating ravioli with my waifu

to get braindead weebs to advertise their company for free

For me its all about the suffering, personally
Ill doodle some crap tomorrow

Thanks for the motivation anons i wish i started 2 hours ago instead

how do you even go about doing that?

Have her making papercraft but then she gets a papercut, puts her finger up to her mouth to lick the wound, but then goes 'mmm...barbeque sauce'

Aren't they saying the same thing?

>cant even say anything back
>still seething
Tranny Numales everyone

>all those drastic increases into the 10's

>firing a hack who wastes your budget on airfares, burgers and celebrity meet ups
Sounds like a solid financial move

Fucking underrated post.

I like these simple edits

Attached: 1552099797111.png (1440x1440, 3.21M)

Surprised they didn't type OOF!

>England and Wales
>doubled rape and child molestation in 10 years
Why are people not rioting in the streets demanding this shit end?

Attached: 1411898084751.png (1278x928, 889K)

>restaurant known for their roast beef sandwiches
>mascot is a little girl

something doesn't add up here

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>tranny numales
Oops, we broke this NPC

their mascot is the sauce that you dip the roast beef into.

It'd be racist against 'asians'

This tweet will be down in 24 hours.

Roastie-chan is cute, CUTE

Media hushes it up.
Governments involved in it.

Attached: 5XVtLu5.jpg (900x1200, 120K)

Thats exactly why
Now we cant call her a roastie plus they get the loli adieunce

>ones worse so that means the other is good
>pedophiles exist in your region so you are also a pedophile by being in the same country

This is so dumb

The hands are shit, do some studies for fucks sake, you have two hands.

Trannies and queers are fucking everywhere now you're goddamn right it was a slippery slope
I see like a fucking dozen every day

>rape is lower in Ireland than England
>but sexual offense against children is considerably higher
Explain yourself, potato niggers.

they would be attacked if they walked the streets

Are you trying to imply that politicians aren't pedophiles?

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I think you completely missed the point

Being a politician doesnt make you into a pedophile.
Dont even start with Comet Ping Pong, people have literally harassed that place for months due to a fucking shitpost on voat

>don't use my fallacy against me!
You're also retarded if you can't deceipher what alt and sjw mean.

Name 2 (two) politcians that arent pedophiles

This is just Wendy's shtick

I don't think you understand what a "false equivalence fallacy" is

Attached: shadman at gdq.webm (1012x374, 2.76M)

Gina Raimondo
Justin Price.

What, you only asked for 2.

What's your fursona, anons?

>this is the reverse of SJW pandering that you fags hate so much

Attached: and.png (111x192, 33K)

The person who runs their social media account is a massive weeb who does really cool papercraft stuff
They probably drew the original art prompt so they definitely knew what they were getting into

This is only reported cases. Japs are notorious for underreporting crimes, and there is plenty of loli shit in japan being advertised out in the open that would be certainly motivate procuring a search warrant for potential crime.

>Canon lolibaba

Attached: 1437718529168.jpg (1200x895, 268K)

Americans dont do this?

pedo detected


Even if the Japanese people were only reporting 10% of the same ratio of crimes they would still be better off than England and Wales. Let that sink in.

If moot was still here it would've been filtered long ago.

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Are you implying the UK doesn't have issues with unreported cases and obvious cases that aren't followed up on?

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Nah, we usually just shoot each other.

You should know by now that if Yea Forums is mocking or ridiculing something so much it becomes a meme it was likely true from the beginning.

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>it's just a photo user
>it's just a anatomically correct doll user
why the flying fuck would an anatomically correct doll be worse than actual fucking photos of children being molested you fucking idiot retard

welp guess I'm reading that benantoka and yam comic again

To prevent people from making roastie jokes about her.

Attached: 1551869340303.png (638x735, 282K)

Based is a fucking word people use for more than shitposts, it would be an inconvience to simply remove basic vocabulary simply because some people dont know when to qukt

>Arby's didn't back down
Fucking respect man. Just about every other company would've shut down the tweet immediately.

damn look at that guys 'minor facial anomalies' or whatever they're called. (correlated with pedo and all that)


What does Arby's taste like?

Everything about the Xbox One when announced

>no used games
>mandatory Kinect for $100 extra
>has to always be online to work

So was "desu" at one time.

>that one post that's actually on topic

Arby's is officially based.


you guys do know that for some of these people the loli stuff will lead to actual pedophilia, right?

Because it would be racist
"asians" have urges you know?

For the millionth time in this very thread, source?

I think a lot of companies realize that backing down or apologizing is now considered admitting guilt.
If they deleted the tweet, it would just be throwing fuel onto a potential fire

Is this the eggs guy?

