fuck this guy
Fuck this guy
Tidus is based & unironically one of the biggest pleb filters in gaming next to MGS2 Raiden. People would rather have generic pieces of shit instead of well written & humanized characters
you talking shit about my man? bitchass nigger?
>Be flung out of your world into a random place only to be knocked out by some albed and forced to work for them
that's Meg Ryan user
No fuck Enix for this shit
Based. Jecht should have been the MC.
They also made yuna and tidus bloated in the cheeks
no fuck you
what's with ff main characters and idiots misinterpreting their personalities online?
People only played FF6 & FF7 or got all of their opinions from Spoony, Kingdom Hearts or Spin offs
Jesus Christ, that's horrifying.
This but unironically. He's a great fish out of water character and discovering and experiencing the game's world alongside the character made things memorable.
Yuna has pretty lips there...
Tidus maybe your generic genki shonen protag but he's a pretty cool dude, m8. Would go to his blitzball matches and cheer for him
All 5 pixels
That's the way!
The old Yea Forums I remember.
he's also a fucking idiot
Tidus is perfectly fine except for that weird laughing scene. Spoonyfags need to get laid.
That makes him realistic & easier to emphasize with, he's responsible for FFX being iconic as fuck. The game wouldn't be nearly as memorable without him (See FFX-2)
As much as I hate him he's still not as stupid as Yuna and maybe Wakka. Jesus Christ FFX had the worst characters ever.
>FFX had the worst characters ever
>not II
>not V
FFX is the only FF title I ever played. I hated it so much that I never went back to any of the previous titles.
>bad characters
Say whatever shit you want about the plot itself, but FFV has some of the best characters in the classic FF era.
Is it pronounced Tide us or Tee dus?
How is Yuna stupid?
tidus is cool, his cartoon bullshit carries the early scenes, and then later he has daddy issues and girl issues, pretty good protagonist
Name one.
Officially Teedus
I still don't understand how this actually caught on. I know we live in the post-truth era of memes but it should be plainly obvious to anyone, even non-weebs who have never played a Final Fantasy game or watched a single episode of a single anime in their entire lives, that the laugh was supposed to sound fake.
the remastere makes him looks more similar to the cutscenes
Most people are stupid. Surprise surprise.
Right mommy
I don't understand either especially after the fact they laugh normally literally a minute later. Normie's are dumb and I hate them
People have always taken that scene at face value for some reason even before it was a big meme. I don't get it either, people are retarded I guess.
I'll name four.
> Bartz
Aside from Cecil he's the only protag before 6 that undergoes any character development, going from a detached wanderer running from his origins with no care in the world, then accepting his role as a Warrior of Light, then finally in World 3 after the destruction of his hometown, finally becoming the real hero of the story after being kinda dragged along by Lenna and Galuf through World 1 and World 2 respectively. Speaking of...
> Galuf
Pretty much one of if not the only good "old man" character FF ever did, A jokester, a caring father, the leading man through most of World 2 and easily one of the best death scenes in Classic FF.
> Gilgamesh
Do I even need to say anything? One of the most iconic recurring villains in the entire series, and once again probably the first villain in the series that undergoes character development, going from having a bitter rivalry with the heroes, to respecting them, then finally doing a heroic sacrifice to save them.
> Exdeath
Literally the first villain in the series that anyone could give a shit about. He didn't came out of nowhere at the final hour of the game (*cough* Zeromus *cough*), he actually does something in the story and he gives you plenty of reasons to hate him. Yes he's no Kefka nor Sephiroth but he was miles above anything before.