How THE FUCK do you win at this?

How THE FUCK do you win at this?

Attached: logo_400x400.jpg (400x400, 33K)

By being better than your opponent.

Make an army and use it to attack the enemy army.

Being born asian

turtle until you hit max supply then deathball the opponent's base

By acquiring korean super powers

Be Finnish or Korean.

mek mehren

lotv sucks ass and is not worth learning go play brood war

Game would actually be fun and fair in South Korea was finally nuked by the North.

git gud

or a tranny

more like bored war.
>make marine medic
>make muta ling
>reaver drop
>muh drone micro

Diggerman in this is WAY too OP.

Build units and a-move the enemy
Seriously that alone puts you in platinum

by not playing. it's shit.

Attached: honk.gif (112x112, 22K)


What is your race OP ? Practice mechanics and macro. What league are you in?

Butter your biscuit

This guy gets it

>turtle until you hit max supply
So eight minutes? I dunno if you can really call that turtling.

Why even play when you could just watch winter instead, he's LIVE NOW!

(I haven't played a single game this season)

That is if u have nice macro on 3 or more bases. Cant turtle on 4 bases.