

Attached: GBIE08-1.jpg (4000x3000, 1.11M)

Attached: jill_pathetic1b.jpg (1271x2048, 638K)

You too.

btw since when did dolphin start letting you take screenshots at the internal rendering resolution?

Attached: GBIE08-7.jpg (4000x3000, 1.15M)

Attached: GBIE08-4.jpg (4668x3584, 2.01M)

best lass

Attached: d71d773c57ee48e6f40403c53f90d680.gif (245x250, 1.53M)

Attached: DKhpv6WWAAAgYvQ.jpg (711x1200, 179K)

Attached: GBIE08-9.jpg (4668x3584, 2.07M)

Attached: GBIE08-12.jpg (4668x3584, 2.74M)

Attached: GBIE08-14.jpg (4668x3584, 2.73M)

Attached: jill_valentine_4_by_3smjill-d6kca4z.png (951x840, 997K)

i like jills eyebags

Attached: jillremake_walkie2.jpg (707x512, 52K)

Attached: 1509511032845.png (1876x1440, 2.82M)

Jill is cute!

Attached: Df-tfbmUwAERGfz.jpg (924x1200, 165K)

What would be the worst smelling Jill?
Stars outfit Jill after the mansion incident?
Tube Top Jill after Racoon City?
Wetsuit Jill after the Tanker?
Zero Suit Jill after Africa?

Shit cosplay.

Attached: GBIE08-10.jpg (4668x2865, 2.12M)

What do you think about this claire redfield cosplay?

Attached: jordanfifa2.webm (640x840, 1.83M)

It's weird how a character with a handful of "imperfections" can still seem so perfect to me

Attached: jill valentine resident evil 1518532818445.jpg (1000x1000, 173K)

Attached: jillremakesunny.jpg (745x987, 126K)

femdom is great

Sue is the cutest!

Please don't insult my future wife.

yea, its pretty weird

Attached: Jillvoth_talk_A1.webm (576x720, 463K)

Jill's face is perfect. They better not ever change it.

Imagine being me in this thread and having to be all like "damn, Spherehunter, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face.
I would totally have sex with you, both camsex and IRL." when all i really want to do is fap to teens in my bedroom. Like seriously imagine having to be me and not only sit at my desk
while Sue flaunts it's disgusting body in front of me, the favorable lighting barely concealing it's bad titjob and 56% face, and just sit there, image after image, thread after
thread, while it perfected those photos. Not only having to tolerate it's monstrous fucking visage but it's haughty attitude as everyone on Twitter tells it that it's VIDEOS ARE GREAT
and DAMN, SUE LIGHTNING LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch it's mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even
know existed before that day. I've been fapping to nothing but a healthy diet of big tits and MILFS and later alleged Bukkake for my FAPPING HISTORY coming straight out of /gif/.
I've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now i swear i can taste the sweat that's breaking out on it's stomach as it sucks it in to writhe it suggestively
at me, smugly assured that i am enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in it's "statuesque (for that is what it calls it's)" beauty, the beauty it worked so hard for with 30
layers of makeup, camera angles and Photoshop in the previous hours. And then the chasers post another image, and i know i could convince every single tranny on the board to 41%
before the mods could ban me, but i sit there and endure, because I'm fucking user. I'm not going to lose my freedom over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

She's really cute tho

I started playing this game for the first time and I think they actually made Jill TOO attractive.It's frankly distracting, she's just too cute, I'm not scared I just want her to sit on my face. Whoever programmed the jiggle physics was a maniac those things have a mind of their own.

If you think this is cute you are in complete denial

Attached: 1550591664091.jpg (1024x451, 114K)

I want to kick him in the dick and passionately fuck his mouth while he cries and moans in pain.

I'm going to marry her!

Attached: Dy5P3J5U0AAW2rv.jpg (900x1200, 113K)

Attached: 1425281930772.png (1356x1016, 1.34M)

Just look at that bodyframe, it's literally a guy in a dress go out and meet actual girls instead of wasting your time on this botched abortion

I will not.

Cant save you from Shoo if you dont want to be saved but i hope you realise it ASAP

Attached: 1421900401483.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)

daily reminder that Jill is disgusted by you

Attached: jill_pathetic3.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

Attached: Untitled sefhggthg.png (459x451, 299K)

OP how did you get the game to render above 1080p

Attached: 1549496585504.png (540x540, 393K)

Attached: jillremakefresh.jpg (1441x929, 131K)

Well I mean she hangs out with Chris "Meat Mountain" Redfield and keeps it platonic

Attached: Untitled ndsfoihwon.png (462x361, 222K)

Make sure you set these, then you tap F9

Attached: Dolphin.png (1216x833, 124K)


Give me a save and I will

Playing it for the first time.

>ywn be a rookie cop/bsaa lad getting no way fag'd by Jill
Where's the fun?

How did Albert Wesker survive being impaled by the Tyrant in Resident Evil? Because if he had taken an Umbrella drug to make himself regenerate, then why bother creating the G-Virus which was clearly ineffective at healing? And also, if he had super-soldier abilities at that point, why did Umbrella continue with the t-Virus which was also ineffective at making super-soldiers?

RE3make costumes when

Attached: mpwzd8Ymvi1qz4rgp.jpg (500x667, 71K)

what is this from?

Attached: GBZE08-3.jpg (4668x3584, 2.18M)

She has just enough imperfections to make her seem more attainable without lowering her attractiveness. She's right at the sweet spot. my dick

ok now this is epic

what would you do if Rebecca scolded you?

Attached: becca_scold.gif (340x231, 2.66M)

>Have a classmate that looks like her
>Everytime i bump into her in the hallways she stares at me in some weird way(take for example shadow of war nemesis encounters sights)
>I dont give a Damm fuck about her and i have #MGTOW/R9K convictions
What to do?

Attached: IMG_20190308_204623.jpg (1080x1103, 162K)

>actually having a meme lifestyle

oh, Im on the native PC version

>Everytime i bump into her in the hallways she stares at me in some weird way(take for example shadow of war nemesis encounters sights)

Attached: 1548702012317.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

Ahh, that's actually why I switched over to dolphin.

Attached: REmake.webm (1920x1440, 2.5M)

>shadow of war nemesis encounters sights

kill yourself fucking queer

you've got some extreme autism buddy

big butt + small boobs/waist

Attached: becca_butt_012.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

Not until I win her heart.

Attached: 1550433725249.webm (423x800, 1.04M)

What are you doing man