I will now buy your fast food

You do know that for some of these people buying a care will lead to them slamming the gas pedal through a crowd of children, right?

I don't know why you're putting Asians in quotes.
British people call all South Asian people "Asian"
It's only Americans who call East Asians "Asian"

Apparently little girls are satan personified. Honestly people should stop having children if they're so scared of boogieman.

I thought it was Shenmue 1 that costed so much too make that it left enough money for development on shen2 or something like that

>N64 was far superior in tech compared to PS1
>analog for superior gaming
>PS1 controler was just a super nintendo with 2 handles
>PS1 won the generation just because 3° parties rather make games on discs
>Nintendo loses the 5° generation by shooting his own foot
>Nintendo makes Game Cube
>Game Cube had superior tech compared to PS2
>literally the best controler ever
>Nintendo loses the 6° generation by shooting her other foot when they roll over with fucking minidiscs
>Nintendo stoped focusing in power and went knees deep in gimmicks casual crash grab
>Also Sega was drooling during 2° generations.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 211K)

Indeed. That or flaming homosexuals.

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fuck man i want to do this. recommend me a tablet under 100 bucks.


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>people still falling for these obvious marketing tactics
You fucking morons.

Meanwhile normal people call them muslims

Lolicons are next in line for the social media chopping block.

Mark my words. In no more than 12 months, twitter is going to cave and ban all loli. Especially since that "minds" guy got featured on Rogan. And he claimed that he doesn't like loli, but only tolerates it for the sake of free speech. He appears fringe. And eventually people are going to draw the dots from him, back to twitter, and start asking why twitter allows such offensive content.

Post this on the Twitter.

What the fuck is going on with advertisers these days? Is this shit really convincing people to buy a roast beef sandwich?

Not quite, but close. They have a fetish for trannies (see Alex Jones) and fap to porn of it secretly all the time (the more vocal ones at least)


this is ironic right?

He took it from Twitter

>ironic doge memes
>fbi memes
not a fan of twitter desu

Don't you know user?

Attached: peopledie.jpg (800x450, 38K)

>In no more than 12 months, twitter is going to cave and ban all loli.
They already did though.

arabs, middle easterns

If you read this thread, people are defending Arby because it was personified as a small child.
So yes,unfortunately.

>Nah, we usually just shoot each other.
t. fake american. We call eachother cunts then we take pot shots at each other

"Yoinks" will be the next big thing for zoomers and Discordfags after yikes mark my words, Scooby Doo is their Bible apparently.

What marketing isn't obvious? I never understood why a company is suddenly cool because they start targeting (you)

>middle east = south asia

>enabling /aco/shit

Attached: madotsuki.jpg (740x740, 616K)

gacha shit is popular here

>16 years.
>Oldest man shown is only 30 years old.
>Youngest reported age of victim is 11.
Something doesn't add up. Are those guys like the 2nd generation of pedos?

I want to try their chicken sandwiches.

That's just how degenerate Anglos are. When Elon Musk was calling out that British diver living in that shithole 3rd world country a pedophile, he wasn't wrong.

What's the Canadian one trying to convey?

violent vidya = vilonet minorities

Twitter is actually the worst social media site. I'd sooner join Facebook and have Zuckerberg watch me jack off than participate in that cultural drain.

Since when were sandrats Asian?

You forgot Nintendo not making a console with Sony, and next to that Sega refusing Sony's offer to make a console

in some places age of consent in Italy is 12

You act like Europe doesn't have bad habit of underreporting itself. After all, the muslims don't know better!

The company is probably full of older people who don't understand what their advertiser is doing on twitter. He will get fired when someone tells them.

Those were just 5 guys who got picked up, it'd been running before their time, they were just the tip of the iceberg.

That's what the entire Shenmue project cost. What people won't tell you is that the series actually cost $47 million to develop instead of $70 mil (still a lot of money, but y'know), but also covered the entire development of the canned Saturn version, both original games, and the marketing.

And Sega made any lost money back through Virtua Fighter profits alone. Shenmue actually did fuck all for Sega's finances, it was hugely expensive hardware bombs and massive corporate debt that meant they had to go third party.

Yu Suzuki still got shat on by Sega management for not single handedly saving the Dreamcast. Him being mothballed was fucking awful considering he made Sega an absolute fuckton of money over the years.

It's not like he strong armed them into making Shenmue either. He was asked to make a big RPG to rival Final Fantasy and little else of a brief, and was given basically a blank cheque. Can't blame him for actually spending the money.

Didn't the UN commisioner in charge of the Japan thing actually fuck kids irl and got arrested or something?

Cartridges might have been limited back then, but nowadays they're easily superior. Fuck discs.

