Party Van

Hey look, it's Friday and you probably just got off work. Why not take your shoes off, loosen that mcdonalds uniform and come play TF2 with us?

Password: the usual

please bear with us, KOTH, Halloween maps, Mandrill Maze, Convoy, and Mario Kart (coming soon), probably sunday

Attached: TF2.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Joining right now

haha benin sniper-server

bump, we got 6 people in the server so far come join

Come play with us faggots

password is rage btw

>spoonfeeding in current year

hush chug

just got off work, joining right now

Hold the door while I download all these maps I'll only play once in my lifespan

We got 12 people in the server right now, come and join, cap is 32

still 12?

yeah still 12

joining now

im downloading neverwinter right now ill be in in a few minutes

tf2 sucks


Attached: 1...png (637x29, 2K)

join whichever one you want dog. Nobodies gonna stop you

we got 14 people in here, come play we could always use more

Changing maps to SS13 henk


wew lads

Time for tilty badwater, we still got 14 people in the server, come make 16!

We got 16 people, certainly aint dead


Changing maps to Rolled up Viaduct

>want to play tf2
>also want to finish up my backlog
shit what the fuck do I do?

Attached: 61086651-portrait-of-young-angry-man-toned-photo-.jpg (1300x1300, 122K)

come play TF2, games are forever, TF2 is for the weekend

not until mandrill kino is added
untill then, this server has no maps

mandrills getting added sometime this weekend. the host just needs to get his internet back first

>game crashes
>didn't realize I didn't have enough hd space to download the map

Attached: YASQ8410.png (312x388, 139K)

20 people in game right now! Come play


22 people in the server, nowhere near the cap!



coming in right now, just got off work

24 people in 2bine


26 people in here, always room for more, come play fags

I'll join after my shitty dinner how much voice chat going on?

Holy fucking shit. WTF happened to the old server? Nothing in that shit but a bunch of r/Yea Forums Redditors. I would bet half of you faggots are the ones spam fucking TF2 threads with the same shit maymays 24/7. Fucking avoid.

joining soon. bump

a lot, no micspam though which is sad

An A press is an A press

Highertower when

Fastertower is more based and redpilled

If I play bad it's due to my new glasses I'm still adjusting to them

only 4 more players for a full server

Onto Lavender Town

WaCkY MaPs

>Your map differs from the server's

Just nominate serious maps, theres a mix of serious and wacky maps in the fucking list. plus over 40 yet to come

look in your maps folder, if theres a (2) next to maps you need to erase that (2) and move the original map somewhere else.
heres the link to all maps so you can download the one you need

Attached: efg.png (225x225, 3K)

Onto a new map!



based and hoodoo pilled

>not using the wrangler

pity bump

password is rage

Tell me when it's tilted

which one?

Any of them

time for wacky races


Attached: tumblr_ph7xesDk7X1uphxvgo1_1280.jpg (800x800, 178K)


I played once a couple months ago, how is it now

some will say its reddit, some will say its fun. No real way to decide unless you play it yourself.

tc_hydro currently

>steam wiped the launch options for all of my games
This has happened to me like 10 fucking times in the past year, and it's fucking pissing me off. Does anyone else have this issue? It's driving me fucking insane having to put back all of my old launch options, getting sick of this shit.

it only happens to me with Arma 3 from time to time


this is the most fun i've had in a while


So what is this? I've never joined these threads before.

its a bunch of fags, playing TF2 together


Attached: cat grill.gif (138x232, 54K)

based bump

/hsg/ is dead and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: 1550741454624.gif (211x231, 561K)

its just me or the redstone map dont load?

Sorry pomf, I'm too busy playing Lifeweb at the moment

I have to ask, is this typical nu-party van where no one actually plays the game?

No, we play the game, just on shitty minecraft maps

get in here you fucking retards

late night bump

pop rn?

it was like 9 but they're getting off now so dedpop

Alright fags, im going to bed. Van will be same time tomorrow (8 PM EST) - (10 PM EST) if it's not hosted within that time frame, its probably not happening or if another van is being hosted it won't go up, and hopefully we'll get those 40 new maps added in either saturday or sunday. Every partyvan will always have the subject, "Party Van" unless I forget, then just search for TF2. Any map suggestions will most likely be added. This Van runs Friday - Sunday as long as we keep getting players, we'll keep hosting.