What games capture this feeling?
What games capture this feeling?
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spy fox in dry cereal
Shovel knight did it for me
KH CoM on gameboy, not the ps2 final mix
Best of the worst
Kirby Star Allies and KH 3 for a bit until they started getting the psp characters.
what feeling is this?
Nostalgic pleasure
>order a fancy $50 italian meal
>it's a small morsel on a big plate
>and you're expected to tip at least 20%
Ace Combat 7
Oddworld games.
Dead Space 2.
Halo 2.
Hollow Knight.
Something so good that reminds you of the humble beginnings and the reason why you began loving stuff in the first place.
Sonic Mania
Anything developed by a majority female staff.
I agree, I don't get this idea that "high quality restaurant food" = "a slice of tomato with some stuff on it"
I'll eat a greasy corner store hamburger if it means it tastes good and I get a good burger out of it.
There are some good places in-between.
But yeah, tips are retarded.
For me its Metal slug and Commandos its just a great fucking time whenever i boot them up
Quick question : aren't tips a self feeding loop?
Like iirc there is a law in the is that makes it so if an emoloyee is payed X amount in tips every month, their employer can lower their salary.
It's this true?
And if it is, why don't you all just stop tipping by tomorrow? Employees would get paid more, custommers would pay less, everybody wins.
Dragon Quest Builders
Expensive meals come in courses you poorfags. The serinvgs are tiny cause you get like 6 of them.
breath of the wild
Have a bugman explain why tipping is still a thing
ogre battle
Ace Combat 7, DMC5
TWEWY for me
Sonic Mania
I was gonna say KD3, or KSA when it’s a KD3 music track
Botw and hollow knight.
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Loved this game so much. My favorite shit about AC is how you can hear the enemy begin to fear you as the game goes on. Hear things like
>3 strikes is overhead we have to get out of here!
And in the most pitiful defeated voice
>they shouldn't have mentioned 3 strikes in the briefing
Makes you feel like a fucking legend knowing that you are so feared the enemy has to plan battles around you specifically
Dark Cloud 2
Unironically hollow knight, it caught me by complete surprise and had me enamoured with it until the very end. Pure unadulterated kino metroidvania with a gorgeous aesthetic and beautiful artwork
Won't change since most tip workers make more through tips than they would through wages, most likely.
Even if more consistency to pay might be beneficial.
I, however, fucking hate tipping.
Nex Machina
Shadow Tactics
>crystallization of the fully realized atb system.
>Good amount of customization for a JRPG
>developers say fuck and let you have at the game in any order you desire.
I'm waiting to play another game like this
Every day that goes by where DC3 is not a thing is a day of suffering
Hollow knight, Ace Combat 7, Breath of the Wild, Spiderman, to name a few from recent years. All good, fun, and sexually satisfying
It would be shit, don't worry
A Hat in Time
>that last minute ALERT ALERT
You shut your fucking whore mouth, its bad enough it wont be a thing because of sony
American tipping culture is cancer.
Smash Ultimate
Breath of the Wild did it for me
>food analogy
Original Doom. Certainly not NuDoom.
The only reason I fire up skyrim these days. COLLECTING
SCP:SL. Reminded me of the golden days of Yea Forums servers
This but only for WoL.
It's been to long user. All the creators who made the game what it was are gone and never coming back.
It would be a soulless shitty abomination and it's good it won't be made. There was a window for a good sequel, but it's gone and done with.
Resident Evil 2 remake did this for me and survival horror games
Apex Legends reminds me of the days of grinding MW2. Something about how light you run and how recoilless but punchy the guns are...
yes, the side calling it bullshit that the average joe is expected to pay extra to cover a worker's cost of living because the corporation cant be bothered to pay their employees a standard living wage are the jews. you're glowing, rabbi.
>Wipeout HD
I forgot what it was like to go Fast
People don't tip in France.
Don't feel bad user. We all have those titles we want that for. Be happy that you can cherish the memories of the series as it was, and not have to explain to everyone that "the o-o-original was much better."
Just like every "remade" game to ever fucking come out.
>all those costumes
>on fucking Jack Skellington
Extreme G Racing was kinda this for me.
Man I legitimately forgot to blink sometimes playing levels on the higher speeds. End the race at 1st place and suddenly my eyes are fucking killing me. Never had many other games to suck me in that hard.
The issue is that there's a gap where people aren't tipping and the company isn't picking up the slack, which is where waiters and waitresses get fucked. I'm still for it, because waiting tables is a menial job that should only exist to give broke college students some pocket change and not a career that people try and live off of, but that probably deters most people who would try and organize a large scale movement.
This. Holy shit. Especially that chemical plant boss for act 2. I have never felt such nostalgia done right
Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Washed the sour taste of XY and SM from of my mouth
>NITW's Demon Tower
>Hollow Knight