It's just to shift blame away from certain demographics, like how sometimes Latinos are white when they do certain crimes.

OP's butt fangs and >shadman have considerably more likes despite the vocal complainers. Most people like cute (and funny) things.

Fun fact: if you draw fanart, you are marketing that product, most likely out of free will.
They are just being bold cabout it.


What is it with sandwich chains and pedo shit?

I was referring to the borderline retarded replies but whatever

it's hard to tell these days, hopefully it is just the vocal minority

twitter is worse than reddit and tumblr combined i wish it would die

you know that for someone playing video games will eventually end up committing murder right?
It's called a fucking coincidence you fuck nugget

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happens everytime, the super family-oriented anti-faggotry senators are usually found to have called male escorts every now and then

if anyone is very anti-something they most definitely secretly indulge in it

so Yea Forums really does love video games

Oh ok.

If they went after that then they'd have to go after the entire parliament next, filled to the brim with notorious scumbags.

and trannies by that measure.

more companies should use cute lolis to advertise their products, it's making me want to buy their shit

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traps are incredibly popular
Yea Forums is gay as fuck
tranny posting is the latest shitposting

What do you mean?

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Rent free.

wow look at all this non-issues

>Being a politician doesnt make you into a pedophile

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I can't believe so many coporate siccophants actually like this arbys bullshit

>be science teacher
>be in 3rd world shithole
>have literally hundreds of lolis flocking to you and glorify your words as law
>tfw real lolis are literally becoming more and more sloots as time progresses.

Why must a man deny food walking up to him?


Attached: D1KMoDEV4AAtcTA.jpg orig.jpg (1344x2159, 174K)

You do know you can spell check shit, right?

And now /pol/ and Yea Forums use it "ironically" so I hope you're ready for it to enter the regular vernacular here.

What kind of a teacher are you if you think your food walks?

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But pandering is okay when I like it!!!

These people are sheep.

>draw this in your style

how about you fucking pay me if you want work done

>/pol/ boogeyman

literally a kino pair made in heaven

seeing a lot of people actually making drawings inbetween all the furries claiming arbys is full of pedophiles that need to be killed in the upcoming communist revolution

the drawing is not explicit at all.
NPCs are just losing their minds over nothing.

why arbys didn't retweet my loli ? :^)

Attached: 2019-03-09_00-30-27.png (540x645, 130K)

Remember if person likes thing, all they have to do is press the like button.
If person dislikes thing, the only thing they can do is make an angry comment.
So naturally you read more people disliking thing.

reality is often horrifying

FUCK arbys

Maximum fucking cringe

> 2. Square making Spirits Within

Someday I hope my porn will make billions.

Releasing Twilight Princess on the Gamecube.

Twilight Princess should have been a Wii exclusive.
Skyward Sword should have been on the Wii U and an exclusive.
BotW should have been a Switch exclusive.


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I hate shad's art but damn his twitch streams are comfy.

Has shäd been alerted?

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just fuck one and kill yourself, die a happy man rather than live a long life of temptation

What's the best thing you can get at Arby's?

Wow, what decade is it?

Curly Fries. Most of their food is shit.

>mega 64

that's a yikes over here kid

> 10. Game Freak having Ash Ketchum lose to Mega Charizard

>Normalfag shit
Not sure what fucking alternate universe you're in, but the internet is shitting its collective pants over loli now more than ever. It's never been more of a dividing factor than right now.
But of course.


>harry potter
>one piece
>videogame culture
He's such a retarded cuck

This just shows that the cunny posters are heroes that are saving Yea Forums(nel)

Free advertisement

Attached: 1514835046160.jpg (960x960, 99K)

Ham and melted cheese sandwich and curly fries.

At least "she" won't be there to mock you.

I'm going to be real with you guys.

Every time I see a drawing of curry I can't help but assume it's a plate of actual shit.

What a convenient excuse that allows you to feel "bad" for yourself while also relieving yourself of any other reason to improve.

>still 31 more years

please reply to the tweet with this

>"Loli is just a body type and has nothing to do with children, trust me!!"

honestly kill yourself

Attached: smugjak.png (224x225, 5K)

it's ok when nintendo does it

Attached: purah.jpg (350x512, 21K)

>" game AND nerd culture...."

What a weird way to insult him. Not only are you wrong but you seem proud of it. Who knew dickfags were such corporate shills?

I won't deny it looks like diarrhea but fuck me if it's not one of the best things in the world.

fuck off maddox you small dicked cuck, you haven't been remotely relevant in well over 10 years


Attached: looks and feels like a 6 year old.jpg (2522x3507, 2.24M)

>curly fries
What the hell are curly fries?
>t. Not burger

Curry is fucking delicious, but you're absolutely right.