You guys think Ultimate will be the last smash?

You guys think Ultimate will be the last smash?

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melee was the last smash

of course not, there'll be an ultimate 2.
this series prints money

Go take a fucking shower, fag.

If Nintendo gets better online servers and Ultimate gets regular, healthy updates every three months with new content every six, then there is almost no reason for a new Smash game to be made until the generation after next. Ultimate can just be ported onto the next Nintendo console if / when that happens and no one playing it would complain.

The real question is - will the next Smash roster be cut down

Last Smash with Sakurai, but I imagine the series will continue without him.

Take a shower
Hit the weights
Have sex
Get a clue

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Hopefully yeah. I want Sakurai to work in other stuff. KI:U proved that Sakurai is too good to be trapped working in smash. The autistic community only wants to see the game being patched for ever, so lets give them that and set Sakurai free.

what about brawl and 4wiiu and 4 3ds and ultimate?

Yep. They straight up confirmed it when they announced the "everyone is here" thing.

Maybe I'm a little overly optimistic, but while I imagine they might cut things down for a sort of new take on things, I don't think it will be as big a loss as some people imagine. Biggest contenders for cuts look like some of the third-parties, and most of the clones, sans Luigi and Ganondorf.

nintendo will be closing b4 blizzard, so yes there will never be another smash

I have a strange but good feeling whoever picks up smash will know that everyone would want to keep all the characters. So I think they will just make this the base smash game and improve by adding new modes, fighters, stages, ect. and swap out the story mode. I personally think it's a good idea seeing that ultimate is making the most amount of people happy. Tbh, a guaranteed port of a great smash game to every new console sounds fine to me.

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fucking B A S E D

>the next Smash is an update of Ultimate with more content
>cut characters and AT's could get a shot
>but the next smash would technically be a literal port
I'm conflicted

you misspelled basted

Gee, I dunno...

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no because i finna smash you nintenbabies

As much as I fucking hope, the chance is nil as long as normies continue to devour this garbage.

Yes, and Sword and Shield will be the last Pokemon games.

I don't care who gets cut as long as Olimar stays

It's called Smash Special in Japan