Yea Forums Plays - Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart

Fast Friday Fun

SRB2 kart is a Mario kart like mod on the doom engine, using Sonic characters and themes. There are plenty of custom characters and tracks loaded on the server, so you don't have to like sonic to enjoy it. Enter the race, and change your character, through the start menu when in the server.

>Gameplay Trailer:

Host is EU
>Room: Casual
>Server: Vidya Kart

Attached: kart.png (1280x800, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: SRB2kart_CustomRoster.webm (852x480, 2.85M)

gonna join in 10min, how many people in there?

I just started the thread, take a guess.

>no ristar

Ristar mod is pretty recent. He probably didn't see it yet.

The character pack was made before he was. Variety was the main focus of it, but a good chunk were requests from people who have played before. If there is any characters anyone would like to see feel free to say, they will get added to the suggestion pile.

>still no bots

>No horse dorifto

Attached: HorseDrifting.webm (384x216, 2.02M)

Huh. Been hearing about this game for a couple of weeks but I had no clue it was on the Doom engine. Pretty sweet.

Attached: 1510541388703.jpg (640x637, 91K)

Sorry, server down for a quick edit.

Audibly kek'd. Might have to check this out.

Attached: 1505416960735.gif (320x240, 1.05M)

It's a mario kart mod of a sonic the hedgehog mod of the doom engine

Ok, we're back. One of the custom levels was being a pain, no more flying battery.

The server also has a horn mod installed, so feel free to come in and spam sounds at each other.

Attached: 1469033761471.png (300x902, 114K)

Attached: Dm6mkYGW0AYnCN5.webm (634x600, 1.23M)

So, a mod of a mod?

SRB2 Kart is a mod of SRB2, which is a mod of Doom Legacy, which is a mod of Doom.

So it's a mod of a mod of a mod

Can't play right now but this looks fun, have a bump


Horn mod is an abomination

Hornmod is fun.

Attached: kart0000.png (1920x1080, 275K)

Looks good but I'm too le tired

Wtf, doom mods are actually 3d now?

I think that's just a very clever sprite. But you can have 3d models if you use the openGL.bat

He might've been referring to the tunnel.

Doom has had 3D blocks for a while now. Like 20 years.

Attached: JUST.png (1256x779, 72K)

If it hangs, try pressing escape and join again. If it's just slow internet, well, nothing you can do about that.

Attached: 1549843903518.png (425x421, 165K)

The game supports splitscreen online as well.

Attached: splitscreen.webm (320x200, 2.15M)

Just don't join the server with 3 husks attached to you

(Different person) I've tried about six different times and the most it gets to is about 10%... Is there somewhere we can download the files independently?

The character file is custom made, but here's everything else to get you jump started:

Just unzip it all into the addons folder, and it should detect it.

6 players. We actually have a decent game going now.



Attached: 1469033842821.jpg (300x442, 47K)

"Server shutdown" gg

yeah, i did some races and it was good.
The fuck with Reimu tho (explosion)?

Attached: rip.png (1255x775, 62K)

I think the guy running the server set the horn mod to explode you after honking a single time for that last race. That's why people were exploding so much.

shit was fun I'm keeping an for threads for now on

Were back.


There's going to be one tomorrow at around the same time. Maybe an hour or so later.

Yeah, the horn mod has a thing where it kicks you if you explode yourself too much. I'm guessing you're the host and you triggered that, kicking you from your own server.

Attached: donthonk.png (393x419, 125K)

Attached: shantae3.gif (320x200, 3.59M)

8/16 players. Come on Yea Forums, come kart with us.

How do we stop Steel and * ?

Thread Theme

love this guy's work

Attached: 1531265322342.png (900x1111, 442K)

>SMK Rainbow Road

Attached: 2de.jpg (622x365, 47K)

I'd have asked for CK Death Town but that was removed from the game, if that makes you feel better

Attached: 1496543506350.jpg (382x372, 41K)

Ping is a bit high, have a bump instead.

Attached: 1463211881353.gif (250x291, 176K)

Yeah, tonight's server is in Europe. Tomorrow night's host is US-West, which should be a lot better for those of us in the States.

Attached: 1455310836121.jpg (659x873, 536K)

Server just crashed

Server's still up, it was just you.

Right, realized that after, my bad.

Thanks for the kind invite, but for now, I will skip it. I already clocked enough of hours on the game today. Next time, perhaps I will join. Here, have a bump.

This is great news to hear. Hopefully, this means there will be less online latency on input.

Attached: big love walrus says 'Let's go for it!'.png (262x652, 371K)

I want to try making a sprite rider for this but I don't know who to make.

Any particular theme you're interested in? (Sonic characters, Nintendo characters, other vidya, anime, etc.)

Make a Sonic character, there are surprisingly quite a few of them that haven't been done despite all the people making characters.
This is a not-entirely-comprehensive list of characters that have been done, if that'll strike any inspiration from "wow why isn't this character here?"

Ronald McDonald to truly turn this into MUGEN kart.

Attached: KishioRonaldIdle.gif (97x273, 91K)

Attached: 1530431889546.jpg (609x838, 146K)

We'll be wrapping up for the night shortly, so thanks for coming along! There will be another host tomorrow, so be sure to drop by then.

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Thanks for the games, OP