ITT: Remasters with SOUL
ITT: Remasters with SOUL
Yea Forums literally complained for months about this being soulless... how can this be!?
they were wrong and are too pussy to admit they are wrong. sums up with board quite well actually
To anyone complaining about the SMB3 caves in particular, how would YOU have translated them to 16-bit? I honestly can't see any way of properly capturing the weird abstract look of the original.
Fuck no. The stuttering is bad, not a fan of the new voices, and Spyro 3 is bugged to hell.
k so when do we start?
I feel like soulless is just the wrong complaint. The game looks great, but it doesn't look anything like spyro.
I have a fucking amazing idea of how and it would fit perfectly in with snes.
It looks like shit lol
He's got SOUL alright
The remakes were pretty great. Fuck the whining nostagiafags.
DAE le soul?
>tfw whether or not a game has "soul" is somehow dictated by a greasy fat neckbeard autist with a personal grudge against any vidya remake
After H2A, if a remake/remaster doesn't come with a toggle to switch back and forth between the old and new graphics, it's soulless.
pic not related
>paying for a fresh coat of paint on a game you could emulate for free
right unironically looks better
every played Terraria or Starbound?
I liked 1 and 2 just fine. I had some gripes with the redesigns of 2, but the gameplay itself was good aside from the swimming. 3 was a pile of shit. Some of the levels just didn't look right at all. Entire game felt harder, too, but for all the wrong reasons. The controls were just off. I did the absolute bare minimum to beat it.
This. They made it a generic modern platformer. All the changes to the dragons and other npcs' designs were cringe
It plays almost exactly the same.
>disc requires download anyways
Pick one
It's been a long time since I've played the originals, but has the camera always been so shitty?
The original Spyros are a nostalgic part of me.
That being said yes the camera bites. It’s ok but it fights ya a bit.
Lol no it doesn't.
pic related bit h
never played them but i loved the originals as a kid